Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 869

Chapter 869
"You don't want to be filial anymore, do you?" Ning Yun was very worried about this.

Wu Kai smiled and said: "The line has been drawn. It is inevitable to have some needs on weekdays - this is small money, the master doesn't need to care about it. It's just that there are some things that the master should pay attention to on weekdays, and you can't wait for everyone Speak."

For example, although he said three festivals and two respects, he should always pay attention to the movements in Yang's residence on weekdays.Send some water every now and then to show your affection.Fruit in winter and ice in summer.When Eunuch Yang’s concubine celebrates her birthday, she must give a gift——

"Eunuch Yang is a eunuch, and there are concubines?" Ning Yun asked with a frown.

"Many eunuchs have concubines," Wu Kai said, "Eunuch Yang's family has several concubines, and Aunt Bian is the most favored—the gift for her should be extra heavy."

About how the eunuch wants the concubine to use it has become a suspenseful cloud.But at the moment there were many more things that mattered than that.

Three days later, Ning Yun prepared a four-color simple water gift and went to pay a visit to Eunuch Yang's mansion.This time, Eunuch Yang was very polite, like an elder.The eunuchs in the palace, as long as they can make a name for themselves, are all well-cultivated old foxes. They have a set of deceiving skills in dealing with people. If Ning Yunyun is not a modern person and has received sufficient education on the farm, he would have great influence on the eunuchs. If you have a full understanding, you will inevitably have to go around for him.

Eunuch Yang introduced his adopted son Yang Tianliang to him at the banquet.Ning Yun didn't dare to neglect, and was very perfunctory to this young Eunuch Yang.

The two sides chatted happily, and when the wine was seven or eight points, Eunuch Yang said:
"This prison is getting old, and I have to wait in the palace from time to time, so I don't have time to wait. If there is anything to do in the future, the adopted son of this prison will do what he says. Don't come to my house easily. If there is something to do, I will send it on my own." Someone will tell you."

"Yes, everything is under the orders of Eunuch Yang." Ning Yun said respectfully.Eunuch Yang is actually only in his 50s, but he looks very old.Not only is her hair white, but there are also many wrinkles on her face.

"Hehe, after drinking this glass of wine, this prison will not treat you as an outsider." Eunuch Yang leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and the two young eunuchs, with their heads down, beat their legs and shoulders one by one.He snorted a few times comfortably before he said, "I don't know what you guys are doing in Qiongzhou Mansion, and I don't want to know. But you have to know: this is Beijing City, the best place under the foot of the emperor. The running dogs may all have a salary, which is not comparable to the southern barbarian land in Guangli, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, let you do whatever you want. Even a few wrong words here, one wrong will make you lose your level Skin!"

"Yes, the villain knows." Ning Yun pretended to be his grandson to the end, and quickly stood up and bowed, "Thank you, Mr. Yang, for teaching."

"It's good that you understand." Eunuch Yang nodded, "I'm old, and I can't take care of many things. You should be more careful." As he said this, a little eunuch took out a letter box.

"Inside is a greeting card," Eunuch Yang pointed to the box, "ordinary people, even if they pay 1000 taels of silver, the prison will not give it to you. You are a high-ranking official, so you are not unusual. Take a good life and do your business. "

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Yang." Ningyun quickly stood up, bent over and took the box over, Wu Kaidi continued to show off, and Ningyun hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed again.I was very unhappy in my heart, thinking that this day is too sad, if I knew it earlier, I would not have made a fuss about going abroad.It's really difficult to kowtow at every turn.

"Hehe, we'll see how your business flourishes in the future." Eunuch Yang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Condensed cloud is obsequious, after the banquet is over.At the banquet, he hurriedly got on the sedan chair and rushed back to the next place.Pass Wu Kaidi in and discuss with him.

"Little Eunuch Yang's place also needs to be embellished. At least 1000 taels." Wu Kaidi was always by his side during the banquet.

"What? You need to spend money again." Ning Yun almost jumped up, the Beijing branch hadn't written anything yet, and the money was being spent continuously, "Didn't you say that you don't need to spend any more money after drawing a stick?"

"That's Eunuch Yang, this is little Eunuch Yang." Wu Kaidi reminded, "Could it be the same thing? Didn't you hear what Eunuch Yang meant?"

Wu Kaidi was born as a servant, and he was called an "old man" by those who had a higher status than himself.

"Of course I understand what he means. I will let Eunuch Yang be the contact person in the future."

"That's right, you think, how can you be contemptuous of a man like him? Whether it is good or bad is all in his mouth." Wu Kai said, "Besides, he is still the adopted son of Eunuch Yang! Today's banquet It’s also specifically stated on the website, it’s self-evident how important he is to him.”

Thinking about it, Ning Ningyun was indeed like this, and felt very unwilling.Turning around in the study for a few times, he said angrily, "Okay, just give him a big gift too."

Wu Kaidi reminded: "On weekdays, there are three festivals and two respects for filial piety. If you have Eunuch Yang, you have to prepare a copy for him. The weight is less than half."

"Do you have to give him half of the dry stock?" Ning Yun thought that this would destroy the original plan.

"That's not necessary. Eunuch Yang didn't mean that," Wu Kaidi said, "Eunuch Yang wants to buy it, but if you buy it too much, you won't be able to do it. He thinks you are weak and can be bullied, and you will make more money. The eunuchs are very shady, It must be guarded against."

"I know. I will write it down when I open the gift book later." Ning Yun nodded, and he suddenly felt uneasy, and now he seemed to be inseparable from Wu Kaidi——after arriving in Beijing, he was naturalized. The assistants of the people are simply obedient to what they say, but the problem is that there is almost nothing wrong with what Wu Kai said.

In the next few days, accompanied by Li Luoyou's steward, Ning Yun searched for a suitable house in the city as the location of the bank.

In the old time and space, Condensing Cloud has come to the "Great Capital" more than once, and now he has come to the predecessor of the Great Capital - the place is still the same place, but the appearance is completely different.Even when he came outside the Forbidden City in the old time and space, he found that there were too many different places from the Forbidden City he had seen before.

The appearance of the Forbidden City is old and dirty. Although the streets are wide, most of them are dirt roads. It rained a few times in spring, and there are mud everywhere. If you don’t take a sedan chair or a car, you will get muddy legs and feet. point.You can often see "a handful" and "a handful" of camels staggering leisurely on the street.They carried heavy cargo, most of which were coal produced in the Mentougou area, and the city of Beijing relied on this coal to survive the severe winter.

Only the sweet and sour candied haws looked the same as in the old time and space—of course, Condensed Cloud would not dare to eat them, not only because of hygiene and safety considerations, but also the candied haws were often covered with sand brought by the spring breeze.

However, even though the place is dirty and muddy, from the day he entered Beijing, he could feel the extraordinary layout and grandeur of the largest city in the country - the political and economic center, its aura of dominance over everything.This feeling was even stronger when he was walking on the street in a sedan chair and looking at the cornices of the towers in the distance.
This emperor's capital will fall into our hands one day.He thought silently in the sedan chair.Conquering this ancient capital is a matter of great political symbolism, but not many elders do not plan to set up their capital here.First of all, it is not a very suitable place in terms of natural conditions and geographical conditions.Secondly, many elders also regarded the city of Beijing as the base camp of "feudal lust".

"There's too much mud and muddy water." Ning Yun muttered, thinking of dealing with Eunuch Yang in the past few days, he hated Daming and Beijing City even more.

The aftershock of Jianlu's entry into the pass has gradually passed, and there has been no further action from the Houjin side outside the pass.The "rebellious people" in Shaanxi have not yet formed a climate, and they can only cause chaos in the west.As for the "civil upheavals" in various places, although there are many, most of them are swirling and swirling, and there is not much shock.Although the She'an Rebellion shook the Southwest for a time, since She Chongming was defeated and fled to Shuixi, it was no longer a major disaster, and it would only take a few years to suppress it.Zheng Zhilong on the southeast coast also accepted the offer.So in recent months, the situation in Beijing has remained relatively calm.

Accompanied by Wu Kaidi and the steward of the Li family, Ning Yun visited the Forbidden City and visited Qipan Street—he remembered that Li Zicheng encountered some resistance here when he entered Beijing; , Dengshikou and other famous lively and prosperous places.Conduct on-the-spot investigation to see if there is a suitable place to open a bank.

You don't need a bustling place to open a bank.Banks do not rely on retail outlets to do business.However, in order to make it easier for merchants to issue tickets and exchange them, they should not be too far away from the business district.Finally, I chose a place outside the front door. It was easy to find in the alley next to the main street.It used to be a pawn shop, and it used to be the property of a certain eunuch under Wei Zhongxian. After the Nine Thousand Years incident, the pawn was confiscated, the valuables were confiscated, and the worthless things were stolen, leaving only this empty house.

Ning Yunyun looked at the house, including the backyard, there are three courtyards in total, and four side courtyards.Because it was a pawn in the past, the building is very strong, and the walls and the foundation of the house are all made of stone strips.At the back there is a warehouse dedicated to storing various pawns, which is tall and strong.There is also a self-contained well in the backyard-but it is bitter water.

Beijing's groundwater is basically bitter water with high mineral content, making it unfit for consumption.Drinking water - also known as "sweet water" is bought from a special "sweet water nest", and the water husband delivers water to the door every day.Buying water and food is also a big expense for people living in Beijing.

Ning Yunyun looked at the house and felt very satisfied—opening a bank has high requirements for security.Ordinary houses have to spend a lot of money to renovate if they want to use them, but the remodeling cost of this house is not much.At the moment, it was decided to pass Li Luoyou's steward, and bought the house with 400 taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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