Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2402

Chapter 2402
Zhang Yu was stunned, for a moment he didn't understand what Hong Huangnan meant.I had no choice but to murmur: "It's always small and useless..."

Hong Huangnan waved his hand, motioning for the secretary to bring a large, sealed and bulging kraft paper envelope to him.

"Here is a check for 1000 yuan and a circulation note of [-] silver dollars in cash."

Zhang Yu was so startled that he almost missed the paper bag.Although his business has already done a lot, with tens of thousands of turnover. 5000 yuan is still a big number for him.Ninety-nine out of ten people in Guangzhou will never be able to handle so much money in their lifetime, and they are even said to have it!
"The check for 1000 yuan here is from me lent to Zhang Ji Company. The cash of 5000 yuan is from me." Hong Huangnan took a cigar, asked the secretary to light it, and took a deep puff.

"Well, how did this happen?" Zhang Yu panicked, holding the heavy paper bag in his hand like a hot coal.

Hong Huangnan exhaled the smoke ring, and said to himself, "You sent someone to see Gao Ju, saying that you planned to buy a 1000 yuan bond."

Zhang Yu was a little confused. He originally thought that Elder Hong Yuan gave him more to make the number of bonds he bought look better. He had a saying about Gao Ju, but he didn't expect to ask him to buy one thousand.He didn't dare to doubt it, he just replied, "Yes."

"Then you asked someone to tell Gao Ju that you planned to buy [-] shares when the shares of Nanyang Company were issued next."

"Ah?!" Zhang Yu's eyes widened.

Of course, he knew about Nanyang Company's stock issuance.However, he and most of his colleagues in the Federation of Industry and Commerce have the same opinion: you can only buy some to cope with, not more.

Stocks and shareholding systems have flourished in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but they are not unique to them.As far as the city of Guangzhou is concerned, most of the larger names are joint-stock operations, not only pure capital shares, but also "body shares" for shopkeepers and clerks.There are entity names, as well as business transactions.Especially for maritime trade: small and medium-sized merchants who do not have their own ships spend most of their purchasing capital on temporary partnerships.And a lot of the shipbuilding capital of marine merchants who build their own ships to do business is joint stock.

Although there is no serious stock exchange in Ming Dynasty, and there is no supporting system for stock trading, dividends, etc., most of them are handled by the people according to their habits, but trading behavior around stocks is not uncommon, and even the agricultural field has spread.People in the business circles in Guangzhou are certainly no strangers to this.

If a ready-made big name sells "stocks", most of the bosses of the Federation of Industry and Commerce are still willing.In other words, if any one of the Ziming houses raises shares, there is no need to mobilize or publicize. Just one news is enough to break the threshold of Ziminglou.

But now this Nanyang company is going to Nanyang to do business and colonize.This made the old rich people mutter in their hearts.

Maritime trade business is indeed lucrative, but there are too many uncontrollable risk factors, and there are countless shipwrecks and deaths.For this reason, it is not uncommon for businessmen to go bankrupt.In other words, this is a transaction with great benefits and risks.

For most old fortunes, it is still "safe" to invest for profit.Even if they invest money in the sea trade business, they would rather "lend".As long as there is collateral, you can borrow as much as you want.At least not down the drain.

After listening to their discussion, Zhang Yu knew that the "soon to be sold" Nanyang stocks were not very attractive.At that time, the big players of the Federation of Industry and Commerce will buy three to five hundred shares at best.As for myself, it goes without saying - the money for the bond is still borrowed!

He had a quick mind and understood what Hong Yuan meant in no time.Said: "Yes, I understand!"

Hong Huangnan nodded and said, "After you go back, send me two IOUs. The borrower for the 1000 yuan is Zhangji Food Company; the 5000 yuan is in your own name."

"What about the interest and term of 5000 yuan..."

"There is no deadline, and no interest is written. I only write that when I need it, I will notify you 30 days in advance. There is no need to write interest."

Zhang Yu was completely dumbfounded by this, let alone writing, he had never even heard of such an IOU.

"Although I don't write interest, I still want it." Hong Huangnan smiled, "It's the annual dividend of Nanyang Company's stock."


"I will give you instructions on how to dispose of the stocks after they are bought back. Before that, you just need to keep them safe—dividends are the same, but I estimate that there will be no dividends in the past few years."

Zhang Yu understood that this was not lending him money, but asking him to hold the shares of Nanyang Company on his behalf.Immediately said, "Little one understands!"

Hong Huangnan glanced at him with a half-smile, and said, "You bought [-] shares, so you should buy [-] shares anyway. Your contribution this time is not small."

"Don't dare, it's all cultivated by the chief." For some reason, Zhang Yu started to sweat on his forehead at this time.

"I heard that Gao Ju is trying to get along with you?"

"There is such a thing." Zhang Yu hurriedly said, "His family's female relatives are often in contact with my mother now, and he often invites me to have banquets at home..." He suddenly remembered that the third concubine who had been held high not long ago was about to give He was a matchmaker, so he immediately told Hong Huangnan about it.

"Oh, Mr. Gao really treats you very well," Hong Huangnan nodded and smiled, "He really has a heart for the Senate."

"I didn't think it was appropriate, so I asked my mother to refuse. But the third aunt later came to act as a matchmaker..."

"Who are they introducing to you?"

"It's the daughter of a rich family and the young lady of a scholarly family. They are probably related to his family."

"You all refused?"

"Yes, it always feels inappropriate."

"Oh, what do you think?"

"My father and I both have the same idea: my family has been a small businessman for generations, and now it is all based on the favor of the elders. I dare not climb up on the big family, but I still want to find a girl from a small family to marry. .”

Hong Huangnan glanced at him, put out the butt of his cigar, and said, "There's no need to hurry to get married, you're still young! Do business well, be careful, and have a bright future."

"Yes, I will inherit the auspicious words of the Chief"

"I trust you, you go."

Zhang Yu went back to Dashijie's office, called Zhang Ting, handed her the pocket, and told her to go to the bank to enter the account.

"Brother Yu, how did you get so much money all of a sudden?" Zhang Ting was both surprised and delighted.

"I borrowed it." Zhang Yu came out of the inner world, and it was only a few hundred meters to his office, but when he sat down, he felt as if he had lost his strength, and the clothes on his back were soaked.

"Did Hong Yuan borrow it?" Zhang Ting asked softly.

Zhang Yu nodded. He looked at the closed office door and said in a low voice, "You must keep this matter a secret."

Zhang Ting was a little nervous, and nodded solemnly.Looking at the check, he said, "But this check was issued by Chief Hong, and you will know when you exchange it at the bank..."

"Checks are out of the way, the key is cash."

"I divided it into the daily business funds of the company and the old account in one or two months, and just saved a little more every day."

"Okay, in addition, you can make two more IOUs. Put them in an envelope and seal them." Zhang Yu explained the requirements for the IOUs in detail, "...let Yumai deliver to the reception tomorrow-- I need to get the receipt from Secretary Hong Yuan!"

After Zhang Ting left, Zhang Yu leaned on the armchair.I just feel my heart beating wildly.Today's meeting with Hong Yuan made him a little confused, but he felt that he completely understood what Hong Yuan meant.

Undoubtedly, from today onwards, his relationship with Elder Hong has taken another step forward.From the meaning of Hong Yuan's old words, he heard several meanings: one is not to get too close to Gao Ju.This "high promotion" is not only high-ranking officials, but also the old rich and old literati in Guangzhou.No matter what their attitude is towards the Senate; Second, Elder Hong doesn't want him to get married anytime soon...

Zhang Yu understands: Rich and powerful families will not marry at will, they have to think twice and consider the other party's family background before making a decision.If you just get married like this, you will lose some kind of bargaining chip.

Could it be that Mr. Hong Yuan has a daughter in his family...

He immediately shook his head to get rid of the thought, laughing to himself that he was dreaming.

Although it is not likely that a daughter will be betrothed to him, Hong Yuan expressed his opinion on his marriage, which once again shows that he will not only continue to support himself, but also deepen their relationship with each other.

This really surprised and delighted him.Originally relying on chance and coincidence, he has reached a point that he never dared to dream of in the past.But now, Elder Hong has opened the door to a higher status and more wealth for him.It won't be long before even holding high will bow to the wind...

Thinking of this, he felt indescribably tense, hot, and ecstatic... only felt that his blood was scorching hot, almost burning through his skin.A desire jumped up and down in his body.Make him hot and restless.

For some reason, Huo Sanyan, a tofu shop lady, appeared in his mind.These days, because he is too busy with work, he seldom goes to the old shop. Huo Sanyan's shadow is already very indifferent in his heart.Now that I think about it, I have a desire that I have never had before.

Marrying his wife Hong Yuan has already said "don't worry", and the implication is that the daughter of a wealthy family and Biyu of a small family are not suitable for him.Then just take Huo Sanyan home as a concubine!Lao Tzu is now the number one hairdresser in Guangzhou, so what's the point of having a concubine? !

But thinking about it again, if you tell your parents like this, they will definitely not agree.The Huo family and my family are old neighbors for many years. They helped each other when they were humble, and the meaning of the two families getting married was also vaguely revealed.Now that my family is well-off, it's reasonable not to marry the Huo family's daughter, after all, the two families have no marriage contract; accepting her as a concubine is a bit like "a villain's success".Even if the Huo family is willing, parents can't do such a thing anyway.

Zhang Yu walked around in circles in the office, like a hungry wolf, full of wild thoughts.If other people saw it, they would think that he was troubled by management or financial problems.

(End of this chapter)

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