Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 811

Chapter 811
Foreman Li immediately took several workers up to carry the prepared fireproof mud, and quickly sealed the slag outlet.Ji Wusheng pulled the whistle violently, and the sharp whistle reminded the workers around the blast furnace that something was about to be discharged from the furnace, and everyone should pay attention to avoiding it.

Several workers lifted the iron chisels and began to stir the bottom of the furnace. As they stirred together, like fireworks, many burning sparks were ejected from the taphole and danced in the air.This is the ashes of the firewood being blown out of the bottom of the furnace.

Ji Wusheng ordered the workers to stir continuously to let the ashes out of the furnace continuously.The purpose of discharging the ash is to prevent the ash and slag from mixing together to form the bottom of the seat.

Wait until no more ashes are blown out, and tell the workers to close the tap hole.Then start sending full wind.The blower was whistling, the temperature in the workshop was getting higher and higher, Ji Wusheng began to feel the sweat dripping down from his forehead——thick work clothes hindered the heat from dissipating, but he still stood motionless in front of the furnace Watching.From time to time, he looked at his watch and counted the time.

"Okay!" Ji Wusheng thought that the heat was almost ready, and told Chief Engineer Li, "From now on, you must always pay attention to the position of the furnace line, and gradually add empty coke when the coke layer falls to the specified position. Add some slag— ―I taught you how much to add every time, if you forget, just check the craft manual!"

"I haven't forgotten!" Mr. Li recited a series of data smoothly.

"Okay, from now on, don't add ore until tomorrow morning when the morning shift comes to take over, and start adding when I come. Coke must be added continuously! Keep the furnace temperature!"

It will take about 24 hours for the second furnace to bake. Only when the temperature of the entire blast furnace reaches a sufficient temperature can a small amount of iron ore be added in small batches. All this is to ensure the temperature of the furnace. Maintenance is an important issue. Insufficient furnace temperature not only affects the casting rate, but also causes many blast furnace failures, and finally the furnace has to be shut down for overhaul.

Ji Wusheng went back and quickly took the time to sleep.It was night when I woke up, and the mid-shift workers had already taken over.He checked the handover records of the two shifts, and drilled in through the probe hole with a steel drill to observe the combustion status of the coke and the temperature of the furnace wall.

"Continue to add coke in small batches and supply air." Ji Wusheng felt that the heat was still a bit short, and decided to start adding ore until the morning of the 7th.

At noon on February 2, following Ji Wusheng's order, the first batch of iron ore fine powder and slagging materials were finally put into the blast furnace, and the official pig iron smelting began.Compared with the workers, Ji Wusheng was more nervous-they did it according to the technical data and their own experience, but whether this large-scale counterfeit product that was piled up with counterfeit goods could stand the test and operate normally No one knows.Ji Wusheng knows that the success or failure of the blast furnace determines how fast one can climb the tech tree

On February 2, the blast furnace finally released the first furnace of molten iron. The main ditch was made of sandstone and filled with yellow sand.The casting bed is a pig iron mold.After the first batch of pig iron ingots came out, Ji Wusheng ordered people to take the iron bricks by car and send them to Bairen's chemical laboratory to test the composition.

The results of the analysis were quickly fed back to the steel plant through wired telegrams.The quality of the pig iron is very good, and the proportion of phosphorus and sulfur that affects the quality of the pig iron is extremely low, far exceeding the various scrap iron and pig iron they get from the mainland.The combination of high-quality iron ore and modern blast furnace smelting has created such high-quality pig iron.

Ji Wusheng's face was full of light: "Great! With high-quality pig iron, it will be easier to make good steel."

After the molten iron has been discharged, the slag discharge begins for the first time.The steel slag is discharged into a large pool, and the water in the pool is river water sent from the water supply plant after simple sedimentation treatment.The cooled steel slag is used to make cement.As for the cooling water heated by steel slag, it is piped out so that waste heat can be utilized.

"From now on, produce iron every two hours! Produce slag every 15 minutes!" Ji Wusheng ordered, he collected a sample of the steel slag that was cooled for the first time, and handed it to a staff member to quickly send it to Bairen to make ingredients Test in order to adjust the composition of the slagging material at any time.

"Without a laboratory, people have to run to death." Seeing the excited clerk trotting out with the sample jars, Ji Wusheng sighed.Ma Niao's land-based external transportation is only roads, and the speed of walking or cycling is too slow.In order to deliver the objects quickly, the Planning Institute allocated a motorcycle to the Mayiao Industrial Zone.When it is necessary to deliver items urgently, they will be transported by motorcycles.

Soon the composition of the slag was analyzed, and it was sent to the steel factory by cable telegraph.The ingredients are roughly within Ji Wusheng's prediction range - the formula and figures of the ingredients are calculated accurately by him, which is a summary of more than 100 years of experience in modern blast furnace ironmaking.Now Ji Wusheng has enough confidence that the blast furnace can produce iron in a long-term and stable manner.But he still didn’t dare to relax. He was in the workshop 24 hours a day. When he was sleepy, he would sleep in the office, and then get up to check the furnace status—he didn’t dare to relax at all for the naturalized migrant workers under him. The longest period for real industrial workers is only one and a half years.Bad habits and thinking still dominate the pattern.There are a lot of new workers among the blast furnace workers, and there are few old workers, so accidents are more likely to happen if you don't keep an eye on them.

Under his day and night monitoring, the operation of the blast furnace was completely normal after 48 hours.Ji Wusheng converted it based on the input iron ore and coke, and the conversion rate of the blast furnace was about 0.79—this level is not high, and modern blast furnaces can generally reach the level of 1.But he is not worried, as long as he continues to improve the feed ratio and slagging process, he is sure that the conversion rate will reach about 0.90.Even at the level of 0.79, the daily pig iron production is far more than 50 tons.The capacity of the blast furnace is much higher than expected.

In order to celebrate the official commissioning of the No. [-] blast furnace, the Senate ordered to provide additional rations to the students in Fangcao, including the students' favorite fruit candies.Many years later, the "children of Fangcao" who have grown into the middle class of the empire still often recall the beautiful days when they received "special rations".Every time the ration was increased, the students would stand up in the classrooms, dormitories and playgrounds and cheer "Long live"-everyone knew that this was a new step forward for the empire under the correct, honorable and great leadership of the Senate.

At the same time, on February 2, both the internal and external editions of "Lingao Times" published a set of Hongtong edition headline news.Needless to say, the naturalized people, the natives who have more dealings with the elders also know that a red headline in the newspaper means that something important has happened to the elders—mostly it is a happy event.The committee members of the County Counseling Bureau can't understand the newspapers full of "Newspeak" articles, but the County Counseling Bureau has a full-time liaison "female girl", and every time the County Counseling Bureau meets, she is responsible for explaining Contents of newspapers and documents.Everyone heard that Tang Tang said that this is a large furnace that can produce more than 9 catties of iron. Although I don’t know what the specific meaning is, but from the solemnity of the elders, I still understand that these 20 things are of great significance, and they are very interesting immediately. In the name of the County Counseling Bureau, he wrote a "Congratulatory Letter" on big red paper and sent it to Dongmen City.Zhang Youfu also told his subordinates to quickly buy firecrackers and set them off at the gate of the County Counseling Bureau.

Wu De closed the window - the sound of firecrackers outside was extremely noisy, which interfered with the executive committee's executive work meeting.

This executive working meeting was held at his request, and the topic was to solve the problem of thermal coal supply.Of course, the so-called thermal coal supply problem is actually a problem of Hongji.

"...Well, the situation of coal supply is already here." Wu De said, "I think everyone understands the current situation. The channels of coal have not increased, but the number of users has increased a lot. If we can't solve it once and for all As for the coal issue, I am afraid that maintaining the operation of the industrial system will become a problem.”

As if to verify his statement, the warning siren sounded when the boiler was deflated—reminding the elders present how many boilers were burning and how many steam engines were tirelessly providing for the industrialization of Lingao. A steady stream of powerful motivation.In Sanya, Hong Kong, and Leizhou, there are still many boilers waiting for high-quality coal to fill their huge appetite.

"It's unrealistic to expect Guo Yi to restore the coal transportation channel for us right away—besides, the Pearl River Delta is not close to Lingao, so he can solve Hong Kong's thermal coal problem immediately at the most. Zhanjiang coal shipped from Leizhou is now our thermal coal The main force, this is the thermal coal with the most stable supply at present.”

He did not count the Jiazi Coal Mine in Qiongshan and the Nanbao Coal Mine in Lingao into the thermal coal statistics.The former is the special coking coal used by the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Ministry of Metallurgy, while the calorific value of the latter is so low that it can only be used as fertilizer.

"Is the coal mine in Danzhou worth developing? Remember where there are oil sand mines?"

"Yes, there is Changpo Coal Mine in Danzhou, which is one of the larger coal mines in Hainan Island." Bai Guoshi, who represented the exploration department at the meeting, said, "But the burial is deep and requires a large initial investment. The quality of the coal is not great. Ideal—Changpo actually belongs to the same mining belt as Nanbao’s coal mine.”

As for the oil ore sands in Danzhou, the burial depth is very deep, and it is more troublesome to mine.In addition, it needs to be equipped with refining equipment to extract it. Right now, there is not much demand for fuel oil, and the increase in this investment is not worth the candle.

"Ade, we understand what you mean!" Ma Qianju said, "We will directly intervene in the development of Hongji, instead of relying on sporadic purchases from Vietnam trading companies."

Wu De nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean. Now it's time to directly intervene in Hongji."

(End of this chapter)

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