Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 845 Reconstruction

Chapter 845 Reconstruction
The sedan chair went all the way to Huifu Street.The Qiwei Escort Bureau organized a large number of bodyguards to escort the team, and set off Gaosheng and Wanzi whips every time they reached a street.Sun Kecheng led the bodyguards in uniform and newly made livery to follow behind on foot, looking proud.

Since Sun Kecheng burned Wuyangyi by the navy, the Qiwei Escort, which had been holding its tail tightly, got rid of the situation of pretending to be a grandson. After the secret agreement between the two parties was signed, the Qiwei Escort trembled.He had long held back his energy and waited for Dongzhu Guo to come back so he could show off.

When the team arrived at Huifu Street, the intersection of the street had already been guarded by government servants sent by Nanhai and Panyu counties, and no one else was allowed to approach.The original house and the fronts of Zichengji and Zizhenzhai's second stores have already been washed and cleaned, the seals that have been pasted for more than half a year have long since disappeared, and the messy grass under the steps in front of the door has also been pulled out.The road surface was also swept clean.The only problem is that the big glasses of Zichengji and Zizhenzhai were smashed and taken away, and now they have to hold off the glass for the time being.

Headed by shopkeeper Shen Fan, the staff and craftsmen of the former Zi's enterprise lined up at the door of the store, watching the sedan chairs coming all the way—they had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Since the entire evacuation of the Guangzhou station, the craftsmen and workers received severance pay and went home to avoid the limelight.Some unlucky ones who didn't escape were caught by the yamen servants, suffered a lot and lost some money.Fortunately, Sun Kecheng has been helping in secret all the time, and with the help from time to time, he has stabilized people's hearts.Although this group of people received severance pay and did not have to worry about food and clothing, they still felt uneasy because they had nothing to eat every day.Everyone eagerly hoped that Dongzhu Guo would come back one day soon so that everyone could continue to work and do business.

After much anticipation and anticipation, finally came the news of Dongzhu Guo's return to Guangzhou.The news was notified by Sun Kecheng.All the staff of Zi's enterprise could not help but rush to tell each other.

Shen Fan has returned to his hometown since he was dismissed, sheltering himself from the limelight in the countryside.Because he is the chief executive of Zi's enterprise, he is the key person Tian Da pursues.Before leaving Guangzhou, he was almost kidnapped by Tian Da's evil servants.Fortunately, at the beginning of Weiwei, someone was secretly protected.Only then can he escape safely.

Shen Fan hid the entire roster of Guangzhou station staff and craftsmen, and fled all the way to his hometown to avoid the limelight under the escort of bodyguards.Unexpectedly, Tian Da had a lot of money, and even sent officials through the local county government to arrest him.His whole family had no choice but to escape overnight under the escort of bodyguards, and lived in seclusion in Qiwei's outer cabinet for several months.

During the days of hiding, he was able to grasp the situation in Guangzhou through the communication network of Qiwei Escort.Although he is not as restless as the fellow craftsmen below, he still has great doubts about whether Guo Dongzhu and others can return to Guangzhou-after all, what the Australians have to deal with is the government.

When the people from Qiwei's security agency informed him to return to Guangzhou to resume his business, the old shopkeeper couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and immediately got up and hurried to Guangzhou.After he arrived in Guangzhou, he first stayed in Qiwei's inn, and Qiwei's people went out to inform the craftsmen scattered in various townships and even neighboring counties to return to work.The entire inn was beaming for a moment, waiting for the proprietor to come back and resume business.

At this moment, Shen Fan was standing first among the guys, and couldn't restrain his excitement.In this turmoil, although I couldn't help my boss, but my boss really "come back".The government's despotic power, which the people were afraid to death when they heard it from a young age, actually fought back by themselves with cannons.The Australians do what they say, and their tough style of defying the powerful left a deep impression on him.

Seeing the sedan chair fall nearby, the curtain of the sedan chair was opened.Guo Dongzhu leaned out from the sedan chair.He stomped his feet slightly, and then brushed the dust off his sleeves.An unmatched "royal aura", and then, the girl behind Pei also got out of the sedan chair - she is still a lady of the Ming Dynasty, with a peerless elegance.Shen Fan suppressed the excitement in his chest, walked up a few steps, and then knelt down with a big bow, wanting to kowtow to Guo Yi.The fellows and craftsmen of the Zi Group who were present all knelt down with a huff.Suddenly, a mass of people knelt down in front of the door.

Guo Yi was taken aback.He didn't expect these people to have such deep affection for Zi's enterprise.Seeing that Shen Fan was actually giving him a big gift, he quickly took a step forward and helped him up.Seeing that the old shopkeeper was already in tears, choked up and unable to speak, Guo Yi himself didn't feel a little sour in his heart-the so-called "loyalty" probably meant this.He sighed in his heart.

"Everyone, please stand up!" Guo Yi collected himself and glanced at everyone, "It's been a long time since you left. Everyone has suffered. I also said at the time that I will return to Guangzhou in the end, revive my old career, and let everyone go. Light the firecrackers to reopen the shop." He felt his eyes moisten when he said this, "Come on! Bring the firecrackers!"

"Come on!" Shen Fan greeted, and some staff had already prepared one hundred high-rise cannons and ten thousand-word whips.Put a dense crowd on Huifu Street.

Guo Yi picked up the incense stick and lit a Gaosheng medicine twister, and then the Gaosheng cannon and the Wanzi whip rang out one after another.The sound of firecrackers was deafening and the smoke filled the whole Huifu Street.

Guo Yi is sitting on the flower hall, the flower hall that was originally magnificently furnished is now empty, even the chair under his buttocks and the table in front of him are temporarily bought from second-hand goods stores - the ancients did not have the concept of a furniture store, furniture You have to ask a craftsman to do it.If you want to buy ready-made furniture, you can only buy second-hand goods.

Twelve windows were made by skilled craftsmen, and the windows inlaid with glass have disappeared. The greedy government servants not only took away all the property and furniture that could be moved, but also the building materials that could be dismantled.Guo Yi had already visited Zichengji's wine workshop just now. The stills and atmospheric boilers inside were destroyed by them before they were withdrawn to avoid being used by others. There are also many parts missing.Someone apparently took the stuff down and moved it somewhere, and recently brought it back.

Almost none of the money-making guys returned from the government was complete, Guo Yi shook his head after looking at it.Most of the things are probably only worth dismantling and burning, and recycling materials.As for the general living utensils, there is not even a pot or a bowl left in the kitchen.It is difficult to burn saliva to drink.

At last, the house had been cleaned several times by Sun Kecheng and Shen Fan.The weeds in the yard were also pulled.

Even so, the once-thriving industry looks bleak.

"It's really ruined." Guo Yi sighed.

"Where do I sleep..." Pei Lixiu took a look at her boudoir on Huifu Street—it was called "a house with four walls", let alone the Ziming Building. She and Zheng Shangjie originally wanted to go back to Ziming immediately. Check the situation upstairs.But Shopkeeper Sun asked her to come back tomorrow—the place is still being cleaned.I'm afraid it can't live in people.

"You and Zheng Shangjie should stay in Qiwei's inn for the night. I have informed Shopkeeper Sun to prepare a deluxe room. It is equipped with a bathroom and it is very clean." Guo Yi told people to put a camp bed in his bedroom first, Get a desk for office use.

"I'm not going to live here, but give me a temporary bed. I'll just reconsider the plan to restore the Ziming Building at night." Zheng Shangjie is very enterprising, and feels that living in a rough place can be overcome.

Guo Yiguan first posted notices outside the mansions on Huifu Street, Zichengji, Zizhenzhai and Ziminglou, "Business will resume soon, and all friends in our shop and house, please report for work within three days." Although it opened Most of the previous people have returned to report, but there are still some people who have not been contacted.

As for the furniture, daily necessities in the house, and the store's wealth, immediately find craftsmen to make them, and ask the carpenters to make them as soon as possible, regardless of the labor cost.Some can be bought from thrift stores, so buy them from thrift stores first.But Guo Yi demanded that he must buy good things, and he couldn't just make things simple.

"It's easy. Recently, there are a lot of big sellers in Guangzhou who sell 'stolen goods'. There are a lot of good things in the second-hand shops, not to mention furniture, even the furnishings!" Shen Fan said with a smile.He will be so busy, running back and forth.Guo Yi gave him a copy of Delong Guangzhou Branch, which he can use to withdraw money at will.

"Oh? What's going on." Guo Yi asked curiously.

"Aren't they all Australians..." Shen Fan lowered his voice, but couldn't help wanting to laugh, "The officers and soldiers fought a big defeat in Qiongzhou Mansion, and the civilians and generals who led the troops were killed and captured. They were captured." Those who want to redeem themselves will have to be punished when they return to the court. The guilty will be exonerated, and the innocent will be promoted. It’s just a mess...doesn’t it all cost money to clear it up?”

"So that's how it is." Guo Yi thought that our victory in Chengmai had indeed taught these officials a lesson.

"Nowadays, there are also land and house sales. If the owner is interested, you can secretly see if there is any suitable one."

"You look at it for me first. If you find something suitable, report it."

"Yes. There are quite a few people involved in the officialdom in Guangdong this time." Shen Fan has no affection for the Ming court, and has no sympathy for these unlucky people and domineering officials. "Don't worry, my proprietor. Take Zhou Cai to buy it, others call it Zhou Bopi, and you have to squeeze out these dirty officials to vent your anger on you, the proprietor—these officials have a lot of good things in their hands."

"Okay, let's go." Guo Yi nodded.

Guo Yi's boat brought along a construction team from Lingao Construction Corporation.Prepare for restoration of homes and properties.I also brought some building materials that may be used: such as large glass.But it now appears that the damage to the house far exceeded his expectations.The prepared materials are not enough in quantity or variety.There are also boilers, distillers, and sanitary ware, all of which have to be ordered from Lingao.Guo Yi knew that the situation in Ziming Building would only be worse than here—there were probably not a few "ingenious and obscene" things in it, and maybe even the water pipes and faucets were removed.

(End of this chapter)

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