Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 742 Shipbuilding

Chapter 742 Shipbuilding
Just as he was talking, he suddenly saw a fat man in his thirties entering the cafeteria. He had a stalwart figure, knee-length shorts, a short-sleeved T-shirt, a black nylon belt on his stomach and a pistol holster, which was buckled on the back of his head. The straw hat on his hat proves that he is an out-and-out veteran.

The aboriginal employees who are eating are no strangers to the veterans who come and go in and out of the cafeteria-the shipyard can see some veterans haunting every day, guiding work at various construction sites and workshops.

He poked his head and looked around, and suddenly found Jiang Ye and others, his eyes lit up, and he waved his arms:
"Quick, come a few people, and receive the goods!"

Zhou Billy gritted his teeth, and came down to the special station of the shipyard surrounded by several apprentices—actually, it was a special unloading platform.A diesel locomotive on the track was emitting water vapor, and several workers climbed up and down to check the locomotive—these diesel locomotives have all been gasified now, and there were gas furnaces and Dedicated gas storage bag.

Of course, there are many problems with the high-yield gas generator and gas storage bag.Air leaks are the most common and serious problem.Fortunately, the front of this kind of car is completely exposed to the air, and a slight air leak will not kill people.

On the flatbed truck, a yellow horse lantern is hung-this indicates that the truck is loaded with oversized or special-sized goods.At this time, several huge masts are mounted on the flat car.

Large sailing ships have very high requirements on the supply of mast materials, that is, the masts are required to be straight and must have a certain circle diameter.Straight wood alone is best.In Europe, shipbuilding materials are mainly provided by Eastern Europe, especially the forests of Poland and Russia, while it is very difficult to find such suitable wood along the coast of South China-Chinese traditional sailboats rarely have such tall masts.Even the large materials seized from Baitu Village are not enough to make such a mast.

And there are very few such large materials in the wood obtained from Vietnam and Sanya.Although there is no shortage of good hard woods such as teak and nanmu, there are not many that can meet the needs of masts in terms of height and diameter.In the end, Wen Desi decided to abandon the use of the whole mast and adopt the British method of composite mast.

The so-called composite mast, as the name suggests, is that the mast is connected by multiple pieces of wood. Such a mast is not limited by the size of the wood itself. Basically, any size of sailboat mast can be manufactured. Of course, this kind of mast cannot be compared with natural masts in terms of overall strength. The entire straight mast is on par.

"After the British were cut off from the supply of mast timber, they also relied on composite masts for a long time." Wen Desi said, "Before we got more suitable timber, we used composite masts."

Even for the manufacture of composite masts, try to use large timber of the same kind of wood.Wu Kuangming told the staff of the Forestry Department to find all suitable timber from the inventory.And collect information from traders to inquire about large-scale timber species that can be obtained in large quantities in a long-term and stable manner.The final conclusion is fir.

Cedar is a soft wood, not ideal for boats, but by no means impossible.In fact, most of the merchant ships along the coast of South China in this time and space have been widely made of Chinese fir because of the lack of large timber for other hard woods.The British also used a large number of fir and pine to make masts and decks.The best oak is used for the hull, keels and ribs.

"Three fir masts, the size is..." He read the number on the delivery note, "Measure and prepare to receive."

These large materials have gone through a series of pre-treatments, and the next step is to send them to the special fumigation kiln in the shipyard for treatment.Hai Lin, who sent the wood, was an expert in wood treatment technology, and went to the shipyard here every three days. Billy Zhou was already very familiar with him.He handed him a cigarette.

"The fir tree is really big this time!" He casually greeted.

"It's not big enough." Hai Lin took the cigarette and pinched it to his ear consciously. It's a rule that smoking is not allowed on the platform.It’s okay to say that the steam locomotive is a very dangerous and explosive device.

"Of course, it would have been nice to have the whole timber. Rigging the mast is a complicated business now."

"The biggest and best ones were all given to the emperor." Hai Lin said, "Whether it's a palace or a tomb, the lesser ones are also cut into sections for coffins."

"It would be nice to have wood from Southeast Asia."

"It depends on when the wise and mighty governor will make such a great decision." Hailin said eccentrically, "Go, go and see the place where the mast is hooped. I would like to see what happens to these logs of different sizes. stitched together."

In the metalworking workshop with a long-span iron truss structure, steam filled the air, and calcium carbide lamps radiated dazzling light.The loud sound of the two steam forging hammers repeated one after another, the creaking sound of the crane, the sound of hoisting and lowering the horn, and the sound of the forging workers beating the forgings made the whole workshop look lively.

In the corner of the workshop is the work area of ​​the hoop mast.According to the CAD software, the joints of the joints have been combined according to the best strength, and they have been mounted on iron pulleys to engage each other and fix them firmly. In terms of mutual engagement technology, Wu Kuangming has engaged in some traditional mortise and tenon joints. Make sure the bite is tighter.According to the requirements in the technical data, the workers have nailed iron fasteners into the occlusal frame to ensure the connection strength of the occlusion.

When Hailin and the others came to the workshop, the workers were installing iron hoops for the composite mast under the command of Lu Youtian.Installing iron hoops can ensure the strength of the composite mast to the greatest extent.Even the entire straight mast must be fitted with hoops.

The parts to be added with iron hoops have been marked with ink pens, and there are different numbers on them-because the diameter of the mast is not exactly the same from top to bottom, each iron hoop is customized according to the size of the part. The diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the mast to ensure a tight hoop once put on.

One by one iron hoops are being heated in the heating furnace next to them.The heating furnace uses coal gas as fuel, which not only has a guaranteed calorific value, but also is clean to use.The iron hoop was heated to red hot in the furnace so that it could fit just right into the mast.

Lu Youtian stared at the industrial thermometer next to the heating furnace——since this thing came into existence, the mysterious craftsmanship of the original craftsmen was fart.In the past, he judged whether the proper temperature was reached by looking at the color of the fire and the workpiece, the temperature of the skin and listening to the slight sound from the furnace. It will also be difficult to understand and comprehend.Since Australians have widely promoted this thick and ugly so-called thermometer, this kind of secret that can only be understood but not spoken has become worthless.The Australians have compiled a special craft manual for each processing part and processing technology, and will send a craft list with the special processing parts.Workers only need to check the manual to know the temperature to be heated, and then look at the display of the thermometer to achieve the same level of heat as his master.

This kind of incident caused Lu Youtian to collapse for a while.However, he quickly adapted to this new technology-after all, it is more reliable to rely on personal senses without standards.It is not easy for him to have problems when processing and manufacturing workpieces.

"Take the number one piece!" Seeing that the temperature had risen to the specified value, he quickly yelled.His son, Lu Shouyong, a first-class technician in the metalworking workshop.Quickly used long-handled iron tongs to take out the red-hot iron hoop from the furnace, with the help of several other workers holding iron tongs, they slowly put the hot iron hoop on the mast, and the iron hoop touched the surface of the mast. Wisps of white smoke rose from the air, making a scorching hissing sound.From time to time, flames flared up.When the iron hoop finally got stuck in place, a small flame appeared around it.The workers quickly put out.

"Looking at this thing is so fucking exciting!" Hai Lin said with emotion, "Industry is to make the impossible possible!"

Then, the workers began to hoop the second and third, and the work of hooping the whole mast would continue until the next morning.The number of masts required in a shipbuilding plan is quite a lot!
"I heard that you still use ropes as anchor chains when building ships?" Hailin asked Billy Zhou, who was observing the processing, "Why don't you use iron chains?"

Zhou Billy said: "This is to save iron and production time. It is very time-consuming to make iron chains by hand. In fact, iron chains are much easier to use than anchor cables."

"Didn't the Navy bring back the iron chains that lock the river from the mouth of the Pearl River? Why not use the ready-made ones?"

"I've seen that thing. The craftsmanship is too rough, and the iron material is not good. It must have been made on the spur of the moment. It is very brittle. This meeting has probably been melted into molten iron by Ji Wusheng."

"It's okay to talk about iron, but it's the copper skin that wraps the bottom of the boat. Wu De is probably scratching his head. Although it is copper skin, it must cover the bottom of a big ship anyway."

"This time, a lot of bronze cannons were handed over from Guangdong, and most of them were melted into copper skins."

Copper the bottom of all the ships, the craft itself is not difficult.What troubles the Planning Institute is that copper, as a scarce metal in China, has a limited stock in warehouses.So much so that in order to meet the needs of the future electric appliance industry, the Planning Institute had to impose strict restrictions on all places where copper is used.Even the wired telegraph system used iron wires.Copper is licensed only where it cannot be replaced: some refrigeration equipment, pipes, telecommunications electrical equipment, and valves.

In order to expand copper reserves, the Planning Institute purchased Japanese copper at high prices in Guangdong in the past.This kind of copper has brought them high economic benefits-about 20% of silver can be extracted from it, but the increase in copper reserves is very limited.

Now that copper is used to cover the bottom of the ship, whether there is enough copper in stock and how much reserves can be left are things that the planning institute is eager to know.

Most of the copper stored in the Planning Institute is mainly red copper that has been re-refined by the fire method, and there are also brass and bronze.The latter two mainly come from various loot.Copper has excellent extensibility, second only to gold and silver among all metals.The Planning Institute believes that if the copper plate can be made very thin, perhaps a small amount of copper can meet the demand.

"You don't need to use copper." Ji Wusheng said at the planning meeting, as long as you use brass.According to the information provided by the Great Library, the copper plate covering the bottom of the ship is generally tin brass.That is, a small amount of tin is added to the brass.

Brass itself is a copper-zinc alloy.Zinc was used extensively in ancient China, especially in casting coins, where zinc was often used as a filler.Therefore, in the non-ferrous metal inventory of the Planning Institute, the stock of zinc is very considerable.Many aren't even purchased on purpose, but rather are a by-product of recycling copper coins and various household metal objects.

According to Ji Wusheng's suggestion, a kind of brass was specially made for the bottom of the chartered ship, with a ratio of roughly 65% ​​copper and 35% zinc.The so-called alpha brass.This can minimize the consumption of copper while maintaining the basic performance.

"Too much zinc in brass becomes brittle and becomes difficult to work with pressure. So 35% zinc is about the same."

The ductility of brass itself is quite good. The thickness of brass strips rolled by modern industry can reach 0.02mm.Lingao's industrial system does not have such powerful equipment, but people in the mechanical department estimate that with the existing processing capacity, rolling to about 0.5mm is not a problem.This is much thinner than the copper skin that the British used to cover the bottom of the ship. The British basically used thin copper plates.

"Adding 0.5% tin to alpha brass is tin brass. This alloy has good heat resistance and the ability to resist seawater corrosion, so-called navy brass."

Tin was also the most commonly used base metal in ancient China, and there were more stocks in the planning institute than zinc.What's more, the dosage is negligible.

The Planning Institute approved the production plan for the production of tin brass strips.There is a small-scale steel rolling mill in Lingao Iron and Steel Complex, including two hot rolling mills, which can conveniently cold and hot roll various steel plates and strips.However, Zhan Wuya decided to imitate a dedicated rolling mill for production—after all, continuous production in the steel manufacturing industry will be a trend in the future, and it is impossible to stop temporarily and switch production because of the need to roll copper strips today.

Simply speaking, a rolling mill is a series of rolls with pressure ranging from small to large.The most critical of these is the strength and power level of the roll itself.These two are not difficult for the manufacturing director's department that has been able to mass-produce high-power steam engines and various grades of high, medium and low carbon steel.

The only unsatisfactory thing is the transmission gears and chains. The quality of these things is still not good enough so far, and the working life is very short.In some equipment with harsh working environments, the replacement frequency is very fast, which can only be said to barely solve the problem of having or not.The metallurgical department's scrap recycling warehouse is full of gears, bearings and chains waiting to be returned to the furnace.

The rolling mill for producing copper plates was quickly manufactured with the cooperation of a group of people from the Ministry of Machinery Industry.After a brief debugging, it was put into formal production.In order to ensure the strength, although the 0.1mm brass strip was rolled out in the trial production.The copper plate finally decided to be used on the bottom of the ship is still a 1mm thick strip.

Coils of tin brass strips are transported to the shipyard, they are cut according to a certain size, and then the workers use special brass rivets to drive them into the bottom of the ship piece by piece, and the copper sheets overlap with each other to Make sure the wooden bottom of the boat is not exposed.The copper clad area should always cover the full load waterline of the full vessel.This method can almost completely prevent the destruction of shipworms, and even the attachments such as barnacles will be greatly reduced.

In order to prevent the electrolysis of copper and iron in seawater, when the bottom of the ship is covered with copper, the iron frame part exposed at the bottom of the ship.It must be covered with wooden cladding in advance, and then filled with a mixture of human hair and tar to ensure that there is no electrochemical reaction between the two.Even the rudder pegs had to be changed to brass pegs to avoid electrolysis.

A wooden sailboat with carefully treated shipbuilding timber and copper-clad bottom can last 50 to 70 years with good regular maintenance.Even 100 years is no problem.Although the veterans will not want the 854 to be in service for so long, everyone expects it to be used for at least 10 years.Even if it can't be used as a warship, it can be used as a transport ship.


The marine steam engine is very different from the ordinary land-use steam engine because of the different ship layout and propulsion method.The Ministry of Machinery Industry had to develop two different steam engines to adapt to paddle wheels respectively-the so-called paddle wheel propulsion and propeller propulsion.

"To be honest, developing a marine steam engine is not a problem." Xiao Gui studied the 854 modified line diagram, "The problem is, what about the propeller?"

The advantage of the paddle wheel is that it is simple in structure and there is no problem with sealing in installation. The 854 reform plans to use the propeller, which involves the dynamic sealing of the propeller shaft.

"This problem is very difficult to solve, at least I can't think of a way to solve it." Xiao Gui said, "There are several ways of dynamic sealing. I have thought about it and the only way is to use the packing method. The packing around the propeller shaft cannot be burned and can absorb water to a certain extent. Expansive filler."

"I remember that the rotating shaft is very particular." Mond suddenly remembered, "I heard from the old workers in the shipyard that old ships used iron pear wood bearings in the past. This special wood bearing is extremely hard. It does not need oil for lubrication, but is lubricated by water. The friction between the shaft and it will produce a smooth water-soluble substance. It can not only lubricate the bearing but also ensure that water cannot enter the cabin through the shaft sleeve. I heard from him that the iron pear wood bearing should be stored when it is stored. Keep it moist, otherwise it will dry out and crack. Very expensive."

"Iron pear wood? This thing sounds familiar. It seems that we have it in our ship material reserve." Zhan Wuya remembered that there was so-called iron wood among the ship materials handed over from Baitu Village. I don't know if it is the same thing.

 During the eleventh period, I have to take my children out, and the update may be irregular or interrupted for several days.Thank you for your understanding.

  As long as possible, I will still make sure to update every day, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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