Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 819

Chapter 819

Yan Maoda stood on the top of Mao'er Mountain.The mountain is 400 meters high, with steep mountains and jagged rocks, making it difficult to climb.The reason why Yan Maoda climbed up was so that he could have a condescending look at the terrain in this area.

Mao'er Mountain is an iconic hill by the seaside of Honji.It is said that a "true emperor" wrote "poems" here, and later a group of so-called "celebrities", "heroes" and "heroes" wrote "poems" here, so the local people call it "poetry". It "poetry" mountain.This mountain was also related to the Vietnamese Revolution in the 50s in the old time and space. According to some "revolutionary memoirs", during the French rule of Vietnam, there was a flagpole on the top of the mountain. From the late 40s to the early 50s, every year on May [-]st and September [-]nd, members of the Viet Cong climbed up the mountain and hung the "national flag" on the flagpole on the top of the mountain.

"There is no need to hang the national flag here, we can set up a lighthouse to direct ships to dock." The secretary next to Yan Maoda said.He overlooks the land and the sea.Maoershan is a stone mountain, half of which protrudes into Yalong Bay.The coastline is full of hills and hills, only at the foot of Mao'er Mountain along the seashore is a long strip of flat land two to three kilometers long.Hongji City in the old time and space is here.And Hongji City was gradually built on the basis of Hongji Coal Mine Company established by the French.

"What kind of river is that?" Yan Maoda asked, pointing to a wide river that entered the sea a few kilometers away.

"This is the Beitang River." Bei Kai said, "It is also called the Baiteng River. It is said that the Yuan army was defeated by Chen Xingdao at this mouth." Because he learned Vietnamese, he also knew a lot about Vietnamese history.

"Oh, it turned out to be an ancient battlefield. It seems that the armed merchant station is also at great risk." Yan Maoda looked at the rolling river.The river is wide, dotted with sandbars everywhere.This meeting is at high tide, where the tide rises is yellow water, and the river flow is turquoise water, clearly dividing the line in the middle of the river, which is very spectacular.

"Where is the best place to set up the business station?" Yan Maoda asked.As a member of the exploration team, Bei Kai led a team to explore here, and he is very familiar with the surrounding geographical environment.

"Of course the most suitable place is at the foot of the mountain, Hongji City in the old time and space." Bei Kai pointed out, "There is flat land here, where houses and storage yards can be built. The conditions for building a port are also good. It can also be introduced nearby. Beitang River water is used for coal washing and domestic use.”

"What about defense?" Yan Maoda was very concerned about this.

"Since it's a commercial station, the scale of the fortifications should be moderate. It won't attract the wind. Besides, if it's really too big and strong, it will not only require a large stall, but also require more soldiers." Bei Kai pressed down the hat on his head. , "Try to use peaceful means. Now the executive committee means that they don't want to fight here."

Yan Maoda nodded: "Indeed. Let's go down the mountain."

At the foot of the mountain, the sailors and sailors of the Zhennan have already started to build a temporary earth enclosure on the shore, surrounded by trenches filled with standard bamboo sticks, and the sentry tower built with prefabricated parts is in full swing.

In the open space in the middle of the soil fence is a wooden house built from prefabricated parts.This is Becky's residence and office.The sailors responsible for the security work lived in the wooden barracks on the other side.

Becky was a little frightened when he thought that he was going to work and preside over the development in this earthen enclosure—other than 30 sailors and a 1-pound mountain howitzer, the most reliable thing he had was a silicon 12-watt radio station, which was operated by his maid Responsible for operations.The fear of being alone on a desolate coastline is indescribable.But right now, there's no way to be a softie—it's going to be difficult to get involved with a big player after this kind of opportunity to be in charge of one's own has slipped away.

"Get over it for the time being." Yan Maoda probably also felt that this facility was a bit crude - if there was a real [-] Vietnamese army, Bei Kai would have to confess here. "I'll arrange ships to deliver construction materials, workers and garrison immediately when I go back."

Bei Kai bit the bullet and pretended to be a hero: "It's okay, there are 30 sailors and one cannon, which is enough to resist the local bandits and pirates. It's okay for the North Li Dynasty to mobilize an army to deal with us."

"It won't take you three or four days to send you all the materials for the expansion of the base—it's very close to the sea from Lingao!" Yan Maoda tried his best to reassure him, "As soon as I return to Lingao, I will let the Zhennan come back, and in the future I will It is always yours to use. Zhang Dabaola is very familiar with the situation in Vietnam and will be a right-hand man."

"This is great." Bei Kai was overjoyed. Having the Zhennan and Zhang Dabala here made people feel more at ease—or at least he could board the ship and escape for his life. Familiar with everyone, very useful talent”

Yan Maoda looked around: "Where is the open pit here?"

"Mao'er Mountain is not an open-pit mining area." Bei Kai personally presided over the drilling of exploration pits in Hongji last time, and has first-hand information on the distribution of coal mines. "The underground in Guang'an is almost full of coal, but the open-pit mining area is Of those few, the largest open-pit mine is in Jinpu—inland, 15 kilometers away from here.”

"So far? I thought it was by the sea."

"There's coal by the sea, too," said Bekay. "We drilled a pit last time."

The result of the exploration pits is that there are veins of coal mines everywhere under the hills in this area. The disadvantage is that most of them are buried relatively deep and need to be drilled to mine.It took about a week for Bekai to find an open-pit mine at the foot of a small hill 3.5 kilometers away from Maoer Mountain. The mining area was very small, with a maximum diameter of less than 400 meters, but the burial was very shallow, and the overlying soil layer was only 2 meters. .It is the shallowest buried vein they have explored within 5 kilometers around Maoer Mountain.

Under the escort of the sailors, the two walked on the weedy wasteland for more than 20 minutes—fortunately, this is the seaside, the sea breeze is strong, the vegetation is not dense, and the grass is not high.Yan Maoda could still vaguely see traces of the path that had been opened up before.The deep ruts of the Zidian trolley can still be barely discerned in some places.

Walking to the foot of the hill, you can see that a small circular pit has been excavated here, and water is accumulated at the bottom of the pit, which has become a pool of stagnant water.Weeds overgrown around the pit.Apparently no one has been here since Becky and the others left.

"We named this place Maoshi Pit No. [-]." Bei Kai laughed. "The coal quality is very good, all of which are high-quality anthracite. There are almost no impurities. At that time, our people on the Big Whale dug it in a week. It’s a pity that the development of this place required a lot of fighting. At that time, I didn’t have the strength to invest, and then Lao Chang negotiated an agreement with the Wu family to exchange sugar for coal—there are also many coal mines in Wu Yujia’s manor that can be mined.”

"So the Hongji coal we use now is not actually produced by Hongji?"

"Hongji Coal is just a commercial name." Bei Kai spent a lot of time in the exploration team and came to Hongji, so he knows a lot about the ins and outs. Time and space are called Guangning—the coal produced. The real Hongji coal should come from Jinpu—the largest open-pit mine in the Hongji mining area.”

Yan Maoda looked at it, and found that it was 4 kilometers from the mine to the sea, and a small railway was needed to improve the efficiency of coal transportation.It is best to wash the coal on site - there is ready-made river water available here.He thought about it and asked again and again: "How much coal can this pit produce?"

"Bai Guoshi has read our exploration data and said that at least [-] to [-] tons can be mined—this is a conservative statement."

"20 tons!" Yan Maoda thought that this figure was not worth mentioning in old times and space-a medium-sized thermal power plant with 40 kilowatts, and the peak coal consumption per hour was more than 2 tons.The full mining of 40 tons is only [-] months of consumption.But it is an incredible resource for Lingao's industrial system.In particular, Hongji is full of high calorific value anthracite coal, which is much better in calorific value than the low-quality lignite produced in Guangdong.It can also play a big role in filling the gap in coal chemical raw materials——Currently, the operation efficiency of the coal coking joint plant of the Ministry of Chemical Industry is not high, only reaching [-]% of the designed production capacity—the lack of sufficient coal guarantee is a bottleneck question.

"This mine mines 100 tons a day, 3000 tons a month. It can be mined for seven or eight months." Yan Maoda calculated.

"100 tons a day is too low. Wood is definitely not satisfied." Beikai said, "If push carts and small rails can be used, even without animal power and other tools and equipment, each miner can complete 1 to 1.2 tons of mining per day. 100 workers equipped with simple tools such as shovels can finish the job. I think at least 200 tons per day. Only in this way will the Executive Committee feel that the development of Hongji is meaningful. The Executive Committee may allocate some mechanized equipment Come over to assist in coal mining, so 500 tons per day is possible."

"Based on 200 tons per day, Maoshi No. [-] can only be mined for three months. What should we do in the future? Go deep into the mainland?"

Bei Kai had planned for a long time: "We can continue to explore in three months. The underground area of ​​Guangning is full of coal, and I believe that other open-pit mines can be found nearby. Besides, the [-] tons of Maoshi No. [-] is open-pit reserves. , if you are willing to continue digging deeper, there are still coal belts to be mined. It means that the investment in construction is large.”

"In the long run, sooner or later we will completely control the Hongji-Jinpu area." Yan Maoda sat on a rock by the side of the mine pit, looking at the black water at the bottom of the pit, "miner, how do you plan to solve it?"

"First send a group of naturalized miners to serve as the backbone, and then recruit some local people." Bei Kai said, "Zhu Fuyuan said that the life of the farmers here is very difficult. There is less arable land in Hongji, and they all grow upland rice. The yield It was low, and the taxes in the Li Dynasty were not light. Two crops of upland rice and one crop of miscellaneous grains are not enough to eat, and people starve to death every year. It should be able to recruit a lot of workers. It’s just that we know too little about Beiqi.”

(End of this chapter)

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