Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 844 Returning to Guangzhou

Chapter 844 Returning to Guangzhou
Wu De was very opposed to the Guangzhou World project in the executive committee. Apart from him, Cheng Dong also opposed it.The reasons for their opposition were the same: the 1631 budget and material allocation plan had already been prepared, and the sudden addition of a large project meant that all projects had to be overthrown and reinvented.Cheng Dong strongly opposed this, and 1631 was the first time that the Finance Director's Department prepared a formal annual budget. In 1630, the second anti-encirclement campaign caused economic shocks.A series of problems such as the sharp drop in imports and exports and the excessive issuance of currency.The financial measures of the Finance Director's Department in 1631 were "moderately tight".

"We may have multiple emergencies in 1631 that require an additional budget." Cheng Dong pointed out that in the analysis report submitted by the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Military Administration and the Planning Institute, it is believed that the Senate in 1631 may face Several major military operations, most likely to occur are the military operations on the southwest frontier, the war against Liu Xiang, and the war against Zheng Zhilong.On the main island of Hainan Island, the security war in Qiongbei has come to an end, and the next step is for the army to enter the Qiongnan area to start military operations. The cost is also quite considerable, and the war funds in the current budget are definitely not enough.

"We haven't prepared a specific deficit, but it is entirely conceivable that this year's budget will inevitably have a deficit." Cheng Dong warned, "This will have a great impact on the currency value of our stable currency."

At present, the inflation of circulation notes has been temporarily covered up—the military victory of the traversers greatly expanded the ruling area, and the circulation notes were extended to Qiongbei counties by bayonets, and the social wealth of Qiongbei counties digested the circulation notes and swelled them. Purchasing power, in a disguised form, supports the stability of circulation coupons.Make it no flaws.You must know that the most tense thing was at the end of 1630, when two-thirds of Lingao's silver inventory was transferred to Leizhou to purchase sugar goods. At that time, the finance director's department was in a very tense state.

Scalde is extremely supportive of this project: "But once this project is launched, the benefits will be very objective. The most important thing is that we will get rid of the current situation of relying heavily on Lingao industry, process raw materials locally in Guangdong, and hire labor locally. Sell ​​locally."

"Since we originally planned to set up light industrial production enterprises in Hong Kong and Guangdong, it would not be a waste to use the manpower and material resources of Guangdong nearby to set up a large-scale sales base." Zhan Wuya also agreed with this from an industrial point of view.

"As for the financial and material resources needed for construction, I think we can use local brains from Guangzhou. Don't blindly follow the path of full funding." Li Mei once again offered her shareholding ideas.

She proposed that Guangzhou Great World absorb private capital in the same way as Dabo Shipping.Li Mei proposed: state-owned capital accounted for 51%, set aside 49% for stock offerings.Specifically, the first is to absorb funds directly from the local gentry in Guangzhou; the second is to absorb private funds through the institutional investor Delong Guangzhou Branch.As for the sale of stocks or corporate bonds, it can be discussed separately.

Before the second anti-encirclement campaign, Delong Guangzhou Branch absorbed a large amount of deposits through Zishi Enterprises and itself. A large part of this part of the deposits was used as trading funds for Guangzhou Station and to support the development of Leizhou sugar industry.Guangzhou Delong has established a considerable reputation in the past few years in Guangzhou, and it is completely possible to invest in Guangzhou Great World based on the current financial situation.

As for the large amount of materials needed for construction, they can be purchased from Guangdong nearby, including wood, bricks and stones.It may even be considered to build a building materials factory in Guangzhou or Hong Kong, using Lingao's advanced technology to process and manufacture building materials, so that even cement can be processed locally in Guangzhou.

Cement is originally an industrial enterprise that needs a lot of raw materials. The cement industry in Lingao relies on foreign transportation for coal, which is not very beneficial from an economic point of view.Although there were no coal mines in Guangzhou, many small and medium coal mines were developed in Guangdong at that time, and it was not difficult to obtain cheap coal nearby.As for materials such as limestone and clay, they are not difficult to obtain near the Pearl River Delta.It is much stronger than the Lingao Cement Factory where lime is often fired for oyster houses.

Finally, the proposal was passed by the Executive Committee.It was decided to include the Guangzhou Great World project in the 1631 planning institute material production allocation table and financial budget by way of additional projects.Of course, a considerable part of the funds needs to be raised by the project team.

"Proprietor, Guangzhou Tianzi Wharf has arrived." The attendant's respectful voice came from outside the door.

Guo Yi nodded, and Yi Liu, the life secretary standing beside him, responded loudly: "The proprietor knows." After returning to Lingao, his two maids have all passed the political review and "re-education", and are now listed as Entered the establishment of Guangzhou Station, Yiliu is the secretary, and Zhitao is the confidential officer.

He stood up, Yi Liu hurriedly lifted the silk mirror cover on a large mirror on the bulkhead, and let him see his own appearance.The man in the mirror had a dignified appearance, and his gestures were full of the noble aura of a rich and powerful person.This feeling made him in a trance: Is this still me?Recalling how he looked when he worked in the security department, Guo Yi felt that he was another person.

"How is Mr. Lu?" he asked.It doesn't matter to the others, whether they are veterans or naturalized people, but Lu Yizhong has to be careful.Although this person fully exposed his lack of integrity in the prisoner camp, and left a series of "stains" such as writing persuasion documents to the governor, he can only follow the elders to do it with all his heart, Guangzhou Station It is planned to let him be the person who communicates with the official circles in Guangdong.But the elders are not very reassured about the reliability of this person.

"Mr. Lu has changed his clothes just now, and he is waiting in the cabin to go ashore. There is nothing unusual."

"Yeah." Guo Yi nodded.

Zhitao helped him tidy up the wrinkles of his clothes, and he stood still and waited for the women to make the final touches for him.Then, Yiliu raised the door curtain for him.

Guo Yi came to the deck, and the wind on the river made him shiver slightly.Looking around, a group of people have gathered on the Tianzi Wharf, and there is also a drum display.The Tianzi Wharf was cleared, and irrelevant people and ships were driven aside.

As soon as he came out of the cabin, drums were played on the pier.Gao Sheng and the firecrackers crackled.Guo Yi smiled and waved towards the pier, before getting off the diving board.

Among the welcome crowd at the pier were quite a few local gentry, Guo Yi saw Liang Cunhou with a smile on his face at a glance; Young master, gather together and shake your folding fans and laugh... Li Xijue is the leader among this group of people. Although he didn't put on any official pomp, everyone knows that this person is here to welcome "Guo Dongzhu" on behalf of the governor of Guangdong, Li Fengjie. .

As if fearing that just one aide of the governor of Guangdong would not be dignified enough, Guangzhou, Nanhai, and Panyu counties all sent yamen servants to maintain order.The pomp is almost the same as that of the resigned court officials.

Three big blue tweed sedan chairs for four people and more than a dozen small sedan chairs for two people have been lined up on the pier.The big sedan chair was prepared for Guo Yi, Pei Lixiu and Zheng Shangjie.The small sedan chair is prepared for their maids.

One of them was the luxurious sedan chair originally used by Guo Yi.After the sedan was withdrawn from Guangzhou Station, Tian Da took it back to the capital to present to his master. After Tian Da was "seventy yards", the sedan chair became dilapidated and dilapidated.This time it was Li Xijue who found it specially, and refurbished it by a skilled craftsman. Except that the glass on the car window was pried away and there was nowhere to match it, so he had to use high-quality beads to make a bead curtain instead, and everything else was repaired.

Li Xijue smiled all over his face and came up to give a speech.Afterwards, all the gentry who came to greet them also saluted one after another.Most of the gentry present were people with business contacts in Guangzhou Station or regular customers of Ziminglou. They were originally "pro-kun people". When the government launched a crusade, they were somewhat embarrassed.Especially young masters such as Dong Jizhong and Wu Zhixiang, because they had too much contact with the "kun thieves" and received a lot of reprimands from their father and brother at home.

He raised his face full of spring breeze, and cupped his hands: "Pull the clouds to see the sun! The proprietor is always well?"

"Thank you, Gao, for your help!" Guo Yi knew that Guangzhou Station had left, and Gao Ju had taken good care of Guangzhou Station's interests.Belongs to a tried and tested partner.

"It's easy to say, the proprietor's return to Guangzhou this time is just like Qianlong's escape from the beach, and he is going to show off his ambitions." Holding up his mouthful of compliments, he said in a very low voice, "I don't know when Can I visit the manor?"

"Don't dare, let's give it three days, and I will come to visit you."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Gao Ju nodded with a smile, and retreated to the side.

When the gentry saw the ceremony, they were in a mess again.Everyone got into the sedan chair.The luggage and items were transported to the mansion on Huifu Street by the people from the Qiwei Escort Bureau who accompanied the ship—according to Li Xijue's order, the house had been cleaned and cleaned after it was unsealed.

A group of sedan chairs headed towards Huifu Street, led by the "top horse".The team not only consisted of officials from the two counties of Guangzhou, Nanhai, and Panyu to suppress and open the way, but also sent personnel from multiple yamen in the prefecture to coordinate and take care of them.The citizens along the street came to watch the excitement.

"This is Guo Yi!" Someone said, "Looking at this scene, it's really big!"

"It's not that the Kun thief is a traitor..."

"Hush! You're the one to say it's the rebel! He's the serious Dongzhu Guo!"

"The government is really turning their faces faster than turning a book..."

"This is called one moment and another moment. Besides, whether it is a thief or a proprietor, it has nothing to do with us ordinary people. But as soon as he comes back, several purple shops can be opened, and there are places to buy Australian goods. .”

Sitting in the sedan chair, Guo Yi thought of the embarrassment of fleeing from the Guangzhou station more than half a year ago, as if he had been in a lifetime.Guangzhou is still a promising world for him.

(End of this chapter)

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