Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 812 To Hongji

Chapter 812 To Hongji
Wen Desi said: "I agree with this plan unconditionally." He said with a sigh, "I will return to the place where I fought again!"

"Yeah, I think back to the time when Mr. Wen defeated the bandits alone, the PPK machine gun swept thousands of troops, and the demeanor of the bandit leader was really revered..." Skaide said.

"It's all in the past, don't mention it again." Wen Desi waved his hand indifferently.

"Everyone, don't digress." Ma Qianju said, "Continue to discuss the development of Hongji."

Dongmen Chuiyu spoke as a representative of the General Administration of Military Affairs and said: "Our current strength is insufficient - the available mobile strength is only the Lingao Guard Battalion and the Ma Niao Battalion."

Insufficient troops have always been a curse that plagues the Lingao regime—in general, Lingao is an island regime at this stage, which is very suitable for the idea of ​​​​building an army with a large navy and a small army. Troops dispatched for overseas intervention.

It stands to reason that under this system, the mobile forces of the Lingao regime should have been abundant—the Senate has the strongest maritime mobile projection capability in this time and space, and can maneuver troops along the coastline at an extremely fast speed. A battalion can When used by several battalions.

However, Lingao's time-traveling regime is also a foreign regime. Although the elders tried their best to buy people's hearts, and there was no strong nationalist tendency in the 17th century, the chaotic social order of the medieval country prevented social resources from being fully utilized. , which made the army have to undertake the task of social transformation, which was not its main responsibility.

Although more than half a year has passed since the battle of Chengmai, even though the Senate controlled the Qiongbei counties for more than three months.However, the main force of the army is still being used to carry out a comprehensive "clearance" of the place.The Qiongbei public security war launched by the General Staff constrained most of the army's troops-the army's four regular infantry battalions were scattered throughout the Qiongbei area, performing various tasks of guarding, escorting and suppressing bandits.The Army, which was supposed to serve as a projection force, was no longer able to divide forces to support new combat operations.

"... If you want to open up the Hongji front, you can only use Ma Niao's Army General Reserve." Dongmen Chuiyu expressed his concern. In order to defend Hongji, he had to form a Hongji garrison battalion, and he had to take it away anyway. Three companies.In case the Northern Dynasty insisted on "defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country", according to the mobilization level of the Northern Dynasty, it is very possible to deploy [-] people to besiege Hongji. It is very doubtful whether the three companies can keep Hongji.During the war game, the General Staff believed that at least a full infantry battalion was needed to defeat the North Vietnamese crusade army.

Veteran officers of the General Administration of Military Affairs conducted many deduction on various plans and schemes. The final result was that Lingao's military strength was still insufficient in number, and could only be satisfied with short-term wars of fast in and fast out. There is a danger of being stretched.

The solution is of course to expand the army, whether it is to expand the regular order or create a new second-line garrison... However, the veteran officers themselves feel that they cannot speak: the population statistics of the entire Qiongzhou have not yet been released, but the estimated total population is only 50 people, the current size of the army and navy has exceeded 1.5 people.Compared with 30 soldier in 1 people-the Lingao regime can be called the most militaristic regime in history, even surpassing Prussia, which is known as the "army with a country".If it weren't for the continuous supply of blood drawn from the mainland by relying on export-oriented trade and the army usually taking a considerable amount of time to support construction, such an army could not have been maintained.

After the Battle of Chengmai, the executive committee once conceived the idea of ​​reducing some navy and army soldiers to enrich grassroots cadres, but subsequent developments made this disarmament plan completely aborted.

"...The expedition to Vietnam is equivalent to another division of troops, and it is necessary to maintain a certain presence in the enemy-occupied area for a long time, and may even have to fight for a long time, and the threat of Zheng Zhilong and other sea masters has not been eliminated..." Dongmen Chuiyu continued to report with.

"We are in a strange circle now," Zhan Wuya said. "To engage in large-scale industrial production, violent soldiers need to seize territory to produce raw materials and fuels. The violent soldiers need a lot of arms, and arms need large industries. Large industries need raw materials and fuels, and raw materials and fuels need You can get it by robbing the territory, and you need violent soldiers to rob the territory..."

Wen Desi interrupted Zhan Wuya's complaint: "This matter is indeed difficult, but there is no result if you just put the problem - let me talk about my opinion: first set up an armed trading station to pay for certain currencies or commodities , hire the local aborigines to dig coal, and then recruit mine guards from the miners..."

"Let Vietnamese natives dig coal? In the old days, people said that their trade unions are very powerful, and they go on strike every now and then." Skaide expressed doubts about the labor efficiency of Vietnamese natives. When I arrived in Vietnam, it didn't take long for me to complain, complaining that the Vietnamese workers were too lazy.

"Monkeys are quite hardworking and willing to work, at least better than the aborigines farther south—they grow rice for three seasons—is this something lazy people can do?" Wen Desi said, "Besides, the trade union heresy Time and space do not exist. One more point: Vietnam has a large population, enough to supply the consumption of coal mining. Aren’t they fighting the Civil War now? This kind of medieval society is a little bit big, and they fight big battles with 10,000+ people. Needless to say, the people are in dire straits, and we can get a large number of people at a very low price—just enough to feed them.”

Wu De said: "In the long run, the armed trading station can also serve as a base for subtly cultivating and transforming local aborigines, which will be beneficial to our future implementation of the new order."

In the general plan of the Senate, Vietnam, North Korea, and Japan, the countries in the "Chinese Cultural Circle", belong to the "East Asian New Order" system in the future, and the treatment is different from that of the natives of the Southeast Asian archipelago.

Everyone has no objection to Wen Desi's local use of labor. Even if Vietnam cannot provide enough indigenous labor, in the long run, slaves can be transported to fill mine pits.

Dongmen Chuiyu said: "I'm just worried that the Armed Merchant Station won't be able to support the Northern Dynasty's attack..."

"We try our best to achieve peaceful trade." Wen Desi explained his plan, "The commercial station is only used as a shelter in case of emergency. So the scale does not need to be large, as long as it is strong enough to support the navy for reinforcements. "

The intention of the traversers is only to dig coal, not to occupy the territory.Hongji's place is not a land of fish and rice, but a barren hilly peninsula.At present, Lingao's illustrious military exploits should have spread to the Northern Dynasty. The Northern Dynasty was already in a state of war with the Southern Dynasty, and they couldn't take care of themselves. There was no need to fight with a powerful military power over a small piece of wasteland—especially when the other party's purpose was just to dig coal. That's all.Wen Desi's plan is based on the premise of this prediction.

Yu Eshui said: "In my personal opinion, Mr. Wen's plan is still feasible. Every time the Northern Dynasty went south, it was blocked by the Ruan family's fortresses near the 17th parallel and the arms provided by the Portuguese. Now it is urgent to find foreign aid. ――According to the course of history, the Dutch will act as their advisors in the near future. If we provide some arms in exchange, it is not an unbearable price for the Northern Dynasty to let us stay in Hongji and mine coal. And it can also crowd out the Netherlands The influence of people on the Northern Dynasties."

"Sell arms?" Some people felt that it was not easy to accept. In the past, Li Luoyou's attempts to buy arms for Daming were rejected, but now he suddenly wants to sell arms to Bei Lichao.

"Do we have enough steel?"

"With the No. 10 blast furnace, the production capacity of steel has expanded by more than 60 times. It is still beneficial for us to consume some in exchange for enough thermal coal." Zhan Wuya felt a little rich because the blast furnace was successfully ignited a few days ago. , "The No. [-] blast furnace is not working at full capacity yet, and the daily pig iron output exceeds [-] tons. The No. [-] blast furnace can be put into operation in another month."

"There are also medicines, processed fast food - food can be processed with supplied materials... All of these can be sold to the Northern Dynasty as trade goods. It is similar to the goods sold to the Tartars." Skaide said, "I don't think the Northern Dynasty will refuse This kind of trade requires. Medicines and fast food are very useful in the military."

Finally, the resolution to open a trader's station for coal mining in Hongji was passed.As a first step, the Vietnam Trade Company was separated from the Leizhou Station.The Vietnam Trading Company became a state-owned company directly under the Ministry of Colonial Trade.It has achieved the same status as Leizhou Sugar Industry.The resident is still located in Leizhou.

In a luxurious residence on Hai'an Street in Haikang County, Leizhou, the elders of Leizhou Station are sitting around a table, and the atmosphere is a bit delicate.The table is full of account books and the like, and besides the abacus there is a pocket electronic calculator.

A big black man said at this time: "Okay, the accounts should be clear, right?"

The female veteran who was filling in the best numbers on the form straightened up—she was Jin Zhijiao from the Cheka.She said: "No problem, there are a few transactions that violate the system, but they are not serious." She stamped the handover audit form, "Okay!"

"Old Wen, I'm leaving you soon, don't think about me..." The big black man is Chang Shide. There is another appointment in Lingao." Following the telegram was the Cheka woman.

Operation Hongji began with the transfer of personnel: Chang Shide was transferred out of Leizhou; Yan Maoda was officially transferred to Leizhou as the general manager of the Vietnam Trading Company, and Bei Kai was appointed as the trade representative in North Vietnam.The latter has received long-term Vietnamese language training in Lingao - learning strange Vietnamese words from the TV every day is too much for him.Although Bei Kai repeatedly emphasized that his family has nothing to do with Vietnam, he was selected for the position of trade representative in Vietnam because of his "very Vietnamese" appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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