Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 866 Nanjing

Chapter 866 Nanjing
Because Meilin was worried that the construction period would delay the matter of going to Nanjing, he was so anxious every day that his mouth started to blister. Zhou Dongtian was so frightened that he didn't dare to mention the word "go to Nanjing", so he had to wander around Zhao's house every day--fortunately, this meeting Qiwei also transported the printing equipment and equipment brought by the inspection team one after another, and Zhou Dongtian started to install and debug the equipment first.

The printing office is located in a small courtyard in the abandoned garden of Zhao's residence.At present, the ink and paper used by the printing machine are still shipped from Lingao, Zhao Yingong plans to solve it locally in the future.The potions needed for lithography are difficult to obtain locally, so they should be purchased from Lingao.

Hangzhou can easily purchase all kinds of soil paper - although it is not as smooth and white as Lingao's writing and printing paper.As for the ink, the local area can only solve the water-based ink like Songyan ink, and Zhao Yingong has to solve the oil-based ink by himself.His solution was to grow flax in Phoenix Mountain Villa.The flax is ready to be harvested for weaving, and flaxseed oil is a suitable oil base.

When Zhou Dongtian was assembling and debugging the equipment, he specially selected two local young people who had just been taken into the mansion, mature, reliable and literate as apprentices—the literacy rate in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was quite high in the late Ming Dynasty.In order to reduce literacy work as much as possible, Zhao Yingong also paid attention to the basic education level of the recruits when recruiting servants.

Although some people think that printing workers should be selected from Lingao, Zhou Dongtian disagrees with this: first of all, using a manual printing machine is not an advanced technology, and maintenance is also very easy.It is enough for him to teach by precept and deed for a month or two; secondly, he relies too much on personnel selected from Lingao, which may easily cause the local personnel to tend to be centrifugal.

Zhou Dongtian taught them how to operate the machine, including simple maintenance work.Because the lead type is too heavy and it is inconvenient to transfer, Hangzhou Printing Office does not have lead type at present, and only uses the lead type of the shipped books for printing.Lithograph printing is used when self-made plate printing is required.

The two young men were full of awe of these iron guys full of strange objects: at first they were afraid that these things would "bite", and then when Zhou Dongtian drove the machine to show them the power of the machine When it comes to printing ability, it turns into sincere admiration.

Young people are easy to accept new things, and after accepting it, they tend to try their best to maintain this new thing he agrees with.So Zhou Dongtian didn't want to recruit people from the many unemployed old engraving masters outside to start the machine-they still needed new people to use new things.

"These two are printing presses from Guanglilai—it is said that they are from overseas." Zhou Dongtian vaguely said, "Except for Guangzhou, I can't find any other in Ming Dynasty."

The two young people were very excited, learning a Ming Dynasty, few people understand what technology means, everyone understands.What's even more commendable is that Master Zhou has no secrets. When he is teaching, he will give all his money, and he will try his best to explain what he doesn't understand.This is strictly confidential in terms of skills, and apprentices almost have to be slaves to the master's family for several years before they can learn some superficial skills. Compared with this time and space, they are simply saints.This inadvertently old-time practice made the Native workers grateful to any enterprise under the control of the Senate.

Zhou Dongtian is not worried that they will escape privately and establish their own family or spread technology.The technology of industrial society must have a sufficient material foundation. Without equipment and raw materials, they cannot replicate the production capacity of Hangzhou Printing House.It is not uncommon for workers in Lingao to try to steal a certain technology or product—especially those naturalized migrant workers who were small handicraftsmen before coming to Lingao.But their attempts all went bankrupt without exception, and Lingao's production model could not be replicated by small producers.Even if it can be replicated, the cost is unimaginably high.

When Zhou Dongtian trained the printing workers, Mei Lin also basically instilled his architectural intentions and construction methods into the carpenter of the wooden cabinet, and he can generally hand over the next project to the wooden cabinet with confidence.

In the city of Nanjing, hundreds of miles away from Hangzhou, a sedan chair carried by two people was passing by the avenue beside Zhengyangmen.The sedan chair stopped not far from Chengtian Gate, but it was not considered a restricted area, and the curtain of the sedan chair was slightly opened.Two men were looking at the majestic Forbidden City in Nanjing from the sedan window.

It was Zhou Dongtian and Mei Lin who were sitting in the sedan chair.They were escorted by Sun Wangcai the day before and arrived in Nanjing.Temporarily resting on the outer cabinet opened by Qiwei outside Nanjing.I went to the city today to inspect the local business situation.When entering the city, Mei Lin specifically asked to take a look around the Forbidden City - as a construction party, he has a strong interest in the Ming Palace with only a few ruins left in the old time and space, and he really wants to see it with his own eyes.

The Forbidden City in Nanjing is a complex of buildings with yellow glazed tile roofs surrounded by high walls five miles long from north to south and four miles wide from east to west.The vermilion palace wall of Chengtianmen has peeled off a lot, and it looks mottled.There are small trees and weeds on the roof of the tower, which have obviously not been cleaned for a long time.At the gate of the palace, there were several eunuchs and guards as usual, but all of them were listless.

Accompanying them into the city was a group recruited by Qiwei in the local area, a real old resident of Voldemort. Seeing that they were so interested in the Forbidden City, he told them about the situation inside.

Within the palace city, Chengtian Gate is the boundary, and to the north of the gate is the Forbidden City.Walking through the Duanmen and Meridian Gates, there are three main halls of "Fengtian", "Jinshen" and "Hua Gai" standing in sequence.There are also "Wenhua Hall" and "Wuying Hall" on the east and west sides, as well as "Wenlou" and "Wulou".This is the place where the emperor accepted the pilgrimage of hundreds of officials and held grand ceremonies.
From the north of the "Three Great Halls" to the Houzai Gate, it belongs to the scope of the "Houting".There are also many palaces with different names and an imperial garden.The emperor's daily life is there.
Apart from this part of the Forbidden City, on the south side of the palace city, a wide royal road stretches straight from the Wulong bridge outside the Chengtian gate to the main gate of the palace city - Hongwu gate.
On the east side of the Royal Road, there are five ministries of officials, households, rites, soldiers, and workers other than the Ministry of Punishment, as well as the Zongren Mansion, Honglu Temple, Qin Tianjian, and Tai Hospital; the west side of the Royal Road is the highest. Military institutions - the governor's office of the five armies, as well as the seat of Jinyiwei, Tongzhengshisi, Taichang Temple and other yamen.
"You know a lot. Could it be that you have been in there?" Zhou Dongtian suddenly became suspicious.

"Where can a villain go in. But there are quite a few husbands in Nanjing City, and I heard them talk about many things in the Nanjing Palace in the tea house. So I know a little bit." Everyone nodded and bowed.

Since Emperor Chengzu moved the capital to Beijing, this huge and magnificent palace city has been idle for more than 200 years. Now it is already in depression and dilapidated, and it is no longer the same as it used to be.The emperor of the Ming Dynasty rarely left Beijing to visit the capital in the south, causing most of the palaces in the Forbidden City to be in disrepair. Some of the routines that were performed because of this—the halls were fairly tidy, but most of the walls collapsed once, and no one cared about them.A look of dilapidation.Merlin felt a little regretful, and said, "Let's go."

The sedan chairs marched along the main road, and after passing through the Gongyuan, the market became lively and prosperous.

it's clear.The warm sunshine in spring slanted down from the clear blue sky, casting the shadow of the row of houses on the left on the spacious, bluestone-paved road, and on the pedestrians.This main road in Nanjing City was originally very wide, "although nine tracks can accommodate it", since the Wanli year, the population has grown rapidly and business has flourished. become less wide.Coupled with the large number of pedestrians on the street, the road is becoming more and more congested.

The shops on both sides are next to each other.densely packed.Most of the shops have low eaves and wide facades; the black lacquered signboards at the front of the shop read "Silk and Velvet Old Shop", "Net Towel Faker", "Hangzhou Famous Fragrance Official Soap", "Chuanguang Grocery", "Northwest Two Ports", etc. Fur goods for sale", "Eastern and Western goods are available", "Neilang Lexiantang Famous Books Issued", "Shunchang Tongshang Bank" and other words, some of which are inlaid with gold powder.On the streets, people riding sedan chairs, donkeys, and walking are bustling.

Merchants from all over the world gathered in the official corridors and in front of collapsed houses, selling and displaying goods, and bargaining with customers.Rich gentry and Confucian scholars from all over the world talked loudly in the tea house with lanterns hanging in front of the door and various fresh flowers growing.The teahouse was full of seats, and the business was booming; the restaurant was full of voices, music and music, and the wind wafted the smirks and the alluring aroma of the food...

The accents on the streets and in the shops are no longer completely Nanjing Mandarin, which is widely used in the north and south, but the accents of the south and the north are full of them.In addition to the small people from Huizhou, Jiangbei, Shandong and other places who came to this prosperous place to make a living, there were many rich and well-dressed gentry among the crowd with local accents.The social turmoil and war in the late Ming Dynasty, the defeat in Liaodong, the chaos in She'an in Guizhou, and various "civil upheavals" that emerged in various places made the local gentry come to Jiangnan, where the social order is stable, to come to this gentle township to sell gold. Avoid the clamor.Most of them brought the family servants of a large family and a lot of gold and silver treasures, bought houses and land outside the city of Nanjing, and lived a luxurious life.

The two elders sitting in the sedan chair had different moods at the moment.Zhou Dongtian was quite surprised by the prosperity of Nanjing - in his opinion, it is not inferior to Hangzhou.It seems that the "capital effect" is quite significant in the capital of Ming Dynasty.Such a prosperous market obviously does not rely solely on Nanjing's local consumption power.

(End of this chapter)

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