Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 818 Unclosed Cases

Chapter 818 Unclosed Cases
"Yeah, it's bad if you play badly..." Li Yan answered, and suddenly realized that Zhou Dongtian didn't mean it, and quickly argued, "So I played until Lingao came to be a prisoner. ——"

Zhou Dongtian chuckled twice and patted his shoulder.He picked up the file and handed it to Li Yan: "She has returned to the Intelligence Bureau. I think she will cooperate with you very much in the future."

"Okay. I." Li Yan nodded. Originally, the Intelligence Bureau wanted to conduct a special investigation on the Ming Dynasty's internal guards and the intelligence system. It had entrusted people from the Great Library to search for a lot of information from the historical records and notes. At the same time, through interrogating the prisoners He also obtained a lot of information through interviews with Ming gentry.The staff captured in the battle of Chengmai provided quite a lot of information: some were heard, some were personally experienced.But these materials all come from outside—now that there is such a family member and temporary worker, he should be more aware of Jin Yiwei's internal conditions and operating methods than others.

The Foreign Intelligence Agency immediately issued a notice to all the field departments, listing Huang Shunlong as "dangerous", and his shops and residences are places that are seriously threatened - Lin Ming is his sister-in-law who was lost in Macau, he will definitely focus on Huang's house object of care.Maybe there is a team of Jinyiwei ambushing outside Huang's house right now.

"Although it is a great loss to cut off the connection between the Huang family and us, we must now beware of the other party jumping over the wall. Whether it is public or private, the hundred households surnamed Lin will definitely try to kidnap the elders directly to find out our details, or try to exchange with us. A prisoner." Jiang Shan said.

Li Yongxun once again met the trio led by the woman, who was still waiting for her expressionlessly.
She was hooded again and put into a carriage.After a period of turbulence, the headgear was taken off——Li Yongxun blinked his eyes. This is a quiet compound with high walls on all sides. pink flowers.It looked rather weird.

In the yard stood several multi-storey buildings similar to Franz's.But it's not as beautiful as Franz's house.The windows are all inlaid with glass, but they are fitted with strong wooden bars.Nothing to see from the outside.

A new fear invaded her heart again: what is this place?Could it be the prison of the thieves?The appearance is not quite the same as Daming's, but she is very familiar with the chilling and cold atmosphere here since she was a child.

This is the "study class" of the Political Security Bureau. In fact, there is nothing to study here, and it is the exclusive place for the Political Security Bureau to detain people.In a system that traverses regimes
"Go in!" Ke Yun urged her.Li Yongxun had no choice but to climb up the steps, and the double-opening door with the iron sheet was opened, and a lame man came out-his wooden leg was exposed under a pair of trousers.This person is also wearing a double-breasted jacket, with the same blue shoulder straps as the female bandits and the others.

"One person to be processed, named Li Yongxun, female!" Ke Yun handed over the document in his hand to the other party, and the two of them were busy writing and stamping on the table at the door for a long time.The lame man took out a bunch of keys.

"Where is the arrangement?"

"The first district."

The crippled man opened an iron door in the foyer, and behind him was a long corridor, with one door after another on the left and right, all closed.He led them around three or four turns, walked through a yard, opened several iron gates, and finally came to a gate.

"right here."

Li Yongxun found himself in a clean and tidy room with only one bed in it.A table, two chairs.The walls are painted white, the floor is made of wood, the windows are high and luxuriously inlaid with glass, and the room is sunny.On the table are the Four Treasures of the Study and a notebook bound with white paper.

"This is your room," said the crippled guard. "The toilet and bathhouse are at the end of the corridor. You can walk around in the corridor as you please. You just can't go out through the iron gate." He pointed to the iron gate at the other end of the corridor, "There is something Pull the rope, and someone will come." After saying these words, he limped out.Only Ke Yun and her were left.

"You live here. Take a break, and someone will talk to you in a few days."

"What are you talking about?" Li Yongxun didn't know what kind of medicine the Kun thief's gourd plum was selling for.From the looks of it, it was considered "house arrest", which made her feel a little relieved.

Ke Yun didn't answer her question: "There are pens and paper here, so you can write your self-report first."


"Yes, start writing from yourself, where you were born, who your parents are, what your background is, whether you can read or not, what books you have read since childhood... write them all down."

"Why did you write this?!" Li Yongxun became more and more surprised.

"This is a template." Ke Yun pointed to a booklet on the table, "Read it first, and you will know how to write it."

"My girl can't read! Don't write!"

"You'd better know how to read," Ke Yun sneered, "otherwise I'll ask someone to write for you..."

"I'll write it, I'll write it," Li Yongxun certainly knew what the other party meant, and immediately relented, "I don't want anyone to help me."

While Li Yongxun was busy writing materials in the study class of the General Political Security Bureau, Lin Ming was hiding in an inn in Sanshui County, thinking hard about how to report the results of the investigation of Gao Shunqin's disappearance.

The disappearance of Gao Xunyan has become a completely unsolved case in Guangzhou.After Lin Ming searched in Macau and found nothing, he had no choice but to return to Guangzhou in desperation—in order to avoid too much outside influence in Guangzhou, he went to Sanshui County again in the name of investigating the case, and then stayed there.

At this time, he had already decided in his heart that the Kun thief was the real culprit behind Gao Shunqin's disappearance, and that Li Yongxun's disappearance was also related to Gao Xunqin's case.However, the attitude of Guangzhou officials towards Australians is "peaceful". If I don't know the current affairs and jump out and say that the thieves are black hands, I will create a problem for the Governor-if an important official falls into Lingao, will Guangdong officials ignore it?If you want to send troops to fight, you are looking for your own death, not to mention that the Guangdong side dare not send troops to fight at all, even if you arrest Guo Dongzhu, a big businessman who is about to return to Guangzhou, and exchange for meat tickets, Governor Li will not dare—then you have to be prepared to be arrested for the second time. The Wuyang Post was set on fire.

If I really wanted to report it like this, I would offend Li Fengjie and the Guangdong officials to death.

Lin Ming gritted his teeth and thought about it for a long time, finally decided to hold his nose and follow the meaning of Guangdong officials.Gao Xunyan had no choice but to wrong him for being loyal to the country.Fortunately, so far, all the evidence that has been seized points to the north of his route after leaving Guangzhou. Except for himself and Li Yongxun, who was captured by the Australians, no one can provide definite clues that the robbers did it.My Dasuo in Haojingao can only be regarded as "rumours", and the Australians are at most "suspected".

As for the sister-in-law, she had to be saved—otherwise, my wife would not agree.Besides, it can't be so cheap for outsiders!But this matter cannot be handled by the government, it has to be handled privately by yourself.Fortunately, there is a brand of Jinyiwei, and it is also well-known in the hundred households. It is not difficult to mobilize official resources.

Lin Ming made up his mind, arranged for people to search everywhere, and sent people to Nanxiong Prefecture with great fanfare to investigate the case.In the end, Guangzhou's memorial to the imperial court was that Gao Xunyan left the Yamen on his own, and his whereabouts were unknown.According to reliable clues, he should have left Guangdong and entered Jiangxi.However, Guangdong is still "doing its best to track down" Yunyun.A large volume of paperwork for handling the case is also attached with the memorial.Now, unless the court assigns someone else to investigate the matter, the case will be delayed indefinitely.As for whether the imperial court would send a special person to investigate, Li Fengjie was not sure, even if they were sent, they might not be able to find out what Chou Yinmao was.In addition, fires and smoke have been everywhere in the past few years, and the court may not have time to pay attention to this matter.

Li Fengjie informed his subordinates to quietly give Lin Ming 3000 taels of silver as a reward, and another 1000 taels as a reward for his subordinates.Except for Gao Xunkan's family members, everyone is satisfied.

However, Gao Xunyan's family members are strongly dissatisfied with this ending, because it is really unbelievable that Gao Xunyan would "abandon his official position and leave".The family members of Gao's family sent people to appeal to the governor's yamen many times, but they were all sent out "under strict investigation".Theoretically speaking, it was just a memorial to explain the situation - the Gao case was not officially closed, and Li Fengjie used this to prevaricate his family.

"The Gao family said that they would send people to Beijing to sue for impeachment." Li Xijue said to Li Fengjie who was working in the signing room. He was a little worried that it would be difficult to deal with things if things got big—there were no exceptions in ancient and modern China and abroad.Moreover, the Gao family is not a flat-headed fart, and has considerable energy for activities.

Li Fengjie said calmly: "Sue imperial court? A woman's opinion! Mr. Gao was not arrested by our men. Who are they planning to sue? What charges?"

"Dong Weng is right, but Gao Shunqin has quite a few friends in the capital. In the same year, if the Gao family went to exercise them..."

"It's nothing more than asking us to 're-investigate the case'. We haven't stopped investigating this matter. Is there a word in the memorial that this matter has been closed?"

"It's not there—" The memorial was not written by Li Fengjie, but the main staff members had consulted it before sending it out.

"If they don't have it, they are looking it up. What else can they say?" Li Fengjie smiled and picked up the book again.

Li Xijue knew that Master Dongweng was determined by the word "delay", and he was dragged down until he left office.

"Dong Weng! Even so, the Gao family still needs a little comfort." Li Xijue has been dealing with the Gao family members recently, and knows that they are definitely not so easy to deal with - this is not a matter of giving money.

"Well." Li Fengjie thought for a while, "Someone has to take care of this matter. I think there must be a few accomplices in the Gao mansion. At the time, Zhifu Yu told me that the Gao family had several things for him to do. He was in the way Mr. Gao did not dare to agree because of his face. Now it seems that Mr. Gao will not return to Guangdong for a while, so you can tell the magistrate Yu to do it for them—it just happens to be an investigation.”

(End of this chapter)

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