Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2401 Benefactor

Chapter 2401 Benefactor
I want to meet the elders just like that!She also secretly slandered in her heart, but the scene was done this way, so she just did her best - the people in line were all watching eagerly.

Immediately, he took Zhang Yu's name card and said, "Little brother, it's not that we don't make an appointment for you. There are prerequisites for making an appointment..."

Speaking of this, her voice paused, and she secretly cried out in her heart: "Fortunately, fortunately, come and have a look!"

The reason why the supervisor can be the supervisor is not only because of her long service life, but also because she is more proficient in business.

According to the relevant regulations of the general office, the reception staff has the reception list of each veteran.No matter who can see at any time, who can only see after asking for instructions; who can make an appointment, and who can only make an appointment under certain conditions... There are clear records.

And the records change with the passage of time and the change of the location of the elders.

As the cadre in charge of the reception of the Great World Guest House, she can memorize the relevant rosters of each veteran in a short period of time.In Hong Huangnan's roster of veterans, "Zhang Yu, General Manager of Zhangji Food Company" is listed in the category B category, that is to say, except during his breaks, meetings, or when he tells "don't disturb", he is always on the list. You can see Elder Hong, and the delivered letters or messages can also be sent directly to his personal secretary, instead of being opened and processed by the reception.If Hong Yuan couldn't see him for the time being, he had to arrange an appointment for him.

If I really want to drive this kid back, something big will happen today!As long as Zhang Yu said it to Chief Hong, it would be a "secondary administrative accident".Zhang Yu is also the number one celebrity in "supporting the Senate" in Guangzhou.He was unreasonably rejected when he visited the elders, and he found out and reported to the "Group of Ten", so it was not a simple "administrative accident"!

Let's see how I deal with you later!
She gave the clerk a hard look, who was still indignant.He changed his expression and looked at the boy's face. He felt very strange, and after hearing the content of his quarrel with the clerk, he knew that this should be Zhang Yu's new user.This is better to deal with.

Immediately he said kindly: "Little brother, don't worry. This sister is new here and not familiar with the business. I'll check the number book for you..." After finishing speaking, he pretended to take out the name book and flipped through it, saying, "Old Hong Yuan I have time the day after tomorrow. We will register you here."

Hong Huangnan had no idea that Zhang Yu would make such a scene when he saw him.These days, he has been traveling all over Guangdong, setting up military depots, organizing supplies, and occasionally choosing a location for his "Lianqin Farm". He is very busy.After returning to Guangzhou and just settling down, looking through the memo and application for seeing him, I saw Zhang Yu's request to see him.

"There won't be another problem of insufficient funds." Hong Huangnan thought.Suddenly, his heart moved, and he remembered the recent southward expansion plan and various financial plans.

Elder Hong Yuan was actually quite interested in going south.As the main person in charge of joint logistics.The rich land in Southeast Asia naturally made him salivate.But he himself was not positive about it.The reason is not surprising: Once the southward movement starts, it will inevitably involve complicated logistical support work.

Although the Nanyang case was promoted by Nanyang Company as a commercial subject, it was essentially the same as the Senate working in person, and it was nothing more than making more use of private capital.The needed ships, rations, tools, agricultural implements, food, building materials, population... still need the cooperation of various departments under the Senate to supply them.As a professional support force, the joint logistics team naturally couldn't get away with this job.

Since there are disadvantages that cannot be escaped, it is only normal to make some advantages as compensation.So within a few days after the southward movement plan was announced, a small meeting was secretly held within the Joint Logistics Department, and a "work deployment" was made regarding the southward movement.

Zhang Yu rushed to see him, most likely because of the Nanyang bonds that Delong started to issue recently.

As Zhang Yu's "benefactor", Hong Huangnan knew the Zhang family's financial situation better than anyone else.Although Zhang Yu never sent the financial statement to Hong Huangnan, he came to verbally report the business status almost once a month.Moreover, Delong's policy loan was also handled by him. For the sake of loan security, Delong would also send all relevant financial reports of the Zhang family to him.

He couldn't be more clear about Zhang Ji's situation: money is extremely tight.

With such a tight financial situation, Zhang Yu was able to manage well without asking for a new loan. How could he think of buying bonds?

The interest rate of the Nanyang company's bonds was very low by the standards of this time and space, but as soon as the news of the bond issuance came out, the wealthy businessmen in Guangzhou were all eager to move.Several local big households who have been in contact with Lianqin on weekdays also visited frequently to inquire about the threshold inside.

Hong Huangnan conjectured that corporate bonds with interest rates far lower than the general local interest rates were so popular before they were issued, probably because many wealthy households regarded them as "safety tickets" and bought them. Buying bonds can bring some false sense of security to oneself, and some people think that they can use this to cling to the relationship of the Senate.

Of course, they were all wrong.As our Liu Dafu said: This is purely a commercial act.

As for why Zhang Yu wanted to buy it, it was probably the same as holding up these upstarts. It was an "example" intention - after all, they all relied on the Senate to get to where they are today.It is impossible for them to have no reaction to such a big policy move.

To make a statement, there is no money.Needless to say, they came to borrow money.That being said, let's see what the young man's plans are.

"Just arrange Zhang Yu's date for tomorrow night." Hong Huangnan said to the private secretary.

"... How to decide on this matter, I would like to ask chief Hong to give me some advice." Zhang Yu told the story of Gao Ju sending someone to see him to deliver the message.

After all, he looked at Chief Hong.Hong Huangnan was wearing a long flowing poplin nightgown and a belt, reclining casually on an "Australian armchair", drinking tea brought by an Australian maid.I don't know what the tea is made of, and it exudes a bitter fragrance.A lazy look of enjoyment.

"It's still too much sugar," Hong Yuan said to the maid.

"I'll go get a drink."

"no need."

Hong Huangnan picked up a small towel and wiped his mouth, nodded slightly, thinking the same as himself.he asked:

"Your thoughts?"

"I originally thought that since this bond was issued for the national policy of the Senate, since we have received the favor of the Senate, it is our duty to buy part of it to support the Senate. It's just..."

"Pocket-tied, isn't it?"

"Yes! With Master Gao there, even if you don't have to be taller than him, you can't be too small."

This is the truth.Hong Huangnan nodded again: "Do you know how many bonds he plans to buy?"

"I don't know, but he deliberately sent a letter to ask questions, obviously he wanted to compare me. It's also good intentions to prevent him from buying too much and crushing me, which hurts face..."

"You are very thoughtful." Hong Huangnan said with a smile, Zhang Yu really knows a lot about the twists and turns in this scene! "What do you think?"

"With his financial resources and status, if I don't have any concerns here, it shouldn't be a problem to buy 5000 yuan."

"You said less." Hong Huangnan shook his head and said, "With the high financial resources, buying 50 is easy. If you want to gamble his entire wealth and life, it's probably not a problem to spend [-]."

"Yes, I am far behind." Zhang Yu said with some shame.

"Hehe, why are you ashamed? He is already a middle-aged man, and he has worked hard in Guangzhou all his life. In the past, he had eunuchs as his backer. Later..." Hong Huangnan wanted to compare the eunuchs with the Senate. Got into the business of Australian goods. Financial resources, wrists, contacts, which one can you compare to? But you are younger than him."

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that Hong Yuan didn't dislike him coming to ask for advice.Secretly happy in my heart, I hurriedly said: "Yes! Apart from being young, my luck is also better than him! It's all due to coincidence, and I have to meet a noble person!"

Hong Huangnan smiled, thinking about luck, you are far behind Gao Ju!Back then, the three of Wen, Wang and Xiao fell into the backyard of his house. What kind of luck was this?But he is still useful for this flattery.He asked: "Don't worry about his thoughts, how much do you plan to buy?"

Zhang Yu also became more courageous, thinking that his old background, Yuan Hong, was very clear, so he didn't need to hide it.Say:

"Tell me from the bottom of my heart, if you can pass the Lunar New Year's Eve safely, you are already very lucky. How dare you think about other things! It's just that this Nanyang company's market has to be praised. To tell the truth, I plan to buy it. A bond of 1000 yuan. But I moved around and borrowed all the money in the family from my father and only got 300 yuan."

"Short money, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Yu's face turned red immediately: "Please... please Chief Hong... help me..."

Hong Huangnan already had an idea in his mind, he looked at Zhang Yu carefully, and said, "I'll lend you the money. It doesn't need seven hundred or eight hundred, just a whole number of one thousand. It will last for three years. Make an IOU for me, the interest, it’s [-]/[-]!”

Zhang Yu was overjoyed, if it wasn't for the fact that the Australians were not happy to kowtow, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Hong Huangnan three times.

Don't say that the interest is one and two cents, even if it is three and four cents, he will borrow it.

Although I am a little sorry for the kindness of Gao Zhi, the amount of 1000 yuan can be regarded as the entry threshold, and I can barely account for it.He couldn't care less about being decent or not.

"Thank you Chief Hong!" Zhang Yu bowed and said, "Chief Hong's kindness to the Zhang family and to Zhang Ji is unforgettable!"

Hong Huangnan waved his hand and said, "It's boring to say that." He added, "1000 yuan is a lot. It's enough to feed and drink a hundred small households in Guangzhou for a year. identity is still missing."

(End of this chapter)

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