Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 832

Chapter 832
The most cruel thing is that in the second half of 1630, the Special Investigation Command believed that the various special investigation units under it should be given the opportunity to practice in actual combat.Several special investigation teams were deployed to various states and counties in Qiongbei to carry out extensive "hunting".The special reconnaissance unit sneaks into the core of the mountain area to carry out harassment and ambush battles in groups.This sudden gunshot, one person killed without seeing where the enemy is, is hard for even the most stubborn bandit to bear.During the transfer process, the disappearing Grim Reaper followed the team all the time. Except for the sound of gunshots reaping human lives from time to time, any bandits who left Dagu's sight would disappear completely from time to time.

Hu Lanyan's team couldn't get a foothold, and they fled to the death, and in the end there were only two No. 30 people left.And he didn't dare to disband the team and go down the mountain to live an honest life-they got rid of the work team at the beginning, and now the Australians are offering a reward of [-] circulation coupons for his head.Those who provide valid information can also get [-] to [-] circulation coupons.Any bandit can be pardoned as long as Hu Lanyan and Gou Er are captured or killed and brought to justice, and the Australians will also resettle them.After the news came out, Hu Lan saw that all of his subordinates were emitting green lights, and they looked like hungry wolves.

Hu Lanyan complained twice every day that Gou Er came up with the idea of ​​"eliminating the work team" and had a complete feud with the Australians-now there is no possibility of surrendering to recruit security.

Gou Er had no choice but to flee all the way.While wandering around, I came across a notice: the notice was about the trial of "war criminals".Because the notice was outdated, most of it was destroyed.However, the above content can barely be seen.Basically, the Australians sentenced some officers and soldiers who came to "suppress bandits" and were arrested for "war crimes".Some are "hard labor" and some are "death penalty".The trial of officers and soldiers by Australians was not a shocking thing to him, but Gou Er saw Lai Da's name at the end of the long list of death sentences listed in the notice.

Gou Er was very shocked by the news of Lai Da's death - Lai Da was not an important person, but one of his capable dogs for his orders.Even if he is now at the end of the road, Lai Da is not an important person to him.But Lai Da's death seemed to announce something to him.

Hu Lanyan finally couldn't hold on in Danzhou amidst the constant panic.So they gathered the remaining 20 or so people and declared that they couldn't stay in Danzhou anymore and were going to flee to Changhua.If everyone is willing to follow, they can continue to follow, and if they don't want to, they will break up.

Most of Hu Lanyan's bandits are locals from Danzhou, and no one wants to go to Changhua—and when it comes to how to survive in Changhua, everyone has no idea.Many people had already thought about disbanding and going home. When Hu Lanyan said that they were disbanding, they all ran away except for a few diehards.

"We really have to go to Changhua?" Gou Er knew a little about Changhua. This place is full of "savages". A little further into the interior is the territory of the Li people. Small groups of bandits from outside like them are unfamiliar with the place and cannot speak the language. Not active at all.Not to mention that there are only seven or eight people left now.

"Of course not." Hu Lanyan had already made up his mind, "Let's cross the sea! Go to Champa! I have some old brothers there, and I pull a few boats on the sea for business, so let's take refuge in them for the time being!"

Although Gou Er didn't want to leave his hometown, he was desperate now, and he couldn't live on Hainan Island anymore, so he might as well go overseas to hide for a while—he probably knew that Champa was not far from here, but he only had to sit there for a couple of days. Skyship thing.If the situation turns around, it will be easy to come back.

So Hu Lanyan, Gou Xunli and four or five cronies quietly found a fisherman by the sea, and went to Jiangping for a few taels of silver.Jiangping is a "no matter" zone on the Sino-Vietnamese border. Most of the residents are "fishermen" who are half fishermen and half bandits, and there are also many desperadoes from China and Vietnam.When the group arrived in Jiangping, they finally settled down and had a good night's sleep.The next step is to return to the old business and continue to do the old business without money.

Shen Hu wanted to win a lot of votes, so he sent someone to pull a team in Jiangping, and these two followed.Now Gou Xunli and Hu Lanyan, together with a dozen or so brothers under their command, gathered in a valley dozens of miles away from Hongji with a large group of bandits in different costumes and strange shapes gathered around the fire, or sat or stand.Some were cooking and eating, some were taking off their rags to catch lice, and some were drinking and gambling.From time to time, there were bursts of laughter and strange screams.They carried all kinds of weapons: rusty broadswords, sharpened bamboo spears, and some carried European sabers and Japanese Taidao and Taidao.Some simply took farm implements and harpoons.Some seemingly "professional" gangsters carried bows and matchlock guns.There are even a few small iron cannons.

Gou Er lay on the ground and dozed off - it was warmer here than in Qiongzhou.Hu Lanyan drank the wine with gusto.This was sent by Shen Hu.The leaders of each share got more or less some wine and meat.

"Brother!" Hu Lanyan kicked Gou Xunli, "Don't sleep! Get up and drink together!"

Gou Xunli slowly got up, and took the clay cup. The wine was local rice wine, unfiltered, and it was full of dregs.A sour smell of spoiled fermentation rushed into his nose immediately.In the past, he wouldn't even glance at it.Even the low-class servants and thugs in his mansion would not drink this kind of bad wine.Thinking of the Gou family who were killed by the Australians and his son whose whereabouts are unknown, he suddenly forgot to drink from the cup in a daze.

"Brother, what's the matter? I'm drunk today." Hu Lanyan smiled meaningfully, took a big sip from his glass.

"It's nothing." Gou Xunli took a sip, "I'm going to start a war with the Australians tomorrow..."

Hu Lanyan looked around and said in a low voice, "Brother, what do you think we will do tomorrow?"

Shen Hu pulled such a motley team, and Ma Shenhu, who was on the sea, could not control it. Naturally, the leader of the pirates was in charge of attacking, but there must be a problem with the order of the war with the thousand or hundreds of people on land.Who comes first.

"I'm afraid that Shen Hu will force our brother to take the lead and help him consume the Australians, and he will come to reap the benefits in the end." Hu Lanyan said.

"There are a total of about ten of us, and Shen Hu doesn't like it. It's not our turn to spend it." Gou Xunli thought for a while, "He probably thought it was a piece of fat over there. I think: Shen Hu will do two things. Road siege."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it, Shenhu himself has hundreds of people. But he has so many people working together. He must feel that he is not sure if he can do it by himself. But he is afraid that others will take advantage of it. So he must not let outsiders steal it." Besides, everyone is not an idiot, there is no benefit, who would like to charge forward and take the lead to kill his own people in vain? So he must lead the team to attack one way, and the other small groups will join forces to attack the other way. Whoever breaks the stockade will get it back Who. As long as he breaks through the stockade, he will definitely take the best advantage of having more people."

"That's right!" Hu Lanyan sincerely admired, "I also think there must be Shenhu's plan in it, but I just can't figure it out." He poured himself another glass of wine, "Look what we brothers will do There are few people, and if we rush in the team tomorrow, we won't be able to grab any good things even if we break through the stockade..."

"Brother, do you think you can break through the stockade tomorrow?" Gou Xunli said with a wry smile, "Shen Hu's escape from life tomorrow is considered a high point. They don't know, we brothers still don't know what the Australians are capable of." ?”

Hu Lanyan shook his head: "No way, I heard from Shenhu's spies that there are dozens of people with Australian bird guns, and the others are long guns..."

Gou Xunli shook his head again and again.Hu Lanyan thought about his group's experience in Danzhou and immediately became discouraged.

"What do you say? Just slip away like this? But let's come here for no reason?"

Of course, this trip was not completely fruitless, as they agreed in Jiangping, and they would give some money and food first when they arrived in Hongji.Hu Lanyan's group also received some silver rice.

"Hmph, I think if you want to talk to Shen Hu about the matter of charging after setting off the cigarettes, the Australians will suffer a bit!" Gou Xunli said viciously—although he knew it was of little importance to Australians, he still hoped that he could Kill a few more thieves to relieve the anger. "And then—" He rolled his eyes and whispered.

Shen Hu stood on the mound, with dozens of cronies standing behind him.Satisfied, he watched his "horses" drive towards Hongji.Although the appearance of these people and horses is not much better than that of beggars.And because of the robbery and rape along the road, the line was very long and the speed was extremely slow.Shen Hu looked at a guy who was wrapped in some rags that he probably snatched, and another guy who raped a woman in the village he passed by just now, and walked on the road without even wearing pants.Fortunately, the weather here is warm, and nothing will be damaged by freezing.

Shen Hu didn't care much about the mannerisms of this group.Anyway, in another half an hour, Shenhu's cottage and the brigade composed of other smaller gangs around will all arrive in Hongji.The mere thirty soldiers guarding the mining area are definitely not opponents.According to the informant, there are only about [-] to [-] adult men in the mining area. Most of them will definitely not take up arms to resist, and most of them will run for their lives in all directions.The rest of the resistance is nothing more than those brave folks.A few cannons might cause some trouble, but he estimated that the fall of the village would be delayed for a few hours at most.Moreover, it seems that the walled city in the mining area is not strong at all. Although the wall is thick, it is quite short, and it can be climbed up with a little effort.

If you break the stockade, you can definitely get a lot of good things.In the three villages on Hongji's side, there are now a thousand or several hundred people living.There is a lot of food and food alone.I heard that many high-quality Chinese goods were also brought in, as well as ships parked in the port-but they were the prey in the bag of Jiangping's "Fanhaibao".Fan Haibao has long coveted Hongji's new fishing gear and a boat that can catch a lot of fish at a time, so this time he and he hit it off.

(End of this chapter)

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