Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2411 Dahua building machine

Chapter 2411 Dahua building machine
"Naturally, each family saves their own seeds. How can such a life-threatening matter be left to others." Chen Lin said, "If you hear about any good silkworm eggs that can make a lot of money, you will try to find them. But..."

"But what?" Li Yaoer said, "Is it because no one has eaten the fruit before, so no one wants to eat it."

"The chief is right. When my father introduced silkworm eggs from Huzhou to others, no one cared about them, so I planned to raise them myself as a demonstration. Unexpectedly, if the silkworms were raised to death in the end, the credibility of the silkworm eggs would be gone. saved."

"Introducing silkworm eggs is easier said than done, and there are so many tricks in it." Li Yaoer recalled her past experience of promoting silkworm eggs in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and sighed, "This kind of loss-making business is not something ordinary people can do."

"Yes, only the Senate can do it." Chen Lin flattered.

Li Yaoer was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "I didn't expect you to be quite good at flattering."

Chen Lin was young after all, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

"But you are right. It is only appropriate for the government to do such a thing that loses money and everyone benefits—by the way, you are called the imperial court. Anyway, that's what it means."

"Imperial officials are too lazy to do these things. It is a meritorious deed to organize the construction of water conservancy." Chen Lin said, "The villain also experienced the New Life Movement in Guangzhou. The vision of the chiefs is indeed remarkable..."

Li Yaoer nodded thoughtfully, it seems that Liu Xiang's administration in Guangzhou is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.As long as it is a human being, seeing the governance of the Senate will be touched.Compared with when I was in Jiangnan, the work here is much easier.

Now Li Yaoer took him to visit the newly remodeled factory. If there was only a slight change in the first entry, the changes in the courtyard in the second entry would be earth-shaking.

The second entrance courtyard was originally the main body of the weaving workshop. Except for the main hall and the middle hall as offices, the rest of the houses are all used as machine rooms.The houses here are very different from ordinary houses, they are all tall and spacious, no matter the main house or the side rooms, the frames are extremely high, close to two feet in height.Such houses are rare even in the affluent Pearl River Delta.

Compared with the almost extravagant truss of the house, the walls look shabby.Not to mention bricks, the outer walls are not even mud bricks. Bamboo strips are used for the frame and reeds are used for the walls, which looks very simple.Because it was destroyed by the rebels in the previous stage, most of the reed mat walls were destroyed, and many places can be seen to be new.

"...When I first arrived at the factory, I was shocked when I saw your equipment workshop. To be honest, it was the first time I saw such a tall factory building." Li Yaoer said.

There are four flower machines in the main room, all wooden structures.It looks like a giant.Two machinists are weaving one, and the other is jacquard on the flower floor. They cooperate tacitly and are weaving silk and satin.

"There is no way to build it so high. When the flower machine was brought in for installation, it was necessary to dig a two-foot hole to place the feet. The place is low and humid, and the water will come out after digging less than a foot. My late father said that if this is the case, just put it The higher the house, the better the ventilation and moisture dissipation. In summer, it’s cooler for mechanics to work.”

Li Yaoer nodded: "Your father is a kind-hearted person." She has seen the production environment of machine workers in machine households with her own eyes. workshop.Some houses are too small to accommodate flower machines, so they dug a few feet deep pits on the ground, and the weavers could only sit in the pits and weave.

Because when weaving silk, the air needs to ensure a certain humidity to reduce broken threads, so there is no special ventilation in the workshop, and when the air is dry, water is poured into the room to keep it moist.Therefore, the summer is hot and humid, and the winter is cold and cold.Machinists often suffer from joint disease.

In the eyes of Li Yaoer, the silk reeling workshop in the villa is already "inhumane", but to be honest, after seeing the machine weaving workshop in Suzhou and Hangzhou, I know that Zhao Yingong is still a "capitalist with a conscience".

"But if you ventilate and disperse dampness, isn't the thread here easy to break?" Li Yaoer asked.

It is still winter now, the problem of ventilation is not so urgent, and the workshop is only experimental production.The scale is not large.When this year's spring cocoon is on the scene, it is time to officially start the summer.

"Our place used to be a river beach, and we saw water when we dug the ground. Even the ventilation is still very wet." Chen Lin has gradually lost his fear of the Australians at this moment, just like when he was with his father, third uncle and others in the square. In general, the mood is much more relaxed.Words and deeds are also somewhat random.

"It turns out that doing textiles in Guangdong has this advantage!" Li Yaoer said with a smile.She walked to a vacant Dahua building machine.Although she had seen replicas in the old time and space, she had seen similar machines in Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places in this time and space.But every time I see this completely wooden machine, I still feel very shocked.

A Dahualou machine can be said to be a giant among traditional textile equipment.The total length is nearly six meters, and the height of the flower building is also nearly three meters.There are nearly [-] large and small parts on it.When it started to work, the whole machine seemed to be covered by a spider web, connected as a whole by ropes, warp threads, and weft threads, moving back and forth with the hands and feet of the machinist.Weaving silk and satin thread by thread.When Li Yaoer watched the performance of the recovery machine, he was completely impressed by it: in the era of pure handwork, without sophisticated processing equipment, the simplest and primitive materials were used, and the structure was very simple—without a single gear—but It can weave silk fabrics of various patterns and textures.This is nothing short of a handicraft miracle.

The flower building machine has a very long history.Jacquard looms appeared in the Three Kingdoms period, and the Dahualou loom, which surprised Li Yaoer, actually appeared in the Song Dynasty.Judging from historical documents and paintings, the Dahua Lou Ji in the Ming Dynasty is basically similar to that in the Song Dynasty.It's just that the jacquard technique has been improved from bamboo weaving to thread weaving.

"This machine is really beautiful." Li Yaoer said, "But I still don't understand it, can you introduce it to me?"

She had already asked about the details of the flower machine, but Chen Xuan didn't understand it, and the weaver could only do live demonstrations, but couldn't explain the threshold inside - the weaver could only speak the local dialect, and Li Yaoer couldn't even speak the vernacular. Not to mention listening to Xiangshan dialect.

"This flower machine is the most valuable thing in the weaving workshop." Chen Lin stroked the wood of the flower machine—after years of use, the surface of the wood has been covered with a layer of pulp, which is smooth and delicate to the touch.This machine was bought by his grandfather back then.It is the oldest of the four flower machines.

"The raised part is the flower building. When weaving jacquard silk and satin, a person is responsible for controlling the rise and fall of the warp thread on the flower building. It is called a flower-tie worker. The one dragged in the middle is called a quill, which is used to adjust the opening position of the warp thread. The rows of bamboo sticks hanging below are called Qujiao. There are a total of [-] sticks."

"so much?"

"That's all." Chen Lin said, "Although we may not use all of them when weaving, we must use them when weaving silk and satin with complex patterns."

"How exactly is it weaved?"

Li Yaoer once stood next to the machinist and carefully watched the operation of the jacquard machine for a long time, but she still didn't understand how the two machinists chanted like singing while kicking and throwing, turning countless silk threads into rich and colorful fabrics. A variety of damasks in color and ornate patterns.

Chen Lin grew up in a weaving workshop. He not only heard about it, but also directly operated it himself.Don't say familiar with the whole process, at least understand.

"Head, please look." He pointed to the white looping device with tassels on the top of the weaving loom. This device moves forward and rotates continuously with the operation of the loom, similar to a conveyor belt.

"This thing is called a flower book. What kind of silk and satin to weave depends entirely on this flower book."

Flower books were originally made of bamboo, but in the Song Dynasty they were changed to thread-made flower books.

The flower book is equivalent to the template of the jacquard machine, and the pattern of the produced satin is entirely controlled by the flower book.After a new pattern is designed, it is firstly woven by a machinist with thread according to the pattern drawing, accompanied by relevant formulas.

The flower book is made up of the foot thread representing the warp and the ear thread representing the weft thread. It is impossible to see the specific pattern just by looking at the flower book.

When weaving begins, the machinist first connects the base thread on the flower book with the fiber thread of the lifting warp thread.Sitting on the uplifted flower building in the middle of the loom, the flower twister pulls the foot thread up and down according to the "mouth formula" compiled by the flower book, so as to control the lifting of the corresponding warp thread.The positioning of the lifting foot line is determined by the position of the ear line on the flower book.

The weaver sitting under the loom, after finishing the jacquard, first needs to step on the bamboo or wooden pedal rod to control the rise and fall of the heald frame connected to it, so that the "warp surface" formed by the warp threads goes up and down. separate to form a shed.Next, the weaver holds the shuttle with the weft thread in hand to perform "picking and weft insertion". After the warp and weft threads are interwoven together, they can use the "reed" to tighten the weft thread that has just been woven in. After such a process, it is completed. Weaving of one weft thread.Weavers change the warp up and down alternately by constantly changing the stepping on the pedal rod, so as to realize the weaving of the whole pattern.

Naturally, the more complex the pattern, the more frequent the pattern cycle, and the more frequent and complicated the operation of the bouquet.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, weavers could only weave a few meters a day, the most complicated Kesi dragon robe material.

"It's really amazing." Li Yaoer praised sincerely.

"The villain thought it was amazing when he first saw the machine weaving. The person who came up with the original flower is really good at it!" Chen Lin said, "With this big flower loom, we can weave big patterns. It is said that Suzhou and Hangzhou This is how the manufacturing bureau weaves the dragon robe material for the emperor."

Li Yaoer thought to herself that the concept of this flower book is already very advanced.Huaben not only simplifies the weaving process, but also reduces the technical requirements for machinists.As long as there are flowers, the machinist can stably and repeatedly produce products with almost the same pattern and texture.

It's a pity that this kind of equipment hardly improved from the Song Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. There is not much difference between the Hualou loom of 1880 and the Hualou loom of 1000.

(End of this chapter)

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