Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 796 Tian Du's Slave

Chapter 796 Tian Du's Slave

The air was filled with acrid smoke and dust after the explosion of explosives, and the choking smoke shrouded the mine pit and refused to dissipate for a long time.A group of mine trucks, driven by a small locomotive that was snorting and steaming, rattled towards the mining face on Huangni Ridge—this is a commuter car that transports mid-shift workers to work.A simple bench is installed on the flatbed.Workers sit or stand.They are all fully armed: wearing rattan hard hats, 24-layer gauze labor protection masks, glass and coconut shell safety glasses, thick miner overalls, and towels around their necks... These are all naturalized migrant workers. The basic team of the Mining Bureau is also the mass base of the Ausong regime in Sanya.Adequate labor protection reflects this consideration - the most difficult period in the development of Sanya is over, and it is very uneconomical for the Senate to continue to consume purified and trained labor on life-threatening development of.

The sun was shining in the bare valley.The valley full of green and subtropical style has become Zhuozhuo Tongshan.Red dirt was exposed.The dense vegetation in the valley was removed, and the mine cart tracks and telegraph poles that transported ore formed a network on the valley floor and on the hillside.Black smoke and steam spewed out from time to time from the steam engines installed everywhere, and the roar of machines came from Tian Du's repair shop.

The only remaining water of the Tiandu River is a dirty stream in the middle of the riverbed—in which flows the industrial wastewater discharged from the mine and Tiandu’s small machinery factory—the domestic sewage is used to irrigate a small amount of nearby developed fields.

The reason for the reduction of river water is that the reservoir built upstream of Tiandu Town has been completed, and the upstream water is intercepted to supply the domestic water of Tiandu Town and the industrial water of mines. Reservoirs do not guarantee water supply.

Now is the dry season in winter, the upstream water flow has been greatly reduced, the reservoir no longer releases water, and the natural water flow of the entire lower reaches of the Tiandu River has been completely cut off.

A group of slaves are unloading the truckloads of iron ore that have just been transported from the mining surface in the valley.Their naked bodies are covered in ore powder, straw hats and cloth strips around their faces are the only labor protection measures."Foremen" selected from among the most reliable naturalized people oversaw the labor of the slaves.There is a "leader" for every 50 people.Instead of whips or sticks, they carried a cloth bag full of bamboo pieces.

Every time a basket of ore is loaded and unloaded, the slaves take a bamboo token from the foreman.If you want to have a full meal, you have to complete the work quota and collect the prescribed number of bamboo cards.The result of sabotage is that they don’t have enough to eat, and they don’t have the energy to work the next day. Finally, they gradually starve to death under heavy physical labor.Slaves who refused to work were simply executed and their bodies hung to dry on gallows in slave camps—until new victims were hung.

The foremen monitor the entire labor process. They do not carry weapons. No matter what weapons they carry, one person has no chance of winning against fifty people.

As a backup, at least one squad of soldiers was assigned to perform guard duties near any place where slaves worked collectively.Armed riots can be thrown in at any time.Sentinels built on the hillsides and towers on the top of the hills use binoculars to monitor every corner of the mines and valleys at all times-according to orders, these sentries have the right to shoot at any "suspicious" slaves at any time.

At the beginning, the work efficiency of the slaves was not high, but after a few days, the slaves thoroughly understood the employment policy of the "Kun Thief", and the production efficiency immediately increased.In fact, the efficiency of slave labor in mines and roadbed projects in Sanya was much higher than the estimates of many patriarchs who doubted slave labor.Regarding this point, the former HRs in the Planning Institute do not think it is the result of the high-pressure policy, but the key lies in the effective labor management.

"Sweatshops with at least human rights can be settled, but can't slaves who don't even have the right to survive be settled?" said the veteran HR who once worked in a sweatshop, "The labor efficiency of slaves is so bad. Southern slave owners What are you going to fight for when you are full and spend a lot of money to buy slaves from Africa?"

The arrival of the first batch of Southeast Asian slaves made the Sanya region finally have a substitute for consumption.Of course, there are still very few slaves and there is not enough consumption on a large scale, but at least the naturalized migrant workers have been freed from some of the most dangerous and hard jobs.During the meeting, Quakeqiong and Wang Luobin stated that by the end of March 1631, he could guarantee to import 3 slaves every month.If more investors can be found, Batavia's supply is guaranteed, and 1500 people per month will not be a problem.


Compared with the planning institute that can only allocate manpower bit by bit, and also cares about the accident rate and death rate per ton, using slave labor is really refreshing.As long as the Planning Institute can allocate enough sugar and rum to Sanya to exchange for slaves, labor will no longer be a shortcoming restricting development.

It has been almost two months since the mine started mining at the end of October.Despite the shortage of labor force, intermittent supply of explosives, etc., by mid-January 10, the iron ore mined from the Huangniling open-pit mine still formed several ten-meter-high towers in the yard. Small hill.According to this progress, the conditions for the official opening of the iron ore regular cargo route between Lingao and Sanya have been met-although the time for the first batch of iron ore to be shipped out is a month later than Wang Luobin expected.

For the export of iron ore, the railway extending from the mine to Anyoule Wharf has been repaired, but the loading and unloading equipment at the wharf has not yet been put in place.Without rubber, there is no most convenient and effective belt conveyor. The manufacturing director department can only trial-produce the chain dumper first.This kind of equipment was supposed to be installed and debugged before the end of December 1630. Due to the quality of the chain, the equipment was not seen until the end of the new year.

Ji Runzhi inspected the ongoing infrastructure construction site of Jinling Industrial Zone.This place is still a barren hillside.Ji Yuan is surveying and mapping with instruments, and Ji Shu is holding a benchmark.This is the Jinjiling area on the west side of Tiandu Town. Although it is called "Ling", it is actually a small and gentle slope with a large area of ​​flat land. There is also the abundant water supply of the Sanya River nearby, which is convenient for the development of manufacturing.

Industrial enterprises in Sanya's planning: coconut processing factory, soap factory, food factory... All these industrial enterprises will start construction in 1631, and they will be completed and put into production that year.In particular, the coconut oil production of the coconut joint processing plant is an urgently needed project for the Lingao industrial system that is short of supplies and full of bottlenecks.

"I don't know how these guys are celebrating the New Year." Ji Runzhi resentfully recorded a few key points in his notebook--if it wasn't for the further refinement of the Sanya development plan, he would not have needed it He stayed in Sanya, but he considered that there would be a large set of public and private affairs activities such as reporting, writing reports and socializing when he went back to celebrate the New Year, so he didn't have much time to prepare the overall plan for Sanya's development.

If the plan cannot be adjusted in time, it will bring a lot of troubles to the following construction - especially the material distribution and large-scale equipment scheduling of the Planning Institute. In the end, Ji Runzhi decided not to return to Lingao during the New Year, but to stay in Sanya to continue to compile and revise the plan .

The planning of Sanya in the past was quite simple, and there were many unreasonable things in it, especially in the layout of Sanya city. After Ji Runzhi arrived in Sanya, he re-compiled the overall planning of Sanya.

The first is that he modified the use of An Youle.The old plan was to build Anyoule into a port and commercial city, as a model for crossing the country.However, after on-the-spot investigation and research, Ji Runzhirun felt that the area of ​​this flat land was too small. The land was slightly more than 1 km long from north to south and more than 600 meters wide from east to west. , it is unbearable.In the new plan, the status of Anyoule is greatly reduced, and it is only used as a dedicated port for exporting iron ore.

The location of Sanya City, Ji Runzhi believes that it is still in the estuary of the Sanya River according to the layout of the old time and space.Although the Sanya estuary cannot be used as a large port, there is a large area of ​​flat open land around it, which is suitable for building a city.As the life and business center of the entire Sanya Special Economic Zone.The Sanya estuary is used as a small fishing port. .

The military and port functions are centered on Yulin Fort, and are arranged east of Gouling Mountain and along the west side of Yulingang.The coastline here is as long as 5 kilometers. In the old time and space, it was the location of Yulin Military Port. In this time and space, it is also used to build army and navy bases and large commercial ports.At the same time arrange a large cargo storage and logistics center.

To the southwest of Yulin Fort, the slopes between Dadonghai and Luhuitou are designated as future resorts and recuperation areas.Although the Senate has no intention of carrying out construction in this area at this stage, it can be done first to protect the local vegetation and ecology and avoid pollution by industry and shipping.

Although there are mountains in the Dadonghai area, the mountains are very low. In fact, they are the traffic channels connecting the Yulin base and Sanya City. It is not difficult to build roads or even railways connecting the two places.

The role of Tiandu remains unchanged: in addition to being the seat of the Mining Bureau, it will also form the industrial center of Sanya with the Jinling Industrial Zone to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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