Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 597 Great Ming Dynasty

Chapter 597 Great Ming Dynasty

In order to enhance the actual experience, I also specially organized a visit to the county government office - except for the internal government office, I went around all over again, and there were special explanations by government servants everywhere I went.

Master Wang Zhaomin was also invited to hold "symposiums" from time to time.He is different from the "reformed" yamen clerks, with a higher level and a more subtle identity.In order to prevent him from becoming suspicious in the face of a large group of people and refuse to talk in depth, he usually uses Xiong Buyou to invite him to the office for a chat under the pretext of "drinking tea and drinking wine".

A small courtyard was set up in the county office, which was slightly tidied up and repaired, with some flowers and trees.The environment is more elegant.It is specially used to deal with officials in the county. The atmosphere here is relaxed and quiet, and it is more convenient to talk to each other.In order to connect with each other, the county office also organizes activities such as tea tasting and banquets here from time to time.

Master Wang's "teaching" is here.But he didn't know that he had this "honour".When he was talking with Xiong Buyou, there were actually people sitting around - this place was specially remodeled, it seemed that there was no one around, but in fact the students were sitting in the dark room listening to them chatting.

Master Wang is very willing to come to the county office for entertainment and chatting.Originally, he was bored sitting in the county office——Lingao was originally a place with "light business". As Australians continued to intervene in county affairs, in addition to passing official documents "waiting for this", he also engaged in county affairs. There's not much to do outside of the red tape.Moreover, the simple court made by the Australians took away more than half of the master's main business "criminal name".

Now that there are people inviting guests to chat, of course Wang Zhaomin must come for every invitation and drink every time he arrives, and then he will talk high-spirited.As a result, every time Xiong Buyou talks about the subject, he has to prepare in advance, so as not to make his talk endless.

But the content of his casual chat is very valuable to the people who travel through.As a teacher, Wang Zhaomin has more in-depth and comprehensive observation and understanding of officialdom than the officials.Moreover, the master traveled all over the world, was well-informed, and his vision was far wider than that of the yamen office in a small county.And have contact with the upper, middle and lower classes of society.Li Yan asked the county office to invite him to hold a "symposium" to a large extent to broaden the horizons of the expatriates and increase their understanding of the social conditions of Daming.

Wang Zhaomin’s symposium was recorded throughout—reviewed and compiled into materials after returning home—but no on-site interpretation was provided.He spoke in official language, so Li Yan asked everyone to repeat what he said into a report after they went back.This firstly tests the expatriate's mastery of Mandarin, and secondly exercises the expatriate's ability to "restore" intelligence content.

Another main aboriginal instructor for lectures on social conditions in the Ming Dynasty was Zhou Shizhai, a consultant at the police headquarters.He taught all kinds of ways of the Ming society and the rules and risks of going out.

Traveling in ancient society was tiring and dangerous. No matter rich or poor, they would encounter great risks when traveling.Zhou Shizhai has been in escorts and nursing homes, and has extremely rich social experience.

"...Walking long distances outside, remember to scald your feet without washing your face every day." He passed on his experience to everyone one by one, "As long as you have the conditions, you should scald your feet and pick up the bubbles, soothe your muscles and bones, but you don't need to wash your face."

The reason for not washing your face is to prevent the facial skin from cracking.There is a lot of dust on the road, the sun is poisonous, and it is easy to get sunburned and cracked.The ancients didn't have sunscreen, so they had to use dust as a cover.

As for the places to be careful on the road, there are so many places to be careful. Zhou Shizhai focused on how to avoid staying in illegal shops, which places are easy to be robbed by thieves, how to sleep at night to avoid being stolen...

"...Once you are on the road, you must never reveal your money." Zhai Chunchun, a Zhou scholar, taught, "There are many people who see wealth along the way. In addition to bandits, there are many bandits waiting for opportunities in the foot of the car and boat shop." Then he said Speaking of crossing a river once on his dart journey, the boatman saw that they were escorting a lot of cargo, so he suddenly started to rob the dart with malicious intent, and the escort agency managed to escape with the protection of the dart.

Much of the knowledge and tricks that Zhou Shizhai explained were accumulated by the Escort Bureau during the long-term darts, and they are of great practical value to the dispatched intelligence personnel.Not only did the intelligence bureau invite him to give lectures, but the police headquarters also specially collected and compiled the contents of his lectures as reference materials.

Liu Gang, who has been selling illicit salt for the Ministry of Colonial and Trade for a long time, is also invited. He made a fortune in trafficking illicit salt for the Transit Group.This time I was quietly invited to teach about commerce and illegal trade in Ming Dynasty society, especially how to do business in Ming Dynasty society as a small and medium businessman.

As for He Xin, who was rescued by Lin Baiguang, he was specially recalled from Qiongshan to give a series of lectures on brothels in the Ming Dynasty, which also included many ways and means of entertainment in the Ming Dynasty.They learned the rules, jargon, scams, consumption standards and taboos of the high-end houses,

When He Xin heard that he was going back to Lingao, he was frightened out of his wits, thinking that he was about to fall into the hands of that demon Fu Youdi again.I didn't expect that after I came back, I would teach a group of strange people how to visit the courtyard, eat flower wine, shake the stall...

Aboriginals of various occupations under the control of the crossing group, as long as their knowledge and experience are considered useful, they will be "invited" to a sedan chair at night and quietly carried into the training center. Face-to-face conversations with several chiefs across the mantle, and told them everything they wanted to know.No one knows what is behind the curtain, but smart people probably guessed that there is also the head of Australia sitting behind it, because when someone's local accent is too strong, there will be a head who will use his words in Australia. Say it again.

In order to enhance the sense of substitution of expatriates, Yu Eshui conducted life-scene drills in which indigenous personnel played different roles.He assigns one life scenario at a time, and assigns an expatriate to fill one of the roles.The other one or several are played by the natives.When sending expatriates to shop, the natives are the bosses and clerks; to buy maids, the natives are the natives;

The aboriginals used in each performance try to use aboriginals who have such professional experience.In order to be as accurate as possible.In order to inspire the courage of the aborigines to make things difficult for expatriates, Yu Eshui has to score points for each performance, and the aborigines who perform best in embarrassing expatriates can get extra rewards.

After each performance, everyone has to gather together for playback analysis.Yu Eshui specifically asked expatriates to remember the jargon and phrases used by various characters, and to understand the other party's thinking patterns and handling methods.

"Don't hold a feeling of 'I am a superman'. You can't suffer at any time." Yu Eshui beat them mercilessly in class, "You are small citizens in the 21st century, and you will not become big men in the 17th century. Without the whole group, you are nothing. Unless it is necessary and approved by the General Administration - otherwise, don't rush to show that you are different, knowledgeable, and outstanding anywhere; don't go around talking about 'democracy' or 'one country, one political party' A leader' or something like that. We are not sent to Ming Dynasty to be scientists, politicians, or others. Your mission is to be 'like a common people of Ming Dynasty'."

In order to ensure their "likeness", it is necessary to enhance the sense of substitution. Every other period, expatriates have to go out for an internship as a member of the Ming Dynasty.The content of the internship ranges from simple shopping, hiring servants, to trying to do a small business by yourself... Everyone has to make others not recognize their identity.

Personnel from the Action Department of the Political Security Bureau will track and monitor the expatriates to see if they are discovered by the natives.Li Yan believed that the aborigines in Lingao were the ones who got along most with the time-traversing people, and if they could be fooled, going to the mainland would not be a problem.

Later, such actions were developed into a confrontational exercise.The two sides limited the place and the number of people, and then the students from the Intelligence Bureau and the Political Security Bureau identified each other and arrested them.

After generally thinking that there will be no problems with them and pretending to be very similar, the dispatched veterans will go on several long-distance land trips alone or in groups under the secret escort of the special investigation team.The destination of travel is generally Qiongshan County.Like all aborigines, the expatriate elders set off on foot or in sedan chairs with simple luggage and a small amount of money.This kind of travel will give them a personal experience of the environment they will live in in the future - Lingao has been transformed into "modernization", which is very different from the real time and space of the 17th century.

In Qiongshan County, they can move around under the covert protection of Qiongzhou Station for a few days to half a month to experience the social conditions under the Ming Dynasty.After this trip was considered qualified, the expatriate veterans had the opportunity to go to Guangzhou to see the scene of the big city in this time and space.

In addition to the camouflage course, the veterans also learned all the knowledge that intelligence work might need. They learned tracking and anti-tracking, learned fighting skills and the skills of using daggers; mastered simple surveying and mapping; learned to be accurate only by visual inspection Judging the number of people, the size of objects and the length of distance; learning to use radio, encryption and decryption - all this must be done by the elders themselves before there is no reliable native telegraph operator; radio is precious and limited, so most of the time it needs to be used For encrypted letters, the Intelligence Agency has developed a secret writing method: in fact, it is written with rice soup and developed with iodine.Daming didn't have iodine except for the time-traversing crowd, so there shouldn't be any problem with keeping it secret.

They also mastered a set of simple special code words: "center" is the headquarters of the intelligence agency; "swimming" is travel; "illness" is arrest; "dry and wet work" is assassination; "Liquor" refers to secret writing drugs; "pipa" is a radio station;

In the end, they were sent to the field exploration team and spent four weeks of field survival training under the guidance of Liu Zheng and others to ensure that they could be used in case they needed to escape.

At the same time as the intensive training of Department B of the Intelligence Training Center, the indigenous intelligence officers of Department A of the Intelligence Training Center are also undergoing intensive training. Their courses are more intensive than those of the veterans, and the content is mainly about intelligence business.This group of personnel will be sent as the entourage of the senators.The entourage was all men—it was inconvenient to take a woman on the road without settling down.

On this day, Li Yan gathered everyone together and announced a news:
"Clean up, everyone, and go to Fangcaodi now."

It was only after they arrived at Fangcaodi that they were asked to choose their own "life secretary".Li Yan announced: The selected life secretaries will receive additional intelligence training in Department A, and after everyone is stable in their workplaces, they will be gradually sent to their respective sides to serve as intelligence work.

"The leader is really sympathetic to us." Someone was grateful.

Some people didn't appreciate it very much: "Didn't you say that you can buy women casually? Why do you want to bring a life secretary?"

"Life secretary is safer than the women you buy outside?" Li Yan said, "And it can help you with intelligence work, killing two birds with one stone. What's so bad about it?"

With that said, everyone was relieved.At present, after reading the materials, everyone chooses the girl they want. Most of them spend the amount of the maid subsidy to buy a C-level maid. The lottery is over.Anyway, the maids won't arrive soon—according to the "center"'s plan, they won't be dispatched until they settle down in the local area for at least three months.

In Dongmen City, near the headquarter of the cooperative, there is a large building.This house is a rare traditional house in Dongmen City. It has a large front yard for parking vehicles and sedan chairs, and the two sides are warehouses for storing goods.

The main room is a cabinet room. The wooden counter is polished with raw lacquer tung oil. There are many kinds of goods inside. However, unlike the cooperative, all the goods sold here are from the mainland: cloth from Songjiang, cloth from Suzhou and Hangzhou. Silk, candied fruit, porcelain from Jiangxi, tea from Fujian, citrus... all kinds of goods from the north and the south.It would be unimaginable to have such a large shop with a full range of goods in Lingao, if the population had not doubled in the past few years, and everyone would have some spare money in their hands.

The second entrance is the main hall, which looks very grand, with square bricks on the floor, high-quality Guangdong rosewood tables, official hat chairs, large porcelain vases, and a large carved screen standing in the middle of the hall.Eight wind lamps with the words "Quanfu" hung under the eaves of the corridor-theoretically, this is beyond the limit.But the south has always been far away from the sky and the emperor, no one will pay attention to it, let alone taboo in Lingao.

With such a grand style, it looks like a traditional and well-off big-name business.Everyone knows that this shop is the property of Lingao's number one "Imperial Merchant", the Queen's comprador of the Australians, Mr. Lin Quan'an.

In such a luxurious shop sits the designated supplier of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Lin Quan'an, the director of the Dongmen City Chamber of Commerce.

This Lin Quanan was three years ago, and everyone who knew him, including himself, never dreamed that one day he would be called "Master", let alone accumulate such a fortune.

He sat in a cupboard at the back of the hall, surrounded by business papers and large ledgers.Mr. Lin is about 35 to 20 years old, but his skin is already dark and wrinkled, and he looks like a man in his early fifties.He is a man of bitter origin.Almost [-] years of my life were spent selling burdens along the village, living a day-to-day life of cooking and eating.

At this time, he was wearing a Nanjing Xiangyun gauze robe bought from Guangdong, and a pair of grass slippers made in Chenqiao, Kaifeng, and was concentrating on looking at the account book.Mr. Lin is a businessman who dared to be the first in the world. In his early years, he could neither read nor plan. Later, his business became big. Just like the first time he did business for the "Kun Thief", he joined the Australian Association without hesitation. In a literacy class run by people, I learned to read, abacus and keep accounts—this kind of accounts are Australian-style accounts, and even the numbers are Australian-style.It was pleasing to him—because then no one could see it.

A quill pen was inserted into the inkpot on the table. Lin Quanan did not know how to write with a brush. He learned this method of dipping in water from an Australian.

He was examining the pages of the large accounting book before him; each page was printed with horizontal and vertical lines, with liabilities on the right and assets on the left.On the first page of the account book, it is written in large characters: "Three years of Chongzhen, the year of Gengwu."

After Lin Quanan reviewed the last account and carefully corrected a mistake above, he leaned back on the chair wearily, feeling a little depressed.

The sales in the store are not bad, and the gross profit is about [-]%.But the amount of goods sold in this way is too small - he is used to selling goods in batches, and he is not used to doing business in such a piecemeal manner.

In the past two years, I am used to doing big business with smooth wind and water.Lin Quan'an recalled that three years ago, he was just a small businessman who walked around the streets with a burden, and his capital was only four or five hangs.Relying on buying vegetables, pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks for the "kun thief" - an Australian master who traveled from village to village, he made a fortune within a year and opened this Quanfu shop.Then, under Master Xiong's instructions, he gradually expanded his footprint to the entire Qiongzhou Prefecture, buying various goods for the Australian masters.Making money is hard work—the house and shop have been renovated twice in three years: even the glass windows, porcelain toilets, porcelain bath barrels, and tap water used by Australian gentlemen are used, not to mention small items such as hot water bottles and crystal mirrors up.Not only can he afford a wife, but he has already taken a second concubine.

All this from the Australians who came on iron ships.Australians are their lucky stars and gods of wealth.

Recently, he felt that the light of this lucky star was a little dim.The ledger shows that his biggest client, the Australian, has had less and less contact with him in the past six months.He only made a few big deals in timber, and he sold a lot of goods from the north and the south, but the quantity was not large.

Now the Australians supply all the vegetables, pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks by themselves. The vegetables they grow are not enough to eat, and they are used to make pickles and pickles for sale; I ate meat once.The ships under the Australians kept bringing in what they needed from all over the world, and naturally there were fewer and fewer deals left for them.

(End of this chapter)

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