Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 2418 Trade Friction

Chapter 2418 Trade Friction
Chen Lin thought for a moment, and said, "You know the villain's second uncle, chief, is a homeless person, and he can't raise a girl by himself."

Li Yao'er thought that what you said was perfect, and it can be seen that there is a deep suspicion between the uncle and nephew.

Although this kind of contradiction is a trouble in the work, it is also an advantage in turn.At least there will be no alliance between them.

When Li Yaoer first came out to work in rural cooperative medical care, what he was most worried about was "disunity" and "uncomfortability" among the indigenous partners. However, after several years of practical work experience, he realized that the unity among the indigenous partners Consistency is a headache.A little conflict never hurts her.

I have now become a "scheming girl".she thought.

After working with the local aborigines for these years, she has a more thorough understanding of the human heart and humanity in this land.

The cooperation talks in the afternoon went very smoothly. Chen Lin selected these households as poor members of the Chen family, and the family situation was similar to that of Chen Ji.Li Yaoer negotiated very favorable conditions. As the first batch of demonstration households to join the cooperative, they received the technical guidance of the cooperative and carried out production according to the instructions of the cooperative. All the production materials and living materials needed were provided by the cooperative with interest-free loans. supply.After the end of the production year, the cooperative purchases all products at the price agreed in the contract, and the remaining profits after the loan is settled are all owned by the demonstration households.

The condition that the demonstration households have to pay is that they will serve the cooperative as technology extension personnel in the future.

Chen Ji and his family were confused about so many terms, but when they heard that all the means of production and means of living could be supplied in an interest-free manner, they all agreed.

Farmers do not resist loans, especially those engaged in breeding, which are very dependent on the turnover of loans.Now the Senate is willing to provide interest-free loans, which is a good thing for farmers.

In the past, this matter couldn't be done so happily - after all, the clan is still in charge of it, and some things are not easy to handle without the clan's nod.Now Chen Xuan is in power in Nansha, and he "resolutely supports" the Australians in whatever they do, so the matter is handled smoothly.

Li Yao'er is in a good mood after finishing the work.On the way back, he praised Chen Lin again, saying that he is "young and promising." He also said that since he lives in Chen Ji's house now, he will help him more, and report to her as soon as possible if there are any difficulties.

The work was done as soon as it was done, and within two days, all kinds of silkworm-raising materials, including silkworm eggs and mulberry branches, were brought in from Guangzhou.Chen Lin felt dazzled when he followed Shen Su to do things - this Australian also raised silkworms in a variety of ways.

He has the mind to "learn", so he naturally "doesn't feel ashamed to ask", and Shen Su also "teaches him with all his money", teaching him all kinds of joints.

Speaking of it, there is nothing rare about Australian silkworm rearing, but they are very careful in the details, and each step has standards, not relying on experience or metaphysics.What standard to do what to do.And these standards are not just based on eyes, nose, and fingers, but a variety of equipment tests.How much is measured.Just how to ventilate the silkworm room every day depends on thermometers, hygrometers, anemometers... These Australian instruments provide accurate information every day.Chen Lin first followed Shen Su to learn how to use and observe the readings of various instruments, and how to make daily inspection records...

After being so busy day by day, it is really too busy.But Chen Lin had never felt such a sense of fulfillment.Sericulture and silk reeling is an industry he has been familiar with since he was a child, but doing these things under the command of Australians is a completely different experience.He saw that the Australians were not only knowledgeable, but also decisive in handling things. If there were any problems, everyone would sit down and discuss them.The goodwill towards the Australians has increased a bit.Originally, he had already made up his mind to stay here for a few days, so he looked for an opportunity to go back to Guangzhou to join his cousin.Now that Li Yaoer values ​​him so much and can learn a lot, he wants to stay here and manage well with this Australian woman.

But my cousin is still waiting for his news.After thinking about it for a while, he decided to write a letter to his uncle first, telling him about his current situation, and expressing that he had a rare opportunity to learn from the Australians.For the time being, he can no longer engage in the cotton textile industry with his cousin in Nansha, but he is interested in this matter and is willing to continue to promote it.In addition, he also asked his cousin to check whether his third uncle had gone to Guangzhou—the third uncle was not a person who was willing to live in seclusion in Yue's house and wait to die.

After the letter was written, he still asked Chen Qing to deliver the letter.He told him: "Be careful all the way, and come back as soon as the letter is delivered."

This winter in Lingao is different from previous years, the north wind brings more coolness.Some people even said that they saw snowflakes. It is hard to say whether there were snowflakes, but it is true that there was frost in Lingao.

The sentinels of the First Guard Battalion, who used to wear thin woolen coats at most in winter, had already put on newly made British gray woolen overcoats, and the round sheepskin military caps made them look a bit like soldiers in the imperial Russian era.

The sentries were dressed so warmly, but at the moment the Dutchman, who was circling around the post constantly, waving his arms and expressing his dissatisfaction to the guards, was red-faced and steamed from his head.

Wang Kai smiled, put down the binoculars in his hand, walked back to the desk from the window, and picked up the phone.

"Pick up the guard room," a small pause. "Almost, let him come up."

In less than a minute, Van der Lantron, the special trade representative of the Dutch East India Company, came to Fatty Wang's door.Fatty Wang's adjutant and translator came in to inform him, and Fatty Wang motioned for the two of them to come in.

Originally, the representative of the East India Company in Lingao was Mr. Leib Trini, an Italian.However, the current situation made the Council of Batavia think that Mr. Trini's level was not high enough to take on this mission, so he specially dispatched a senior businessman, Delantron, to negotiate.

"My lord, I must speak in the strongest terms about the detrimental effects of restricting the movement of diplomatic personnel, especially when I have a letter from Anthony van Diemen, the new Governor of Batavia, and that both of us are in Japan. In the case of some regrettable incidents in the sea area. The tightening of communication channels, the simplification of rituals, and unnecessary malice, once these problems become normalized, it will inevitably lead to atrophy of communication between the two parties and paralysis of management. Then eliminate the continuity of business and weaken the influence of your two parties in the Far East..."

"You mean, there is a letter for me?" Fatty Wang interrupted Delantron's hysteria.

"Uh... yes." Mr. De Lantron paused, as if he had eaten a fly. "I hope this letter can be read in a more solemn setting."

"No, what you need is a friendlier environment, let's talk about two things that happened in Japan."

"Oh, I agree, don't worry, we will be very lenient, as long as we remain friendly on the Japan route in the future."

"I think you got it wrong." Fatty Wang signaled Delantron to sit down. "We haven't determined the responsibilities yet."

"We are on the inbound route and your ship is sailing parallel to the coastline, according to the regulations we have agreed upon..."

"But our ship is performing an armed patrol mission, and it is flying a maritime police flag. It is an official vessel, and it is you who should give way."

"But we know the "Orient Express". She has been to Batavia as a merchant ship. This..."

"The identity of the ship depends on the command flag, not the impression. Of course, we also plan to deal with it with a tolerant attitude, and we are not going to ask you for compensation."

De Lantron's face was not good-looking, but judging from what he said just now, he didn't seem to intend to get too entangled in this matter: "Well, I hope this will not affect the relationship between you and me. Speaking of it, Why are your ships patrolling near Japanese ports?"

"It's not because a merchant ship closely related to you was robbed nearby." Fatty Wang smiled charmingly. "Of course, it is also because the trade route to Japan has long been our sphere of influence. We have also made some progress in persuading the locals. It is reasonable to arrange patrols. Do you have any objections to this?"

"Of course not, of course not. We are happy to see our partners establish a stable business order in East Asia, which is good for everyone."

Mr. De Lantron's wording is very particular. "East Asia" is to avoid the "bulk goods purchased from Australia and Song Dynasty shall not be sold in the pan-China region" in the trade terms; while "commercial order" is to avoid and delay Confirm the growing control of Australia and Song in East Asia.

The trade with Japan represented by sucrose and raw silk is extremely profitable but limited in scale. Considering the location and transportation capacity of Australia and Song Dynasty, there is no reason to entrust others to do it for them.Of course, the Dutch did not dare to fight in person, but sent some Chinese agents to secretly earn some precious metals.When these sneaky behaviors are not on a large scale, Ausong can still tolerate them. After all, the Dutch have a little more liquidity in their hands, and they are buying goods in Ausong's hands anyway.

But the situation has changed recently, and the appetite of the Dutch is getting bigger and bigger.The reason is easy to analyze. Historically, before 1641, the scale of the Dutch trade between Asia and Europe was not stable. Even if it was the upper limit, it was not as good as the average level of the high-level plane.Thanks to the blessings of Ausong, their business is booming and their scale has expanded, but the principal in their hands has hardly increased compared to the old time and space.The rich and powerful Spaniards can ship boatloads of silver to the Philippines to maintain their distant rule, but the famously stingy VOC shareholders will not do this. Their goal is silver.If an East India Company trade commissioner for the Far East suggested to his superiors that he should ship a whole shipment of silver from the Netherlands to Batavia, he would probably not survive the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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