Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2410

Chapter 2410

Most of the people that Chen Lin comes into contact with on a daily basis are reserved and euphemistic in their speech, and they speak in a measured manner, paying attention to a "moderate", and rarely hear such passionate words and sentences.After all, he is a young man, Li Yaoer's words can't help arousing the enthusiasm in his chest.He hurriedly said: "I don't dare to say that I will make a big business, but I am satisfied if I can carry forward this family business."

Li Yao'er smiled and said nothing, this young man is insincere.She suddenly remembered something and asked:

"Do you make Xiangyun yarn here?" Li Yaoer suddenly thought of the most famous variety of silk fabrics in Guangdong.

Chen Lin looked bewildered.Yarn is naturally fertile and woven, but he has never heard of the term Xiangyun yarn.Said: "The villain has never done it, nor heard of it."

Li Yaoer thought for a while and asked again: "It's yarn dyed with yam."

"Potato buttercup? That's butternut squash," Chen Lin nodded, "Yes."

"Is there a finished product?"

"It used to be there, but after the military disaster, the stock is probably gone..."

Li Yaoer showed disappointment.Xiangyun yarn is a leading product in traditional silk fabrics in Guangdong. It was very popular in the 40s and [-]s in the old time and space. , does not stick to the skin, light and thin, not easy to wrinkle, soft and full of body, durable, suitable for hot summer wear, and is welcomed by consumers.It is not only widely praised in the domestic market, but also exported to foreign countries in large quantities, especially in Southeast Asia.

According to the information Li Yaoer saw, Xiangyun yarn was a silk variety that only officially appeared in the Republic of China.But such a species obviously did not appear out of thin air.She later checked some information and found that there was a similar production process in the Ming Dynasty, as well as export records.

If this kind of silk and satin can be improved and mass-produced, it will be a popular product for local silk and satin export.

Although there are records, but Li Yaoer has not seen the real Xiang Yunsha, and she doesn't know anything when she asks Chen Xuan.

"Although there is no stock, there is still a small silk shirt beside the villain's sister. If the chief wants to see it, I will get it."

"Okay, you go and get it."

Chen Lin hurriedly called Chen Qing, and told him to go back and ask his sister for a small silk shirt.

After a while, Chen Qing sent a cloth bag.Chen Lin opened it and saw that it was Chen Yue's close-fitting shirt.

This is the girl's personal belongings, and it was somewhat awkward to hold it in her hand, so she presented the cloth bag to it.

Li Yaoer took the material in his hand, looked at it carefully, and kneaded it again.Said: "This is not yarn..."

"This is butterscotch silk."

Chen Lin was right, this was indeed a piece of buttercup silk, the material was dyed brownish yellow, and the fabric itself was plain woven silk.It feels soft and smooth when twisted by hand, but it feels quite thick.Look carefully, no matter the silk texture, dyeing process or hand feel are relatively poor.Far inferior to other silks she had seen.

"Is this local silk weaving?"

"The chief has good eyesight." Chen Lin said, "This is Fengsheng and weaving. I also dyed it myself..."

"You will dye?"

"Chief, you are joking. It's no secret that the yam staining is so common." Chen Lin was a little surprised.The various pigments required for dyeing silk and satin, in addition to the local indigo planted in large quantities, are either produced in other places or simply obtained from Southeast Asia, and most of them are of high value.Only this yam is grown locally on a large scale, and it is worthless in itself.In addition to Ranunculus silk, Ranunculus cloth is also very common.

"No mud?"

"Smear mud?" Chen Lin was at a loss now, "Why did you put mud on it? Doesn't it make it dirty after applying mud?"

Li Yao'er now knows that there is only butterscotch silk in this meeting, and there is no later Xiangyun yarn craft.

According to the standards of the old time and space, Xiangyun yarn actually refers to a traditional craft. Broadly speaking, the fabric made of mulberry silk as the base fabric and coated with minerals is called Xiangyun yarn.

In the textile market in the old time and space, because of the wide variety of Xiangyun yarn, each has its own advantages.The same is the fabric of Xiangyun yarn, different types of Xiangyun yarn, there are thin and thick, soft and hard, and they are not the same.

In terms of market prices, from low to high are plain crepe satin veil, pearl satin veil, tortoise pattern veil, and crown music crepe veille.

These are the common types.Traditionally, Xiangyun yarn is plain yarn without printing.Modern Xiangyun yarn has patterns and printings according to different varieties, which will affect the specific price.Generally speaking, the ones with printing are mostly ranunculus silk, and plain crepe satin veil and pearl satin veil are the most, and they are soft to the touch, which belong to silk and satin fabrics.

There are many pure-color xiangyun yarns, such as scorpion yarns, which are relatively harder to the touch and better in air permeability.In ancient times, there was a saying that women wore silk and men wore gauze.Generally, Guanle crepe xiangyunsha and tortoise-pattern xiangyunsha belong to the category of ranunculus yarn.Traditional xiangyunsha basically refers to this category.

Strictly speaking, Xiangyun yarn must be made of yarn as the base fabric, dyed with yam juice, smeared with river mud in Shunde, and then dried.

Obviously, this piece of butterscotch silk can only be regarded as fragrant cloud yarn in a broad sense.Judging from its feel and texture, it is obviously not a high-end product.

"Have you never tried dyeing with yarn?"

"Sweet?" Chen Lin was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood, "The chief is probably talking about Luo."

"Yes, it's Luo." Li Yaoer's face became hot.Because yarn is not a strict type of satin, it is mostly used to refer to light and transparent textiles.In the classification of silk and satin, it mostly refers to Luo.Luo's texture is light and thin, with slender strands, which are twisted and twisted to form pepper holes. The texture is tight and strong, and the yarn holes are ventilated, cool, comfortable and cool to wear.Especially suitable for summer clothing.

"I've also done dyeing Luo with yam butter, and there is a market for it, but not too many."

"Why not many?"

"Silk silk and satin are worn by rich people, and ordinary people can't help it, but how many people can afford it!" Chen Lin said, "I heard that Suzhou and Hangzhou, the most prosperous places in the south of the Yangtze River, have traffickers and pawns." Those who wear silk and satin don’t know if it’s true or not. As far as Guangzhou is concerned, there really isn’t much sales.”

"I don't know if the traffickers in Suzhou and Hangzhou wear silk or satin, but this fragrant cloud gauze is a summer gift. If it can be produced in batches, there will be a big market for both domestic and foreign sales."

"But silk and satin are expensive..."

"So we have to reduce the cost of raising silkworms. If there is more silk, silk and satin will be cheaper. And this workshop, weaving is really too slow... Your uncle said that only a few hundred bolts of silk can be woven here throughout the year-this is also true. Too little. If we weave tens of thousands of pieces a year, the price will definitely come down."

Chen Lin was confused: "The price has come down, isn't it making less money..."

Li Yaoer said: "You don't know how to settle accounts! It doesn't matter if you earn a little money. You earn one tael for a piece of silk, and you sell a hundred silks a year, but you only earn 100 taels; I can sell 1000 silks a year. Each horse earns one money, but it earns [-] taels. Only when everyone can come and wear it, can Fengshenghe make a lot of money!"

Chen Lin still couldn't turn the corner, but he knew that it was better for him not to go against what the Australians decided.Now repeatedly said yes.

"Let's go to the factory to have a look." Li Yaoer said.


"This Fengshengheyuan is your family's property. You must be familiar with every plant, every brick and every brick."

"The villain has been helping his father in the workshop since he was ten years old."

"But today's Fengsheng is different from the past." Li Yaoer said, "In time, it will change a lot."

Chen Lin was obsequious.I thought that silk reeling and weaving have been the same thing since ancient times. Could it be that Australians can weave it out of thin air without using silk?Over the years, there have been a lot of Australian products on the market, but I have never heard of Australian silk and Australian cloth.

"This is an upside-down house, the original Fengshenghe's accounting room. We also set up a management office here. Although the name is different, the meaning is the same." Li Yaoer strolled on the aisle, "The front yard , mainly for foreign exchanges. I plan to wait for the spring to set up a warehouse here to collect cocoons. These houses are prepared for this purpose."

Chen Lin's father also thought about setting up a warehouse to collect cocoons by himself, and at one point he thought about expanding his silk reeling room and using his own silk for weaving instead of external silk.

Reeling silk by oneself does not need outer silk, first of all, the quality of raw silk can be guaranteed.The acquisition of raw silk depends entirely on the vision and integrity of the cashier.If there is no capable and reliable silk accountant, the quality of the raw silk recovered depends entirely on luck, and luck is even worse, even the quantity is not enough.

However, things are not that simple.Chen Lin said: "Sir, making silk by yourself naturally has many advantages, but there are also difficulties."

"I guess someone took the opportunity to incite silkworm farmers?"

"The chief is as good at planning things as a god." Chen Lin nodded, "If you can achieve high quality and good price, it will be a good thing for both the host and the customer. It's just that there are many entanglements in it, and there are many people who profit from it. Ignorant people often Easy to be bewitched..."

"I know that. But I think you still have a silk reeling room in your factory."

"Yes, my family is a local Dazong. In Nansha, with the support of the clan, my father can still handle it. But the silkworm farmers in other villages, it's not fair. So Fengshenghe collected silk and cocoons."

Li Yaoer said: "You don't have to worry about this. Among my sericulture improvements, the most important thing is to reel the silk in the factory instead of making earthen silk. This year I will try the water first. If it goes well, next year it will be rolled out to the whole county... "

Chen Lin whispered secretly, thinking that he is an Australian, so his tone is so loud!I don’t know how they plan to convince the silkworm farmers—the most obvious thing is that the selling price of silkworm cocoons is lower than that of raw silk. As long as the silkworm farmers are not short of labor, they will choose to reel silk and then sell it.You can't put a knife around your neck to force silkworm farmers not to make silk and sell cocoons, can you?
"...In addition to buying dry cocoons, I am also planning to sell silkworm eggs here. The first batch of silkworm eggs will be shipped from Lingao soon, and these warehouses will be temporarily used as silkworm egg warehouses." Li Yaoer said Then he asked, "How do the silkworm farmers here get their silkworm eggs?"

(End of this chapter)

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