Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 783 Task Force

Chapter 783 Task Force

In Lingao County, Department B of the "Farm" Intelligence Training Center of the Foreign Intelligence Agency - the house of Yuan Gou'er's family is brightly lit.In the four or five wing rooms that were turned into classrooms, there were a few people from the Ming Dynasty sitting there.All of them looked serious.The doors and windows are closed, and there are no other text signs except for the number code plate hanging on the door.

Li Yan went into the room to talk one by one—the Ming people in the wing room were all veterans who had received long-term training from the Foreign Intelligence Agency and were ready to be dispatched to the mainland.Lay a good foundation for the next mainland strategy.

There is no Guo Yi's Guangzhou group and Chang Shide's Leizhou group here-these two groups are currently active in a semi-public manner.Both Guangzhou and Leizhou now belong to the yellow zone, and the people who gather here for meetings are those who are about to go to the orange zone and the red zone.They are taking great risks, just as Minister Shi who came to give health lectures for them said: the biggest danger is not the incompetent secret service agencies of Ming Dynasty - they can't even destroy the barbarian's intelligence system, but the entire ancient society hygienic environment.

Every expatriate signed a volunteer letter and was required to write a will -- some were reluctant to write one. "I have neither children nor family in this time and space, so why write this?"

Tong Guan was one of them. As the person in charge of the installation company, he had been engaged in equipment installation at the Construction Headquarters since D-Day. After the Foreign Intelligence Agency was listed, he immediately signed up and asked to go out to work.Now he finally got his wish and became the leader of the "Yangtze River Task Force".

The so-called "Yangtze River Task Force" is a long-term intelligence collection project conducted by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, which is mainly responsible for geographical surveys of military points and transportation hubs in the Yangtze River Basin.Carry out necessary geographical surveying and mapping of important ferries and Tianjin Pass, and at the same time collect information on economic, social, and political groups along the river, as the basis for decision-making by the crossing group to carry out alternative plans for the Yangtze River strategy. The operation code is named "" according to Tong Guan's own nomination Mandarin Duck Tea".

In addition to this task force, the Intelligence Bureau will simultaneously send a group of intelligence-trade personnel to Hangzhou and Beijing.Use the system of Shanhai Road for layout.In addition, the personnel of the Liaodong team will also go to Guangzhou with the Guangzhou team in advance, preparing to enter Liaodong through the arrangement of Li Luoyou.

It was the first time in the history of the Foreign Intelligence Service that four groups of troops were deployed simultaneously in the yellow zone and the red zone.There will be more than a dozen veterans accepting assignments at the same time. Such a large amount of money makes the Senate a little worried.However, under the premise of launching the mainland strategy as soon as possible and obtaining more materials, population and funding channels, this risk is still necessary to take.

The team members of each group have already familiarized themselves with the task book - they must be recycled after reading it, and no piece of paper here is allowed to be taken out.At this time, Li Yan was conveying the final task to them, the content was about the transportation arrangements for entering the operation and the response plan in case of special circumstances.

What route each group takes and what means of transportation it uses are all confidential, and each group only knows its own transportation plan.Only Li Yan knew all the details.

In one of the largest rooms, sat the largest latent team in this operation: the "Yangtze River Task Force".The four members of the group are drinking tea and spanking in the house at the moment.Although most of them have undergone more than half a year of training, and at the same time scoff at the safety of Daming's counter-espionage capabilities, everyone still feels tension and pressure in their hearts on the eve of sneaking into the enemy's hinterland.

They drank strong tea and chatted all over the world to relieve their tension. Some of them had the desire to smoke again, but they had quit smoking by themselves—the place they were going to had cigarettes were rare. I'm afraid they can't even smoke pipes and hookahs.During the more than ten years of his rule, Chongzhen often carried out intermittent smoking cessation campaigns. When it was the worst, smoking could even kill his head.In order to avoid getting into unnecessary trouble, simply quitting smoking is the best way.

"Now that we're gone, we don't know when we'll be back." Tong Guan said while drinking tea.

"I can see it for three or four years." Zhang Biao said, "The traffic conditions in ancient times, all the counties and counties along the Yangtze River, even if there were cars and trains in the old days, it would take a lot of time." He said, playing with his hands. A piece of Yongle money, this money is changing between his fingers from time to time, one piece is becoming three, four or even five pieces.After a while they all disappeared.

Zhang Biao is a graduate student with a master's degree in history, a magic lover, and is good at coin magic. When he was preparing to devote himself to intelligence work, he practiced various "manual skills" hard, and prepared to use his identity as a charlatan as a cover for investigation.He will be Tong Guan's main team member.

"It's a good time to be in peace. These three or four years will be the end of the Ming Dynasty." Ji Jianzhang said a little worried.He was dressed like a teacher's accountant, Ji Jianzhang wrote a good calligraphy, and he had received special training in this area in the Intelligence Bureau.

But Tong Guan didn't care: "The time for the real chaos has not yet come. The counties and counties along the Yangtze River we are going to will still have kings and laws. Besides, we still have a martial arts expert to protect us."

Xu Tianqi said: "I don't have much trust in martial arts masters. I would rather bring more bullets to be more reliable." He used to work in the foreign affairs department, because there are not many jobs in the foreign affairs department at present, and the work is boring.A temporary decision to devote himself to intelligence work-he had relatively little training time.Tong Guan plans to arrange him in the intelligence station as a resident staff.Xu Tianqi's major is English-of course, this is useless, but he has a lot of research on the Jianghuai dialect, which can be regarded as a useful skill.

"Whether it's martial arts masters or pistols, neither is the key issue. The key is money." Tong Guan said leisurely, "If you have money, you can travel all over the world, but if you don't have money, you can't move an inch."

The activities of the Yangtze River Task Force are long-term activities - the Executive Committee and the Intelligence Bureau do not impose any restrictions on their specific work content.Only approximate directions are given.Down to Nanjing and up to Chongqing and Chengdu are the activities of the Yangtze River Group.Once the intelligence team set off, it had to rely entirely on itself to carry out activities, including the follow-up activities, and had to try to raise part of it by itself.

"How much will the Foreign Intelligence Agency give us?" Xu Tianqi was very interested in this.

Tong Guan said: "Last time Li Yan talked with me. It was about 500 taels of silver. This money is enough for the start. We have to travel a long way, so we can't bring too much money with us. It is easy to have accidents if money is exposed."

While talking, Li Yan came in.He came in with a smile on his face carrying a canvas bag.

"Li Chu, you're here." Tong Guan made an enthusiastic expression, stood up and shook hands.

"Hehe, I've been waiting for a long time." Li Yan said and put a canvas bag on the table, "This is the equipment for you."

"When are we leaving?"

"Just within these three days." Li Yan said, "We have already arranged the transportation." He sat down and opened the canvas bag, and distributed the contents to the people present.

"You go to Guangzhou by boat first, and meet your native bodyguard at the Qiwei Security Bureau in Guangzhou—this is the person." Li Yan handed Tong Guan a paper folder, "Here are his materials, take a look , You have to give it back to me when it’s over.”

Tong Guan opened it and laughed out loud:
"Li Xiaogang? His father's name is Li Dagang?"

"Yes. That's the name." Li Yan said, "Li Dagang is the older generation of Qiwei Escort Bureau. His martial arts are very good. In recent years, he has been going out for a long time because of his old age and frailty. His son is very good at boxing and sticks. It can be done. It is the new force of Qiwei's new generation."

"Is it reliable?"

"It's very reliable." Li Yan said, "Lingao has saved Li Dagang's life, and Li Xiaogang has specially attended training courses in Lingao. Grass went to study."

This time, Li Dagang and Li Xiaogang's wife Xiang Chunhua will also accompany Li Xiaogang as the accompanying security personnel of the Yangtze River Team.

"Xiang Chunhua is also a house guard. It will be very useful to your team."

"The whole family goes into battle? You are really loyal."

"It's not bad to have more people." The other thing Li Yan didn't say was the way the Colonial Trade Department split up the system of Wei Escort.Li Dagang is from Jiangxi, Sun Kecheng's most loyal "old brother from the same hometown", and the basic team of the Jiangxi Gang.Just take this opportunity to split it.

Li Yan then took out a cloth bag from his bag and opened a corner: golden leaves were revealed inside.

"50 taels of gold." Li Yan said, "According to the Ming Dynasty's exchange rate, it is about 600 taels of silver." Gold is easier to carry than silver, and merchants who need to carry large sums of money on long journeys often convert them into gold in advance.

Finally 4 Glock pistols with 2 magazines each.This is the standard personal weapon of the Elder.These pistols were originally their sidearms, and they were all sent for maintenance a few days ago.There are another 200 rounds of 9mm ammunition.Packed in a tin box.

Some intelligence personnel think that pistols are not needed for trade-intelligence work, but the law and order in ancient society was very poor, and there was no security for self-defense without sharp weapons, so after much discussion, it was decided to issue pistols to trade-intelligence personnel.Of course, intelligence personnel can also choose not to carry a pistol.

The Yangtze River task force is not equipped with a radio station, because Tong Guan has not yet decided where to place the task force's stronghold.The Intelligence Bureau thinks it can be placed in Nanjing, but Tong Guan thinks that the Hangzhou intelligence team will carry out activities in the Jiangnan area in the future, and relocating another one in Nanjing would be suspected of duplicating construction-he personally advocates placing it in Wuchang.

Wuchang was the site of the Four World Wars at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and the Intelligence Bureau did not quite agree with his claim—after all, ensuring the safety of the elders was the first priority.

"Wuchang's geographical location is very important. It is not only an important town in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, but also connects Shaanxi, Hanzhong and other places. It is a key part of the north and south. You can collect a lot of useful information in Wuchang." Tong Guan is very interested in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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