Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2416

Chapter 2416
"What's there to say about crying in the cemetery? Isn't his father allowed to cry a few times after his father died? Did anyone hear what they said?" Chen Xuan asked impatiently.

"I heard something, but..." Lai Xiao hesitated, because Chen Yue was actually the daughter of the owner.

"Hmph, I know it even if you don't tell me, this little bitch..." Chen Xuan swallowed the word "slut" back. After all, this child is his own, even if she doesn't recognize her father, she still scolds herself Suspected, "What did they say?"

"The people sent by the younger ones didn't dare to get too close. They only heard about the fact that the master took power in the village, and they also said that they drove away the 'third uncle'..."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

Chen Xuan thought this was expected.He knew a little about this nephew. He was a well-behaved child since he was a child.

"In the future, find a few more people to keep an eye on him, Xiaoyue, and Chen Qing's family. No matter what they do, they must tell me. Do you understand?"

"Little understand!"

"I told you to keep an eye on the Australians?"

Lai Xiao was frightened, and hurriedly said: "Master, other people are easy to talk about, why bother to provoke this Australian master! These people are so delicate, if they find out, it will be a big disadvantage to your boss..."

"Look at you, you seem to be particularly afraid of Australians." Chen Xuan smiled slowly.

Lai Xiao only felt his scalp tingling, and quickly argued: "I heard that Australians are the most closely guarded, Lingao, Guangzhou, even small things with clues, as long as they are interested in knowing, there is nothing they don't know! Master, give Australia People just do errands, what do they know too much..."

"You are the only one who is so loyal!" Chen Xuan didn't know why this boy was so afraid of Australians, he scolded, "It's true that I work for Australians. But the following things... eh? How many people are dissatisfied? Don't say goodbye Well, as far as you are doing in the village, if someone tells you in front of that woman... the chief, what do you think the chief thinks of you?"

"Australians are still counting on us to do things..."

"I want us to do things right, but we also have to let the birds go to hide, and the rabbits are dead!" Chen Xuan touched his forehead, "You have to help me be more careful! Especially now that Chen Lin is in the factory , have to be on guard."

"Yes, master." Lai Xiao said helplessly, "I will tell the people in the factory to watch more..."

Chen Xuan felt a little irritable in his heart, and he asked again: "You can send someone to Sanliang in a few days, and you must inquire about Chen Ding's whereabouts!"

Chen Ding is the "third uncle" in Chen Lin's mouth, the youngest of the three brothers.Although he is not a smart person, he is upright, strong-willed, eager to do justice, and has great prestige among his tribe and villagers. If he hadn't been intimidated by the Australians, he really wouldn't have been able to drive away the third brother. .

He originally wanted to label the third child as a "remnant of the Ming Dynasty", so that the Australians could get rid of himself as a confidant.However, the Australians said that they could not see any connection between him and Daming. In the end, he committed suicide by refusing to hand over the clan account books and albums of his village. He was labeled a "clan member" before driving him out. Running.

But even though Chen Ding was not in the village, he was still very worried that the third brother would find a chance to make a comeback.He is very aware of the ability of the third brother, he is such an upright gentleman who is eager for justice, he will attract attention wherever he goes.Now is the time for Australians to employ people, in case he is recruited by Australians...

For this reason, he sent several groups of people to Sanliang City in succession, but the people he sent came back and reported that although Chen Ding's wife and children were there, he himself was not at his father-in-law's house.Moreover, I didn't find out where he went.

This became Chen Xuan's heart disease.

"I'll send someone to Sanliang tomorrow." Lai Xiao hesitated, then said, "Master, if we must find out the whereabouts of Master Ding, I'm afraid they won't be able to find out in Sanliang..."

"how do I say this?"

"He must have left Sanliang and gone somewhere before entrusting his wife and children to his father-in-law." Lai Xiaodao, "How can we find it when we go to Sanliang?"

"The world is so big, if you don't go to Sanliang to look for it, where can you go?" Chen Xuandao, "He can't disappear without a trace, he will definitely take care of something."

"In my opinion, Master Ding is most likely to go to Guangzhou!"

"Huh?" Chen Xuan regained his spirits, "How do you say that?"

"Master, you think, Master Ding knows that Master Lin is in Guangzhou. But he doesn't know that Master Lin is back in Nansha." Lai Xiaoxiao said, "He has nothing to do with you in Sanliang, so he can only go to his nephew to discuss countermeasures."

Chen Xuan nodded again and again. Although Qiu Laizi was not good-looking, he was really good at analyzing the problem.Why didn't I think of this!
"Master Lin is already in the hands of the master now. If the most worrying thing is that the master Ding has made a fuss in Guangzhou, he is probably not willing to let it go. Maybe he will find a way and a relationship in Guangzhou. After all, the one with the most real men now The place is Guangzhou..."

Chen Xuan patted his thigh: "You're right! Why didn't I think of this point!" He thought for a while, their family in Guangzhou had no close relatives, but there were a few distant relatives. When Chen Lin went to Guangzhou, it was Chen Xuan's cousin Wu Yijun.

Maybe the third brother also went to Wu's house!
"How about you go to Guangzhou..." He looked at Lai Xiao
Lai Xiao was almost scared out of his wits: I just came out of that tiger and wolf den, how could I go back!He somewhat regretted his "offering advice", and hurriedly said: "It's not appropriate for a villain to go, you need someone who knows the master and is familiar with the way of Guangzhou—someone has some status."

Chen Xuan's eyes turned on Lai Xiao, and the lame boy showed fear when he mentioned going to Guangzhou—he probably had some ulterior motives in Guangzhou, and most likely he was involved in a life lawsuit.

That's okay, the lame man has stains on his body, so it's easier to pick him up.

But if he doesn't go, who will go?

Chen Xuan pondered for a moment and thought of someone.His surname is Han and his name is Changfu. He was originally the accountant of the clan.Because of misbehavior, tampering with accounts, embezzling money, and refusing to correct after repeated admonitions, he was expelled a few years ago.

After being expelled, Han Changfu was still messing around in Nansha. He was also a bum, so he got along very well with Chen Xuan.

This Han Changfu is a blood brother who is also a ground stick and has been messing around in Guangzhou.The two brothers had a close relationship in the past, so he was very familiar with the situation in Guangzhou, and he also had a helper from a land tiger, so he was the best candidate to go to Guangzhou.

"Go and call Han Changfu."

After the person called, Chen Xuan explained the matter to him: "We must find out the whereabouts of Chen Ding!"

"Master, it's not difficult to inquire about the person, as long as he is in Guangzhou, he will definitely be found." Han Changfu said, "What should I do after I find out?"

"After you find out, find a few people and tie him up for me!" Chen Xuan said viciously.

"The little one understands!" Han Changfu said, "It's just that we need to give the little one a few more people."

"Isn't your elder brother a member of Guandi Temple? If you give him a few dollars, won't he do it for you?"

Lai Xiao hurriedly said: "My lord, you can't do it! Now that the people in Guandi Temple have been wiped out by the Australians, it's not easy to find someone to do dirty work. Besides, there are many eyeliners in and out of the Australian city. I'm afraid it will be a fire!"

Once the person sent there is caught, the Australians will tell if they poured beans into the bamboo tube.Kidnapping is a felony no matter if it is under the control of Ming Dynasty or the Australians.

Chen Xuan thought so too, he openly sent people to kidnap people in Guangzhou city, which is too disrespectful to the Australians.

Han Changfu made some calculations and said, "I have a way."

"What way?"

"Since he's hiding outside and refuses to come back, let's find a way to get him back!" Han Changfu had a lot of ideas, "Didn't Master Lin come back? Let's use Master Lin as bait to lure him back!"

"Brother Han's plan is good, even if Master Ding refuses to return to Nansha, he can be tricked to other places, as long as he leaves Guangzhou City!" Lai Xiaomang flattered.

"Okay! Let's do it like this!" Chen Xuan's face turned red with excitement, "You two are worthy of my right-hand man!" After finishing speaking, he patted the two of them on the shoulder.

Lai Xiao secretly swears that his left and right arms are useful, and he doesn't give any more money. When he turned his face to meet Han Changfu's gaze, the two of them immediately knew: they think the same!
Han Changfu said: "That's what I said, but whether the master is in Guangzhou or not is something to say. I'm afraid it will take some time to find out."

"I'll give you three months. You can check it out for me in Guangzhou until you understand it." The speaker Chen Xuan took a pair of cards and said, "You go to the accountant to pay ten taels of silver for travel expenses. Choose two more reliable ones. Someone will go with you. If the matter is done, there will be rewards when you come back!"

Han Changfu said heartily: I believe in you ghost!Three people went to Guangzhou for three months and only paid ten taels of silver!Living expenses as travel expenses are certainly not small, but it is not easy to handle, and money is spent everywhere.Even though Han Changle is his elder brother, he can't order him around for nothing.

Fortunately, Guangzhou is a world of flamboyance. Now that I have money, someone, and a big brother, maybe I can take this opportunity to get a vote.The errand was not bad.

Chen Lin stayed in Fengshenghe for almost a whole day, and followed Li Yaoer and Shen Su to visit every corner of Fengshenghe after the reconstruction.

Since he wanted to gain Li Yaoer's trust, he naturally had to do his best in the silk factory.Every place, every process, every kind of equipment, as long as you don't know or understand, you have to ask carefully to understand.There are pros and cons as well.On the contrary, Li Yaoer's master and apprentice looked at each other with admiration: This young master of the factory owner is really not an embroidered pillow!
After the visit, I went back to the office in the front yard. It was already noon. Li Yaoer said, "Since you are here, today is your first day at work. Have lunch here before going back to rest."

"This..." Chen Lin really wanted to eat here, but it would be too crazy to just dine with two young women like this...

(End of this chapter)

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