Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 834 The Crowd

Chapter 834 The Crowd
Of course, the telegram asking for help must be sent.Although Bei Kai is more than 2000% sure that he can repel the attack of the bandits.But it was always a dereliction of duty to conceal news of bandit attacks.He arranged for the life secretary to send a telegram to inform that bandits were about to attack Hongji, and the number of them was about [-].Hon-ki is ready for battle.

In the telegram, he did not clearly mention whether reinforcements are needed—in view of Hongji's current importance, reinforcements are inevitable.Of course, Becky very much hoped that he could impress the Senate this time as "fearless in times of danger".

Finally, now that the sailor platoon had boarded the ship, he armed the most reliable naturalized people around him, the clerks and administrators—in addition to the sailors’ Minie rifles, Fort Honji also had more than 30 spares in reserve. minie rifle.He gave them these guns, and a grenade each, for the general reserve of Fort Honqui.

When the bandits approached Hongji Station, they saw that the fortress was heavily fortified, and knew that preparations had been made inside, so Shen Hu asked the brigade to stop to rest and cook.It's not that he is sympathetic to everyone, but that the team of bandits has been scattered for more than ten miles.There are seven 800 people behind.Simply eat and rest first, and wait for everyone to arrive.In addition, he also has an ally at sea, "Fanhai Bao".After he arrives, everyone advances by sea and land, and the hope of success is even greater.It is said that the mine has a big boat and three small boats by the sea, but there are fourteen boats of different sizes in the sea. Shen Hu doesn't think these few lonely boats can play any role.

Shen Hu's men are a relatively "regular" group of bandits, at least where they go to eat and drink are controlled.Immediately, someone set up a pot at the bottom of the hillside and ordered dozens of local women who had been kidnapped to boil water for cooking.

Shen Hu looked at the fort opposite Hongji. It was the first time he had seen such a fort. He thought it was very simple. The earth enclosure was at most two people high. Although the slope was steeper, people could climb up without ladders.The only difficulty is that the ditch outside the soil fence needs to be filled with some effort.

Other than that, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing difficult to beat.Although You Long and You Hai told him that there were cannons placed on the protruding corners of the earth enclosure, Shen Hu didn't care about it: he has seen a lot about cannons, and it would take a while to fire them at least. Only then can the second shot be fired.This time is enough for his people to rush to the soil circle.

"Where's the fence over there? There are also cannons?"

"It's the miners' village. There are no cannons." You Long gestured, "It's full of coal miners and their families. It's not very lucrative."

"Okay, let's ignore them for now." Shen Hu smiled obscenely, "After the big castle is broken, then the miners' village will also be broken down, and find a few women for the brothers to enjoy."

His cronies laughed together.Shen Hu generously patted the shoulders of Youlong and Youhai: "One for each of you!"

"Thank you, chief!" The two were flattered, and immediately knelt down and bowed.

"Well, well, I see..."

His words after "I see" have not yet come out, only a small group of one hundred and eighty people has been running towards the street between the two fortresses - there are some nice-looking houses on the street, presumably there are valuables in them thing.The bandits couldn't wait for his order, and wanted to plunder immediately.

"Idiot!" Shen Hu cursed.This group of bandits is not his team, he can't control everyone.Besides, he had already known from the spies that everything on this street had been emptied long ago, and there was nothing but empty houses.

He watched the bandits rushing to the street between the two castles in a panic. At this moment, a row of white smoke rose from a protruding corner of the main castle, and the running bandits suddenly rushed to the street. fall.The rest of the people screamed and fled back quickly.

"The bird gun is so powerful!" Shen Hu exclaimed in surprise—it's not that he has never seen arquebus guns before, but the gangsters are at least forty or fifty feet away from the fortress where they fired.Shooting from such a distance is just to hear the sound, let alone killing people, the bullets can't fly so far.

The group of gangsters just now dropped more than a dozen corpses on the ground, and the blunderbuss on the mine not only hit far, but were also very accurate.

He hurriedly called You Long and You Hai over, and asked them how many bird guns were there in the fortress?
"There are thirty or fifty of them!" You Long said, "It's rare to see people holding bird guns, and the villagers in the mine all use spears and machetes..."


"Small ones dare not lie! Absolutely no more."

But even thirty or fifty, such a sharp firearm is not a bone that can be easily gnawed off.Shen Hu didn't expect the firearms in the mine to be so powerful, so he immediately hesitated.

While hesitating, the bandits from the rear team kept coming. Shen Hu told his cronies to call all the leaders of the gangs to a meeting to discuss how to attack the stronghold.Because he was worried that the news of the enemy's powerful firearms would shake the morale of the army, he didn't mention it at the meeting.On the contrary, Hu Lanyan said that the enemy is the Australians who are famous for their firearms. Both cannons and blunderbuss are very powerful, and they can hit both accurately and far.He suggested that this attack should be done by fire and smoke.

"Let out the thick smoke, and walk forward section by section. After walking for a while, release the thick smoke." Hu Lanyan gestured, "Our people follow the thick smoke. No matter how powerful their firearms are, they can't see people through the smoke. It can only be placed randomly. When we get to the front, we will rush up..."

Hu Lanyan spoke vigorously, but everyone was skeptical.Many people don't believe that firearms can talk so loudly, and they are talking about it.The order of a large number of gangsters gathered outside became chaotic.In an ancient society lacking means of communication, it was very difficult to organize a mob of nearly [-] improvised mobs.Everyone followed Shen Hu to make a fortune. Seeing that the stockade was ahead, they did not launch an attack. Many people walked all morning, tired and thirsty, and planned to break through the stockade to eat, drink and commit adultery. Now a large group of people gathered at the sun Down below, it doesn't count if you don't eat or drink, and you don't know what to do next, and gradually some people start to scold your mother, and some people urge everyone to do it.There are also people talking loudly.The scene gradually became chaotic.The little bosses of various groups tried their best to maintain order, but the gangsters gathered had complicated sources, and there were also many sporadic gangsters who came to gain benefits, and they were not bosses at all.

Suddenly, the commotion crowd rushed towards the laborer's village with a whoosh as if they had received some orders.The leaders couldn't scream, and it was useless to shout. Instead, they were wrapped up and rushed towards the labor camp in a mess.

When the news reached Shenhu, the situation outside was out of control. Except for Shenhu's own hundreds of cronies, the other mobs had completely lost order and flocked to the labor camp.

From the direction of Fort Hongji, there was immediately the loud sound of cannon firing.Now there are targets everywhere in this 250-meter straight-line space.The gunners on the fort took advantage of this excellent opportunity to kill and use two 24-pound guns to fire violently at the large group of bandits pouring into the fort. The militiamen equipped with miniguns also fired at their fastest speed. Rifle bullets fired.Then the typewriter opened fire.

The solid bullets with a lowered shooting angle kept crushing the bloody alley in the crowd from a downward angle-the shells were so powerful that they still smashed powerfully under the wall of the labor camp after penetrating through the crowd. Soot is coming.The local laborers standing on the soil fence suddenly became agitated, and everyone wanted to back away as they squeezed together—no one wanted to be hit in the face by this terrible thing.

"Don't retreat!" Dugu Propose found signs of wavering, and immediately jumped out, brandishing the Taidao and howling, "Those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

Although the local laborers couldn't understand his words, they still understood his twisted and ferocious face and the shining big knife in his hand.In addition, the shiny spear tip of the naturalized laborer on the back is almost on the back.After a commotion, the crowd was calmed down again.

Cannonballs and lead bullets from typewriters rained down on the crowd. The bandits fell to the ground one after another.The bandits were stunned by the tragedy at first, and then they yelled loudly, turning their heads and running away with an inhuman cry.In less than 5 minutes, the large group of bandits rushing towards the labor camp collapsed under the artillery fire of Fort Honji and fled in all directions.No matter how Shen Hu's subordinates intercepted them, many people simply fled the scene.The bandits lost a third of their men before the battle had officially begun.Shen Hu stomped his feet in anger.

"Bosses—" Before he finished speaking, many leaders left their seats in a panic.Everyone is anxious to gather their own team, without a team, there will be no capital, and there is no talk of "getting rich together".Shen Hu, the temporary "leader", is not a fart to them now.

Shen Hu was so angry that he couldn't speak, he quickly asked his subordinates to gather the troops in the headquarters to hold down the position, to see if they could manage to gather the bandit brigade.I'm going to wait for the people from Haibao to come before making any calculations.

At this time, the platoon of sailors who had been on standby at sea launched an attack under the order of Bei Kai.They landed on the beach on the side that the bandits hadn't noticed, and launched an attack from the side of the chaotic large group of bandits unexpectedly.

The sudden artillery fire from the mountain grenade and the fierce blow from the flank of the sea platoon caused the already frightened bandits to fall into complete chaos.Many people were still in shock, and now they were even more frightened, and they only cared about running for their lives.Those bandits who were a little calm still wanted to go up and resist, but the volleys of guns and grenades that hit them made them cry.You Long watched his nephew You Hai being blown to the ground, covered in blood.So he rushed up to the sailors desperately, and a sailor avoided his big knife and stabbed him in the chest with a bayonet.

(End of this chapter)

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