Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2413 Silk Reeling Workshop

Chapter 2413 Silk Reeling Workshop ([-])

The so-called cold basin method does not mean reeling silk in cold water.Instead, the past process of cooking cocoons and reeling silk in one pot is changed to two processes that are carried out separately.The specific process is to prepare two pots, one is a hot pot for cooking cocoons, which is placed on the stove and heated directly with firewood to cook cocoons.Unlike the cooking pot of the fire wire method, the pot here is smaller, and a small amount of silkworm cocoons are boiled in a small pot many times.It can be carefully cooked and cooked to avoid excessive cocoons and uneven cooking.

Although it is called "cold", the water temperature in the actual basin is also very high, but slightly lower than that in the hot basin.The boiled cocoons are transferred to cold basins for silk reeling.

The raw silk quality of cold basin silk is much better than that of hot silk. The ancients said: "Smart and bright, tough and colorful." It is the top grade of raw silk.Most of the Huzhou silk that Chen Lin admired is also reeled by this method.

Fengshenghe has always used the fire silk method for silk reeling.It's not that Chen Lin and his son don't know about the cold basin method, but that it is quite technically difficult to use the cold basin method.

Although the cold pot method is good, the technical essentials are more complicated than the fire wire. The difficulty lies in how to heat and keep the cold pot warm.The cold basin cannot be heated directly with firewood, and the uniformity of temperature must be ensured during silk reeling.More and cooking cocoons use the same stove as the hot pot, and use the embers of the hot pot to heat up.The outside is also covered with yellow mud for insulation.Whether it is burning fire or reeling silk, it must be very experienced in temperature control.

Chen Lin couldn't understand those pipeline valves, but he could understand that there were two basins in one seat.As soon as the Australians came, they immediately changed it to a cold basin!
"Chief, is this the cold basin method?"

"Not bad, you know?" Li Yaoer nodded appreciatively.

"I know, my late father also thought about using the cold basin method, but..." Chen Lin's father suffered from introducing silkworm eggs in the early years, so he hesitated to improve the silk reeling.What's more, the introduction of the cold basin method requires additional equipment and manpower—all costs.

"Introducing new technology and new varieties is risky, and it's normal for your father to be hesitant." Li Yaoer said, "But the cold basin method is already a very backward technology for us..."

Chen Lin thought in his heart that this woman has such a big tone!Li Yaoer didn't realize it, and said with great interest: "In my silk factory in Australia, there is a big pot for cooking cocoons, which can cook thousands of silkworm cocoons at a time. It can be cooked thoroughly without being overcooked, personally. All the cocoons are cooked evenly. After cooking, the silk is reeled together. There is no need to reel the silk at the same time. For example, this silk car, Feng Shenghe's old car can only reel one thread. This time we refit the new car It can only reel three threads. But in the best silk factory in Australia, one silk car can reel 400 threads. With so many threads, only three skilled workers can take care of them..."

Li Yaoer's eyes shined brightly, but Chen Lin was full of suspicion.I thought that Australia's awesomeness is not so bragging.Reeling more than 100 clues by one person, who can be so busy!Besides, a car has 400 clues, even if it is born with supernatural power, it can't move it.According to his knowledge, a silk reeler who reels silk with his feet has the most Sanxu.

Seeing that the chief was talking happily, Chen Lin didn't dare to interrupt. He didn't dare to interrupt until Li Yao'er's voice stopped for a while, and he interrupted quickly: "Boss, what are these iron pipes for?"

"These are the pipes that carry the hot water."

Li Yaoer explained a few words, and Chen Lin immediately understood: the biggest improvement of the so-called "Qi Qi" in the silk reeling workshop is not the silk reeling machine and the potting mode, but essentially it is just an improved version of the cold pot method .However, compared with the laborious and smoky one-stove and two-basin method in the past, all the hot water is supplied by a large stove, and the stove is canceled. Originally, only one family and one car can concentrate on silk reeling. Get up to reel silk, and the heat of the water from a stove can be uniform, and it is no longer necessary to have a special person to control the temperature.

In the past, there were ten stoves in my silk reeling room, and ten cars were driven at the same time. Everyone thought it was amazing. In contrast, the Australians arranged a hundred cars in one go!Looking at this posture, it is not a problem to reel all the cocoons in Xiangshan.Is this scale too big?How could there be so many cocoons for her to reel?Besides, where do the workers come from?

Naturally, my second uncle, who is stalking others, will definitely use the name of Australians to force the villagers to sell the cocoons to Fengshenghe, and most likely will force the villagers to work in the factory. All kinds of disadvantages are self-evident.Thinking of this, he didn't feel cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Seeing his sudden change of complexion, Li Yaoer didn't feel strange, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Yeah, it's nothing..." Chen Lin quickly covered it up, "I'm just worried that there won't be so many cocoons collected by then."

"Well, I plan to raise silkworms by myself as soon as the spring begins," Li Yaoer said, "I have also prepared a place to raise silkworms. I will raise some myself and buy some. Your second uncle said that Nansha Village will do its best to help Feng. Shenghe. The cocoons of each family are sold to the factory, and the women also come to help raise silkworms and pick mulberries. The mulberry leaves of each family in the village are given priority to Fengshenghe..."

Chen Lin secretly groaned, thinking, second uncle, you will not stop until you make Fengshenghe's brand rotten!If we do this, can our Yifang still gain a foothold in the village in the future?
"...But I don't agree with his approach. We are running a factory and doing business, not government officials, and we can't rely on orders to make people do things. Are you right?"

"Yes, yes, Chief is wise!" Chen Lin nodded repeatedly.

"So my idea is to use cooperatives. We have used this method in Hainan for a long time. Everyone joins in to raise silkworms."

The cooperative model is an important production-management model promoted by the Senate in the countryside.From the original Mayiao Salt Farm Cooperative to the later Leizhou Sugar Joint Venture, Tiandihui supported a large number of similar organizations in the rural areas under the rule of the Senate.It is especially common in the production-processing field of cash crops, and it can be said to be a fairly mature model.

"I also talked with your second uncle. Basically, we set up a joint-stock company..."

Li Yaoer briefly introduced the specific cooperation plan. The plan is not complicated. It is nothing more than money and strength.Respectively lead the shares.After selling the raw silk, the participants pay dividends according to their shareholding ratio.

"...We have used this method in many places, and everyone responded well. I think it will be implemented smoothly in Nansha. Especially we have the full support of you and your second uncle."

When Li Yaoer said this, she looked at Chen Lin very seriously.The young man's face turned red involuntarily.

"The villain will definitely serve, and the dividends will not be paid. In fact, the villain doesn't care too much. As long as the tribe can have enough food and clothing, Nansha will recover..."

This is not Chen Lin's coy attitude, but the words from the bottom of his heart.

"Hehe, what you said is really serious." Li Yaoer suddenly smiled, her smile was like a flower, like a girl, Chen Lin's mind was involuntarily swayed, he quickly stopped, lowered his eyes to argue:
"The villain is telling the truth."

"I don't care if I'm sincere or not." Li Yaoer smiled, "It's good if you have this attitude!" She sighed: "The most difficult thing since ancient times is to do things. If you can help me do this career wholeheartedly , You really don’t need to care about dividends.”

Out of the silk reeling workshop.Li Yaoer took him to Xikuayuan again to visit the rebuilt "thread weaving workshop".

The fabric is interwoven by longitudinally arranged warp threads and transversely arranged weft threads.The reeled silk cannot be directly used as warp and weft threads, and needs to be woven into warp and weft threads through a series of previous processes before it can be woven on a loom.

The warp and weft threads required for weaving silk fabrics generally need to go through multiple processes such as turning, doubling, twisting, sizing, drawing, and shaking.Here, Li Yaoer did not introduce any new technology or equipment—there was no suitable power machine.Therefore, the various equipment inside seem to be well-made, and in essence they are no different from the improved pedal silk reeling machine.When Chen Lin took a look, he could roughly understand where the improvement was.He had thought of some improvements in the past, and even drew drawings for blacksmiths and carpenters to try out.The result was either it couldn't be made, or it looked exactly the same after being made, but after installing it, it couldn't work as he imagined, or it was stiff and difficult to move, or it cracked and broke after a short period of operation.

Australians are really ingenious!Chen Lin thought to himself.But to Chen Lin, these "plausible" things in front of him were not just as simple as "ingenuity".The connecting shaft arm is exactly the same thing. Australians can make it thin and tough, but they can only find the best blacksmith to make it, but they can only make it clumsy...why is this?

Just looking at those wooden parts, it can be seen that there is a huge gap between what Australians do and what local carpenters do.For the same thing, the components made by Australians are much smaller and more delicate, and even on the surface they look more comfortable than local ones.

"Australians make different things for the same objects." Chen Lin said sincerely, "I really admire the villain!"

"What is this?" Li Yao'er was used to seeing the "shock" of the natives, and had long since ignored it.However, Chen Lin was different from ordinary aborigines in that he was quite insightful. "If you come to Lingao and see all kinds of new equipment made by our machinery factory, won't you be thrown into the ground."

"It's a pity that villains don't have such a blessing." Chen Lin sighed.

"What's the difficulty in going to Lingao? Since you came from Guangzhou, you naturally know that there is a shuttle boat from Guangzhou to Lingao. Although the ferry ticket is not cheap, it probably won't be a problem with your money."

"The chief was joking." Chen Lin said, "It's not that the villain doesn't want to go, it's because the mess in front of him can't just sit idly by..." He was afraid that Li Yao'er would misunderstand, so he quickly added, "Although Fengshenghe is in good order now, the whole Nansha The village is still dilapidated, and the clan and villagers have to plan their livelihoods after the spring..."

"Is the life of the villagers very difficult?" Although Li Yao'er has been in Nansha for several months, she has been busy rebuilding the factory and has dealt with the local people mostly through Chen Xuan. She knows little about the local situation in Nansha.

(End of this chapter)

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