Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 867 Three Mountain Street

Chapter 867 Sanshan Street

And the magnificence of Nanjing City in this time and space also left a deep impression on Zhou Dongtian.Needless to say, a small county like Lingao, even Guangzhou where he went to "internship" and the city walls of Hangzhou, which were two top cities at that time, could not be compared with them.

Zhou Dongtian has been to many cities in the old time and space, and Nanjing can be regarded as a visit here.Even though the Nanjing City Wall was in ruins at that time, he was amazed at Ming Taizu's determination and devotion to defend his capital at all costs.

The city walls of Nanjing were built entirely according to the local terrain of Nanjing, not only using the city walls of Yingtianfu in the Yuan Dynasty, but also making extensive use of various hills around Nanjing as part of the defense system.Some areas directly use the mountain as the foundation of the city wall.It is thus irregularly shaped.It is connected to Zhongshan Mountain in the east, Shitou Mountain in the west, Xuanwu Lake in the north, and Qinhuai River in the south.The base of the city is also extravagantly made of granite or limestone strips, and the two walls are built with large bricks. The joints between the bricks are watered with lime, glutinous rice or rice juice mixed with tung oil to form a slurry, which is extremely strong.

At this moment, although there has been no war for many years, Nanjing's city walls and defense facilities are inevitably showing signs of decay.But the city walls are still in good condition.Although Zhou Dongtian is not a soldier, he also knows that the existing artillery fire of the army cannot destroy the city wall of Nanjing at all. smoothbore gun.

"If the small imperial court of the Nanming Dynasty could resist resolutely, the Qing army would not be able to capture this city." Zhou Dongtian said with emotion.When the Hunan army besieged Tianjing, the [-] Taiping soldiers who were hungry and exhausted in the city could still rely on the city wall to resist for a long time. In any case, the conditions of Nanming were much better than that of the Taiping army.It's a pity that the small imperial court, tired of party struggles, was centrifugal inside and outside, and finally surrendered without a fight.

What Mei Lin thought of was Qinhuai River.For the time being, he gave up the idea of ​​meeting Qinhuai Bayan for a while.Zhao Yingong gave him some historical knowledge before he set off. One of the eight beauties of the Qinhuai River has already become an ancient person, and the other seven, except Liu Rushi, who was born in 1618, is 14 years old, the others are all real. little loli.

"Can you do it well?" Zhao Yingong asked, "Even Liu Rushi is too young."

After all, Merlin is a modern person, and there are still limits to many things.However, since Qinhuai Bayan has no blessings to enjoy for the time being, Qinhuai River still has to go to get it——What is the famous Daming Golden Grotto, which is said to be a place where beauties gather? Mei Lin really wants to experience it.By the way, it is also verified whether the aesthetic taste of the ancients is really special.

The bustling streets make it hard to believe that this is the end of the Ming Dynasty.Although more and more activities of "building captives" and "rogue bandits" have appeared in everyone's ears, various places have suffered disasters year after year.Even the terrible news of "changing sons and eating" that was not often heard in the past... There are news of famines, defeats, additional factions, and civil uprisings everywhere. The situation in the country is becoming chaotic day by day. , The price of rice has also risen to three taels of silver per stone-since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the price of rice in the south of the Yangtze River has never been so high.However, none of this seems to have cast the slightest shadow on this Jiangnan metropolis.

However, many disturbing shadows can also appear here. Not only the officials and wealthy households, but also many refugees and beggars speak the accents of the South and the North. The number of such people on the street has obviously increased, and there are more and more more and more trends.In winter, there are much more "roadside" corpses picked up by various word shops in the city than in previous years.There were so many refugees fleeing famine from various places, especially from Jiangbei, Anhui and other places, that a large number of people who sold themselves as slaves crowded the city outside the city.So that the price of the population plummeted.

Cai Yibang, who had been accompanying the sedan chair all the time, stopped drinking the sedan chair, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair slightly, and said to Zhou Dongtian, "Master! Sanshan Street is ahead. Please tell me which bookstore to go to?" ?”

Zhou Dongtian didn't know how to answer for a while. His purpose was to investigate the local book engraving industry. He had heard for a long time that Sanshan Street in the Ming Dynasty was the center of engraving books in the south of the Yangtze River at that time, so he came here because of its reputation, but he didn't know which one he went to. .

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Let's get out of the sedan chair here, walk around the street, and tell the sedan chair to wait here."

"Yes." Cai Yibang replied.Under his command in Nanjing Mandarin, the sedan chair was thrown horizontally, and Zhou Dongtian got out of the sedan chair and stretched his waist—it is hard work for the people who carry the sedan chair, but the feeling of sitting in the sedan chair for a long time is not necessarily pleasant.The sedan chair is not a sofa chair, not even a rattan chair, but a standard hardwood back chair. The person sitting in the sedan chair can only sit upright for a period of time, and the body cannot move around. Outsiders look majestic and comfortable, but in fact sit for a long time It was like numbness in the waist and legs.

Getting off the sedan chair, Zhou Dongtian inspected the street.Sanshan Street is much quieter than the bustling city we just walked through. There are not many pedestrians on the narrow bluestone road, and most of them are people in "clothes". servants.

As soon as the two got out of the sedan chair, they attracted the attention of passers-by on the street.Compared with the people around them, they are indeed too different: burly physique, dark skin, and taller than ordinary people.

Merlin was a little uncomfortable - he had not received any special training from the Intelligence Agency, but only studied in a short training class for a week before departure.The gown always felt out of place for him, and the bun and turban always felt like they were about to fall off.I don't know where to put my hands and feet.

Zhou Dongtian is much better in comparison. After all, he is serving in the Qingzhikou. According to the decision of the joint security meeting, the personnel of the Qingzhikou must undergo certain interleaved training, so he has studied in the "farm" system. .

"Let's go." Zhou Dongtian said to Cai Yibang, "You lead the way, let's take a look here."

"Yes, sir."

There is a faint fragrance of ink in the air, which is the real fragrance of ink - with the smell of pine smoke.Zhou Dongtian once smelled this kind of aroma in the warehouse of the rare book department of a certain library. It was the smell of the best Song edition books.Stronger than here.

On both sides of Sanshan Street, there are almost all large and small bookstores.It is so big that there are five bays, but it is so small that there is only one bay.But regardless of the size of the facade, the eaves of the pavement are very high. Looking in from the street, you can see rows of tall bookshelves placed against the wall, filled with various books.

Every bookstore has a name and a signboard.Most of the bookstores here are "comprehensive bookstores" that sell various types of books.There are also some that specialize in certain categories.For example, religious books such as Buddhist scriptures and Taoism also specialize in "mok".The so-called Weimo refers to the Chinese-style stereotyped essays, test post poems, policy theories, etc. in each scientific examination. According to the old time and space, it monopolizes "teaching supplementary materials".Although people at that time sneered at "Wei Mo", the imperial examinations made this industry in great demand. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the speed of book publishing was very slow. From the completion of a book to the beginning of publication, it was printed Books, at least three or four years.Only the eight-part essays in the imperial examinations of that year were basically selected and printed as soon as the examinations were over.Visible demand is strong.

Zhou Dongtian knew from the lectures in the big library that this kind of bookstore specializing in the sale of "Womo" is basically set up by Jiangxi people. In addition to the collection and publication of "Womo", another main business is to participate in the fraud in the examination room. , Matchmaking between the main examiner and the candidates.Except for the less important routine exams and boy's exams, they can handle almost every level of imperial examinations to get through the joint business.In the Qing Dynasty, this business even became their main business.

Except for some bookstores that sell books on a consignment basis, almost every large-scale bookstore has its own engraving and printing workshops, and stores a large number of plates.Almost every bookstore like this has the model of a store in the front and a workshop in the back. Standing outside the store, you can hear the sound of printing workers in the backyard rubbing, printing ink, and brushing mane. Sometimes when the doors of the front and back yards are open, you can even directly To see the stereotypes and printing workers busy figure.

Zhou Dongtian strolled with great interest, looking at the conditions of various bookstores.This is somewhat similar to the book market in the cultural market in the old time and space, but without the hustle and bustle of the cultural market.The quiet atmosphere was mixed with the faint scent of ink and paper, which made him feel a kind of joy.

But such a happy mood will not shake his determination to destroy the printing industry on Sanshan Street with his own hands.Publishing printed books according to traditional printing methods will always be a cultural luxury that can only be possessed by a very small number of people.If the Senate wants to completely smash this system, cheapening and popularizing knowledge is a necessary condition.

With such a mood, he strolled into a bookstore, followed by Mei Lin and Cai Yibang.

This bookstore is not considered to have the largest business among its peers on Sanshan Street, but it has a spacious facade—a three-bay facade, tall and bright.The books in it are rich in categories.On the tall bookshelves covering three walls, there are all kinds of collections of classics and history, manuscripts of Wei Mofang, drama novels, medical calligraphy and painting manuals, wine records and tea classics.

Zhou Dongtian and Mei Lin's clothes are different from ordinary people.The shopkeeper was very obsequious, and immediately came up to ask them to sit down, and asked the waiter to make tea, put out a fruit plate, and then asked for their surnames and villages.

"My surname is Zhou, from Guangdong." Zhou Dongtian said, "Study here."

"I don't know what books Mr. Zhou wants to read?" The shopkeeper's humble face showed color, "I dare not say that the store has all the books, but it can be regarded as a complete range of goods on this street."

 Zipu, in the city of Nanjing at that time, the residents of the five cities followed the Baojia system, compiled every [-] households, and numbered them in thousand characters.The soldiers and horses select the chief armor and the fire armor in each word shop to be responsible for the local fire alarm and public security work.

(End of this chapter)

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