Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2414 Fundamental Problems

Chapter 2414 Fundamental Problems
"If you want to talk about the suffering of starving to death, there is no such thing." Chen Lin said, "But the life of the common people is not as good as before."

As long as the people in Nansha Village are surnamed Chen, they can live a pretty good life.No matter how poor a family is, they can still have enough food and clothes to wear. If they are sick, the family will take care of the medicine, and if they die, the family will provide the coffin.When encountering ancestor worship and Chinese New Year, you can also share a few pieces of Taigong meat.

The tenants, mechanics, and long-term workers who are not surnamed Chen naturally do not have such a prosperous life, and they can make do with it anyway.

But this time he came back, although it was only a few days, the life of the people in Nansha was very sad.

The looting by soldiers and bandits was indeed the main reason, but his second uncle could be said to be contributing to the flames.

But he didn't dare to say this to the female veteran. The obvious thing is that this Li Yaoer has a lot of trust in the second uncle, and this kind of trust is not "deceived trust". As obviously very popular with Australians.

In the past few days since Chen Xuan came back, he has already learned a lot from his sister and Chen Qing's family who was staying with him.

Since Nansha officially came under the jurisdiction of the Australians in April 1635, Chen Xuan relied on the chance encounters when he was fleeing, and the "mixed society" for many years to practice a set of flattering skills, and the Australians he will meet The chief coaxed "Dragon's Heart to Joy".It didn't take long to become a "liaison officer" in Nansha, and then became a "Paijia" in Nansha, that is, the village head of the village.

Originally, he was not very popular when he was in power. Both the tribe and the villagers sneered at this former "prodigal son" and "ground stick". It was just for the sake of the village to deal with the Australians, and the clan in the village could tolerate it. If he really wanted to get involved in the affairs of the clan, he would be expelled from the clan by opening an ancestral hall, not to mention he was not allowed to live in Nansha.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan is also a ruthless character with a lot of ideas.Not long after he arrived in Nansha as a licensee, he organized the long-term and hired workers with foreign surnames who were originally at the bottom of the village to build a militia team, and specially selected four strong men from other places who came to Nansha for a short time and had nothing to do with them. Be his bodyguard.Everyone is a simple knife.On weekdays, he stands guard at the village office and goes out to do errands as a follower.Whoever dares to contradict Chen Xuan will go up with a stick.No matter which family or generation you are from, you will be beaten to death.

Since then, no one in the clan village dared to offend Chen Xuan's "official authority".Not to mention expelling him from the clan, he was forced to be in charge of the ancestral hall and manage all the property affairs of the clan.Even the ancestral hall was grandiosely taken over by him as the village official.

Chen Xuan is well aware that all his power in Nansha depends on the Australians.Since becoming a card player, he has been "enthusiastic" about various affairs arranged by the Australians.Whether it is the collection of "reasonable burdens", poor income, "security purge... But all the work arranged by the Xiangshan County Government has been done with all our heart. Within a few months, Nansha Village in Xiangshan County has become a village that even Mr. Wen knows "Model Village".

Being a model village naturally comes at a price.Especially when the Senate began to fall into the stage of security war in Guangdong, a large number of national troops were formed in Guangzhou, and their food and salaries were transported from Lingao, and many of them came from the counties under the former Guangzhou Prefecture.

In addition to food requisition, the transfer of logistical supplies also involves a large amount of manpower and ships, which are also apportioned to the heads of counties and villages through the method of "spending".

The land tax burden in Guangdong was very light under the Ming Dynasty, accounting for only 2.01% of the national land tax burden.Although there have been three salary increases and various local floating incomes, the Chen family's control of the grassroots is not too much of a burden for the local powerful clans that also have considerable influence in the county.

But for the Senate, Guangdong's taxes are too light.According to the opinions of Wang Ju and others, the current land tax in Guangdong has "very great potential" and is worth "deep digging".This "reasonable burden" amount is not so "reasonable" for the Chen clan members of Nansha, and it seems a bit excessive.

It can't be said that the Chen family is crying poor on purpose, after all the soldiers and bandits have done great harm to Nansha, and it has caused heavy losses to the Chen family's accumulation over the years, both public and private.Now I am faced with a reasonable burden and poor expenses, which is unavoidable embarrassment.

In the past, many of the burdens of the government, especially the burden of the support, were mostly passed on to the surnames outside the village.But now that the foreign surname is in power and advocates "average distribution", the Chen family has the most males, and naturally there are more distributions in their turn.

Whether it is a "reasonable burden" or frequent "subsidies", it will naturally affect the agricultural production of Nansha.Coupled with rumors that Australians want to implement "three-seven-five rent reduction" and "progressive taxation", the members of the Chen family are as frightened as they are, and they are unwilling to work hard on the land; although tenants with foreign surnames have hope, they often need to borrow money to operate the land. Lending money to tenants is a good business that can make money without losing money, and tenants can be said to respond to requests for loans.Nowadays, most of the landlords of the Chen family refuse to borrow money on the pretext that they were looted by bandits and suffered heavy losses. Firstly, the loss of money is true, and secondly, rumors of "burden" and "rent reduction" made them lose interest in operating the land.Many upper-middle-class families with commercial properties in county towns or other places simply left and entrusted all their land to the clan.There are actually quite a few abandoned fields in Nansha.

Nansha has spent a whole year in this atmosphere of doubt and anxiety. Farmers cannot get loans, and renting cattle and buying fertilizers are all affected.Coupled with the heavy budget gap, although the weather is acceptable, the annual harvest is mediocre.

The mentioned rent reduction and progressive tax did not come, but the amount of reasonable burden has increased a lot.Although Chen Xuan was able to handle the errands for the Australians, he had no ability to grow the business. He relied on "strict reminders" to make up the reasonable burden for this year.After collecting reasonable burdens twice a year, the Chen family's family property is almost empty.

But he dare not say these words to Li Yaoer.To be honest, the life of the villagers is so embarrassing nowadays, and Li Yaoer also has a part: in order to restore the prosperity and resume production, the "supporters" who are required to pay for the villagers' own rations to burn bricks and transport wood... Many people complained.

He thought for a moment, and then said euphemistically: "The villagers just suffered a military riot last spring, and their homes were all empty. The spring silkworms were also ruined. Every household was seriously injured..."

"Are you saying that the people in Nansha are burdened too much?" Li Yaoer laughed.

Chen Lin's face turned red, and he was somewhat embarrassed that his little thoughts were being seen through, not to mention that he was also afraid of offending his second uncle.He hurriedly said: "After the great chaos, the people are hungry and tired. If we can be a little more sympathetic, it will be a good thing for the country and the people."

Li Yao'er tilted her head and looked at him with interest, making Chen Lin's scalp tingle for a while.Fortunately, the gaze didn't last long, and she said, "How many days have you been back to Nansha?"

"Two...two days..."

"Then how do you know that the burdens of the people in Nansha are too heavy and their families are empty?"

Chen Lin was sweating all over his head. He was afraid that he would involve the elders who wrote to him, Chen Qing's family and his younger sister, so he said in a panic: "The villain is also a hearsay, a hearsay..."

"Don't be afraid," Li Yaoer said, "Although you are hearing the story, you are not making it up. The people of Nansha have indeed been burdened a lot in the past year. Some families have indeed lost their fortunes..." "Some people "She said a few words quite playfully.Chen Lin burst into a cold sweat again.

"...However, there should be no one in this area who is too poor to eat."

"This...really not..." Chen Lin nodded quickly.

"It should be said that in Nansha now, some people's lives are not as good as they used to be." Li Yaoer said, "But for some people, life is probably better now than in the past."

Chen Lin hurriedly said, "Yes, yes..."

Li Yaoer changed the subject: "However, the Senate came to Nansha, not to ask everyone to have a meal together, but to let everyone have a better life than before. The silk factory in front of me is counting on Fengshenghe If the business is successful, the common people will have more than 'food and clothing'."

"Yes, the villain knows." Chen Lin secretly smiled bitterly, thinking that you are just drawing cakes to satisfy your hunger!It’s true that people in Nansha have enough to eat now, but what they eat is nothing more than what they used to eat. If the second uncle is allowed to continue messing around like this, he won’t even be able to raise silkworms this year!Also talk about reeling and weaving silk.

Originally, he was just coping with Li Yaoer's questioning, somewhat cautiously.At this moment, the youthful blood in his heart was aroused, and he said: "The chief is right. It's just that New Year's Day is over now. After the beginning of spring, the people need seeds for spring plowing. Those who have no cattle need cattle, and those who raise silkworms also need seeds. Capital... After the war, all industries were in decline, I am afraid I have to find ways to raise money, please pay attention to the chief..."

Li Yaoer was stunned.When she came to Nansha, the news she got was that "it is a rich village".So she didn't care too much about the situation in the village.From the activities of myself, the guards, and the students in the village, I probably know that although the village has been rioted by bandits, it is not a problem for the people to get enough food and clothing.

Now that food and clothing are not a problem, agricultural production in 1635 is also functioning normally.Nansha Village has been recuperating for more than half a year. This year's agricultural production should not be a problem. It is a matter of course to promote new silkworm eggs and mulberry tree planting by myself.The boy in front of him said "need to raise money"? !

She hesitated: "How was the harvest last autumn? When I came to Nansha, they said that there was no disaster and the harvest was acceptable."

"Chief, the villains don't know what the harvest is like in the whole village of Nansha. Not to mention the fields under my family's name. Last year's harvest was only [-]% of the previous year's. Although other villains don't know, it's probably the same."

Li Yaoer's face changed.In order to promote silkworm breeding and mulberry trees, she is often active in the countryside, and she understands the key points of agricultural production.If Chen Lin hadn't made alarmist remarks, after the spring of this year, it would be difficult for Nansha to carry out production and business activities in the new year without the loan from the Senate.

(End of this chapter)

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