Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 807 Gas Workshop

Chapter 807 Gas Workshop
Under the elevated workshop of the gas plant, more than a dozen cylindrical gasifiers stand on the cast reinforced concrete base. The gasifiers are sealed with water jackets, and the gas pipelines have been installed on the iron supports of the elevated workshop. , The gas pipeline is made of cast iron, and the interface is sealed with water glass mixed with porcelain powder-this is currently their best anti-corrosion sealing material.The huge demand for porcelain powder in Lingao led to the rise of a new industry in Guangdong and Fujian: the purchase of broken porcelain pieces.In the past, the broken and damaged porcelain in the kiln factory was discarded directly, but now some merchants buy it and pack it to Lingao.In the industrial sector, the broken porcelain pieces are then crushed into fine powder with a ball mill for later use.

The valves and flow meters are self-produced by Lingao, and the quality is not guaranteed. Therefore, the surroundings of the entire factory building are fully open to maximize ventilation and avoid casualties caused by leakage.

"What's the problem?" Jiang Ye jumped out of the car, and first glanced at the birdcage hanging at the door of the workshop - they don't have special chemicals that can be added to the gas as a warning smell, so they can only be used in all places where there is gas The easiest way to test birds.The little bird inside looks very lively, and there is nothing special about it.

"The temperature at the outlet of No. 4 furnace is rising too fast!" The foreman who led the shift said in panic and handed over the work record book.He used to be a kiln burner with a unique skill. He could tell the temperature in the furnace just by the color of the fire.But since arriving in Lingao, his skills have been replaced by industrial thermometers.Although his secret method is worthless, his work experience is still useful, so he was trained as a foreman.he
Jiang Ye glanced at the work record book, and looked at the situation in the furnace through the observation window-in fact, he didn't know much about gas furnaces, but he learned a lot of technology in this area.

"It should be running sideways." Jiang Ye said.The so-called partial operation means that the ash layer in the furnace is high on one side and low on the other side, and the fire layer is also skewed at the same time. The high side is flaming and running hot, and the low side is dark and running cold. "Test the gas quality!"

Part of the gas generated in the furnace was diverted to the special test combustion port of the branch pipe - they did not have an instrument to measure the gas content, so they had to use the simplest visual combustion method to roughly test several main components in the gas.

"Report! The level of carbon monoxide has dropped! The level of carbon dioxide has increased!" A student who was doing an internship at the construction site reported loudly.

"Bring the stove pole. Go up to the top of the stove and poke the ashes!" Jiang Ye greeted, and someone immediately brought over the special stove pole. "You guys, use the hook to push the ashes from the ash tray and get the ashes out!"

Jiang Ye first opened up the accumulated high ash layer and lowered it.Combined with the following ash removal, a lot of ash was cleaned out, and even with visual inspection, it can be seen that the carbon content in the ash is high, which shows that his judgment on the fault is basically correct.After removing the ashes, he told the workers to use iron brazing to compact the place where the material layer was burning violently, and added some materials appropriately to keep the material layer in a uniform state.

After a while, the temperature and quality of the air outlet returned to the normal range.The fault is ruled out.Jiang Ye knew that this was the simplest fault in a gas generator, but it was also the most common.The use of gas furnaces in the Transit Group has a considerable scale, but the problem of shortage of experienced manpower has not been resolved.Even a major project like a steel mill doesn't get enough skilled people.

He looked at the group of people, except for the foreman, none of them had experience in operating gas furnaces. There was still a long way to go for training.Whenever there was a problem, the foreman himself went blind.

Jiang Ye first briefly analyzed the cause of the failure, how to deal with it and why.These are very simple things. As long as there is a master to lead them, a group of skilled workers can be brought out soon, but the current "masters" themselves are not very reliable.

Solving the fault is one aspect, but also find out the cause of the fault.Jiang Ye knew from the technical manual of the gas generator that there were not many factors for the abnormal operation, except for coking in the furnace, there was a problem with the charge.Judging from the situation of the disposal just now, the coking in the furnace has been dealt with in time.

Jiang Ye took a handful of coal particles in a basket—there are various fuels for the gasifier, and the coal used here is the channel coal after coal washing in the coal washing plant, that is, the pulverized coal and coal dust deposited in the coal washing wastewater.Collected, dried and milled.

The feeling of coal powder in the hand seems a little wet, and the water content is too large.Jiang Ye gave the first reason in his heart.

"Look, this coal powder is too wet." Jiang Ye separated his clenched fists, and the coal powder fell down in small balls. The raw materials must be blended in time after loading." He glanced, "Who is loading the ingredients today?"

"I—" A worker raised his hand hesitantly.

"Why don't you follow the specifications in the operation manual?" Jiang Ye sternly said, "If you are lazy, accidents will happen! You didn't mix well today, and if you broke down, it would affect production if it was light, or if you didn't deal with it in time, it would be serious." Burning through the furnace body, causing a major accident! Your own death is not a pity, and even the workers will be killed!"

The unlucky worker was trembling with fright, unable to utter a word—the word death is not worthy of pity is too lethal, if it weren't for the fact that Lingao is now a "new society", he would have knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Deduct his work points according to the regulations!" Jiang Ye said to the foreman, "Have a team meeting after get off work, and help him well."

In addition to commune members, all naturalized migrant workers and employees also began to implement the work point system, but this kind of labor remuneration is much more complicated than commune members participating in labor dispatch to obtain labor centimeters.The HR among the veterans has started to formulate and implement a complex compensation system, including the calculation of fixed wages and bonuses, additional benefits and compulsory work injury and labor insurance.And this system is based on the calculation system of "work points".

"Yes, yes." The foreman nodded repeatedly.

Points were also deducted for the foreman who failed to fulfill his supervisory responsibilities.The leadership responsibility system is in the promotion stage: since being a leader gets more remuneration and benefits than ordinary workers and employees, the responsibility should also be increased.

On the way back to the headquarters, Jiang Ye took time out of his busy schedule to write down the entire process of dealing with the fault today in his work notebook, and then he wrote down to send a memo to the fuel management department—coal less than 10mm Powder should not be used as raw material for gasification, it is better to continue making briquettes.There is also the problem of water content. It is normal for channel coal to have a large water content, and it will be dry for a few days at least.

The overhead gas pipeline protruding from the gas workshop extends to the open hearth furnace workshop. The overhead base used to support the pipeline is mostly made of bricks. Among the brick columns are wrought iron columns to increase the strength of the entire base.Looking at the workers carrying mud buckets and trowels to lay bricks one by one, Jiang Ye sighed: If there is enough steel, the steel bracket of the welded structure will be fine, which is easy to build and strong.When will the days of this kind of "substituting melons and vegetables" for industry be over.Steel is the backbone of the industry. Without enough steel, the so-called modern industrial system in Lingao seems to be suffering from scoliosis and cannot exert its full strength.

He thought of the discussion about the iron mixing furnace at the technical seminar of the Iron and Steel Complex in the previous stage.At that time, some veterans of the mechanical and metallurgical departments believed that the mixed iron furnace was an important process equipment in the open-hearth steelmaking method and should be included in the manufacturing project.The so-called mixed iron furnace is mainly used to adjust and balance the supply and demand of molten iron between the blast furnace and the converter, to ensure the uninterrupted supply of molten iron required by the converter, and the molten iron is stored and mixed in the mixed iron furnace. Converter steelmaking is very beneficial.With the mixed iron furnace, the molten pig iron in the blast furnace can be directly fed into the open hearth furnace for steelmaking, which saves the process of first casting into iron ingots and then melting them in the iron furnace during steelmaking, which can save a lot of fuel.Give full play to the advantages of continuous production.

However, in terms of specific manufacturing, Jikou found that to manufacture a mixed iron furnace with a capacity of 50 tons of molten iron, it must be able to move and turn over.There are a series of difficulties in the manufacture of many key moving parts, and it is finally decided to use the uneconomical but simple pig iron ingot smelting process-to wait for the material to be improved in the future before buying.

This problem fully exposed the shortcomings caused by the lack of materials.Jiang Ye thought that if it wasn't for the metallurgical department's inability to ensure sufficient grades of steel, it would not be impossible to manufacture these parts.Fortunately, the mixed iron furnace is only an improved auxiliary equipment, not a decisive production equipment.

The new steelmaking workshop of Lingao Iron and Steel Company no longer uses the converter steelmaking method of the past, also known as the Bessemer steelmaking method.Instead, a more efficient Siemens-Martin steelmaking method - the open hearth furnace method was adopted.Open hearth furnaces are not only used in the steelmaking industry, but also in the glass industry and other smelting industries.It is a highly productive process.

Open-hearth steelmaking is a large-scale steelmaking method that uses gas as fuel in an open-hearth furnace to melt pig iron, scrap steel, high-grade iron ore and other raw materials and refine them into molten steel under the state of direct heating by a combustion flame.In the old time and space, it was the main steelmaking method that was still in use until the 1960s. Its production efficiency and steel quality are far higher than the traditional Bessemer converter method.The basic working principle of the open hearth furnace is heat storage, and it does not need to build a heat storage chamber—it has a heat storage chamber itself.

In the converter steelmaking method, the heat required for smelting comes from the smelting process itself, that is, the heat generated by the chemical reaction of the charge.The open hearth furnace method needs to provide heat from the outside. In simple terms, it uses a highly efficient, controllable and relatively clean gas fuel-coal gas.

(End of this chapter)

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