Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 685 On Trial

Chapter 685 On Trial
According to Weiss, living in the bell tower is to "listen to the atonement of God's bell" every day.However, when Father Jin Lige came to visit his entourage full of admiration, he found that the situation of this ascetic monk who had become a monk was not very good.

"My child!" Father Trigg grasped Weiss Lando's trembling hand in panic. This hand that used to be like an iron clamp now looks so weak and soaked in cold sweat, "Why do you Lah, are you sick?"

Weiss shook his head, beads of sweat dripping down his gray face: "It's just an old illness, some old wounds hurt badly. Father, you know that I have fought against heretics and been wounded."

He was sitting on a straw mat in the bell tower, leaning against a pile of sundries, speaking in a low and urgent voice, babbling a few words indistinctly, obviously enduring great pain: "All this It is God's will."

Weiss closed his eyes, kissed the cross handed over by the priest, leaned back on the straw mat again, and gasped for breath.Jin Lige felt very embarrassed. Father Lu Ruohua was well-known in Macau for his proficient medical skills, but he had already gone to the countryside to spread the gospel.He decided to go to the convent and ask the two Australian priests to help him.

What Father Jin Lige didn't know was that when his footsteps just disappeared from the stairs, all Weiss' symptoms disappeared.He quickly jumped up from the straw mat and leaned against the shutters of the bell tower. The stalkers at the church door did not follow Jin Lige away.It's time to leave this clock tower. Weiss felt that he had seen enough of what he wanted to see in this highest place in Dongmen City. He even saw a drill of the Marine Corps.

The next day, Father Jin Lige learned from Dean Wu of Lingao Seminary that his entourage had been properly arranged and sent to Bairencheng General Hospital.When the priest went to visit him in the hospital, Weiss lived alone in a ward. Although he looked weak, his spirit was much better.Father Trigg felt uncomfortable after staying in the ward for a while. Although the walls of the ward were white, clean and bright, there was an unpleasant smell of potions, and there were iron bars on the window sill, which aroused the priest's aura. Unpleasant memories of the quarantine camp.

Accompanying Dean Wu relayed the Australian doctor's diagnosis: Mr. Weiss Lando's condition is very serious, and the root cause of the disease is accumulated over the years. If he is to be completely cured, he needs to recuperate in Lingao for half a year or even longer.

Lando himself is not a member of the priesthood, and when the President appointed him as an attache, he did not explain what purpose he was going to use for this ****.From this point of view, it doesn't matter to Father Jin Lige's missionary career how long Talando is willing to stay in the Lingao hospital.The priest suddenly had a feeling: the reason why Lando suddenly changed like a different person was probably because he was about to be called by God.

"My child, are you sure you don't need to do holy oil ceremony for you?" He asked Lando who was lying on the hospital bed with concern.

Lando gasped and said, "No, thank you, Father. I think I still have a chance to serve God..."

He lay silently on the bed, the ward was very quiet.Lando didn't think about anything—he had already shown his cards and it was up to the Chinese to deal with it.

He still has the final trump card, but it depends on whether the Chinese are rare on this trump card.After all, they hold a handful of good cards.

My goods are still in demand.he thinks.He noticed that most of the aborigines used a musket with a cap, and the pistols used by the guards also showed a taste of the native method of mounting a horse.Not to mention the muzzle-loading cannons that Lando saw soldiers practicing.

The Chinese in Lingao lack modern weapons.Just as they only have that one cargo ship in the port, and the others are all sailboats.It can be seen from this that they cannot continuously obtain reinforcements from another time and space, and can only rely entirely on themselves to create everything.

Regardless of what they can produce, the Chinese in Lingao do not appear to have surpassed the industrial standard of the 20th century.Although Lando knew nothing about science and technology, he at least knew that breech-loading guns and metal fixed ammunition could be manufactured in the 20th century.In this way, his automatic rifle and machine gun would be very attractive to them.

When Weiss Lando secretly left the ward under the protection of four armed men, he knew that the most critical moment had arrived.Those he will meet will be the masters of their own destiny.He didn't care about this, fate had already created too many surprises for him.The worst outcome is to get a 9mm warhead on the forehead tonight, which is much better than being crucified on a cross by fanatics.

There was a clear difference between the armed agents who escorted him and the security personnel who "escorted" the bishop and his party out of the quarantine camp. Although the leader had an oriental face, he was about the same height as Weiss.The rest of them also looked sturdy and burly, and they were elite soldiers at a glance.Probably because they were not performing surveillance tasks, their holsters were hung directly on their belts, revealing square-headed GLOCK pistols—this is definitely not a product of a workshop in Pakistan or elsewhere.Lando suddenly realized that his level had been greatly improved.

Walking along a hidden corridor to the back door of the hospital, it was already late at night, although the street lights were bright, but there was no one in sight, only two jeeps parked there quietly.Weiss was held hostage by the agents and got into the previous car.Out of the corner of his eye, he saw four soldiers in steel helmets and automatic weapons in the second car, with a light machine gun on the roof.With just a quick glance, Weiss recognized it as a modified Serbian M77B1 automatic rifle.

Weiss sat in the back seat of the car, sandwiched between two armed agents.Along the way, he resisted the urge to turn his head and look back.It was the first time in three years that he had enjoyed a ride in a car, and if it didn't go well, it might be the last.

Weiss knew that it was risky to take the initiative to show favor to the Chinese in Lingao, and the discovery just now was like detonating a bomb in his heart.Neither the Chinese nor the French government can equip their troops with such rare rifles.If the Chinese found the boat, once they felt that he was useless but dangerous, they might send themselves to see God in the simplest way.But he has no other way to go, and he has not completely lost the game before the king falls.

The jeep stopped with a bang, which surprised Weiss who was immersed in thinking.The car had already left the bustling urban area near the brightly lit Dongmen City, and turned to a small road beside the road.There is a crossbar at the intersection of the path.Watchtowers, barbed wire, and sentries are all available.The jeep passed without checking the documents.Until they came to a row of dark courtyards.The driver* rolls down the window and speaks to the sentinel.After checking the documents, the jeep drove through the gate and stopped in front of a row of houses.Just as Weiss stepped out of the car door, a bright light pierced his eyes, making him almost unable to open his eyes.The second Jeep, which had been following closely behind, now turned its headlights on, facing them.Undoubtedly, not only two headlights were aimed at him, but also a light machine gun mounted on the roof.

Weiss didn't see anything clearly, and several hands pushed him into a house.He stumbled through a corridor until he was wheeled into a room at the end.Several arms pushed him into a chair in the room.The door slammed shut behind him.

It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the change in light.He gradually saw clearly that this was a bare room painted with white ash, without any electrical equipment except for the incandescent lamp on the ceiling.Iron bars were welded to the tall windows.And the wide cast iron chair he was sitting on was fixed directly on the concrete floor.This is a kind of chair specially used for interrogation. There are special links for buckling the chain on the armrest and the chair legs.A rectangular table was placed nearly two meters away in front of it, and behind it were two closed doors.

Just as he was looking carefully at the poor furnishings in the interrogation room, trying to find some valuable information from them.The door in front of him suddenly opened, and several people entered in a file.They were not in uniform, but in civilian clothes.Weiss was a little surprised that, among the obvious Chinese, there was a tall Caucasian woman who looked about 30 years old, capable and beautiful—a typical modern Western woman.She was wearing a "Mao style clothing" made of gray cloth, which is worn by both Chinese and aborigines here.There was a look of "I finally got you" on the cold face, which reminded Weiss of the federal law enforcement officials he had dealt with.

"Mr. Weiss Lando, you are finally here."

Lando threw up his hands in surrender: "It's God's will." He decided to be as candid as possible.

Selina looked at the man in the striped hospital gown sitting on the torture chair with interest.The other gave her the cheerful, childlike smile that must have captivated many girls before - but the brown eyes remained cold and watchful.

"You bastard is finally in my hands," she thought.When the State Administration of Political Security asked her to assist in analyzing several photos of suspicious immigrants, Selina recognized him at a glance.Wes Lando is a guy with a record.When she was working at the ATF, she came into contact with a dossier of a weapons smuggling case. A large number of automatic rifles, ammunition, and even Claymore mines and Sam 7 anti-aircraft missiles were found hidden in the container of a cargo ship transporting fodder.Although the boat was detained in US waters, some DSA58 rifles found their way into Europe and into the hands of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

(End of this chapter)

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