Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 810 Oven

Chapter 810 Oven
The instructive conversation between the two was not heard by others, and Ji Wusheng didn't care about their actions, but ran back and forth to check whether all the preparations were in place.

The ignition ceremony officially started at 8 o'clock in the morning, and Ji Wusheng had already prepared seven or eight furnace braziers that were dipped in tar and burned red.After Zhan Wuya's simple speech, Wen Desi, Zhan Wuya and four other elders who were selected by lottery after signing up started to poke into the furnace through each vent.Dry shavings immediately burn.Immediately there was warm applause and cheers among the elders and naturalized people who were watching around the blast furnace, especially the elders, each of them deeply understood the great significance of the ignition of the blast furnace.

"Open all the tuyeres, slag taps and steel taps to ventilate the blast furnace." Ji Wusheng had no time to express his celebration, and directed the workers loudly.Wearing steelworkers' goggles, he watched the fire in the tuyere, where the firewood had been ignited by the shavings.The first step of ignition has been successful, and the burning of the firewood will gradually lead to the coke.

Black smoke billowed from the top and openings of the blast furnace.There was a commotion among the onlookers.Individual veterans who are reluctant to die are already retreating.

"It doesn't matter, this is the smoke when the firewood is burning." Ji Wusheng shouted loudly, and he turned his head to take care of Chief Li, "From now on, you stare at the furnace, and the tuyere, slag outlet and steel outlet are all open. Don't Send air! Let the blast furnace burn by itself. Come to me again when the smoke turns white!"

At the beginning, only the blast furnace was allowed to burn freely without blowing air to prevent the firewood from burning out prematurely, causing coke to fail to ignite or to ignite insufficiently.

Ji Wusheng arranged all the work in front of the furnace, and then checked the status of the entire workshop.The veterans in the workshop gradually dispersed, leaving only a few veterans from the industrial gate, Zhan Wuya and Wu De from the Planning Institute.

"After the No. [-] blast furnace is put into operation, when are you going to ignite the open hearth furnace?" Wu De asked.

"After the first batch of pig iron is produced. Come to my office to talk." Ji Wusheng built a small room in the blast furnace workshop as an office.He often has to work on site and provide technical guidance, so each workshop has to prepare such a small room.

"To tell you the truth, I've never worked with an open hearth furnace." Ji Wusheng tidied up the table he just delivered, "All I've seen in steel companies are electric arc furnaces, or at least oxygen converters. It's not very good for directly using concentrate powder to make steel Be sure—we still use the old method, and go with the mature technology I have mastered first."

Ji Wusheng's idea is that the first steelmaking in the open hearth furnace mainly uses pig iron ingots, and then adds a part of the open hearth furnace ore.This is safer.

"There is also the need to set up a special steel factory chemical laboratory. Coke, iron ore, limestone... all of these need to be analyzed for chemical composition. Of course, the carbon content in molten iron also needs to be analyzed. The laboratory must be established——Dalian The blast furnaces of iron and steel are equipped with laboratories.”

This request can only be made to the Planning Institute, and the laboratory needs to be approved.Some equipment and instruments in the laboratory require special manufacture, and some require the use of controlled items - such as 1/1000 scales, microscopes, fans for making fume hoods, platinum crucibles...

These are either not produced by Lingao at present, or they are of great value.Finally, there are no suitable chemical analysts among the indigenous people, and professionals must be selected from the elders to serve as chemical analysts.

After D-Day, the time-traveling group established several laboratories, but they mainly focused on biological research.The only laboratories used for industrial production are the laboratories directly under the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the analytical laboratory located in the Maniao Salt Factory.Cement plants and steel plants all need chemical experiments to analyze the composition of raw materials and finished products.

"If you want to refine special steel and alloy steel, it's wishful thinking without a laboratory." Ji Wusheng said emphatically.

Zhan Wuya said: "Not only the steel plant, but the cement plant also urgently needs a laboratory."

Wu De thought for a moment: "It stands to reason that these are all reasonable requirements. However, we have insufficient reserves of some key equipment, and there are not many veterans who are willing to do chemical analysis full-time." He thought that Mo Xiaoan also mentioned it to him a few days ago Lab configuration.

Finally, Wood proposed to set up an industry central laboratory in each of the two systems of heavy industry and light industry.Configured according to high standards, it is specially responsible for the experimental analysis work in this system.

"It's okay." After hearing Wu De's idea, Ji Wusheng felt that this was a compromise solution, "But Ma Niao is 12 kilometers away from Bairen, and the journey time is too long. It is too late to analyze the molten iron and slag materials. "

"The laboratory of the heavy industry port will be located in the Mayao industrial area - this is our future heavy industrial area. It includes a modern cement plant." Wood is very generous: "In addition, I will help you build a simple one in the steel plant. Laboratory, as long as you don't dislike the poor equipment."

"Okay, as long as it works."

"The cement plant built in the Maniao Industrial Zone can use nearby by-products of steel plant production: waste heat, waste gas and waste slag. A large amount of slag and slag produced by steelmaking and ironmaking are good raw materials for making cement—not just using To pave roads or as fertilizer. This new version of the cement plant is planned to be built with more advanced process equipment. The commissioning of the steel plant has opened up the possibility for the Lingao industrial system to manufacture large-scale equipment.

Zhan Wuya was very excited: "Steel and cement must not be doubled, and our capital is getting bigger and bigger. Next, I will solve the welding problem."

"Let me tell you, our industrial layout needs to go out of Lingao as soon as possible—this place is short of water, and there are great constraints." Wu De recently participated in an internal seminar held by the executive committee, and the participants included about [-] people. Professionals from all walks of life, in addition to technical personnel, also include veterans who are familiar with the land and human environment.A discussion was held on the future industrial layout.

The consensus formed by everyone is that Lingao and Danzhou are not places where large-scale industries are engaged in. Northwest Qiongxi has always been short of water. Historically, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, water collection facilities were continuously built, irrigation canals were dug, and Songtao Reservoir was built. A series of reservoirs can basically meet the water demand of modern Lingao's industrial and agricultural production and population life.But Lingao in the old days was not an industrial county, and the industrial output value of Lingao was very low even in the 21st century.

However, Hainan Island under the control of the Crossing Group is not very stable at present, and the supply of machinery, equipment, construction materials and workers cannot keep up. It is impossible to set up sub-bases everywhere. The industry can only be left in Lingao, the core area of ​​the rule. Instead of implementing the optimal configuration.

"If you ask me: why not move the light industry system to Guangdong?" Zhan Wuya said, "The Pearl River Delta is rich in various agricultural products, coal and raw materials are guaranteed, the Pearl River has water resources, and labor is abundant. The products we produce can also be Local sales. It can even attract private capital to join. Aren’t the wineries and mirror assembly factories in Guangzhou very successful?”

After Ji Wusheng sent off the last batch of veterans, he went back to the office to take a nap by himself.At noon, the maid brought him lunch and woke him up.He had a hasty lunch, and then walked around the workshop. Chief Li was still guarding in front of the furnace, observing the fire from time to time.

"How about it?"

"The firewood is almost burned out." Mr. Li reported, "The smoke has started to fade."

While talking, someone pushed a trolley to bring lunch to the workers in the blast furnace workshop-a large portion of covered rice and fried rice noodles in a lunch box, each with 500 grams. For heavy manual labor, the food allowance is the highest level.Today is the day to start the fire, and as usual, it should be richer. According to Ji Wusheng's instructions, an extra piece of fried fish steak was added to each worker.

Workers eat right in front of the fire.Dozens of people chatted while eating, and Ji Wusheng took this opportunity to talk about concepts such as chemical reactions in blast furnace ironmaking.Workers are very interested in ironmaking technology, and they will ask many questions whenever they have the opportunity-the elders advocated learning technology, and paying attention to skilled workers promoted the enthusiasm of workers to learn technology.

The advanced technology of the veterans has virtually broken the bad habit of keeping secrets among craftsmen in the original handicraft era-in the face of the technology of the veterans, any traditional secret technique is like scum.

Explaining the oxidation-reduction reaction is quite difficult for workers who don't even have elementary school education. Ji Wusheng tried to explain it in a simple and clear way-he also counted on selecting enough technical backbones from this group of workers to disperse them in various workshops ——You must know that he has barely managed to gather the crew for No. 100 blast furnace and No. [-] open hearth furnace.There are more than [-] workers in three shifts for the No. [-] blast furnace alone—it is not known where the operators of the No. [-] blast furnace are.

"Chief! White smoke is coming out!" The workers who went to see the fire shouted loudly just after the noon class ended.

"Okay, get ready to blow the air!" Ji Wusheng quickly put on his sunglasses, the black smoke had completely disappeared, and now white smoke came out, which meant that the firewood had basically burned out and the coke had been completely attracted.He watched, and the burn was very good.

"Start sending half wind!" Following his order, the workers hurriedly opened the gearbox lever to transmit the power from the sky shaft to the drive shaft of the blower.The blower started to run, making a loud roar.

A blower powered by a steam engine is not as efficient as an electric blower, but its wind output capacity is much stronger than that of manpower, animal power, water power or wind power-a blast furnace of this scale is not capable of blowing the power system of a traditional handicraft industry.

Ji Wusheng focused on the flames in the furnace. Although only half of the wind was blown in, the firepower in the blast furnace immediately experienced a qualitative leap.The flames in the furnace gradually turned white, which was a sign of increasing temperature.

"Close the slag outlet!" Ji Wusheng shouted loudly, "Get ready to release the ashes!"

(End of this chapter)

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