Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 835 An Ordinary Victory

Chapter 835 An Ordinary Victory

"Bastard bastard! You have no guts!" Shen Hu scolded his mother angrily.He could see clearly from the hillside, only a few dozen people were killed from the flanking seaside.It was true that one mouthful of saliva drowned them all.The more than 1000 people I painstakingly organized were actually chased away by these dozens of people!
But it's useless to scold him anymore, there are only twenty cronies around him, and if he doesn't run away to clean up the people, the family property may be completely ruined.He had no choice but to run down the slope and flee for his life with his cronies.

Shen Hu's subordinates fell into a panic-stricken situation. The navy platoon chased after them closely.The laborers pushed the mountain grenade all the way to chase, stopping from time to time to fire a cannon.Exacerbated the chaos of the bandit rout.

Looking out from the observation deck, the scene outside Hongji can be called a spectacle.A large group of black, ant-like crowd fled in front of them in a hurry, and a small group of blue-clothed soldiers who could barely see were chasing after them.

"Damn, this is too rough." Bei Kai said in surprise.Back then, during the defense of Bopu, the pirates attacked a few times.In some places, they even fought hand-to-hand battles with sailors.This time, it collapsed without even opening the shelf.

The sailors pushed people away vigorously.Becky feared that few of them would be lost.Order a labor squadron of naturalized people out of the fort to reinforce and capture prisoners along the way.After chasing for five or six miles, the large group of bandits have completely collapsed before they can be regarded as retreating.

Many of the bandits were walking early in the morning, and they hadn't eaten a grain of rice for most of the day, so they were so hungry that they couldn't even run.Just lie on the ground and wait to die.Either gasping for breath or lying on the ground begging for mercy.Some people who hugged their heads and huddled on the ground even came out with feces and urine.

Around Hongji Fort, there are all kinds of rags left by the bandits, people lying on the ground and corpses.The labor squadrons took their spears and drove all who could move.Come together for an inventory.A total of more than 600 people were caught.In fact, the casualties of the bandits were not large, and the corpses left behind were less than [-].

Although the sailors were out of breath, they were in high spirits.Such a hearty battle is simply a kind of enjoyment.Bei Kai is full of ambition - it seems that he is a military genius.While thinking about how to write the telegram to Lingao, he let out an uncontrollable laugh.Make people around you feel weird.

Bai Guoshi envied, envied and hated, and it goes without saying that Bei Kai deserved the credit for this big victory.I have no commanding personnel, no effort to fight, and no strategizing.Purely as a spectator.If you want to judge the merits, you can only tie for the end with Zhao Xue.Of course, Zhao Xue definitely doesn't think it's a big deal, but when everyone shares the fruits of victory in the future, she must be the one who complains that she is an "incompetent person".

Dugu proposed to marry and came out of the labor camp with a big knife in his hand—he didn't fire a single shot during the whole battle, and the bandits never came to the front of the soil circle.This made Dugu, who was planning to have a passionate battle, very disappointed in his marriage proposal.Seeing the bandits lying on the ground, all of them in tattered clothes looked hideous.On a whim, he raised the GLOCK17 in his hand and shot the nearest unlucky guy.His head was instantly opened by a 9mm bullet.The bandits lying on the ground were scared out of their wits one by one, and some of them immediately feces.

The captives are being counted, the booty is being collected.When the whole Hongji Fort was immersed in a happy and relaxed atmosphere, Fan Haibao's fleet arrived.

Fan Haibao is a local group of pirates. According to the standards of the South China Sea coast, he is a very small group, at best, he is at the level of Gu Dachun's gangsters.Fan Haibao also consciously never went to far sea activities, basically operating along the coast of Vietnam, occasionally offending the coast of Hainan Island and Guangxi.On weekdays, when there is no business, they still fish.In short, in the area of ​​Yalong Bay, Fan Haibao can be regarded as one of the small bullies on the sea.Shen Hu invited him to attack Hongji Fort together, and the two hit it off immediately, and Fan Haibao felt that he was very confident, and after he got those ships, he sent people ashore to attack the fort together, and everyone shared half of the meeting.

When Fan Tianbao's fleet appeared by the sea, the battle on the shore was over and the battlefield was being cleaned up.Fan Tianbao didn't know the situation on the shore, and originally wanted to wait for someone from Shen Hu to contact him, but after waiting for a long time, no boat arrived.While being suspicious, I saw that the big ship leaning on the shore had raised its sails, obviously ready to sail.Immediately decided that no matter what happened on the shore, first seize the boat on the shore.

"Everyone, be careful!" Zhang Dabao watched the good show on the shore for a long time, but he never got a chance to make a move. Seeing that there were pirates coming from the sea, he was immediately elated.Hurry to take care of people: "Quick! Battle alert!"

The battle between Fan Tianbao's fleet and the Zhennan did not last long. Because the Zhennan itself had only one large ship, if it fell into a melee, it would be easy for the enemy to approach and jump into battle.This is very unfavorable for Zhennan.Zhennan is not equipped with an engine, and has no advantage in maneuverability, but is stronger than the pirates in terms of firepower and sailor organization and discipline.Therefore, Zhang Dasara placed the Zhennan on the outer line of the enemy's formation from the very beginning, and never let the enemy's ships form a double-teaming posture, so that he could take advantage of the range of artillery fire to continuously bombard the enemy from a long distance without letting the enemy near.

This tactic relies on strong boat handling.Zhang Dasara is obviously a master at this - he asked the sailors to lower the four large oars to provide extra maneuvering power to support his steering.

The hide-and-seek battle between the two sides lasted for more than an hour.The Zhennan used the superior artillery fire on the ship to hit the overturned Haibao ship several times, and soon sank two smaller ships, forcing a ship that was shot and caught fire to run aground on the shore—the pirates who went ashore were quickly killed by the ashore. The sailors and militia were wiped out.

Fan Haibao lost the confidence to continue the fight, so he simply led the fleet to go straight to the Hongjibao wharf, preparing to seize the wharf in one go, and let the pirates on the ship go ashore to get a ticket before leaving-the enemy is only a big ship, so it may not always be possible. Dare to go ashore and outnumber him.But as soon as his ship approached the pier, it was bombarded by artillery fire from Fort Honky, and the grenades fired from the Fort caused great panic among the pirates.In the confusion, the pirates left another stranded ship, and the other ships quickly turned their rudders and left the battlefield.

The battle at sea brought an unsatisfactory end to the campaign.Of course, if there is no outstanding performance, it would be unrealistic for the lonely Zhennan to wipe out Fan Tianbao's fleet.Although the results of sea battles are limited, the land and sea routes are essentially defeat battles, so the results are not satisfactory.After all, there were only 30 sailors who could be called regular armed forces in the defense of Hongji.

The captives were herded into makeshift pens and their bodies thrown into the sea.Not much loot was captured in the battle.The bandits were so poor that even if they threw looted things all over the floor, the elders really dismissed them-it was just a pile of rags.

The most valuable booty left by bandits is themselves. More than 500 captives can serve as labor force, and more than 100 local women who were captured by bandits were taken in.Bei Kai took care of the translators selected from the local laborers, and asked them to go to the nearby villages to proclaim to appease the people, and asked each village to go to Hongji to take back the women and property.To establish a good reputation among the local people, attract more people to come to Hongji to work and sell goods.

Dugu proposed marriage and suggested that Bei Kai should kill a group of captives outside Hongji Fort to imitate others, "Let the monkeys know how powerful we are, so they don't dare to think about Hongji again!" He said impassionedly, continuing to wave his hand Taidao.

Bei Kai expressed his objection hesitantly: "That's not good, kill the captives for no reason." As an administrative leader, he subconsciously regards all living people as labor force.Five hundred captives are of great use no matter whether they are used in mines or road construction. It would be a pity to kill them.

"How can we let the monkeys know how powerful we are if we don't kill people. Not only do we have to kill, but we also have to kill with artistry!"

"I'm against it. You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Zhao Xue was most afraid of death. During the war, she hid in the house and dared not come out. Now that she heard that the prisoners were going to be executed, her sympathy flared up and she firmly opposed it.

"Nonsense, what are you innocent, they are bandits." Dugu proposed marriage, his mouth was full of foam, "If they won today, we would have cut off all our heads..."

Bai Guoshi felt that it was meaningless to execute the captives for no reason, and opposed it.The mass execution in front of Fort Hongji in Dugu's marriage proposal was not discussed, and the bandits in the prison camp finally escaped.

On the second day after the end of the first Hongji defense battle, the reinforcement fleet came from Lingao, and six Type I patrol boats escorted the collier of Dabo Shipping to Hongji.Two reinforcements of sea platoons, more grenades and 50 Minie rifles were sent on board.The Executive Committee held an emergency meeting immediately after receiving the report from Skade. After discussion, it was finally decided that the navy should set up a patrol base in Hongji and deploy patrol boats at the base for a long time. In addition to defending Hongji, In addition to the escort fishing fleet, it eventually formed a grid patrol system for the Beibu Gulf with the naval patrol boats deployed in various ports on Hainan Island.

Squadrons of naturalized laborers proved to be valued for their role in emergencies.In emergencies, the organized militia composed of naturalized laborers played a very important role.Therefore, it was decided to formally establish the Hongji militia general headquarters in Hongji, and Bai Guoshi was appointed as the deputy commander of the militia.Becky served as the commander in chief.

It was none other than Skelder himself who brought these orders.He came to Hongji to conduct research—of course, the main purpose was to avoid inquiries from the Standing Committee of the Senate, so-called "to avoid the limelight".

(End of this chapter)

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