Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 797

Chapter 797 Sanya Militia
For this plan, Ji Runzhi fought hard throughout the New Year holiday. In order to reduce his workload, he handed over the work of drawing the plan to his apprentices——Ji Yuan and Ji Shu. The child has learned to make a picture using a drawing instrument.As high-achieving students who obtained a second-class diploma within one year, these two children have very strong learning abilities, and they can master almost every point in practical skills.

It's just that the talents cultivated in this way are nothing more than "skilled workers" in the long run, lacking the ability of autonomy and overall control, and can only be used for emergency use.To carry on his mantle is obviously not qualified.Ji Runzhi decided to wait for the construction of Sanya to start from scratch, starting from the most basic mathematics, geography and physics, and then gradually deepening into the field of architecture and planning.

"It's time for work!" Ji Runzhi saw that the sun had gradually set to the west, and looked at his watch. It was past four o'clock, and the winter days were short. If you stay in the field late, you have to go home in the dark. No matter how good the moonlight is, It is still too dark for modern people who are used to walking under street lights. If they encounter a ditch, they will fall half to death.

Ji Runzhi took his apprentice on the way home.He first returned to Tiandu Town, where he took a small train to Yulinbao.

On the platform in Tiandu Town, he met Xi Yazhou.He was wearing a training uniform, with a steel helmet on his head, and a ring of branches and leaves on the helmet—not for camouflage, but for sun protection. The winter sun in Sanya is also quite hot.

Xi Yazhou stood on the platform, behind him was a neatly lined up laborers wearing rattan hard hats and overalls.Although sweat and dust had soaked their clothes black, the laborers were still full of energy holding the second-generation standard spears.

"...Today's queue and marching training, everyone did a very good job!" Xi Yazhou held the command knife in his hand, "I have cultivated my spirit and courage! I already have the momentum that the militiamen of the Senate should have!..."

Finally, the militiamen shouted three times: "Serve the Senate and the people!"Ji Runzhi waited until Xi Yazhou finished speaking and gave the order to "disband" before walking over

"A big military training recently?" Ji Runzhi knew that Xi Yazhou had started militia training since the arrival of the first batch of slaves.

Xi Yazhou took off the 80 steel helmet from his head. This thing was heavy, and his neck was sore after wearing it all afternoon.He took off the branches and leaves hanging from the camouflage net of the helmet, took off the towel and wiped his sweat, and then took a breath.

"Old Wang said that more than 1 slaves will come here by the end of the year. If you don't hurry up, how about training the militia? Slave riots, hehe, this is too much."

Since Quark Poor came here, Sanya has officially made its appearance in front of all countries.The news that there is a new commercial port at the southern tip of Hainan Island will spread quickly, followed by merchant ships from various countries who intend to open up trade with China, Chinese and Western pirates, the Spanish authorities in Manila, and the two East India companies. , there is no guarantee that they will not attack this place for some purpose.According to Xi Yazhou's research, the most dangerous are the Spanish authorities and Zheng Zhilong and Liu Xiang. Of these three families, the latter two are even more dangerous.Once they attack.With the navy's 6 fishery spy boats of less than 100 tons and the front-loaded rifled guns fired once every 3 minutes, it is a bit doubtful whether they can block the opponent's ship sea. High went.

"The army is still reliable." Xi Yazhou murmured privately, but the size of the army was a bit overhanging. Including the naval platoon, he had no more than 400 available land troops.Of course, he is still confident in defeating the pirates who landed, but once the troops are assembled to fight, they will not be able to protect the various facilities that have been fully constructed on the shore.If the slaves take the opportunity to stage another big riot, Sanya will definitely become a hell on earth full of fireworks.

The only solution is armed militias.Starting a few months ago, Xi Yazhou selected "politically reliable and firm-minded" labor squadrons from among the laborers, and organized them into military rotation training.As the commander of the Sanya garrison, he had to worry so much about it that he had to give up the opportunity to return to Lingao and stayed in Sanya to organize and train the militia.

The two of them got on the Tiandu-Yulinburg train together. Although they were veterans, there were no special luxurious carriages on the train. Convertible flatbed.

"The organization and discipline of the workers are pretty good." Xi Yaya unbuttoned his uniform and let the wind blow, "After training, he is a very good soldier, but it is a pity that there is a lack of weapons. We have very few spare Mini rifles here. The militiamen We had no choice but to use cold weapons—unexpectedly, we would arrange Spanish infantry phalanxes after queuing up and shooting them."

"Ask for some rifles from the General Staff."

"Hmph," Xi Yazhou sneered, and lit a cigarette for himself, "You want one too?"

"No, thanks."

"Of course a few Mini rifles are nothing, but the executive committee won't give them more," Xi Yaya didn't want to talk about this issue, and looked at the scenery that was slowly retreating to himself.Last time he sent a telegram to the General Staff on this issue, requesting that 500 Mini rifles be allocated for militia training equipment.The general staff said that the stock of rifles was limited, and the final solution was to ship him 1000 grenades, 100 trainer ammunition, and 200 trainer rifles.

The militiamen can go into battle just by practicing formation and assassination, but when they need to pick up their rifles, the militiamen who have not been trained in shooting can only make a noise.Xi Yaya had no choice but to take some spare rifles from the dispatch battalion and give them to the militia in batches for shooting training.

"Could it be a manifestation of Mr. Wen's generation gap theory?" Ji Runzhi said, "The regular army and the militia maintain a technical gap to ensure that the regular army can suppress the riots of the militia."

Although the theory of generational difference in armed forces equipment has never been formally proposed, it has many supporters in the Senate.There is even a tendency to be regarded as the golden rule.

Xi Yazhou finally couldn't hold back his complaints: "Girl's fart! At least I have to get some brown bess for the militia. Use spears to train, this generation is too big. If the enemy comes, let the militia rank up." Spanish infantry phalanx? At least the Spanish infantry phalanx is reinforced by arquebus gunners. We can only build a Macedonian phalanx."

The two got off the car at Yulin Fort, and He Fanghui had already "checked the defense" and returned.According to the system, all expatriate veterans of units stationed abroad must take turns to undertake the task of "on duty".Guaranteed to always have a Senator awake at all times.Today is He Fanghui's turn to be on duty.

"Old Xi!" He Fanghui waved the telegram in his hand, "Tomorrow the big whale will bring the dumper and mineral processing equipment, and now the first batch of iron ore will be shipped out!"

"My God, no professional is here, but they are here to install the equipment! None of the three of us understand machinery." Ji Runzhi exclaimed.

"There are veterans coming with the boat." He Fanghui said, "There are still a lot of people coming." He blinked at Xi Yazhou and He Fanghui, "The maids we entrusted the general office to buy by lottery will also be sent with the boat."

"Damn, what a happy event!" Xi Yazhou was relatively lucky in the lottery and got a B rank, so he was very eager for this.

"At least someone does laundry." He Fang replied, "Let's have a drink together tonight. Drink up all the wine in the condolence box! It's a pity that no chick is stripping!"

A few days ago, the left-behind veterans learned about the "Jiuchi Meat Forest" and the grand occasion of cosplay at the annual meeting in private telegrams, which made the left-behind people half-dead envious--everyone didn't care much about eating and drinking, and missed the white thighs I feel sorry for the opportunity.

"You have to be on duty at night." Xi Yazhou reminded him.

"I'll drink kvass." He Fang replied, "Actually, I'm as sober as I can drink 8 bottles of beer..."

The day before New Year's Day, in order to make up for the regret that the veterans stationed abroad could not return to Lingao to attend the annual meeting, the general office sent a "consolation box" to each of the veterans stationed abroad who failed to return to Lingao through a navy transport ship.

The condolence box is made of wood, looks the same as the ammunition box, and is very strong.It contains many foods from the old time and space preserved by the Planning Institute: a can of PLA military version of braised beef, luncheon meat, Western-style ham and canned anchovies; Sichuan kimchi, Korean kimchi, Jinzhou assorted side dishes and A bottle of chili sauce.In order to have a Chinese New Year atmosphere, 500 grams of sliced ​​and dried Ningbo rice cakes are available.Cook, eat, stir-fry, eat as you please.Drinks include 4 bottles of beer, 2 bottles of rum and 6 bottles of kvass, which are individually packaged in special beverage boxes before packing.Regardless of whether the person smokes or not, he will be provided with a "Golden Holy Ship", which is the highest-grade cigarette newly developed by the Monopoly Bureau only for the elders-in fact, the taste is not much different from ordinary holy ships.In addition, there is a can of coffee and tea, 250 grams of white sugar, and 250 grams of assorted fruit sugar.

The contents of the condolence box were shabby and pitiful according to the standard of time and space, but for the elders, they were delicacies full of memories.If the instant noodles hadn't been used up, many elders still hoped to give out a few packs of instant noodles during the Chinese New Year to reminisce—even though the Yuanlao Canteen made Yi noodles seasoned with real chicken soup.

In the evening, Xi Yazhou told the army managers to buy a few sheep from the immigrant villages in Anyoule and other places - the Tiandi Association also had activities in the local immigrant villages - and slaughtered them to improve the army's food.The best meat among them was taken out and made a mutton feast for the elders, and then opened a few cans in the condolence box, and several people drank beer with barbecued mutton and seafood.Finally came a luncheon meat spinach fried rice cake to congratulate the past New Year's Day,

(End of this chapter)

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