Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2417 The Mulberry Fish Pond

Chapter 2417 The Mulberry Fish Pond
"What's so good about this?" Shen Su smiled, "I'm thinking so much, I have to say it."

Chen Lin was very embarrassed, so he could only say: "If that's the case, then I won't bother you."

"That's it. I don't like to see you people pretending to be fake." Li Yaoer said, "I also have regular meals here, and there is nothing delicious. After eating, I have something to discuss with you."

At the moment, I will take care of the tea room in the factory to serve the lunch.The rice in the factory is very simple, a big pot of rice and a big pot of vegetables.Local produce is also used.Although the Chen family is a big family, they are diligent and thrifty in daily life, and they are not particular about food.

Meals are served per person, no more, no less.During the meal break, Li Yaoer asked some more about the local customs and production conditions.Chen Lin didn't have to hide it, he just said it one by one.Li Yaoer is most concerned about expanding the area of ​​weaving mulberry.

"Do you know about mulberry fish ponds?"

Chen Lin looked bewildered.It turns out that the characteristic agriculture of the Pearl River Delta, one of the founders of the circular economy, which is famous all over the world, the mulberry fish pond model has not yet appeared in the local area.

The so-called mulberry-based fish pond means that mulberry trees are planted on the cofferdam of the fish pond, silkworms are raised with mulberry leaves, silkworm excrement and silkworm chrysalis are used as fish bait, and pond mud is used as mulberry tree fertilizer to form a pond ridge to grow mulberry trees and mulberry leaves to raise silkworms. , silkworm chrysalis feeding fish, pond mud and mulberry production structure or production chain, the two use each other and promote each other to achieve the effect of both fish and silkworm.

This model first emerged in the sericulture areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.The formation of the Huzhou mulberry fishpond system that can be tested by later generations originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.The "Shen's Agricultural Book" written in the last year of Chongzhen records: "The pond stores fish, and its fertile soil can be used on bamboo fields; the rest can be filled with mulberry and fish, and rice can be exchanged at the end of the year; five or six sheep can be stored as the root of mulberry trees" , can achieve the economic benefits of "both benefits, ten times the crops".

In addition to obtaining mulberry leaves to raise silkworms, after the end of spring silkworms, the Jiangnan area also used mulberry leaves to raise sheep.The benefits are bigger.

But in Guangdong, this model is much rarer.The news brought by the "information officers" sent by the Council of Agriculture to various places in the Pearl River Delta disappoints them. The Pearl River Delta is not a region with a very developed sericulture industry in their concept.

The sericulture industry in the Pearl River Delta had its first major development after the opening of Macao and the export of a large amount of raw silk.At that time, due to the popularity of raw silk, large-scale sericulture industries appeared in Jiujiang in Nanhai County, Longshan and Longjiang in Shunde County, and Gulao in Xinhui County.Tangji planting mulberry also began to appear in these areas at this time - the most famous of which are Sangyuanwei and Gulaowei.

However, from the perspective of the entire Pearl River Delta, the overall sericulture industry is not large.They consulted the Great Library and learned that the sericulture industry in the Pearl River Delta started its second large-scale development during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty with a substantial increase in the total amount of foreign trade.

The scale of trade in raw silk and satin at the end of the Ming Dynasty was smaller than that in the Qing Dynasty. Britain, the largest trading partner, had not yet come to China, and the only countries that traded with China were Spain, the Netherlands and Japan.It happened that at the end of Ming Dynasty, Fujian's foreign trade ports were the most prosperous.Foreign merchants in Fujian are obviously more inclined to import goods directly from Jiangnan.

Although the current raw silk trade in the Senate is much more than in history, due to Zhao Yingong's operation in Hangzhou, the production and output of silk in Jiangnan has increased significantly compared to the original place.The raw silk in Jiangnan was not only enough to meet the needs of trade with Japan, but also roughly met the needs of the Portuguese and the Dutch.

As a result, raw silk production in the Pearl River Delta was further suppressed.The sericulture farmers in Xiangshan County, who were not well-off in the first place, were naturally not interested in introducing any new production models.

In other words, Li Yaoer's efforts to improve sericulture in Guangdong may not be able to reap much actual benefits.In particular, the further increase in raw silk income may only lead to a further drop in the export price of raw silk.

Whether it is still necessary to carry out sericulture improvement and establish a new silk weaving industry in Guangdong was debated at the joint meeting held by the Planning Institute.The final conclusion is that relevant improvements will continue—after all, the upgrading of the sericulture industry must be done, and there are too many inconveniences in Jiangnan.

So Chen Lin's reaction did not surprise her.

"Are there many local fish farmers?"

"There are quite a few." Xiangshan is low-lying, with vertical and horizontal rivers, and has convenient conditions for fish farming. There are quite a lot of fish ponds in the whole county.

"Have you never thought about planting mulberry trees on the pond ridge?"

This question made Chen Lin puzzled. It's not that there is no mulberry garden in the village. Why did they plant it on the ridge of the pond?Besides, what's the use of planting so many mulberry trees?

"The mulberry leaves in the local mulberry garden are enough. If you don't have enough mulberry leaves occasionally, you can buy some from other villages." Chen Lin said, "Otherwise, just plant more..."

In Guangdong at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the conflict between man and land was far less prominent than in the Qing Dynasty, and the use of land and refined management had not been involved to the later extent.

According to the fashionable theory, the system of mulberry fish ponds is itself a manifestation of agricultural involution.

Li Yaoer said to Shen Su: "Come and talk to Mr. Lin about the benefits of this mulberry fish pond. This is also a test of whether your knowledge is solid or not."

"I see." Shen Su replied with a smile.

She looked at Chen Lin, and lowered her eyes again. Although it was the first time they met today, she had a good impression of Chen Lin in this short contact.

Although this young man is a son of a rich family, his attitude is humble and polite, his manner and speech are calm and refined, neither humble nor overbearing.Compared with the Chen Xuan who only smiles obsequiously when he sees them, but is fierce when he sees the villagers, he is much more pleasing to the eye.

Shen Sudao: "Mr. Chen, this mulberry fish pond looks like this..."

In the entire mulberry-based fish pond system, the mulberry leaves are harvested and used to feed the silkworms, and the excrement of the silkworms and silkworm chrysalis after silk reeling are used as fish feed; The surrounding pond bases are used as mulberry tree fertilizers. Due to the slope of the pond base, the excess nutrients in the mulberry soil flow into the fish ponds as the rain washes away.The excess nutrients and waste generated in the cycle are recycled in the system again and again, which does not pollute the ecological environment outside the system and saves the cost of planting and breeding.

A farmer can make overall arrangements for farming activities according to seasonal changes. Generally, in January and February, mulberry trees are managed and fish fry are stocked; in March and April, mulberry trees are fertilized; The monthly fish ponds are dredged, and the pond foundation is cultivated with pond mud; at the end of the year, the weeds are weeded and the fish are fed.

"...If you have spare energy, you can also pick mulberry leaves and raise sheep, which will bring you more income. Do you think this business is doing well?"

Chen Lin thought about her words carefully, wondering who came up with this idea!It's absolutely amazing.He pondered: "The method is very good, but after this, silkworm farmers can only raise fish, and have no energy left to cultivate the land."

"After selling the fish and cocoons, are you afraid that you will have no money to buy food?" Shen Su said, "In our hometown, the whole family has no worries about food and clothing just by raising silkworms..."

"Next, we will promote mulberry fishponds in Nansha." Li Yaoer continued, "You need to work harder on this matter."

"This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. The villain should contribute." Chen Lin thought for a while. Although it is a good thing, no one would be willing to do it when it was first promoted—it was the same when his father promoted silkworm eggs. .You have to find a family to set an example, and everyone will follow up when they see that there are indeed benefits.

He said what he thought, and Li and Shen looked at each other and smiled.Li Yaoer said:
"You're right! Since ancient times, there has been a process of promoting new crops and technologies. The common people must really see the benefits. Besides, whether new crops and technologies are suitable for the local area has to be tested first. . Otherwise, the promotion has been launched but failed, wouldn’t it be a disaster for a large area.”

"The Chief is far-sighted."

"I learned to flatter so quickly." Shen Su laughed.

"No, no, this villain is from the bottom of my heart." Chen Lin blushed again.He had never been in contact with "Australian women" like Li Yaoer and Shen Su in the past, and he was very uncomfortable with their unabashed way of speaking.

"Oh, how thin-skinned..."

Li Yaoer didn't care to listen to the students' jokes, and interrupted: "Think about it, who in the village is the most suitable to be this model household?"

Chen Lin pondered for a moment, thinking that this family should not be rich first, and there is no motivation to change if it is rich; second, it must have a fish pond; third, it is best to raise silkworms at home...

After much deliberation, I thought of a suitable candidate.

"Chen Ji's family is the most suitable."

Li Yaoer signaled, and Shen Su immediately took out a leather-bound notebook from his satchel, opened it, searched for a while, and handed the notebook to the teacher.

Li Yaoer looked at it, and nodded in satisfaction.Chen Lin was a little puzzled, not knowing what they were looking at.

"Why do you think his family is suitable?" Li Yaoer closed the notebook and asked.

Chen Lin replied: "His family has many children and little land, so life is very tight. His family has a fish pond and also raises silkworms. They are skilled in raising fish and silkworms. As long as you give him some benefits, he will naturally agree."

"Then what benefits must be given to him before he can agree?"

"Just allow him to give his whole family enough food no matter what the test result is."

"That makes sense. But one family is a little short, so we have to find at least three or four."

Chen Lin racked his brains and thought about several families to come out. Li Yaoer asked Shen Su to write down all these families.

"We'll go to these people's homes in the afternoon. Check out the situation—you go too."

"Yes, the villain will definitely accompany you."

Li Yaoer's eyes stayed on him for a moment, then suddenly asked: "I heard you have a younger sister?"

"Yes, sister-in-law Chen Yue." Chen Lin thought to himself that the chief's question was really unconstrained!

"Is it your own sister?"

"She was originally the second uncle's daughter, but later the family decided to adopt her to her late father as a daughter."

"Your second uncle's knees are empty, why did you adopt your only daughter to your father?" Li Yaoer has always been interested in this question.Because Chen Xuan talked about this in the past, always gnashing his teeth, saying that Chen Lin's father and others persecuted him and wanted to make him a lonely family.

(End of this chapter)

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