Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 864 Phoenix Villa

Chapter 864 Phoenix Villa
The traffic discussion of the Jiangnan inspection team soon entered into the planning of road construction.But road construction is not very realistic-even if Jiangnan is now under their command immediately, and all officials are under their command, according to the current strength of the Senate, it is still powerless.

"Building roads in places like Jiangnan is a nightmare for us." Lu Zhongxing said, "The earthwork workload is too great, and there are countless rivers and ponds to be bridged along the way."

"The labor force is okay, but the construction materials are simply astronomical." Merlin sighed, "The gap in our productivity level is too big."

Although Lingao's industrial capabilities have begun to show its huge energy, it is a myth in this time and space.But placed in such a large environment in China, Lingao's production capacity is simply insignificant.The Lingao industrial system that the elders talked about "playing the prelude to industrialization" was not comparable to China in 1949 in terms of production scale, let alone the heyday of the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty.

Xu said: "You don't have to keep your eyes on the inland river and the land. You can also take the sea route from Shanghai to Hangzhou. Don't forget that Hangzhou is on the Qiantang River. Sea ships go out to sea from Wusong, and then enter the Qiantang River from Hangzhou Bay. As long as the hydrological conditions are surveyed clearly Therefore, it is not a problem for ships with hundreds of tons to travel in the Qiantang River. After all, sea transportation is our strong point."

Zhou Dongtian said: "Sea transportation is too eye-catching. If the sea ships go directly to the provincial capital, I am afraid it will cause a disturbance—perhaps it will also cause shocks in the whole province. It is almost the same when the sea ships arrive at Zhapu. Anyway, there is a seaport in the first place."

Everyone discussed the traffic issue enthusiastically along the way, and the time passed quickly when there were topics.In a few days, the delegation arrived in Hangzhou and disembarked at the Gongchen Bridge—this is the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, a very famous place.However, Gongchen Bridge is still under construction at this time.

Sun Wangcai had already received the password bill from the Shanghai sub-cabinet, and estimated that the ship should arrive on April [-]th, so starting from April [-]th, he sent people to visit around the Gongchenqiao Wharf every day.Seeing the boats with the lanterns of the prestige brand arrive at the pier, they immediately reported to Zhao's house.Sun Wangcai immediately ordered Cai Shi to go to the riverside to greet him with his servant's sedan chair, and sent everyone and their luggage to Zhao Yingong's mansion.

The population of Zhao's residence has expanded a lot these days.In order to be cautious, Sun Wang, the head of the Hangzhou intelligence station, tightened the customs defense and separated the inner house and the outer house.All newly recruited servants are not allowed to enter the inner house, only those brought from Lingao who have passed the appraisal of the General Security Bureau are allowed to enter the inner house.

The increase in population made Zhao's house began to become narrow.Even if the area of ​​the abandoned garden that has not yet been built is added, it is not enough.At this time, Cai Shi had already bought a large enough land in Phoenix Mountain.Zhao Yingong is eager to start building his own manor there.He had adjusted his strategy according to the telegrams from the Foreign Intelligence Service.

According to the notice from the Foreign Intelligence Agency, Zhao Yingong decided to temporarily dress himself up as a gentleman who is passionate about agriculture.In the late Ming Dynasty, operating landlords were very common. Many landlords no longer leased their land to their tenants for rent, but hired long-term and short-term laborers. They were in charge of specific farming tasks such as planting, farming, and water conservancy, and directly managed the land and agricultural products.

In Xinde's plan, he decided to build a farm villa in Fenghuang Mountain, and moved Wang Siniang's family there to be responsible for sericulture.First, a large number of mulberry trees were planted in the manor, and small-scale sericulture and silk reeling were carried out.Lay a good foundation for personnel training for the large-scale industrial silk reeling in the future.For this reason, he has already sent a telegram to Wu Nanhai, requesting that sericulture professionals from the Tiandihui be sent to Nanjing to serve with silkworm eggs.

Phoenix Mountain Villa will undertake a series of tasks such as personnel purification and transfer in the future, and is the headquarters and core of Hangzhou Station.Zhao Yingong planned to transport most of the core personnel, materials, and equipment to Phoenix Mountain Villa after the construction was completed.The Zhao residence in Qinghefang will serve as the "facade" of Hangzhou Station.

The facade is the planned cultural bookstore.It is planned to use the abandoned land of Zhao's house to build a comprehensive building integrating tea house, bookstore, garden and printing office.In addition to selling tea and books in the bookstore, Zhao Yingong also plans to sell and promote some "cultural products" with Australian characteristics in this cultural bookstore.Initially, there are Western and Chinese ship models, various table games, including chess and cards.Zhao Yingong also wants to introduce billiards: he still remembers the "billiards craze" in the 90s.The technology of manufacturing billiards equipment can be satisfied in this time and space. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Pearl River Delta was famous for the production of ivory handicrafts. Many billiards used in Europe were manufactured in Guangzhou and other places.However, he was not sure what the scholars would think about this, and the manufacture of billiard equipment did not happen overnight, so he decided not to introduce it for the time being.First report the project to the Planning Institute and the Ministry of Light Industry for record.

Since the Planning Institute has equipped him with printing equipment, it seems a waste not to publish newspapers or magazines.At present, apart from the "Lingao Times" in Lingao, there is no real newspaper in Ming Dynasty.He can do some expansion in this area, start some newspapers and magazines - anyway, there is no "Publication Law" in Daming, publication does not require serial number and book number, and there is no copyright.The role of the newspaper as a kind of mouthpiece is very obvious.Zhao Yingong prepared for the vacancy in the news media of traditional society to seize the commanding heights of propaganda.As for magazines, he planned to use lithographic printing equipment to create a Ming version of "Dianshizhai Pictorial".

Of course, these things must have a material foundation. Zhao Yingong has been waiting for the inspection team to bring him materials and professional technicians for a long time.Now that these people finally arrived, he was overjoyed, and immediately held a banquet in the mansion to "clean up the dust" for a group of people.

At the clean-up banquet, everyone had a division of labor on their recent work in Jiangnan.Zhou Dongtian will be accompanied by Sun Wangcai and others to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the engraved book publishing industry in Hangzhou, Suzhou and Nanjing. Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the road traffic conditions in the northern region.The topography of the south of the Yangtze River has changed a lot in the 100 years of the old time and space, especially the rivers and ponds, which are much more in this time and space than in the old time and space.Once you need to march and fight in the Jiangnan area in the future, you have to make preparations in advance.

The next day, Zhao Yingong and the delegation came to Phoenix Mountain.This is the "old nest" of Hangzhou Station in the future, and it is likely to be one of the hubs of the entire Jiangnan activity. Everyone would like to express some opinions on this.

Fenghuang Mountain is outside the Fengshan Gate. This city gate was quite a remote place in the Ming Dynasty, because there is Fenghuang Mountain and Qiantang River outside the gate, and there is no fertile land outside and it is not a transportation hub. Ordinary people seldom come here.

The terrain of Fenghuang Mountain is gentle, most of which are gentle slopes.Those who have a little knowledge of vegetation can see that this is a typical secondary forest landform-the original ecological vegetation has long been destroyed after development on the hillside, and low and broken walls can be seen from time to time among the thorn bushes. .In some places, there are still stone piers and stone beams used to support the pillars of the temple.If you look carefully, you can see traces of many Buddhist temples.

"This is the ruins of the five temples and one pagoda." Tired of walking, Zhao Yingong sat down on a huge stone pier and fanned the wind with a fan. "It is said that the five temples originally used a lot of architectural components from Southern Song Dynasty palaces— ―Some are simply the temples of the Southern Song Dynasty. It’s a pity that I don’t know archaeology, otherwise I could dig and investigate here.”

The five temples and one pagoda were already in decline at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. When Zhang Shicheng built Hangzhou City, he demolished the remaining buildings and used his building materials.For more than 270 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, people have been dismantling various building materials from here, except for the broken bricks and tiles all over the floor and some large components that are not easy to move scattered among the thorns.

"How big is the land you bought?" Merlin climbed up a stone pier and looked over, estimating the size and area of ​​the entire villa.

"I told Lao Sun that the bigger the land, the better. Most of the Fenghuang Mountain area is unowned official land, which is not worth a lot of money. It is just that there are private cemeteries in some places. It is troublesome to dispose of. Buy it if you can. You can’t buy it and avoid it temporarily.” Zhao Yingong pointed, “From the riverside at the foot of the mountain to here, this piece of land must be bought——I want to build a pier.”

"There is a problem with the construction of the villa here. The water supply is not easy to solve." Merlin observed the place he instructed, "The problem of raising water from the riverside needs to be solved—the drainage is very convenient."

"There are springs on the mountain."

"We need to build a water collection project." Meilin looked at the topography, "In fact, it is not difficult to raise water, just build a Lanzhou water truck. It will be a scene in the future."

Zhao Yingong nodded: "That's a good idea, because I'm still going to farm in Fenghuang Mountain." He pointed Jiang Shan: "Plant fruit trees and tea on the hillside, plant mulberry trees on the land by the water, dig fish ponds, and engage in sericulture and fish farming. a tea workshop and a fruit processing factory."

"You are going to play a vegetable digging game in Hangzhou." Meilin laughed.

"You have to be self-sufficient—this place is thousands of miles away from Lingao, so you can't expect everything to be delivered by the Planning Institute." Zhao Yingong pondered for a moment, "You help me design the design. Don't make it like a fortress. Just follow the level of the stockade of the local rich in this time and space. This is a provincial capital after all, so it can't be eye-catching."

Merlin said: "You have to get the clear boundary of the manor first. Before you leave the permit, let him measure and draw a topographic map—I'm not good at this. It's easy to build a house, but it requires detailed layout and planning. The map is not allowed. As for the manor building, I will first make a sketch according to your request, and I will start construction after you approve."

"Okay," Zhao Yingong nodded, "I have another merciless request."

"Let's talk, you are a customer here, and everything is for the customer."

"Build me an ancestral hall in the villa." Zhao Yingong said, "It must be as grand as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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