Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 843 Sinners

Chapter 843 Sinners

"Working at night every day, the gas bill is terrible." Although Dean Wu is quite satisfied with the work of the Jesuit priests, he is quite critical of them working at night-the devout priests refuse to give up the daytime The work of evangelism must be done at night while the artistic work is done.This made Dean Wu a little distressed—the fuel department refused to reduce or exempt the gas fee for religious places under the religious office system, and also refused to calculate the price according to the "internal transfer price", and had to charge according to "general commercial use".

However, the Lingao church system receives almost no financial support: more than [-]% of the funds have to be raised by the Lingao church itself.Of course, Dean Wu has the support of the Jesuits, a big benefactor, from manpower to financial resources.Otherwise, Dean Wu really doesn't know how to maintain the operation of the church.The property of the church is limited, and most of the developed believers are the poor and common people. Although they can be called "fanatics" in terms of piety, they can't afford much money to donate.

"No matter what, we have to let the propaganda and construction departments bleed some blood." He said to himself, "There is also Hu Qingbai, let Father Jin go to sculpture and art classes, and charge some fees by the way..."

The intrusion of Gonzalez and Trini lifted his spirits.Of course he knew about the recent arrival of representatives from the Dutch East India Company.Not only do I know, but I have also seen photos and brief introductions of the three main representatives.So he recognized the two as soon as they entered.

Both the Spaniards and Italians are Catholics, so from the moment the "Magdeburg" submitted the crew list and was quarantined, the Political Security Bureau and the Colonial Trade Department issued a circular to remind all Catholic churches in Lingao, Gonzá Reis and Trini may enter the church and ask all departments to do a good job in reception and publicity.

Wu Shimang presided over the work of the church for several years, had the most contacts with Europeans at that time, and knew their religious sentiments very well.The Spaniards are also characterized by strong religious sentiments, so without saying a few words when they came in, the Spanish old woman was agitated and almost burst into tears.As an Italian, Mr. Trini is not very religious, but during the years in Batavia there was no religious freedom to speak of, and he was forced to attend Protestant ceremonies every day. The Catholic faith also flourished.

Wu Shimang worked in marketing in the old time and space, and worked as a human resources trainer. He already has a full set of verbal skills. In this time and space, he has been with religious figures for a long time. The most common ones he sees are missionaries. , three or five strokes made the two Europeans feel extremely warm in their hearts.

As for the masters and apprentices of Jinlige who are working, it is of course very pleasant to see two Christians from Europe who are thousands of miles away overseas.The two sides chatted quickly.The three talked happily in Italian, which they could understand, and Wu Shimang stood aside with a charming smile—even though he couldn't understand a word, he didn't care at all.Because he carried a recorder with him.After a while, the content of the conversation between the three people will be handed over to the General Political Security Bureau, where an elder who understands Italian will be invited to translate.

The two visited the church and admired the scale and structure of the church. Trini paid special attention to the details. As an Italian draftsman, he himself was proficient in various crafts—this is the common practice of Italian artists since the Renaissance. features.A painter is often also a sculptor, metalworker, architect and even engineer.Da Vinci is but the best of them all.

Trini looked at the murals and sculptures under construction on the wall, with a disapproving smile on his face.In his opinion as a professional artist, the level of Jinli Pavilion's master and apprentice is still a bit lower.The missionaries of the Jesuits who went to China and Japan studied astronomy, mathematics, physics, art, etc. before going to East Asia for missionary purposes, but they were generally not very advanced in professional level.

Although he declined to comment out of courtesy.He shifted his gaze from the wall to other places, and soon noticed the stained glass on both sides of the chapel under construction, the patterns were not religious themes, but large-scale landscapes - a bit similar to what Trini saw The simple line style painting on the medieval tapestry: endless fields, rolling golden wheat waves; many red houses, standing huge chimneys; flocks of sheep; fishing boats returning with a full load on the blue sea...

These patterns are simple and bright, which are very different from the traditional decorative glass windows of churches.Trini watched carefully, trying to figure out the meaning expressed in it.Obviously, these glass mosaics are expressing a beautiful and abundant life...

Under the light of gas lamps, climbing on the scaffolding and carefully inlaid with glass on the iron glass frame are a group of women and half-grown children.They wore uniform unfinished natural-colored short jackets, silently and carefully installing and fixing the glass pieces to the frame.

"Who are they?" Trini asked in surprise.Obviously these people were not monks or nuns.But there was something austere about them.

"It's some poor sinners." Jin Lige made a sign of the cross, "May God save their souls."

These people are the "bandits" - "sinners" in charge of the monastery.Beginning with the suppression of bandits in Thirteen Villages, bandits with minor crimes were generally captured, educated and forced to work for a period, and then released and returned home. Those who met the conditions were accepted for recruitment and enlisted in the army.And the family members of the heinous bandits who were killed during the bandit suppression will enjoy "special punishment". Young and middle-aged men will be sent to labor camps to be incorporated into special labor teams, while women and minor children will be sent to Lingao Seminary , carry out "re-education" and "reformation", and do some simple labor at the same time.Its purpose is to brainwash and weaken the concept of hatred.In order to become a useful person in society in the future, rather than an "unstable factor".

Although the work of "probation" was placed in the monastery, it was actually jointly managed by several departments.The guiding department is the Political Security General Directorate.After a period of time, the General Security Bureau will evaluate and score the "criminals", and it is considered that they have been "reformed" well enough to reach level IVB: those with the level of "unreliable and usable" will be released and migrated to a new location Resettlement, those who are considered to have "insignificant educational effects" will be handed over to labor camps for "processing".

The priests have no objection to this work-in Europe, it is not uncommon for monasteries to take care of "sinners".Moreover, the clergy believe that the secular government of the Australians is willing to hand over this work to the church, which is due to their reliance and trust in the church, so they are very enthusiastic about the "probation work".

As for Dean Wu, of course he has no objection, this is free labor for him. The "sinners" worked in specialized shoe and garment factories set up by the Ministry of Light Industry, and paid the church a fee per capita as their food and clothing expenses.The rest, of course, is sponsoring church building.So Dean Wu is very satisfied with this system.

During the security battle in Qiongbei, a steady stream of "sinners" were sent in.Initially, the accepted personnel were limited to "bandit family members", and later the crowd expanded to include the family members of all eliminated "hostile elements".Therefore, Dean Wu has always maintained a considerable number of "sinners".

Mr. Trini was so moved that he also crossed himself.Muttering scriptures silently.At this time, Gonzalez said, "Father, I want to repent."

The pair left with a donation of ten Spanish reals to the church.

"It's only ten Spanish silver dollars!" Wu Shimang watched them go away with a smile on his face, but he was very disdainful in his heart-he originally thought that Gonzalez would take out at least fifty silver coins with his style.Just now Jin Lige made a confession for them—these two had been under the Dutch for a long time, they were forced to perform Protestant religious ceremonies, and they didn’t follow the rules of the Catholic Church. repent.As for the content of the confession, he won't know until tomorrow at noon-the senator who understands Italian will not listen to the recording until tomorrow morning.If any secrets can be leaked, he, the general of the religion, will be the first...

Wu Shimang is very dissatisfied with his current religious work - he even feels that he chose the wrong promotion route at the beginning.He originally wanted to transform the Catholic Church into a "national church" that would cross the empire in the future. For this reason, he had already drawn up many specific plans and plans, including how to divide the parishes in the future, how to manage church property, and so on.Dean Wu also selected the address for the future "Holy City".Even the cathars have a blueprint.In his vision, the future state church will be an important force to ensure that the empire will pass through the ages.The Church's Knights of Monks and Skitarii will be the "shield and sword" of the Senate. Of course, he can't help but think of the Armed Maiden... In short, he is ambitious.

However, the Senate is very stuck on the religious system, and has no intention of engaging in national religion at all.He was not allowed to let go of his work—even came up with a "New Taoism" to muddy the water.This made Wu Shimang very disappointed.When it comes to the level of religion, he is obviously not proficient in Taoist classics, and he is also an opponent of Roboquanzi who has a systematic idea of ​​revamping classics. In terms of organizational management and management, which he considers to be the most advanced, the Senate has many restrictions.After much deliberation, Wu Shimang realized that if he didn't plan to quit the religious system, the best way would be to expand believers on a large scale—especially in the Li district and the "new district".The Senate believes that missionary work will help stabilize the rule of unstable areas.At the same time, the better the missionary effect, the more resources he can get from the Jesuits.

(End of this chapter)

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