Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 686 The Last Ace

Chapter 686 The Last Ace
Falsified weapons import certificates and end-user statements, and formed a shell shipping company to rent freighters to transport arms. In the end, everything pointed to Weiss Lando, a former army corporal who had served in South Korea.

In the dossier of the ATF, Lando is not considered a big fish, he can only be regarded as countless trash fish in this industry trying to get a vote from it.It's not the ATF's turn to deal with him specifically.Moreover, Lando was not in the country at the time, nor was he in a country where American law enforcement agencies could act at will—he was working as his eight-hour soldier on the land of the former Yugoslavia—he came to get off work on time and left work on time, and overtime was paid for overtime.Although his main client was the Kosovo Liberation Army, he couldn't get along with the fanatical Arab volunteers, so he went back to serving the Serbs.

He served the Serbs so well that Serbian arms companies opened the door for him.The arsenal of the former Yugoslavia became his gold mine.

Although he was never apprehended by judicial authorities in the United States and its allies, Selina firmly remembers the smiling face in the file photo.

"Mr. Weiss Lando." Considering that this was a secret interrogation, Xu Tianqi was not transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to participate as usual.The interpreter is Chen Sigen, who belongs to the Special Investigation Command and has been a trainee for the Political Security Bureau.

"We know all about what you've been doing in Bosnia and West Africa for the past ten years. Now tell me, what do you want to do when you come to Lingao disguised as a Jesuit?
Weiss put his hand from the armrest to his lap, although it was a sweltering summer night, he felt a little chilly.Finally, the Chinese showed mercy and did not handcuff him hand and foot to the torture chair.This was partly because there were two burly, heavily armed agents standing behind him, and partly because he really didn't have any weapons.The sword and wheeled pistol that he brought with him to Lingao, in line with his status as a European soldier in the seventeenth century, have been confiscated by the customs.As for the scorpion submachine gun and pistol, as well as the few remaining ammunition, Weiss packed them properly before departure and buried them under a stone cave in Phoenix Mountain.The Portuguese poet Camíz once recited the immortal "Song of the Luzitanians" in that cave.Now he felt that it was right to do so. In Lingao, a submachine gun could not save his life, but with the protection of the heroic spirit of the great Jamis, maybe he could lift the skirt of Lady Luck a little more.

"Before answering these questions," Weiss' voice was low, but slow and clear.After coming to Asia in the seventeenth century, he has not spoken English for almost three years. Now he feels like he is in a reading class in school, reading passages in front of the teacher with extreme awkwardness, ready to correct his pronunciation at any time: "Am I lucky enough to know who you are sitting across from me talking to?"

"You can think that we are talking to you on behalf of the federal government." Selina replied.A standard New York accent, but her tone was as cold and blunt as her expression.

Weiss leaned his head back on the chair, showing a strange smile: "Federal government? Maybe I should really believe your nonsense, great citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia. You should go back quickly, the Dutch in Java will visit you soon The motherland of Australia. What should I call you? Ms. Cook? I forgot that this is the seventeenth century, so I'd better call you Ms. Tasman."

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and the faster he spoke, many Italian and Portuguese words were added to the eloquent English.Chen Sigen's translation couldn't keep up with his rhythm.

"Ma'am, if you represent the U.S. government, there should be an aircraft carrier in this harbor—at least an amphibious landing ship, instead of sailboats except for a Polish freighter that should have been sent to the shipbreaking yard long ago. This island Every town in the world should fly the flag of the United States, and there should be sixty, no, at least a hundred stars on it."

Weiss took a breath and continued: "Chinese, you are the same. If you have the support of Beijing, you have already ruled the world with tanks. You will never just hide in a small county and let your army spend ten The muzzle-loading gun of the ninth century was used to defend against the attack of the government army in the seventeenth century. So you and I are the same thing. We both went to this damn world to do it alone. The difference is that you have more people, and I only have one naked .I guess I'm not mistaken?"

Selina was unmoved and looked at him coldly.The Chinese were also not about to answer his question.

"You are not alone, we know you have accomplices." A kind-faced Chinese sitting behind the table spoke.He was wearing a gray military uniform with blue collar patches.But without any rank insignia, nor belts and pistols.A round head protruded directly above the empty lapel.At first glance, it looks like a big man.

"Of course, I do have a few mates. But they're probably shark shit by now. Do you care about them?"

"Mr. Lando, please calm down. Your views on the Chinese and the Chinese government are too superficial. Why don't you talk about yourself? Have you had a good three years?"

You old slick.Weiss thought, I need to explain from the beginning.It is impossible not to confess.He closed his eyes and began with the strange storm that the Mackerel encountered in the South China Sea.He continued talking in one breath, during which only a Chinese brought a glass of water for him to drink a few sips.Until the end, it was said that he was hired by Lisya and came to Lingao through the relationship of the Jesuits, but the part about attacking Lingao with Captain Aragones was omitted.The Chinese sitting behind the long table have been busy taking notes, but as soon as the name Li Siya appeared, it triggered a whispering discussion.

"You said you were employed by Li Siya, do you know her?" It was Jiang Shan who asked the question.

"This woman is very famous in Macau. She found me through the Jesuits, hired me for [-] Spanish pesos to inquire about your military intelligence, and then resold the information to the Dutch East India Company for ten times the price. Weiss shrugged his shoulders: "She really thought I didn't know anything."

"What exactly does Li Siya do? Is it Liu Xiang, Zheng Zhilong, or the Spaniard's subordinates?" Someone was very concerned about this question.

"No, she is a broker, and she will do it herself when the money is high. Two years ago, she got the Spaniards and the Chinese pirate Liu to join forces to attack you, and the result was heavy losses. So no matter whether the Dutch offer a high price or not, She has always had a strong interest in you."

"Do you recognize Li Huamei?"

"do not know."

"She's the captain of the Hangzhou. The ship stops in Macau from time to time."

"Oh, you're talking about the female captain who often plays pirates."

"She is indeed a captain."

"I know this person, but I don't know her. She doesn't appear in Macau very often."

"What's the relationship between her and Li Siya?"

"I don't know." Lando shook his head, "Li Siya is a woman who pays attention to keeping her mystery. She even rarely shows up on the streets of Macau."

"Tell me about your friends on the ship." The fat man in the blue-gray military uniform interrupted the conversation about Li Siya: "How many of them are there and where are they?"

"I think I've just said it," Weiss said impatiently, fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, and the need to pretend that nothing happened were all torturing his nerves.

"Two Filipino crew, disappeared after the storm, I presume they were both swept off the deck and into the bottom of the sea. And first mate Paul, that hapless German, busted his head on the bridge to see God .And finally my friend who boarded the boat with me—”

"Who is this guy?"

"A Japanese guy who calls himself Hale—maybe an American. Who knows! Anyway, he speaks English and has a Japanese face. He was Paul's impromptu help, and he must have been in the industry A person who buys and sells."

"Who is this?"

Someone handed him a photo.This is a photo of the naked body of a man with cross-shaped stitches on his chest.

"This is Paul," Lando muttered. "Poor German."

"You mean the man who got into the boat together, is he still alive, and where is he now?"

Weiss muttered: "No, don't ask me where he is now. Since our lifeboat was overturned by the waves and the local aborigines fished me up, I haven't seen him again. If you want to inquire about his whereabouts , or ask the respected Poseidon."

"You don't seem to care much about your friends."

"I believe you care about him more than I do." Weiss grinned, and the conversation was more interesting than before: "I care more about myself, so I came to the door. I think the news I brought and my The boat should cost more than six hundred silver pesos."

It can be worth six rounds of Type 30 revolver bullets.Wu Mu thought so.He felt that it seemed a more appropriate way to execute this dangerous element directly.But he still said in a softer tone: "Mr. Weiss, those few pistols you carried between your clothes and cigarettes are obviously not as sensational as gas bombs that can make headlines in newspapers. As for that, they are pitifully few." There are not enough bullets for us to hit the target for an hour. I am afraid that these few rifles and machine guns may not be enough to supply a small guerrilla army. But any government can confiscate your ship and goods based on this. Therefore your Boats are a thing of the past."

The people present looked at him with malicious eyes.Lando knew that it was time to play his trump card.Otherwise, the trump card will soon become worthless.

But once he typed it out, he could only completely obey fate or the final arrangement of this group of Chinese.

(End of this chapter)

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