Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 598 Lin Quanan's New Deal

Chapter 598 Lin Quanan's New Deal

If this continues, he can only be satisfied with being a merchant in Dongmen City, selling goods from the north and the south on the mainland.Of course, such a doughty rich man's life is not bad.However, for an ambitious person like Lin Quanan, how can he be willing to enjoy such a small situation?
Doing business also requires innovation and change!
Just thinking about it, someone walked into the locker room.Lin Quanan opened his eyes, and recognized Lin Li, his neighbor and tenant. Lin Li was a "Full man" like him, and the two were from the same village, and they were a little close to each other. Back then, they arrived on the same boat. High to earn a living.The tens of acres of garden land and paddy fields that Lin Quanan bought in the countryside were cultivated by tenants for him.

Lin Li used to be a burdensome peddler just like him. After he succeeded in doing business with Australians, some adventurous peddlers followed his footsteps to buy vegetables, pigs and sheep for Australians.However, after making a little money, Linli bought more than [-] acres of rice fields, built a house, brought his wife and family to Lingao, and lived by farming.

Of course, it is hard for a family to live on more than ten acres of land. After Lin Quan'an got rich, he bought a garden for himself and even rented it out to him.

Lin Li made a salute.He held a basket in his hand, and inside the basket were eggs carefully wrapped with straw ropes.Two chickens, with their feet bound, struggled beside his feet.

"Old Lin, is that you?" He said pleasantly, Lin Li was his old partner, although he stopped doing business and changed to farming later, he was finally a friend of the poor. "How have you been? It's been a great spring, hasn't it?"

"Okay, okay, thanks to you, master." Lin Li looked at the "Master" in front of him with half envy and half remorse—this master was still the same as him three years ago, wearing a local homemade clothes with shoulders With thick patches on the top and a broken straw hat that no one else wanted, he carried a burden and walked dozens of miles to sell goods and buy local products in villages one by one.In less than three years, the identities of the two parties have become quite different.

If I hadn't bought land and built a house back then, and continued to shoulder the burden of doing business with him, I am afraid that the family business would not be so small.At last, this old friend from the past still has a bit of sympathy, not only renting out the garden to him to plant, but also asking him to provide daily firewood, vegetables, chickens, ducks and rice for almost no other rent.The day can finally make do with it.

Thinking of this, he sighed silently——I was confused at the time, always thinking that the Australian would stay here for a while, and it would be serious to earn some money to buy land and build a house safely, but I didn't expect that the situation of the Australian would become bigger
Lin Quan'an knew what he was thinking, he coughed, thanked him, and started talking about serious matters.

"Are all the workers ready? Can our work be finished in three nights?"

"Everything is ready. There are enough workers—myself, my wife, and my eldest son, who is fourteen this year, can also do odd jobs." He blinked, "Master, Do you really want to do this?"

"Of course." Lin Quanan said politely and kindly, "I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. The situation in Lingao is still unclear."

He reminded again: "Just do it at night, don't do it during the day."

"During the day, no one walks near my yard—it's so deserted!"

"It's better to be careful." Lin Quanan said.

Lin Quanan ordered Lin Li to prepare to do something, which was to dig a cellar in the yard of his house - of course he didn't hide gold and silver treasures in this cellar - Lin Li hadn't reached the point where he could be trusted. He hid dry grains, pickles, and bacon.Ten stones of rice, a jar of pickled vegetables, and a few pickled pork legs.Enough to last for months.

In addition to here in the forest, he also made such arrangements in advance in several other places.In order for him to have a hiding place when the whole county is in chaos in case the government army comes to conquer.

Lin Quanan felt that with the strength of the Australians, the officers and soldiers might not be able to win, but once the war reached a stalemate, the lives of the people would be very difficult. A rich man like him would definitely become the target of all walks of life.In case of chaos at Lingao, he took his family and hid in these places. With this little thing, he could survive for a few months and wait for the situation to clear up before reappearing.

As for the large sums of property, he has already found a suitable place for them, and they can be hidden without a trace if there is any trouble.

In the past few years, he has quietly purchased hundreds of acres of land in neighboring counties, and now all of them have been leased out.If I really can't get along in Lingao, I can escape to a neighboring county to work as a small grain household.

All in all, Lin Quanan played the idea of ​​"the cunning rabbit and the three caves".

Sent away the woods.Lin Quanan began to think about another matter.Last night, Chief Xiong suddenly came to Dongmen City Chamber of Commerce and asked to see him by name.

Along with Chief Xiong was another Chief Chief, whose surname was Jiang, and whose official title was said to be "Director".Lin Quan'an already has a little understanding of the Australian bureaucracy. He knows that the biggest is called the executive committee, and then the people's commissar or minister.The chief executive without a hat is a commoner—Australians have a nice saying, they are called elders—although they are neither old nor round.

Jiang Shan inquired about his business situation, asked him what difficulties he had and what he needed help with.Lin Quanan talked to him about his recent situation, and explained his current situation-he was supported by Australians, and he firmly believed that he was still useful to Australians.Otherwise, there is no need to come and say such things to him.

"Doing business in Hainan Island, how big a market can there be?" Director Jiang said, "Going to the mainland is the right way."

Director Jiang then put forward a very attractive idea: the Australians planned to support him to do business on the mainland and open a business.And give him various preferential treatments in terms of funds and goods.He will even seek official support for him.The premise is that he must completely obey the command of the Australian.

Lin Quanan was puzzled by this request.Of course it is good to do business to make money, but why do you have to come forward yourself?He doesn't have any influence on the mainland to rely on - if he had, he wouldn't have left his family alone to become a shooter in Lingao back then.

"We are not from the Ming Dynasty. We look and talk quite differently. If you come forward, we will save a lot of trouble." Jiang Shan explained.

This explanation is reasonable, but Lin Quanan has a vague feeling that things are not that simple.

The business that Jiang Shan proposed for him to go to the mainland to establish is North-South Merchandising——this is a big business in the commercial field of Ming Dynasty. The transportation of various native products.You have to deal a lot with pedestrians, boats, chariot and horse shops, and bodyguards.Only a businessman with great ability and big hands can't do it.

Naturally, the profits here are also high. North-south goods are "two-way benefits", and we pay attention not to go empty. South goods are shipped to the north, and north goods are sold to the south. One trip is double the profit.

Lin Quanan's business has expanded in the past few years, and his horizons have broadened a lot.I also learned a lot about various transactions.He estimated that if he wanted to operate the North-South goods business, he would need to invest at least 5 taels of silver.

Silver, of course he can afford it, but this is almost all his assets.In case of failure, it will be difficult to make a comeback.Lin Quanan knew that he was a "hero made by the times", but he just seized the opportunity and made good use of it.It's going to lose this time, and it's hard to say whether there will be such a good opportunity again.

Jiang Shan didn't ask him to reply at that time, but asked him to go back and "think about it".

"I'll come to visit tomorrow," Chief Jiang said with a smile, "Those who want to come to shopkeeper Lin will not miss such a good opportunity."

If I agree, this opportunity is really good. I originally wanted to go to the mainland, but I was afraid that there would be no influence behind me. Now that I have the support of Australians, I can reduce my worries in this regard.But how long can this Australian stay in Lingao?
For this matter, he tossed and turned in bed all night yesterday, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

Lin Quan'an is no longer the Lin Quan'an of the past. In the past, he was a bachelor who was not afraid of doing anything. Now that he has a family and a job, he has begun to look forward and backward.

"Do it!" He finally made up his mind.

If I hadn't gone all out and carried a load of vegetables to Bairen Beach to sell, and hadn't been a guide for Australians to go to Goujiazhuang, how could I have the family business I have today?Lin Li also did business with Australians back then—he accepted them as soon as they were good, and now he is reduced to a tenant, living on his own leftovers.

If I hadn't seized this opportunity, I would have lived a more comfortable life in the forest in the future!After inquiring about the idea, he asked someone to book a table at the cooperative restaurant, and waited for the Chief Jiang to come to discuss business.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan was not the only one who came in the afternoon, his old acquaintance Xiong Buyou, and a veteran who didn't know him—he introduced himself as Skaide came together.

They seemed to expect him to agree to the business venture.

"Three years ago, when we first arrived in Lingao, we were ogre monsters with red eyebrows and green beards. You dared to bring a load of vegetables to your door to sell. Don't you have the guts to do business on the mainland now?" Xiong Buyou laughed. speak.

Negotiations on cooperation with Australians went smoothly.The two parties agreed to jointly establish a new shop, named "Wanyou".The general name of this shop is not located in Lingao, and the specific location is to be determined.Use the convenience of the canal to traffic North-South goods.

The capital of "Wanyou" is set at 10 taels, calculated in silver.Lin Quan'an contributed 5 taels, accounting for 45% of the share capital, and Australians contributed 5 taels, accounting for 51%-the extra 6% was paid for various logistical and security support provided by the Travel Group.The other 4% are official shares.The profit is used for employee benefits and entertainment expenses.

The two parties agreed that all investment funds should be deposited into the company account opened at Delong Bank within one month.In the future, all money transactions will be carried out through Delong's bills.This approach is of course convenient and safe.But for the Time Traveling Group, it was equivalent to a one-time return of 5 taels of silver free of charge.As for the investment of the Time Traveling Group, it was nothing more than a settlement.

In terms of operation and management, Lin Quanan was in charge of the shop owner, and the elder was the big shopkeeper. The personnel and financial power were in the hands of the elder. Lin Quanan knew that he was mostly just offering as a bodhisattva in this business, and he might need to come out to socialize on his own.So not much to argue about that.Anyway, the ability of Australians to make money is only greater than themselves, not less than themselves.And the other party made a promise of "guaranteeing capital and dividends".That is, if the transaction loses the capital, he just does not enjoy the dividend, and the principal will be preserved; if there is a profit, the dividend will be distributed proportionally.The worst result is nothing more than losing several years of interest—speaking of which, there is no place in Lingao for him to lend money for interest.

The two parties initially signed a memorandum, and then agreed to formally sign the agreement three days later and notarize it for archiving—this business practice is now being promoted across Lingao.

"We don't understand the sale of goods from the north and the south, what advice does shopkeeper Lin have?" Skaide asked.As a member of the Ministry of Colonization and Trade, he was far more enthusiastic about this matter than the Intelligence Bureau.

"North and South goods are a very profitable business." Lin Quanan said, "But I don't know much about them, I just heard people talking about them."

Lin Quan'an's idea is that Wanyou can set up a general number in Yangzhou, and then set up a branch in Nanjing, Jingshi, Suzhou, and Hangzhou.

The general number is set up in Yangzhou to facilitate transportation.North-South goods earn the difference in regional prices.And the price difference is huge.Dried bamboo shoots in Fujian can be bought in a basket for only a few coins in the local area, and it costs only a few coins per catty to transport them to the capital.Dongting red oranges from Suzhou and tangerines from Fuzhou are so abundant that they can only be discarded during the production season. When they are transported to the north, they are delicacies in the South;

However, for the transportation of large quantities of goods from north to south, in the past, in addition to mule carts, they had to rely on canals.Specifically, it is the use of tank boats for transportation.Every year when the grain boats go up to transport grain, the Cao army is allowed to carry private goods with the ship. As for the downlink with no load, carrying goods is an important income for the Cao army.

Yangzhou is an important port where the north and the south meet on the canal.A general number is set up here, no matter whether the goods are transported from the north to the south or from the south to the north, you can contact the nearest water boat to distribute the transportation, and remittances and letters can also be delivered by the water boat, which is very convenient.

As for the locations of the four semicolons, they are all bustling commercial and distribution places. Not only is the transportation convenient, but the consumption level of the residents is also high.Second, you can set up a business here or send personnel to buy nearby local products.Taking Hangzhou as an example, in Hangzhou, not only can you purchase various local products in the Zhejiang and Zhejiang regions nearby, but you can go deep into the mountainous areas of southern Anhui through the Huihang Road to purchase various mountain products such as tea and dried bamboo shoots. Native products.

"Why not by sea?"

Lin Quanan was taken aback, Jiangnan was going to the capital by sea, which was something he had never thought about.After all, the flow of materials and personnel between these two places has always been through the canal.

"I don't know that either." Lin Quan'an shook his head, "I've only heard people say that shipping by sea is difficult, and if you encounter storms and waves, you will lose your fortune in an instant. Everyone would rather use a tank boat, even if a few of them sink on the road, they will not completely annihilated."

"The boat is very slow."

"Yes! The tank boat is not only slow, but also has great disadvantages during the period." Lin Quanan said.He had heard of many tricks on the canal.All kinds of extortion, theft, and bad practices began from the beginning of the shipment. I don’t know how many people "rely on water to draw water" along the way.

"However, when the merchants transport the goods, they will leave it to Cao Jun, and they will negotiate all the dealings during the period, and it will only cost a little more freight."

"Isn't there money here?" Skaide thought, if the freight from Jiangnan to the capital can be changed to sea freight, and a part of the freight transportation business in the canal can be taken away, not only can the crossing group make a lot of money, but it can also exercise With a fleet across the north and south, the army will have ready-made ships and sailors available for maneuvering at sea in the future, and the routes along the way can also be developed early.

In this way, the location of the headquarter would be better in Shanghai.

Shanghai is the junction of China's north-south shipping. It is very convenient for ships to go to sea, whether they go north to Tianjin and Liaodong, or go south to Guangdong and Fujian, or even penetrate to the inland provinces.

Going up along the Yangtze River from Shanghai, you can easily reach the Huguang area, the main grain-producing area in China. If you occupy this golden waterway in China, you can use the Yangtze River as a transportation hub to penetrate to both sides of the river.Continuously absorb the rich local products and human resources, and sell a large number of commodities.


If the Crossing Group wants to conduct trade with Japan, it is more convenient to start from Shanghai than from the Jinxia area occupied by Zheng Zhilong.

The commodities that Zheng Zhilong shipped to Japan were mainly raw silk and silk products, followed by cloth, daily necessities and medicinal materials. These products were produced in large quantities in the Jiangnan area, and they were purchased and shipped nearby.In terms of freight, it is cheaper than Zheng Zhilong Group, which lives in a corner of Fujian...

In fact, Scalde is still working on the idea of ​​shipping grain for Daming. Every year, millions of stones of grain are shipped from Jiangnan.

However, this idea is too far-reaching, and I am afraid it will not be possible for a while.

The two parties have discussed and decided, and each party will make preparations on its own.Lin Quan'an immediately made a request that if he wanted to go out to work in the general office, he would need to bring a wife and concubine and their children, and other family members could stay in Lingao.

Of course Jiangshan agrees—this is a reasonable request.In fact, Lin Quan'an had another calculation: to take this opportunity to transfer part of his family's population and property out—it was a tricky idea.

"It's a pity that your son is too young, otherwise he could be your helper." Jiang Shan didn't know what he had in mind.

"In the future, the chiefs will need to support us a lot." Lin Quanan said very politely.

The Wanyou opened by Lin Quanan is called Shanlu in Lingao's intelligence bureau system.The code name is "Jinzihao".According to the discussions between the Foreign Intelligence Agency and the Ministry of Colonial Trade, from the dual considerations of trade and intelligence, it was decided that the future mainland intelligence-trade system should refer to the organization of the Zheng Group in the past.

Except for a period of time after being appeased in the late Ming Dynasty, the Zheng Group's actions at sea were suppressed by the Ming court in the early stage and blocked by the Qing Dynasty in the later stage.

(End of this chapter)

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