Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 741 Zhang Jiji and Lin Xianming

Chapter 741 Zhang Jiji and Lin Xianming

Closest to the two of them, a three-masted wooden-hulled battleship was being installed in the dock.Workers toil on scaffolding.The hull plates bent into a certain arc by steam fumigation are hoisted in bundles by a steam crane and sent to each installation station.

This battleship assembled with steel ribs and steam engines manufactured by another time-space advanced technology will become the most powerful war machine in this time-space.

On the largest berth, the wrought iron keel of another smaller armed three-masted ship has been laid, and many cranes are moving the iron ribs closer to the assembly position on the keel driven by the gas engine.The workers wore hard hats and were busy back and forth under the command of the foreman's red and green flags, with the sound of horns and whistles one after another.

Zhang Jiji is on the dock of Project 854, watching the progress of the ship board installation project.He was wearing blue denim overalls and a rattan hard hat.In the entire Bopu Shipyard, his status is the highest among the indigenous employees, and his title is Shipbuilding Technician-this title is unique not only in the shipyard, but also among all the indigenous workers. Lin Xianming and Lu Youtian who migrated here are just assistant technicians.Of course, even an assistant technician is amazing. You must know that in the mechanical system, the indigenous workers who can be rated as "mechanics" can already walk sideways.

Although Zhang Jiji is not highly educated, he has a strong understanding, especially the ability of traditional Chinese craftsmen to never forget. Wen Desi only needs to show him the details of the ship model.He will firmly remember many of the details.He can't understand the "why" of some design structures, but at least he can quickly "know it".For the veterans, this is enough-after all, what they need now is only workers with strong hands-on ability, not designers.

Zhang Jiji was originally a ship master. After receiving the guidance and education of Wen Desi and others in the past few years—especially after he learned some European ship styles and shipbuilding techniques, he has mastered the integration of Chinese and Western, and his shipbuilding technology has become more sophisticated.Become the foremost native technician at the shipyard. He was responsible for the final assembly of Project 854.

On the rails, the diesel locomotive pulled the flatbed truck and unloaded baskets of special nails and buckles for assembly.These are all manufactured in the metalworking workshop where Lu Youtian is the workshop director - the standard parts factory in Lingao's industrial system does not produce these special parts, and most of the metal parts required for shipbuilding are set up by the shipyard itself. manufacture.

On the scaffolding, the workers followed the training they had received to install the ship planks in the same way.hammer.The sound of the drill came and went, and sometimes the call of "Careful!" could be heard. With this sound, a red-hot rivet would roll and fly in the air, and was firmly held by the riveter above with iron pliers. Grab it, insert it into the rivet hole while it is hot, and be fastened by a sledgehammer to fix it.

Other workers are busy caulking with a mixture of hemp silk, tung oil and oyster shell ash.The process is rigorously calculated to ensure that production can be carried out with optimal efficiency.

Each shipbuilder is trained for 30 days. They do not need to master much theoretical knowledge, nor do they need to learn any special skills or have a very high understanding, as long as they can learn from the master.This kind of worker does not need to know how to build a ship, as long as he knows how to drive nails, drive rivets, ship boards and caulk.This approach greatly simplifies the training process for shipbuilders.

A siren sounded—this was the siren preparing for the handover.The night shift workers are marching into the workshop.It's also time for Zhang Machine to get off work.But he doesn't plan to leave work-the work in the shipyard is unprecedentedly tense, and there are now 6 ships on the slipway that are under construction at the same time.However, there are very few technicians and technicians who can serve as technical guidance.

Zhang Jiji doesn't have the consciousness that workers are masters, but he has the simplest feeling of repaying kindness.This is not just about material benefits - when he was in Baitu Village, the Lin family also treated him as a shipmaster like a guest, but the respect and understanding he gained here is something that he can't get anywhere .Zhang Jiji is very clear: when it comes to knowledge and skills, the veterans are hundreds of times better than him, but each of them is very polite to him, asking him to sit down when talking, and some veterans even give him cigarettes-this It is different from the polite attitude of the Lin family back then. Zhang Jiji is very clear: in the past, he relied entirely on skills in Baitu Village. Once he was old and weak or lost his technical secrets, he was useless to the Lin family. Courtesy and creature comforts would disappear.

And here, he doesn't worry about all that.Australians not only do not care about his skills, but also continue to teach him new skills.And as long as he works hard, he can get good remuneration. Even if one day he is too old to work, the Australians will not abandon him-the Australians treat their subordinates surprisingly well.There have been several casualties in the shipyard, and the pensions are all preferential.Generally, those who are willing to reward a few taels of silver for burning and burying are regarded as good-hearted masters, but Australians not only burn and bury silver, but also take care of the families of dead and injured workers. Children go to school, old people are supported, and those who are willing to work give jobs.Even for those who are disabled due to work-related injuries, some work should be arranged as appropriate to prevent them from being displaced.

This kind of thing that Australians call "welfare" makes Zhang Jiji full of trust in them.I am willing to use my whole body's strength and ability to do things for them.

Zhang Jiji came out of the duty room next to No. [-] Dock—the No. [-] ship was under construction at that time, so it got this name—he decided to go eat something first, and then look at the other berths and the ships in the dock. Shipbuilding progress, is there any problem to be solved?

A shipyard mess hall is a shed by modern standards, but for 17th century workers shelter from the wind and rain would have been nice.Rows of long wooden tables and windows selling food gave many elders a familiar feeling.However, in terms of the variety of meals, it cannot be compared with the canteens of the 21st century—there are only a few fixed types, and they are not rich and colorful. The protein is mainly provided by seafood, and eggs and meat are hard to see.

However, for the indigenous workers, a sufficient amount of brown rice to fill their stomachs is already a good meal, and a little fish sauce and vegetables are a good meal.Of course, the machines in the cafeteria are a little more sophisticated than theirs, and they are satisfied with a little vegetables and fish for each meal.

All the canteens of the indigenous employees under the Transit Group are not provided free of charge, but a certain amount of food tickets are distributed every month to subsidize the workers. The level can roughly ensure that they can have enough food, physical strength and basic nutritional needs.Workers who need to eat better can buy additional food tickets.All food tickets are valid for the current month. This is to ensure that workers can eat all the food in their stomachs instead of buying it back and bringing it to their families.In the past, the factory used to pay food expenses directly, but it turned out that most workers used circulation coupons to subsidize their families instead of eating.Malnutrition occurs from time to time.

Zhang Jiji belongs to the high-paying class among the indigenous employees—according to Du Wen's classification, he belongs to the "worker aristocracy" in Lingao. Moreover, Zhang Jiji has no wife and children, and is single.Of course, they are much richer than ordinary workers in eating and drinking.

Zhang Jiji bought fried rice noodles with shellfish and seasonal vegetables. The fried rice noodles are made of rice noodles mixed with sweet potato flour. They are fried quickly on high heat and look oily. They are the favorite meals of workers who lack oil and water on weekdays. But the price Also the most expensive.Most workers are used to buying the cheaper Tommy Noodles, which are much cheaper.He bought another bottle of kombucha, which is sweet and sour, and it's just right to drink after dinner.

Kombucha is a beverage that indigenous workers rarely buy, and the cafeteria is mainly prepared for the veterans working in the factory.So every time Zhang Machine raised his neck to drink kombucha, it would attract a wave of envy from the workers - which also made him very proud.

Zhang Jiji returned to the table with a plate full of rice noodles - the rice noodles weighed 250 grams.It is not worth mentioning for workers who are engaged in heavy physical labor.There are also many workers who eat half a kilogram or even one kilogram per meal.

He saw Lin Xianming sitting in front of a table, eating a piece of brown rice, and the dish was just a vegetable.Can't help being very surprised.Lin Xianming is the chief carpenter of the shipyard, and his title is an assistant technician. He earns less than himself, and his children have grown up.

"Old Lin, how do you eat this?" Zhang Jiji put the plate opposite him and sat down.

"It's you." Lin Xianming was listless. As the chief foreman of carpentry, he has a lot of carpentry assembly tasks recently. Like Zhang Jiji, Lin Xianming hasn't been home for several days. "It's a big burden."

"Just kidding, your son and wife both have jobs and income, so you can earn enough money and spend it yourself. What's the burden?"

Lin Xianming sighed: "Who called my surname Lin?"

The clan activities of the Lin family have always been active, and many impoverished immigrants surnamed Lin joined the clan with the Lin family one after another in order to seek support from the clan.As a result, the financial burden on Lin Xianming, the patriarch, became very heavy.

Although, as the head of the clan, he was able to collect some money from the clansmen to help the poor new clansmen, but after the Lin family arrived at Bopu, his authority was not as good as before—he could no longer order to open the gate of the ancestral hall and turn the offenders away. Those who hindered him were caught and spanked, punished by kneeling, fined, or even executed directly.

Although the current Lin clan still has frequent clan activities, after experiencing two dismemberments before and after, the cohesion is not as good as before.After losing a large amount of income and being incorporated into Lingao's security system, the benefits that the clan used to bring to the clan in terms of economic benefits and security are gone.

The distant branches of the low-profile clan gradually began to deny their power to the main house clan—the resentment caused by the unfair distribution of benefits in the past by the Lin clan also gradually surfaced.In this way, if Lin Xianming wanted to maintain the entire Lin clan, he would have to pay a higher price than before.The ancestor worship ceremony is more solemn, and various activities in the clan are more frequent; and almost all the members of the Lin clan who have recently been united are in need of relief, but many clan members are unwilling to spend their money to relieve them.It is a waste of money to think that they have nothing to do with their own family at all.

In the past, the expenses in the clan could be allocated by each house, but now many clan members refuse to pay or underpay, and he fills up the shortfall by himself.On the one hand, the apportioned income is getting less and less, on the other hand, various expenses have not decreased at all but have increased.Lin Xianming's burden naturally became heavier.

These things, Zhang Jiji knows a little bit.In this regard, he somewhat feels like watching the fire from the other side.After all, Zhang Jiji had a grudge with Lin Xianming in the distribution of benefits in the past.But now he feels that he is more open-minded, and the two sides have generally enjoyed cooperation in Baitu in the past.

"How's the credit?" Zhang Jiji pretended to be concerned.In fact, he hated this so-called "nephew" the most.The arrogant and rude appearance of the young master made him feel unhappy all the time - although on the surface he has always expressed his love and tolerance for this "nephew".However, when evaluating the qualifications of the shipyard workers, he did not hesitate to give Lin Gonglao and Lin Gongxun a zero.At the beginning of the year, Lin Gonglao was relocated to Sanya, which made him secretly happy.

"It's very hard!" Lin Xianming felt sorry for his son, he couldn't help but sighed, and said in a lower voice, "I heard a message came back saying that many people died of malaria in Sanya. But the project is progressing very quickly."

"Don't worry. You are young and in good health."

"I have no choice but to think like this." Lin Xianming frowned, "Needless to say about the credit, he is an adult. It is the things in this clan that cause headaches. The cost is so high, and everyone is gnawing at it and refusing to pay. ——I only care about my own family.”

"Old Lin, what's the point of you saying that you still work hard to support the clan? This has become your own business. Is it worth it?"

"Well, sometimes I also feel that it's not worth it." Lin Xianming took a mouthful of boiled vegetables, chewing without appetite, "But our family fled from Fujian to Hainan, and finally grew up to the present, so we are not reconciled to being separated like this what."

"If you are not reconciled, others don't care." Zhang Jiji said, "Let's just talk about the Lianzong. People who are not at all compatible with your clan have the same surname as 'Lin'. ——Isn’t it back then in Baitu, everyone lived on wages, is it worthwhile? Do you owe them or do you want to get something from them?”

Lin Xianming also finds it boring, but he still upholds the traditional concept of "the more tribesmen the better".

"There are many people in the tribe, and they will not be bullied by others. There are many people and they are powerful." Lin Xianming said.

"Hehe." Zhang Jiji laughed, "Old Lin! Your brain is failing! There are many people and strength, that's in Baitu Village. Now that your family is in Bopu, you need to be strong. What are you going to do when you are strong? "

Lin Xianming was taken aback, and immediately understood the meaning of his words.He suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"The government is the government, and the clan is the clan. The two are irrelevant. No matter how big the clan is, it dares not pay the imperial grain and national tax... How can the chiefs not understand this?"

"To say that you are confused is to be confused." Zhang Jiji glanced around, "Think about it for yourself, if the chief is really like what you said, 'understand this reason', why did you draw more than a dozen households from your clan, and there is no credit for it. Did you get it to Sanya? You are still trying to pull people’s heads all day long! Brother, I’m not trying to scare you——if this continues..." He shook his head repeatedly as he spoke.

This sentence was like five thunderbolts, and Lin Xianming was stunned.After a long while, he stammered and said, "It's not possible. I...we...our Lin family, we don't have any disagreements!"

"Whether there is, it doesn't matter if you say it or not." Zhang Jiji grumbled while eating fried rice noodles.

Seeing Lin Xianming leave the cafeteria in a daze without even finishing his meal, Zhang Jiji felt a little proud——you Lin Xianming, you are so dizzy when you are the patriarch!Australians fear the most is the clan.You still want to make a big fuss about the Lin clan, I will remind you because of the old love, otherwise you will be ransacking the family and exterminating the family in the future!

While Zhang Jiji and Lin Xianming were having this conversation, Lu Youtian was eating with Jiang Ye and others at another table.According to the usual practice, each factory usually has 2 to 3 veterans with professional knowledge on the night shift at the factory, ready to guide the work and solve problems at any time.They usually live in a special "senator's office". In theory, they eat alone, but many people feel that it is troublesome to wait for the elders' canteen to deliver food, and they can't eat hot food, so they go directly to the staff canteen to eat.Invisibly narrowed the distance with the indigenous workers.

Lu Youtian was wearing black overalls and was covered in sweat—the metalworking workshop not only has a furnace but also forging, foundry and casting.The indoor temperature is above 40°C at any time.Lu Youtian ordered a large plate of fried rice with vegetables and prawns, and was devouring it while chatting with Jiang Ye and others about work.

"Mr. Wen said to wrap the bottom of the ship with copper skin. How to make the copper skin? Is it hammered? Like gold leaf?"

"It's not a problem to have a rolling mill to make the copper skin." Jiang Ye said, "How to wrap it up, I haven't figured it out yet."

Lu Youtian still couldn't figure it out: "The bottom of the boat is so big, how big should the copper skin be?"

At this time, Zhang Ji came over - with the elders present, he felt that he should come to say hello.The greetings were set, and several people continued to discuss the process of copper cladding on the bottom of the ship at the dinner table.

"I have seen Mr. Wen's ship model. The copper skin is nailed to the bottom of the ship in small pieces. The edges bite each other." Zhang Jiji said, "This should be fine."

Zhou Billy nodded: "So that's the case! But the area of ​​the bottom of the boat is not small. The consumption of copper skin must be indispensable."

"This is a matter of the Planning Institute. I think there are always some reserves of copper materials." Jiang Ye drank a bottle of frozen kvass, "Besides, our rolling mills should be stronger than the British, and the copper plates rolled out will be better. Thin."

(End of this chapter)

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