Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 830

Chapter 830

During this period, Beikai established a complete set of rules and regulations.Locally recruited Laide miners in Beiqi are assigned licenses according to the amount of coal dug, and cart pushers are issued licenses according to the number of carts.During the period of injury or illness, food rations enough to not starve to death are also paid.After work every day, the workers go to the Delong agency of the cooperative to apply for a labor card and exchange it for a circulation coupon.Workers buy grain with circulation coupons.Liquor, clothing, and other merchandise sold by the co-op.Cigarettes and candy are the most popular commodities besides alcohol.The tools used by the miners are also purchased, but they are now on credit.According to the price of the tool, Beikai deducted 10% of the miner's daily salary to offset the cost of the tool until it was paid off.

If it is replaced by a more vicious and greedy capitalist, using "loans to buy tools" can completely play simple economic means to make the miners heavily in debt, and they will never pay off the price of buying tools-tools are wearable after all.But the elders had always believed that exploitation must be in moderation.In the long run, moderate exploitation helps to extract the surplus value of workers for a long time instead of using workers as one-time consumables. Under the Lingao system, labor is precious.

In terms of remuneration, according to the instructions, Bei Kai should be more favorable—at least the common people should feel that working in coal mines is better than farming.Word of mouth is very important for Acer to recruit enough local workers to work as miners.

Li Mei's design for the business in the mining area is that workers can get all the consumption without going out of the mining area - most of the local businesses in this time and space are just blank.Now there are more than 600 people gathered, and there are clubs with a certain amount of spending power. It would be a pity not to do some business.Business first creates momentum for the circulation coupons, and makes initial preparations for the next step of promoting the circulation coupons.

The circulation coupons issued to the workers were quickly exhausted in Hongji town.Circulation coupons were issued at the beginning of the month, and most of them were returned by the end of the month.Heavy physical labor makes workers need a lot of food, and working in the field and in mines makes the consumption of clothes a lot.However, cooperatives recycle broken clothes at a discount: the price of recycling changes by the catty.The torn clothes were cleaned and disinfected and sent back to Lingao Paper.

Single men without family members consume even more, and they have to go to small restaurants every now and then to eat something delicious and drink some wine.Some people learned to smoke - because some of the naturalized laborers from the upper class of labor smoked, and the local laborers in Beiqi also regarded this habit as "fashionable" and took up smoking.

At the beginning of the second month, dozens of local Beiqi workers left.Although Bei Kai was a little disappointed, he still instructed the cooperative to exchange the circulation notes held by the departing workers into rice or copper coins and give them to the workers.What he didn't expect was that soon after the workers returned to their hometowns, they brought their family members and fellow villagers out to work in the mine.When Bekai inspected the mine once, he was shocked when he found that many local women wearing bamboo hats were also carrying coal in the mine.Although he had seen the women among the naturalized people in Lingao beating stones in the quarry, working in the farmland, and even working on the construction site-women in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian are known to be able to do heavy work, but women go to the mines This is the first time I have seen Back Coal.

"It's too wasteful." Bei Kai's eyes fell on the woman carrying coal.Because carrying coal wears a lot on clothes, almost all miners are in rags—the women are no exception.Although they looked dark and short, the skin exposed under the tattered clothes still made Bei Kai have some reverie.In particular, there are a few women whose figures are quite petite and exquisite, with uneven bumps.

With his authority here - his authority is the same as that of Tang Menglong in Jiazi Coal Mine.Everyone in Hongji has the power of life and death, so it's nothing if you really want to play with a few local women.But Becky still restrained his urge to mess around.However, it's a waste of resources to just let women dig coal and carry coal!

Bei Kai sent electricity to the Ministry of Colonial Trade and asked them to send agricultural technicians and rice seeds.Although the soil system here is not good, the Baitang River is close at hand, so it is very convenient to divert water to grow rice.

"It happens to put everything pulled out by the miners into use. Our slogan is: no waste!" Bei Kai said to Dugu, an inspector from the Ministry of Agriculture who came to inspect the work, to marry him.

Dugu proposed to pull off the spring and autumn uniform of the East German People's Army on his body, and hummed a few times.Although he has been in the agricultural port for a long time, he is still not very interested in agricultural matters.Dugu proposed to marry him and was officially appointed as an "inspector" by the organization department after staying in the agricultural port for several months.Both Wu Nanhai and Ye Yuming knew that marriage proposals were not for farming, so they might as well go around and see the basic construction of the farmland.Now most of the agricultural technicians are naturalized people. A veteran often goes to make inspections. Supervision and encouragement will make them work harder.

This time to send rice seeds and agricultural technicians, Dugu proposed to come to Hongji with the boat-there are some legends about Vietnamese girls among the elders, and Dugu proposed to be very curious about this.

But the Vietnamese girl in front of him who was selected to grow rice and dry agriculture disappointed him-the quality of this girl is really average, and to be honest, she is not yet naturalized.And dark complexion, thin stature.It's really not interesting.

"The difference is too big." Dugu proposed to secretly regret that he asked to come to Hongji for a business trip.The Vietnamese girl in the plan is obviously not like this.

"It's okay, the local farmers in Beiqi are constantly coming, and there are always a few good ones. I'll keep them for you..." Bei Kai said.

Dugu proposed with a sigh: "Forget it, let the Senate know about this kind of thing, and why don't they all jump on them and bite them...Let's talk about hygiene issues—I heard that the stock of antibiotics is almost gone."

Dugu proposed to come to Hongji to "escort" rice seeds, agricultural tools and agricultural technicians, and also had a task to write a fishery report-although the Ministry of Agriculture failed to fully regain the right to fishery, the navy regards fishery as a sea power Supplementary grounds, refused to surrender fishing rights.After negotiations between the two parties, an agreement was finally reached: the navy will continue to control the fishing fleet under the original navy, implement fishery supervision and collect the "fishing May [-]st tax".The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for organizing indigenous fishermen to engage in fishery associations.

After determining the scope of authority of the two parties, Wu Nanhai, Li Di of the Navy and others held a joint fishery work meeting, and conducted in-depth discussions on how to implement the Navy-Ministry of Agriculture fishery management agreement.Both parties agreed that there is great potential for taxation of seafood, but the production scale of the indigenous fishermen here is too small.

According to figures from the Navy, the Ministry of Maritime Power collected 1630 dan of fishery taxes from 4500, totaling 500 tons.The total catch of tax-paying fishermen fishing in the waters near Lingao throughout the year will not exceed 2500 tons—most of which are sold to the Lingao regime.During the peak period of Lingao traditional fishery from 1934 to 1936 in the old time and space, the total annual catch in Lingao was as much as [-] tons. Obviously, even without modern fishing boats and fishing gear, using traditional fishery production methods, the Lingao The production potential of the area is still very large.

By extension, the entire Qiongzhou Strait, the surrounding waters of Hainan Island and even the Beibu Gulf, the fishery potential that can be tapped is astonishingly large.Ocean capture is the only source of protein and fat that can be provided quickly and cheaply in large quantities compared to the more powerful agriculture-based farming industry.The population under the control of the Lingao regime continued to increase, and the demand for protein and fat supplies became greater and greater.

To expand production, one is to expand the scale of production, in short, to increase fishing boats and fishing gear; the other is to fish in the open sea. The Beibu Gulf area not far from Lingao is a large natural fishing ground. Bay fishing, the total catch in one fishing season reaches as much as 1956 tons.The third is to adopt new fishing gear and fishing technology, improve the net gear, increase the fishing depth by a few meters, and the increase in production will be considerable.

Wu De, the dean of the Planning Institute and a fisherman, saw an opportunity in these numbers.He proposed: carry out the activities of "fishery cooperatives" for indigenous fishermen.

Integrate the indigenous fishermen in the Lingao ruling area under one banner, promote new fishing boats and fishing gear, promote multi-vessel cooperative fishing, and then carry out deep-sea fishing operations. These are the benefits of people's livelihood. The indirect benefit is that the navy can be integrated Controlling the fishing boats that were originally scattered at sea is equivalent to obtaining a reserve force at sea.Fishing boats can not only be used for reconnaissance, transportation, and patrol, but also can be used as warships when necessary.

Wu De believes that fishermen have a tradition of buying boats and fishing in partnership, and they have a stronger sense of business management than farmers.He himself was born in a fishing village, so he has a good understanding of the thinking mode of fishermen.It is possible to set up fishery cooperatives led by the Time Travel Group and carry out joint-stock management.It is likely to be smoother than the agricultural promotion conducted by Tiandihui.

The matter of engaging in fishery associations has become another project of Tiandihui.But the project didn't go as smoothly as expected.Fishermen are an independent and closed group in this time and space, with completely different lifestyles and codes of conduct. It is easy to force them to pay taxes for fishing - the regulations are clear at a glance. It is not easy to persuade them to join an organization and engage in joint stock cooperation .As a result, the advancement of the entire fishery portfolio is struggling.Initially only the fishermen near Bopu and Maiao were integrated. In 1630, the second anti-encirclement and suppression battle took place, and the work of fishery associations came to a temporary standstill.It was not restarted until after this fishery work conference.

Taking advantage of the Dongfeng victory of the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, coupled with the demonstration effect of the modern fishing gear of the fishing team directly under the Navy.The work of promoting fishery cooperatives has been much smoother.By the end of 1630, the fishery cooperative under the management of Tiandihui had controlled more than [-]% of the fishermen in Lingao.Raised funds to purchase several new versions of larger fishing boats.

(End of this chapter)

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