Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 785 Missing

Chapter 785 Missing
"I still need the cooperation of some local personnel," Xue Ziliang said, "and some safe houses. I need to have a traffic route to transfer the target out."

"I'll make arrangements." Lin Baiguang said, "You want to bring Gao Shunqin back to Lingao?"

"Yes. But Jiang Shan said that if it is inconvenient to take him away, the body will be destroyed near the mouth of the Pearl River. The Senate has no plan to invite him to be a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference," Xue Ziliang said, "just let him appear and disappear on the road. , making people feel like he ran away by himself.”

Lin Baiguang disapproved in his heart: "With all due respect, isn't this plan too troublesome? You are bringing a big living person, and the goal is too big. And if you go to the Pearl River Estuary—don't forget that Hong Kong Island is in our hands, There will still be doubts on our heads. It is better to go north and let him show up in Nanxiong Prefecture."

Nanxiong Prefecture is the traffic artery between Guangdong and Jiangxi.This is the only way to enter and exit Guangdong by land.

"What's your opinion?" Xue Ziliang had a lot of discretion in carrying out this task - the order given to him by the Foreign Intelligence Agency was to make Gao Shunqin "disappear", and how to disappear was up to him.Of course, it is absolutely forbidden to use the method of being murdered at first glance.

"It's best to disappear on the spot." Lin Baiguang has been in Guangzhou for several months, and he knows quite a lot about the social conditions and officialdom of this time and space.In ancient times, although the investigation level was weak and the administrative ability was poor, there were city walls.Once it is discovered that an important official like the inspector censor is missing, he will immediately "close the city gates and mobilize the whole city."To ensure that Gao Xunsan is taken out, he must be taken out of the city as soon as possible.

"Hmm..." Xue Ziliang was noncommittal.

Lin Baiguang talked about some things that he thought were inappropriate in the plan.At the same time, he also stated that he would instruct the Guangzhou Security Department to fully cooperate with his actions.

Xue Ziliang said with a smile: "Your Guangzhou Security Department executed that evil slave directly. The method is ruthless enough."

"This matter really has nothing to do with us." Lin Baiguang immediately clarified—he didn't want this kind of misunderstanding to exist, "He's a flea-like thing, life and death don't matter. I sent someone to check it out, and it was the people who held it high. .”

The two talked for a while, and then Lin Baiguang sent him to the inner courtyard to rest and arrange specific actions by himself.Xue Ziliang took a shower and lay on the bed thinking about his next action plan.

Yu Baocun gazed melancholy at the pitch-black sky, where the clouds were thick and the stars and the moon were hidden.The entire Gao mansion was quiet and desolate, with no sound of people.There is only one corner lamp on in the hall, and the black shadows of the overlapping eaves are heavy on the top of the head, which makes people feel suffocated.

The family members in the mansion, no matter how high or low they are, have all been swept out of the house.The slaves were detained in Nanhai, Panyu counties and Guangzhou government office respectively.The few masters in the mansion moved to nearby temples with their soft boxes and cages——Gao Xunyan did not bring many family members with him when he took office.The entire Gaozhai has been controlled by the government servants from one prefecture and two counties.

Yu Baocun sat in the hall, worried.It has been seven or eight days since Gao Xunyin disappeared for no apparent reason.During the period, the gates of the city were closed for a while, and the whole city was searched, and even half of Gao Xunyan's hair was not found.

Yu Baocun was the prefect of Guangzhou, and the difficult task of finding Gao Xunzhen fell on him again.He was having a headache.The rank of the inspector censor is not high, but he is an important local official, so he can't just disappear in such a vague way.When Wang Zunde died of illness in Zhaoqing, the imperial court issued an edict specifically to inquire into this matter.What's more, this Gao Xun was well alone a few days ago!

Everyone knew that Gao Xunsan hated barbarians, so there were rumors in the market that Gao Xunsan was secretly killed by Australians or Francois.But so far, there are still no people alive and no dead bodies.Whether he died or was taken away, no one dares to draw such a conclusion until now.

All the yamen servants in one prefecture and two counties in Guangzhou city were mobilized, turning the whole city of Guangzhou upside down, but still got nothing.Yu Baocun also told the flower boats and fishing boats on Baietan and Xijiang that any floating corpses found on the river should be reported to the yamen. The cemeteries and incarnation factories outside the inner city that house the corpses of the poor and beggars have all been checked, but there is still no whereabouts.

In the end, Yu Baocun had no choice but to return to the high mansion, and urged a group of laborers to search the entire mansion under the leadership of the servants of the Gao family.

The most suspected servants of the Gao family: the maid who was on duty in the inner study that night, and the book boy who served close to him in the study... were all taken to the Nanhai County Yamen for strict interrogation, where they were beaten with hundreds of lashes and tortured. Beating up several slaves and maidservants screaming, passed out several times, but still can't figure out a reason: the confession is still the same: after Mr. Gao returned to the mansion, he used the supper in the inner study and wrote a long-term scripture.At the end of the Hai Dynasty, I just undressed and rested under the service of Aunt Su.The servants who were on duty outside the study all confessed that they dozed off in the middle of the night when they were being tortured.But how the master didn't have it, I really don't know.

Aunt Su—Su Ai is not missing, but she is Mrs. Gao's favorite concubine.Now that Master Gao is dead or dead, Yu Baocun dare not torture her, but just asks her to talk a few times.Su Ai is very knowledgeable, knowing that this matter is very serious, if Gao Shunqin dies, she will have no way out - even if the government does not plan to use her as a scapegoat, the Gao family will never let her go.So I didn't dare to put on airs and explain everything that happened that night.

The situation is not much different from what the slaves said.She has been serving Master Wenmo in the inner study.At the end of the Hai Dynasty, he served the master to wash and go to bed.Then he tidied up the manuscripts on the table, put all the memorial letters into the manuscript box and locked the locks before going to bed with him.Master was asleep then.As for why she disappeared afterwards, she couldn't tell—anyway, the master was no longer by her side when she woke up—it was already daylight.

Yu Baocun was dubious about Su Ai's confession. A large living person disappeared from the bed, and Su Ai, who was sharing the same bed, didn't notice it?He felt that this was the biggest loophole.He wanted to seize this loophole to torture him, but he was afraid that if Gao Xun returned safely, he would offend him to death.He asked Li Fengjie for instructions several times, and even followed He Chengzong's path, but the replies he received were all vague.Obviously, Master Li himself didn't want to cause this trouble.

But in the Gao family, there were people who were obviously dissatisfied with Yu Baocun's ambiguous attitude.A housekeeper was sent over a few days ago, and he expressed his incomprehension to why Yu Baocun was still polite to the biggest suspect so far and did not torture him harshly.At the same time, 300 taels of silver were also presented as gifts.

Of course, Yu Baocun understands the mystery of this after a long time in business.However, this matter was very important, and he had to think carefully in advance and stand firm, not to mention that Su Ai was also very knowledgeable, and gave her 500 taels of silver as a gift on the day of questioning her.

Fortunately, this embarrassing situation was finally shared by someone.Li Fengjie saw that Yu Baocun couldn't find out what happened for seven or eight days, so he was very anxious, so he used his connections and called Lin Ming, a hundred households of Jinyi Weishi in Foshan, to come to assist in the investigation.Yu Baocun was both surprised and delighted, the surprise was that Jin Yiwei's people were not easy to get along with, and the joy was that this Lin Baihu had a reputation of being "good at arresting".If he came forward to investigate and visit, it might be able to open up the situation-not to mention, Jin Yiwei would not have such concerns about Su Ai Shang as he did.

As soon as this Linshi Baihu arrived, Yu Baocun had hope.After briefly interrogating the servants of Gao's family, he asked the old robbers from his house to lead them around to investigate.A few days ago, Lin Ming got the news from nowhere, and immediately took his subordinates out of the city. This trip lasted for several days.

If you want to come to their brocade guards, there are always some tricks.Yu Baocun was thinking about it, when suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes outside the door, and people's voices outside suddenly became noisy.Yu Baocun lifted his spirits, this kind of momentum was only possessed by Lin Ming and his party, they must have rushed back.They were the only ones who rode their horses and galloped down the street in such a grand manner after dark.

He quickly stood up, pretending to be circling in the hall, making a worried look.

Sure enough, within a short while, Lin Ming brought seven or eight people in through the gate.This group of people are all dressed in casual clothes, travel-stained.Lin Ming was less than 30 years old, and his appearance was dignified. His height was second to none among the officials of the Ming Dynasty.Walking in the crowd is very eye-catching, quite in line with the image of Jin Yiwei.Yu Baocun knew that this person was "lustful".Not only did the family keep several beautiful concubines, but this time when he came to investigate the case, there was a young woman among his entourage—although she had changed her men's clothes, she could be seen as a woman at a glance.

"Master Lin—" Yu Baocun hurried out to greet him with a downgrade, with a very respectful attitude. When it comes to grades, Yu Baocun in the magistrate's main hall is several grades higher than a mere hundred households in Jinyiwei, but the days of the East Factory's ravages have not yet passed. We are still very afraid of this group of people.

"Let's go in and we'll talk!" Lin Ming clasped his hands together, and walked into the hall in a dusty manner.

Yu Baocun hurriedly ordered: "Come here! Serve tea! Prepare supper."

Lin Ming really brought news.He patrolled the city for several days, and soon got a piece of news: On the morning of Mr. Gao's disappearance, a sedan horse from a wealthy family left the Jinghai Gate.Because at that time when the city gate was just opened, a group of people from this gate were going out of the city, the gatekeeper thought it was very strange, so the memory is still fresh.

"Ordinary officials, gentry and wealthy households would never wait for the city gate to leave the city early in the morning if there is no urgent matter!" Lin Ming took off his cloak and threw it on the chair.

"Tea, please." Yu Baocun passed the tea first, and then said slowly, "What Master Yilin saw: Mr. Gao was caught in that group of sedan chairs and horses?"

"Nine out of ten." Lin Ming said confidently, "This matter is very strange."

(End of this chapter)

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