Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 831 Jealousy

Chapter 831 Jealousy
In order not to crowd out the tight shipyard slipways, it is more important not to crowd out the limited shipbuilders.The new version of the fishing boat used by the fishing cooperative is not an imitation of an old time-space model, but a two-masted ship from this time and space that was eliminated from the navy—in fact, the fishing team directly under the navy also uses old-style boats. Cooperatives and naval fishing teams are all equipped with new types of nets: drift nets, trawl nets and gill nets.

Some of these fishing nets were brought from old time and space, and some were imitated by the textile factory of the Ministry of Light Industry, but the materials could not pass the inspection during the imitation process.Whether it is flax, jute or hemp, the ropes used to make fishing nets all have problems of insufficient strength and corrosion resistance.

Seemingly simple modern fishing nets, without the support of nylon, the finished product can only be reduced in size, and it is not durable.Although the light industry department uses coal tar to anti-corrosion treatment the fishing nets based on the information it has found, and uses improved twisting rope technology and equipment, the imitation fishing nets still have to "fish for three days and dry the nets for two days".Everyone found that there is actually a basis for this statement. If you fish every day, the fishing nets made of pure natural green materials will soon be completely scrapped.

Modern large-scale fishing nets and fishing gear also require a lot of supporting equipment.Simple as a winch for netting - although a winch could be done using human power, the layout of older boats made it impossible to accommodate these devices.

Although fishery cooperatives have obtained new-style fishing nets, their overall performance has been compromised.Even with discounts, newer nets and fishing methods have given fishermen far more range than they could catch in the shallow waters of the past.Under the tutelage of the Navy Fishing Corps, cooperative fishermen who tried new fishing methods and gear for the first time immediately reaped unprecedented harvests.Such a big harvest could only be obtained during the "fishing season" in the past.

The fishermen of the fishery cooperatives were easily lured to go fishing in the wider sea after trying the sweetness.Due to limited navigation capabilities, small boats, and lack of equipment and means to store catches, traditional fishermen seldom leave the coastal waters for fishing.

In order to increase the catch, it is necessary to expand the fishing grounds, and the fishing production around Hainan Island is always limited.At the suggestion of Lin Chuanqing, the head of the naval fishing team, the fishing cooperatives organized fishing formations.Prepare to go fishing in the open sea in an organized formation.The first batch of targets included the Beibu Gulf waters and the Dongsha and Xisha waters.

Tiandihui sends Dugu to propose marriage to Hongji, planning to set up a local fishing station.As a fishery cooperative fisherman's rest, ship repair, sheltered port and catch processing point in the Beibu Gulf.Of course, in the long run, the most suitable location should be Haiyang—that is, Haiphong Port in the old time and space.

In addition to setting up a fishing station in Hongji to increase the catch, the Navy also hopes to use Hongji as a base to buy local fishermen’s catch, sell supplies, provide ship repair services, small loans and enforce fishing tax soft The hard two means gradually infiltrate and integrate local fishermen in the Beibu Gulf.There used to be many Chinese and Vietnamese fishermen fishing in the Beibu Gulf. In the history of old time and space, the fishermen in the Beibu Gulf, regardless of China and Vietnam, have always been one of the main sources of pirates in South China. The local pirates were once in the era of the Xishan regime in Vietnam. Shine brilliantly and become the sea power of the Xishan regime.

Not long after Dugu proposed to Hongji, the first batch of fishing fleets from the fishing cooperative arrived in Hongji.This is an experimental small fleet consisting of 14 fishing boats, the largest of which is no more than 30 tons and the smallest of which is only more than [-] tons.But well equipped and well organized.In addition to the dedicated fishing boats, there are several boats that carry salt and barrels to process the catch, and the lighter boats act as scout boats, conducting experimental fishing here and there to determine where the catch is most abundant.

The fishing team is escorted by two of the Navy's I-type spinnaker patrol boats, ensuring that no one disturbs the cooperative's fishermen.

The fishing team of the cooperative achieved great success in the experimental fishing operation in Yalong Bay.In fact, it only took less than four days to return with a full load.This success made the Ministry of Agriculture and Tiandihui, which wanted to observe the fishing effect in the Beibu Gulf, immediately mobilize—deciding to immediately increase investment in Hongji and establish a local catch processing factory.

The development of Hongji has expanded rapidly and unstoppably like a snowball.Soon more than a dozen large and medium-sized ships sailed regularly on the Lingao-Hongji route.The coal was transported away, and all kinds of materials needed by Hongji Construction were transported.After transporting more than 100 laborers, Bei Kai sent electricity to the Planning Institute and asked that no more pure manual laborers be brought in—farmers from the vicinity of Hongji kept coming, and many of them still brought their families.And the Dachang Rice Company in Haiyang has a steady stream of locally recruited workers.The source of manpower is quite abundant.Bei Kai even discovered that among the laborers sent from Haiyang, in addition to the local farmers in Beiqi, there were also many Daming people from Guangxi. In fact, this place is not far from Guangxi. .

Bei Kai demanded that the naturalized laborers transported from Lingao should at least have a Type C diploma, and at the same time send some naturalized laborers or veterans who could serve as labor instructors.According to the plan, naturalized migrant workers will gradually serve as local administration, management and security work in Hongji after selection and training.In addition, he proposed a plan to train local laborers: gradually select reliable and capable Beiqi local laborers from among the laborers for training—if necessary, they can be sent back to Lingao for training, taking advantage of their familiarity with the local conditions as a quantity The "Leading Party" who attacked Vietnam on a large scale.This plan also included local children: Bei Kai asked to be allowed to select some children from the families of Beiqi laborers who went to Hongji to send them to Lingao for training.

The Ministry of Agriculture soon set up a small fish processing plant in Hongji, using local women as manpower.Part of the fresh catch of the fishing team is directly processed locally and supplied as protein to the cooperative canteen.According to the experience of the Lingao labor canteen, there is also no whole fish served here. All the catches are divided and further processed, and the fish balls, fish steaks, and fish fillets are served.The remaining fish bones are processed into fish sauce and fish meal.

The office of the long-distance exploration team also set up a point in Hongji, and the person in charge is Bai Guoshi.His task is to replace Bei Kai, who is not very professional, and conduct a comprehensive exploration of coal resources in the entire Guang'an area.In order to let him work with peace of mind, Liu Zheng simply sent Bai Guoshi's girlfriend, Zhao Xue, who he managed to catch up with, along with him—a man and a woman match, so the work will not be tiring.Liu Zheng gave them instructions to focus on exploring shallow coal mines near the coast.

When the development was in full swing, You Long and You Hai were wandering around the periphery of the mine.The two of them have been working at Hongji's place for several days, and their income is not only full of food, but also a small drink.It's been a pretty good day.

These two were actually spies sent by Shen Hu.The rapid development of Hongji Station was of no concern to the officials of the Northern Dynasties who were busy going south, but a large number of people gathered, boats kept coming in and out, and there was a good harvest scene of fishing boats returning with full load every time.All have stimulated the local ghosts and monsters.Hongji has now become a piece of fat.The bandits on the shore, the pirates at sea, and the local tyrants all have a greedy desire for the city that has risen suddenly in a few months.When Bei Kai was engaged in construction with great interest.The various forces in the vicinity of Hongji-Haiyang are colluding quietly.

The two spies are currently living in the quarantine camp and can only repair roads on the road construction site every day.In addition to being able to get close to the outer trenches of Fort Hongji after work is over, look at the fort walls and gun towers.The miners' village and the quarantine camp in the few targets are not worth much. The shops on the roadside between the fortress and the miners' village are of course good, but I don't think there will be too many valuable good things.The two felt that the most valuable thing should be in this fortress.

But judging from the heavily guarded appearance of this fortress, it may not be easy to capture it.You Long and You Hai belonged to the Shenhu Village—this is a bandit in the local area. Among the bandits, there are stragglers from the Northern Dynasties, fleeing farmers from the manor, and bandits from Guangxi. Four gangs of 500 people.

Just relying on Shenhu's gang, they didn't dare to use Hongji's brains at all.Hongji had cannons, a fortress, and hundreds of local braves who practiced frequently.Apart from being able to eat enough, the Shenhu gangsters couldn't even get a decent piece of clothing.A group of people are dressed in tatters, almost like beggars.

But this time, there are also several small forces nearby participating together.In particular, they also got the help of half-fisher half-bandit pirates from Jiangping.They envied the fishing gear and boats used by the newcomers.

At a joint meeting of all parties, a total of 2000 men and 1000 ships participated in the land and sea attack on Hongji.Half and half land and sea.Shen Hu probably knew about 300 miners on Hongji's side, most of them were local people. They might not work for the people in the fortress, and they would definitely be captured or flee in all directions.It was only two or three hundred men in the fort to deal with.According to some bandits who came from Daming, this group came from Lingao, and they were some kind of "Australian".

These few bandits from Daming are exactly Gou Xunli and Hu Lanyan.After the large-scale promotion of the security purge in Danzhou City, the bandits could hardly gain a foothold in Danzhou.The villages either established joint insurance or were merged.The gang's space for activities is getting smaller and smaller, and the villages where they could hide, rest and replenish supplies are now all closed.Unless they are hiding in the deep mountains and cannot come out, as long as they appear near population settlements, it will not take long for a large number of Australians to mobilize nearby to suppress them.

(End of this chapter)

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