Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2412 Silk Reeling Workshop

Chapter 2412 Silk Reeling Workshop ([-])

"This is a joist, used to pull the reed." Chen Lin introduced, not knowing what the Australian woman thought.

The tail of the jacquard machine is the warp beam, which is used to roll the silk thread.In the middle are two joists for beating up the weft thread, passing through two wooden sticks about four feet long vertically.The two sections of the stick are inserted into the reed.

"This joist may seem ordinary, but it is a key component." Chen Lin continued, "Its purpose is to beat up the weft thread. Adjusting the joist of different sizes and weights can adjust the tangential force component. To weave all kinds of fabrics: to weave light and thin silk materials such as leno, the weight should be light. On the contrary, it should be heavier. A flower machine can weave various silk materials with infinite changes, all thanks to this jig.”

Li Yaoer nodded silently. The power of such a large machine is actually operated by the manpower of two machinists. Although the products are exquisite, the production efficiency is too low.Looking at the development history of silk and satin in the past, it is said that Suzhou, Hangzhou and other places produce hundreds of thousands of silk and satin annually, but then recall that these important silk weaving towns have tens of thousands of looms.That is to say, the annual output of each loom is only a few dozen looms.

After watching Dahua Louji, Li Yaoer brought Chen Lin to the "Second Workshop".This workshop is rebuilt from the original wing room and part of the courtyard, and is used to centrally arrange the "waist machines".Originally Fengshenghe’s [-] scattered waist machines were all combined and placed here. The original floor height of the wing room is not as high as the main room where the Hualou machine is placed. When it was rebuilt, skylights were added to increase light transmission.In the absence of industrial lighting, use natural light as much as possible.

Chen Lin was quite puzzled when he saw such a transformation.The centralized arrangement looks magnificent, but he doesn't think it has any practical significance.But there must be a reason for the chief executive to make such a change.Never doubting the elders face to face is Chen Lin's "advantage" that has always been praised by others, so he is naturally silent at this moment.

"These are the waist machines that mechanics say," Li Yaoer said, "Why are they called waist machines?"

"Chief, please look at that wide piece of leather. The machine wears it around the waist when weaving. When weaving, it relies on the waist and hips to exert force, so it is called a waist machine."

Chen Lin said that this is a new type of loom that has only appeared in the past ten years or so. It cannot weave complex patterns, but can only be used to weave silk, silk, and silk with simple patterns that do not require jacquard.But the weaving speed is fast and the product quality is good.

"I think it is somewhat similar to the cotton loom in Hainan."

"The chief is right. The waist loom can also be used to weave Gebu, linen and cotton, and the woven cloth is neat and dense, with a strong and shiny texture. It is a very useful loom. It's just that there are few places to use it. If I If you want to open a cotton weaving workshop, you will use this kind of waist machine."

"Oh? Have you ever thought about opening a weaving factory?" Li Yaoer became interested.

Chen Lin thought to himself that he had slipped his tongue!But it doesn't matter if you think about it again and talk to the chief, as long as you don't mention the key person, uncle.

"Yes, the villain heard in Guangzhou that the Senate has a policy to encourage everyone to open cotton mills, help provide equipment and technology, and manage sales. I think we have a lot of sandy land here, and there are many farmers who grow cotton, and there are ready-made ones. Wouldn’t it be more effective to open a cotton spinning factory.” He lamented, “Unexpectedly, my father was killed and the village was looted. If the chief hadn’t come to take over Fengshenghe, this weaving workshop might not be in good shape. .I don’t dare to think about it anymore.”

"Your idea is not bad." Li Yao'er suddenly felt moved.

She came here to improve the silk industry, focusing on sericulture and silk reeling, not spinning.Because the outside world is more concerned about the production of raw silk than the production of silk and satin with various designs and colors.

In terms of patterns and colors, there are great differences in the aesthetic tastes of countries.Before other countries had mastered the technology of sericulture, most of the silk exported from China to Byzantium and Persia was dismantled into silk, and then dyed and woven again.Raw silk also played a major role in the export of silk fabrics in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Therefore, neither the foreign trade nor the industrial sector has much interest in improving silk and satin weaving.Naturally, Li Yaoer couldn't get too many resources.

Although in the end he relied on the foreign trade department to win, she obtained a certain amount of resource input, and also got Fengshenghe, but in the field of weaving, she could only improve the existing equipment in a simple way.This is why she is so interested in Fengshenghe.

The textile department under the industrial system of the Senate was originally a neglected and weak unit.For many years, apart from the establishment of a textile factory specialized in spinning special textiles in Qiongshan and Lingao, there were no other textile enterprises.These two factories produce a lot of varieties, involving clothing, household, industry, military and shipping, but all the products are allocated internally, and there is no export.The cotton cloth in the civilian field is all obtained from Daming or India.

It was not until recently that the Planning Institute launched the "Textile Promotion Project", which was opened to private capital in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions as part of the "Industrial and Commercial Promotion Project".

Although private capital is encouraged to invest, private capital, in addition to money, must be provided by the Senate regardless of equipment, technology and skilled workers.Since cotton spinning is encouraged, resources will inevitably be shifted to the cotton spinning field.The resources available to the silk weaving industry are pitifully small.Among the new textile equipment put into mass production by Bairen Machinery General Factory, only silk reeling equipment has been numbered, and only a few prototypes and some kits for improving old-style machines have been produced for satin looms.

However, these devices all require external power without exception. They cannot be driven by the mechanic's feet, hands, or waist and hips like the Hualou machine and the waist machine. External power equipment must be used.

There is no need to think about the steam engine. In the technical guidance plan for the construction of the cotton textile factory given by the Planning Institute, it is recommended to use a hydraulic machine.

Not only the output power of the hydraulic machine is much larger than that of the animal power machine and the wind machine, but also the output power is stable, which is very suitable for large-scale machine production.The earliest industrialized production in the British Industrial Revolution was the hydraulic textile factory.

But its problem is also obvious, it needs certain water flow conditions: it must be close to the river with sufficient water volume; secondly, the investment is very large.The use of hydraulic machines requires a large amount of construction work.

Given the current priority of the silk weaving industry in the Planning Institute, it is impossible for Li Yaoer to get the corresponding power equipment quota and investment, and upgrading equipment can only be a vain thing.Even silk reeling machines with a higher priority can only be used on the pedal-type potting machines used in Hangzhou.

Brother Chen wants to open a cotton spinning factory. If he can manage it, he can apply for a quota for hydraulic machines, and then those modified parts and samples that cannot be used due to power constraints can be put into use.

Thinking of this, Li Yaoer got excited and asked tentatively: "Your idea is very good! But running an Australian-style cotton mill is a big business. One inch of cloth is not woven, and it costs thousands of dollars. You Can you find funding?"

"Naturally, we can't make it that big at the beginning. There are quite a lot of local cotton growers. Let's start a spinning mill first, and sell the yarn to the textile mill in Fucheng." My cousin told him about starting weaving When he was in the factory, he had already thought about the joints.There are many sand fields in the Xiangshan area, and there are many people who grow cotton.My cousin also bought a lot of Shatian to grow cotton himself.The supply of cotton should be no problem.Let’s set up a spinning mill first—everyone will set up a weaving mill, and the demand for cotton yarn will be huge, and this business can be regarded as a steady profit.

"As for the capital, it's really a villain's bad idea. After being looted by the rebels, he can't count on anything." He deliberately sighed.

"Unexpectedly, you are quite intelligent." Li Yaoer nodded appreciatively.She already had an abacus in her mind, but just as she was about to speak, she took it back.It was only the first day that I met this little brother Chen, and she still knew very little about this person's specific situation and background. The business of setting up a factory will take a long time, so there is no need to rush it.Let's see the person's fineness first.

Next to the second entrance courtyard, there are two east and west courtyards. Now the east courtyard has been converted into a silk reeling workshop by Li Yaoer, and it is going to install the same equipment "Jiqi Daji" used by the small silk reeling factory in Hangzhou Fenghuangshanzhuang.The entire workshop is arranged according to the pattern of the original internship workshop.For this reason, a boiler was specially introduced to provide hot water and steam for silk reeling.

However, in terms of scale, it is much smaller than the silk reeling workshop in Hangzhou, with only a mere [-] parking spaces.No matter how big it is, the existing boilers will not be able to supply it.

"This is an Australian-style silk reeling room." Li Yaoer said,
Chen Lin looked at the unrecognizable silk reeling workshop with some surprise.I saw that this workshop is like other workshops, with transom windows on both sides of the wall and skylights on the top.It's just that there are various pipes and valves arranged vertically and horizontally on the walls and ceilings-what are these?
These pipelines are connected to the silk reeling stations one by one.Like the internship factory in Hangzhou, the modified pedal silk reeling car is used here.Pedal silk reeling carts existed in the Ming Dynasty and are nothing new.It's just that the silk reeling machine produced by Lingao Machinery Factory has made many improvements in the mechanical structure. Many parts are made of metal, and bearings are installed on the rotating parts, so the rotation is smooth and the use is more flexible.

However, Chen Lin immediately noticed the difference.First of all, the stove pot next to the silk reeling cart has changed.

The traditional Chinese silk reeling process has undergone many improvements. In the Ming Dynasty, two silk reeling methods were basically formed.

One is called "Fire Wire Method", also known as "Hot Kettle Method".The technique is to share a large pot for cocoon cooking and silk reeling, the pot is directly placed on the stove, and a silk cart is placed horizontally on the pot.The water temperature is extremely high during silk reeling, so that the amount of boiled cocoons can be increased in a short period of time. At the same time, thick and thin silk can be reeled by adjusting the water temperature.Generally speaking, the water temperature for reeling thick silk should be high; for fine silk reeling, the water temperature should be low.

The advantage of fire silk reeling is high cocoon cooking efficiency and fast silk reeling.However, because silk reeling is fast, it is not easy to control the thickness of the silk, and the quality is not satisfactory.Therefore, it was gradually replaced by the cold basin method.

(End of this chapter)

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