Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 865 Future Planning

Chapter 865 Future Planning
"Ancestral hall?" Merlin was a little confused. There are many architectural fanatics among the elders. Some want to build a Soviet palace, some want to build a congress hall, and some want to build their own vacation villas, manors, castles, museums, and palaces. ...

But no one wants to build ancestral halls.The senators were not interested in this symbol of a patriarchal society.Some of the elders may want to be "gods", but just being an "ancestor" is not attractive to everyone.

"Well, what is the ancestral hall for?"

Zhao Yingong said with a solemn expression: "Of course it is dedicated to the ancestors of the Great Song Dynasty."

"I understand." Mei Lin understood that Zhao Yingong was planning to confirm his identity as a descendant of the Zhao Song clan.

He originally planned to build this ancestral hall dedicated to the "ancestors and ancestors" by the West Lake, but it was not realized because of the relationship between land prices and the disapproval of the foreign intelligence agency.

"I don't know much about ancient architecture. The ancestral hall must be built according to the ancient form, otherwise it will not look dignified. There is also a problem of exceeding the regulations. Local craftsmen must be used to build the Phoenix Villa. Don't report it to you." Merlin was a little worried.

Zhao Yingong said: "I've already asked someone to draw the design—don't worry, it won't exceed the limit. I've seen people from the History Research Office of the Great Library and Master Wang."

Merlin agreed, since he was only building houses anyway.However, he immediately put forward a counter-condition: he asked Zhao Yingong to come forward and keep Zhou Dongtian for a period of time, and then set off after he finished dealing with the matter at hand-he wanted to go to Nanjing with Zhou Dongtian.

"I'm all in the south of the Yangtze River. It's a pity not to go to Nanjing. I must go to see how Nanjing's 'dragon and tiger' method..."

Of course Zhao Yingong knew what he was thinking, and said with a subtle smile, "I will definitely go and persuade Lao Zhou."

Zhou Dongtian had nothing to do with taking Meilin to Nanjing, and Hangzhou is also very comfortable here, so he can stay for a few more days, eat, sleep, and do some internal political work by the way.The population of Hangzhou Station has increased greatly, and many servants have come in addition to children. These people are subject to proper secret inspection and evaluation.

Without the other party's knowledge, it is obviously not possible to put on a posture of interrogation-otherwise, the news of a few strange people coming to Zhao's house will definitely spread widely.The inspection group is staying in the name of Zhao Yingong's friend, and they can't act beyond the scope of friends.Zhou Dongtian has been trained in body language, as long as he says a few words casually and observes the other person's expressions and movements, he can get the general clue.

As a "consultant" of the General Administration of Political Security, he contacted and observed every servant, especially to see if they had any special behavior: a spy, as long as he starts his activities, he will inevitably reveal distinctive clues.

A few days later, he confirmed that there were no spies among the indigenous personnel recruited in the entire Hangzhou station.As for the reliability of the indigenous people, it is impossible to judge in a short time.However, except for the bearers who have a little quack habit, most of the servants are honest and honest people.It is relatively easy to form a common interest chain with Hangzhou Station.As for how reliable they can develop in the future, it depends on Zhao Yingong's own ability to win over and control them.

But loyalty must first form a community of interests.Zhou Dongtian believes that no matter how strong a person's ability to control is, he will never be the "queen" or "mastermind" of the Zerg. No matter whether it is real or illusory interests, loyalty must be based on common interests. .

Zhao Yingong's main method is to start with the children.In addition to the orphans taken in from the street and the city, he also organized all the children of the servants.

These children ranged from five to sixteen to thirteen or fourteen years old. Zhao Yingong took care of Sun Wang before giving pocket money to all the servants' children to study in the private school in the abandoned garden. He also planned to let all the children live together after the completion of the Phoenix Villa. Live a complete collective life: eat, live, study, and work together, and thoroughly educate them on culture and outlook on life.

It is not easy to change adults, but children are blank slates, how to draw is under Zhao Yingong's control.Start by mastering the hearts of children, and their parents will not be able to escape.Their parents, who are slaves, are basically uneducated, and it is impossible to have any influence on their children. They will only be grateful for the master's behavior.

Among the servants Zhao Yingong took in, about half had children—he preferred the whole family to vote for single servants.People with children have greater survival pressure and greater concerns. With a safe and stable environment, this kind of people will not have too many other ideas, and a little favor can make them give up.And children are the most effective hostages for most people.

The preparation of the land for the Phoenix Mountain Villa was completed very quickly, and Sun Wangcai and Cai Shi bought more than 2000 mu of land in Phoenix Mountain: it was not a big price.Most of the land is barren mountainous land, and the land by the river below the mountain is sandy and loamy, and sometimes there is a danger of waterlogging. The value of both official land and private land is not great.All the land was bought and deeded, and the public and private expenses were less than 500 taels of silver

Zhao Yingong hired a wooden cabinet - the so-called wooden cabinet is an ancient construction company that specializes in undertaking construction projects.The head of the wooden cabinet is a Dongyang carpenter.He didn't understand the architectural blueprints that Merlin brought out: it's not that the ancients didn't have architectural blueprints, but that craftsmen who built houses rarely used them.Moreover, the buildings designed by Merlin are "illegal" in their view.To build a house, carpenters follow the "Building French", the structure, size, and appearance of various types of houses... Almost all have certain routines,

The carpenter looked at Mei Lin's drawings for a long time, and then said: "It's not difficult to build a house, but the way the house is built is strange. Is it like this in Guangli?"

Meilin himself felt that the house he designed was still in the "ancient architectural style", but the structure and space of the house were designed according to the principles of modern architecture. Unexpectedly, the other party thought it was strange.If this is the case, wouldn't the bastion-style building be even weirder?
He said cautiously: "We built houses like this in Sanshui. I heard that some styles were brought from overseas."

"It's really eye-opening." The carpenter muttered while watching, "Guest! I advise you to follow the French method. I'm afraid others will laugh at you when you build such a house..."

There was a small dispute between the two sides on this issue.The carpenter felt that building such a unique "Guangli-style" house would make people laugh. Of course, Meilin had to stick to his own architectural philosophy-after all, the house in the villa should serve practical purposes, and should not be accommodated to the so-called "French style".Ming and Qing buildings are of course beautiful and tasteful, but they are poor in terms of comfort and space utilization.Of course, he must adhere to the direction of advanced construction technology when he comes to this time and space.

In the end, it was still built according to Meilin's drawings-the construction project of Phoenix Villa is not small, and it is a big deal for wooden cabinets.No matter how persistent the old carpenter is to "Building French", he will not be troubled by money.

What surprised the old carpenter the most was the underground ditch and water supply system on the design drawing—of course he didn’t know about this. Many small towns and even villages in the south of the Yangtze River have complete and reliable drainage systems, but he has never seen such a design before. "Luxurious.According to his thinking, since it was just a mountain villa, there was no need for complicated drainage at all, as long as a few stone slab gutters for drainage were set up in the courtyard of the mansion, there was no need to dig such a big ditch that could almost allow a person to walk in it.As for water supply, it is enough to dig a few wells in the courtyard of the villa - there are several mountain springs on the foundation, and after dredging, a well circle is built to form a ready-made well. The water quality is good and the water is enough.Why build such complex drainage ditches and ponds for water storage on the hillside?

Bricks, tiles and lime were supplied by local kilns, and wood was shipped from Dongyang, Quzhou and other places.There are broken walls and ruins everywhere on Phoenix Mountain, which also provided a considerable part of the building materials.Especially stone.

When cleaning up the broken bricks and tiles, a large number of tiles and glazed tiles of the Song Dynasty were cleared out. Zhao Yingong took care of them all and piled them up—he was going to use these materials to build the Zhao Song Royal Ancestral Hall. keep it.

The progress of the project is not fast - the gap between Meilin's architectural concepts and methods and this time and space is too large, and it takes a lot of time to communicate with the people in the wooden cabinet every day.The purchase and delivery of construction materials is very slow, and it has been two weeks since the start of construction and there has been no sign of it.Merlin was used to the efficiency of Lingao, and was very displeased with the slow pace of the local area.Afraid that he would delay the project for too long, Zhou Dongtian couldn't wait to put himself down and set off

"I must bring my own engineering team to work in the future, and the natives can only be laborers." Merlin would complain every day when he came down from the construction site, "They always think our approach is too weird. They keep telling me that it is pure Waste of money. Some people just take me for a fool!"

Zhao Yingong comforted him: "This is the generation gap of the times. Wasn't it the same thing when you brought the naturalized migrant workers to build the house?"

Apart from these, generally speaking, the layout of Fenghuang Villa designed by Meilin is still traditional.The main residential building of the villa is located at the foot of Phoenix Mountain, facing Mosao Bay and backed by Wansong Ridge.The villa itself was built in the model of a country fort that is common in this time and space, and has a certain degree of defense.

The villa itself is surrounded by walls and covers an area of ​​8 acres, with multiple courtyards.Including Hangzhou Station Headquarters, Zhao Yingong's residence, Hangzhou Station Guest House, Hangzhou Station staff, servants' residential settlements, schools and dormitories, warehouses, etc.

Outside the house, several acres of land for building reserves were encircled—to be used in the future to build quarantine camps, factories, and several settlements—to house workers in farms and factories.They have a certain distance from the villa, but are connected by roads and share a drainage and water supply system.

(End of this chapter)

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