Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 870

Chapter 870
With the gradual development of Zhao Yingong's work in Hangzhou, the network of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau in Jiangnan began to be deployed.Enterprises on the Shanhai Road have also gradually opened up in various places, and the progress of this step is relatively slow: it is not easy to open a semicolon in an unfamiliar place, let alone start a business.

Among all the brand names, the most important thing for the Foreign Intelligence Agency is the powerful layout.Qiwei Escort, as a transportation and logistics company on the Shanhai Road, plays a vital role in the future refugee transfer, so preparations must be made in advance.

Because Qiwei's expansion in Guangdong was too violent, even if Sun Kecheng recruited every available fellow countryman and relative from his hometown in Jiangxi, they would not be able to send enough people to serve as buddies and bodyguards in every cabinet.Not to mention taking on the dart business - it takes many years to train a qualified dart master, and people who have practiced martial arts since childhood can eat this bowl of rice.There were not many people doing this.Under the operation of Zhang Xin, who actually controls Qiwei's business operations, Qiwei had no choice but to open the door to recruit bodyguards.

Most of the bodyguard agencies in Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta region were surviving under the pressure of Qiwei. If Sun Kecheng hadn't talked about "jianghu morality" and refused to force his colleagues to drink the northwest wind, leaving a small amount of bodyguard agency business to his colleagues , they've all gone bankrupt long ago.Now, under the command of Zhang Xin, this kind of benevolence has changed its appearance: Qiwei extended an olive branch of "joint operation" to his colleagues.

The so-called "joint operation" is an annexation, which is nothing more than putting on a good-looking coat for this merger.Starting from the second half of 1630, Qiwei embarked on the road of annexing his peers, relying on the prestige after the Chengmai victory.

After three or four months of integration, Qiwei annexed all the Escorts in the Pearl River Delta. Although the names of other Escorts are still preserved, they are all "jointly operated brands".For Zhang Xin, the biggest achievement is not the branches of bodyguard bureaus all over Guangdong, as far as Guangxi, Fujian and Jiangxi, but the most valuable asset of bodyguard bureaus: bodyguards.

Escorts have the strongest and most conservative social morality in ancient Chinese society, and they are a group of quite reliable and loyal characters.And their participation in business makes them less conservative and pedantic than pedantic scholars.

Such a person, as long as he buys people's hearts a little bit, he will become a reliable force that drives him freely.And these people are also the most urgently needed personnel around the expatriate veterans.The veterans need such a group of people who are highly skilled in martial arts, proficient in the world, understand the social situation and can trust them to serve as attachés and expatriate staff of the Intelligence Bureau.

Zhang Xin first dispatched a large number of Jiangxi nationals from the branches of Qiwei in Guangdong to Jiangnan and the capital to act as pioneers, further creating a tense situation for personnel, and then took advantage of the emptiness of the branches in Guangdong to send this batch of "joint operations" The new forces quickly filled in, completely dismembering the dominance of the powerful Jiangxi personnel.Later, he transferred from Lingao a group of naturalized civilians who had been engaged in commerce to fill the operational positions of shopkeepers in each branch.

After a thorough transformation, Qiwei has completely fallen into the hands of the Senate. Although Sun Kecheng still holds half of the shares, he no longer has control over the overall operation and personnel.In the past, the General Political Security Bureau has selected "promising" young people from Qiwei to Lingao for "training", and now this training has been fully open.Zhao Manxiong made a rotation training schedule for Weiwei personnel.By the end of 1632, the registration, political review and "training" of all Qiwei Escorts will be completed, and Qiwei will be completely controlled by the Senate.

At the same time, Qiwei, as an important pawn in Shanhai Erlu, has been expanding.Because escorts are no longer enough, most of the newly opened semicolons and outer cabinets appear as inns, warehouses, car and boat shops, and the like.Escorts are only used as a security force to protect their own facilities and means of transportation - the Foreign Intelligence Service has positioned Qiwei as a transportation and logistics company.Bodyguards are just one of the business items.

In order to do a good job in the next step, Jiang Shan and Li Yan from the Foreign Intelligence Agency; Zhang Xin from the Guangzhou Station, together with the veterans from the Ministry of Commerce and the Planning Institute, made further adjustments to Qiwei's layout, equity and structure.

After the adjustment, Qiwei still uses the name of "Escort", and reorganizes Qiwei Escort into Qiwei Escort United Co., Ltd.In addition to the shares of the Senate and the original Qiwei personnel, a part was also separated as the shares of the annexed "jointly operated" Escort.After some intense planning, a new share allocation was formed.

The shares of Xindeqiwei Escort United Co., Ltd. are 51% for the Senate, 40% for the original Qiwei Escort staff, and 9% for "joint operation" personnel.The annual net profit is divided into fourteen shares for dividends: six and a half shares for the Senate, one share for the Development Fund, one share for the Charity Provident Fund, and five and a half shares for all Escort staff.

All Escort personnel included in the roster all implement the salary system of Lingao.The naturalized workers who work and live outside the green zone and blue zone, but also in the non-negotiable certificate circulation area, all use silver and copper coins as the unit of payment.All personnel are paid in accordance with the "Provisional Occupational Classification and Salary Guidance Standards Version 1630" and "Provisional Occupational Technical Grade Evaluation Standards Version 1631" promulgated by the Civil Affairs People's Committee.Bodyguards, as a type of work, were originally not included in this document. The Labor Administration Bureau of the People's Committee of Civil Affairs specially formulated a special occupation category and technical level for bodyguards.

After the implementation of the new system, everyone in the Escort will receive a salary slip on the [-]th of every month, which details the components of the remuneration: monthly salary, night shift allowance, business trip allowance, seniority allowance, and the last item is skill allowance.Liu Muzhou found a few people to make a "Martial Arts Rating Form". The higher the level, the higher the skill allowance you can receive.

In addition to sending money, there are also deductions, and the deductions are mainly in the welfare field.The financial department has formally implemented the social insurance system among naturalized people. Currently, two items of pension and work-related injury insurance are deducted from the salary every month.Since the Senate is not yet ready to engage in insurance companies, the insurance business is handled by Delong Bank.

In terms of organization, Wei Escort United Co., Ltd. has set up a board of directors and a general administration of Wei Escort in Guangzhou.There are three general numbers.They are: Guangzhou Headquarters, Shanghai Headquarters and Jingshi Headquarters.Each head office has a chief steward, and the chief steward is a naturalized citizen dispatched by Lingao.

Each head office is directly responsible to the General Administration and the Board of Directors, and conducts business locally under the command of the General Administration.In terms of specific jurisdiction, the General Administration of Qiwei Escort is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Colonization and Trade, the Guangzhou Headquarters is under the command of Guangzhou Station, the Shanghai Headquarters is under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou Station, and the Jingshi Headquarters is under the jurisdiction of Beijing Station.

Under the new management system, Qiwei Escort's head office in Guangzhou has been reduced to one of the three head offices, and it has actually been reduced to a branch office.completely lost its original influence.

In order to facilitate management, the director and chairman of the General Administration Bureau is Zhang Xin from Guangzhou Station, and Sun Kecheng has the title of chief security officer and vice chairman of Qiwei, but he is actually unable to control specific affairs.

Zhang Xin once transformed Qiwei Escort into a large-scale transportation and logistics enterprise and did a lot of work.According to the social conditions of Guangdong in this time and space, he has formulated a fairly complete management system for Qiwei's transportation and logistics business.This system has been proved to be very successful in practice. Qiwei Escort has been continuously improving in Guangdong, especially in the operation of the transportation and logistics network established in the Pearl River Delta, so that Qiwei has extended its tentacles all over Guangdong in three or four years. And Guangxi, Fujian, and Jiangxi provinces are adjacent to Guangdong, and the transportation is convenient.

In the Pearl River Delta region, Qiwei Escort has almost achieved a situation of monopolizing the transportation and logistics market - of course, this is with the strong support of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Commerce.

Now, as the person in charge of the Shanghai Headquarters, Zhao Yingong is going to replicate this model in Jiangnan.This is not only to prepare for the next step of transporting refugees, but also to control the local economic circulation.Zhao Yingong knew that the Senate would "digest" Guangdong in the next step, completely bring it into Lingao's new economic order, and at the same time start operating Jiangnan.It is also his important task to lay the foundation well before that.

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas were relatively stable in the late Ming Dynasty, and it was still possible to open large-scale logistics and transportation companies.So long before Zhao Yingong arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, the first batch of aggressive personnel had already left for the south of the Yangtze River and the capital to open up the situation and do the basic work for the follow-up dispatch of veteran intelligence agents.

In order to ensure that Zhao Yingong's work can be carried out smoothly, Zhang Xin not only dispatched several business backbones from Qiweizhong to Jiangnan for deployment, but also asked the Senate to select some seniors who were willing to travel to Shanghai to supervise this work.

In order to ensure the smooth development of the work, he also requested to send several special investigation teams to Shanghai to wait for the call.

The first expansion action carried out by Qiwei Escort in Shanghai is to open a long-distance passenger transport company centered on Shanghai.

There are already certain requirements for long-distance travel in this time and space, especially in densely populated areas like the Pearl River Delta, where the flow of people is very frequent.Rich people certainly bring their own carriages, horses and sedan chairs, but ordinary people either rely on their own feet, or hire boats or sedan chairs.

Sedan and boats already have specialized sedan and boat shops in the south of the Yangtze River in this time and space.However, the scale of the sedan and boat companies is not large, and the business level is very low. The sedan chairs and boats used are old and the sanitation is poor.Most of the bosses who are engaged in this industry are not interested in management, and only exploit customers and drivers.The wages of the engaged porters and boatmen are meager, and they can only rely on extorting passengers during the trip to obtain extra income.The inns and porters along the way also regard tourists as Tang monk meat.Therefore, ordinary people at that time all regarded traveling far away as fearful of the journey.

(End of this chapter)

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