Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 784 Clearing the Obstacles

Chapter 784 Clearing the Obstacles
One afternoon in the first ten days of December in 1630 in the Gregorian calendar, the pale yellow setting sun shone on the Bai'etan Pier.After the thieves receded, the market here returned to its former prosperity.The flower boats that escaped returned one after another and continued to make a living.In winter, it is late and early, but at three or four in the afternoon, the sun has already set to the west.The "Old Ju", bustards and turtles on the flower boat all got active on the flower boat, preparing for the evening business.

Scaffolding was built on the burnt city towers, and craftsmen are rebuilding the city towers that were burned by rockets. The burned Wuyang Post and Jieguan Hall outside the city gate are also under construction.There are many pedestrians and cars and sedan chairs.Gone are the scenes of last year's chilling depression where Australians marched to the city.Many people think that after the Kun people came, the four townships of Guangzhou were much calmer than in the past-the Fubo army’s large-scale purge operations on Henan Island and the banks of the Pearl River eliminated a large number of bandits, gangsters and local bullies in the four townships.

At the entrance of the South City Gate, a small sedan chair, surrounded by a dozen servants, came from the riverside wharf on the Wuyang Station side.Walking ahead to open the way was a young and handsome servant.

The sedan chair entered the city gate, and suddenly met the Guangdong inspector censor sitting in a green woolen bright gauze eight-carrying sedan chair.The young servant hurriedly directed the sedan chair and attendants to dodge to the side of the road, making way for them.Wait until the official service of the sedan chair and horse is over before going on the road again.

Inside the sedan chair, a pair of trained eyes watched the passing procession from behind the veil.A follower beside the sedan chair whispered, "This is Gao Shunqin's sedan chair!"

After the sedan chairs and horses on patrol in Guangdong were finished, the group continued on the road.After wandering through the streets and alleys of the city for an unknown number of times, he finally came to a secluded small courtyard.The people in the sedan chair came out, stretched their muscles and breathed a sigh of relief.I saw a person greeted from the main room of the courtyard, dressed as a Ming businessman, it was Lin Baiguang.

The original procedures for passwords and the like are no longer necessary.The visitor silently shook hands with Lin Baiguang.

"I guess which sub-captain the Executive Committee will send here, it turned out to be you." Lin Baiguang said, "You don't engage in security warfare anymore?"

"I'm just making an outline of the public security war, and then try it out. The effect in Danzhou is still good. The next step is to promote it in Qiongzhou. The specific implementation is a matter for the army. Besides me, there are more suitable tasks for this mission. Is there a candidate?" The man who came, with a hulking back, a tall and strong figure, was Xue Ziliang.

"These are your boys?" Lin Baiguang was noncommittal to his boasting, and glanced at the followers who had lined up and waited for orders.

Xue Ziliang said: "A total of 8 people were selected, and they are all the best players in the team."

Lin Baiguang asked Chen Tong who brought them into the city: "Did the entry into the city go well?"

Chen Tong nodded: "Successfully, the post was useless. I also met Gao Xun's sedan horse at the gate of the city."

Lin Baiguang smiled silently.The order said: "You take these brothers to rest. Let them recharge their batteries."

At the moment, Chen Tong took the members of the special investigation team to rest.Lin Baiguang brought Xue Ziliang to the main room - this is the secret stronghold of the Guangzhou Secret Service of the Foreign Intelligence Agency, and it is decorated like an ordinary merchant's house.He manages a full set of teams under the Black Dragon Society system of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Lin Baiguang didn't ask Xue Ziliang to sit down, but walked around behind the board wall and opened an inconspicuous small door.Inside is a long and narrow corridor, and when you go to the end, there is another door. When you open the lock, there is a room without windows, which is pitch black.

Lin Baiguang lit the gas lamp in the room, and the room suddenly became bright.Xue Zihao looked around curiously, this room seems to be very big.There were doors to other rooms besides the one they were in.

"This is my safe house." Lin Baiguang introduced.As he spoke, he took out a bottle of kvass from the cabinet. "Tell me about this mission."

"Okay." Xue Ziliang said, "The Executive Committee has decided: to completely eliminate Gao Shunqin."

Gao Shunqin is the most violent "anti-barbarian faction" in the entire Guangzhou officialdom. Whether it is Hongmao, Franji or Australians who come out of nowhere, they are all the targets he wants to expel.Although Gao Xunyan had no good strategy to retreat when the Kun bandits approached the city, his uncompromising attitude won the applause of many "angry youth" scholars in Guangzhou.Although Governor Li's secret "retirement of the enemy with compensation" was done in a covert manner at the time, it has gradually become popular recently.Many scholars forgot all the embarrassments of their own families when the thieves released rockets to attack the city, and impassionedly criticized Governor Li for "traitoring the country and seeking glory".Because of Gao Shunqin's last letter requesting that Franji people be banned from entering the city for trade, things are progressing smoothly in the capital; his confidence has greatly increased, and he is ready to take Li Fengjie's knife and ruthlessly make the last post of impeachment.

"Gao Shunqin's position in the Guangdong officialdom is very important. His words and deeds affect a large number of officials." Lin Baiguang hoped to solve Gao Shunqin for a long time.Wang Zunde has died of illness, and is no longer an obstacle for the traversers to control Guangdong.But Gao Shunqin continued to exist in Guangzhou for a day, and both officials and ordinary people would have concerns when cooperating with Lingao.And some "anti-barbarian" elements-not only some scholars, but also industrial and commercial people who have been damaged by Lingao's trade impact, will unite around this banner and form a fairly large-scale anti-Lingao group.

"Decided to kill him?" Lin Baiguang asked. Although he was in favor of removing this obstacle, he had to be concerned about the consequences.Gao Shunqin is not a petty official, but a Guangdong inspector. Once he is killed, the court will definitely investigate him.For Guangdong, it was nothing less than an official earthquake.

Xue Ziliang made a fool of himself: "To be precise: let him disappear."


"Yes, after discussion by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, it is considered that if he is killed, it will be a big case. It is better to go missing, so that the court will not be able to make a judgment."

"You mean kidnapped."

"Yes." Xue Ziliang said, "Abduction without bloodshed."

"What's the point of this?" Lin Baiguang was a little disappointed, "Kidnapping is too troublesome! Why don't you just kill and destroy the corpse. It's still considered missing."

"It is difficult to completely destroy the corpses and traces in this city of Guangzhou." Xue Ziliang told Lin Baiguang of the plan, and the special investigation team planned to kidnap Gao Xunguan directly.Then take him to show up around Guangzhou from time to time.Finally, take it out of Guangdong.

"Let everyone think that Gao Xunjian ran away by himself?"

"Roughly so."

"Damn, this doesn't make sense. He is an official of the imperial court, and he will abandon his official position and family and run away unless he goes crazy." Lin Baiguang felt incredible, "Why didn't he poison? Get some biological agents or something."

"It's better if it doesn't make sense. Everyone is discussing and can't guess the motive, so it has nothing to do with us." Xue Ziliang said, "Using other methods, whether it is letting him 'die of illness' or getting 70 horses on the road, will cause controversy and public opinion. It is very likely that the spearhead will be aimed at us."

Lin Baiguang felt that this plan was not very satisfactory.But Gao Shunqin really couldn't continue to exist.The members of the Guangzhou group will return to Guangzhou soon, and they have a huge business plan in mind. The presence of such a strong leader of the anti-barbarian faction will be a huge obstacle.

Needless to say, when he mobilizes hundreds of scholars and the like to surround the gate of Ziming Building, it will be enough for Pei Lixiu to drink a pot. If he incites the people to "burn Ziming Building"... After the Opium War, Lin Baiguang is quite familiar with the process of the struggle against entering the city and fighting against entering the city in Guangzhou and several other port cities.

The most ideal way to deal with it should be to upgrade or parallel transfer the high patrol.Lin Baiguang thought, the so-called comprehensive soft treatment.But the Senate did not have such influence in the Ming bureaucracy.

"What are you going to do? What kind of support do you want from us?"

"I need the law of Gao Shunqin's activities, the floor plan of the inspector's office and his private house. It is best to have a building elevation."

"Activity is easy. Two floor plans take a little time."

"how long?"

"A week." Lin Baiguang said.

"Give me another floor plan of the whole city of Guangzhou, the more detailed the better."

"No problem, I have this thing now."

He took out a large coupon from a locked safe and spread it out on the large conference table in the house.This is a large-scale urban traffic map of Guangzhou.

"It's really detailed." Xue Ziliang was pleasantly surprised by the light of the gas lamp. "No wonder Bei Wei said you all have them here. I don't need to take them."

"Of course, the Guangzhou map in the big library is also provided by the Guangzhou station." Lin Baiguang said, "The shopkeeper Guo is not just a big shopkeeper."

Xue Ziliang laughed: "Who told him to become a 'person who has women first', and even fucked up N women, those veterans who don't like him just envy and hate him."

Lin Baiguang smiled noncommittally, affirming Guo Yi's credit in his words, but he did not intend to attack others.

"Are our weapons ready?"

"It's here, right here."

The weapons, equipment and clothing of the special investigation team were transported separately, mixed with the cargo and transported into the city.The secret is hidden in the secret warehouse of the secret service.Xue Ziliang checked, the seal on the box was intact, and the weapons and equipment were in good condition.

"You need to make a list of clothing, transportation and other things, and I will arrange everything."

Xue Ziliang was very satisfied—it would be a disaster if he did not cooperate well when performing tasks—the so-called teammate who is most afraid of pigs.The special investigation team has come to the mainland to carry out military reconnaissance and raid missions many times, but this is the first time to go deep into a big city to play VIP kidnapping.Based on his experience in another time and space, such an operation would be impossible without the cooperation of local intelligence personnel.The performance of the Guangzhou secret service under Lin Baiguang's control made him initially satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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