Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 871

Chapter 871

Qiwei was able to open up the situation in Guangzhou at the beginning, to a large extent, it was Zhang Xin who introduced the transportation concept of the old time and space in Qiwei: to provide convenient, comfortable and safe passenger and cargo transportation services at relatively low prices.

Although Shanghai is a small county in this time and space, it plays a vital role in the transportation planning map of the Planning Institute.Setting Qiwei's Jiangnan headquarters in Shanghai instead of Nanjing or Guangzhou fully demonstrates how much Wu De attaches importance to this place.

Mao Sansheng, the naturalized civilian manager of the Shanghai General Office, knew through the password roll sheet sent by the General Administration Bureau that his boss had arrived in Hangzhou, so he didn't dare to neglect. Not long after he arranged for the inspection team to go to Hangzhou, he immediately brought his entourage to Hangzhou to ask for instructions. Reporting,

Zhao Yingong, as the person in charge of the Hangzhou station, has the highest supervision and management authority over the specific operation of the entire Shanghai head office.But in terms of external identity, he has no connection with the Shanghai head office of Qiwei Escort, so Mao Sansheng's visit to Hangzhou was not for his subordinates to meet his boss, but for his boss to meet his big clients.Apart from him, Zhao Yingong's actual identity is unknown to anyone else in the head office, including Guihuamin.

Zhao Yingong met Mao Sansheng in his private house in Qinghefang—he was busy preparing for the sericulture industry and opening a bookstore for the construction of Fenghuangshan Manor, but he also had to take care of the establishment of a long-distance transportation company: after all, the next step was to collect and transfer refugees The work depends on the powerful network.

From Mao Sansheng's mouth, he knew that the transportation in the south of the Yangtze River mainly relied on boats, and people who traveled long distances, rich or poor, rarely traveled by land.The sale of the sedan chair company can be postponed temporarily, and we can concentrate on shipping.

The inland river shipping business in the Jiangnan area is basically self-employed. A family operates a boat. The boat is big enough to carry dozens of people and travel between towns, prefectures and counties, and it is small enough to be a small boat like Wuxi Express.In addition to self-employed, there are also some shipping companies, but the scale is small, mainly engaged in shipping activities on the canal and the Yangtze River.

However, it is not easy to join in the operation of shipping. The most valuable of the north-south shipping between South Zhili and Zhejiang is the Grand Canal route.This canal is a north-south thoroughfare, and the people who depend on the river to eat the river do not know how many people can't afford to mess with it. The most troublesome thing is the water boat-there was no water gang in the Ming Dynasty, and the personnel responsible for water transportation were soldiers in identity.The guards affiliated to the prefectures and counties along the river, each guard has a fixed number of Caoding places and a special official land.

Cao Ding has a heavy task of transporting grain. Due to various institutional drawbacks, Cao Ding often has to pay for the transportation of grain, so he suffers a lot.However, Cao Ding has the status of the government, and ships on the canal enjoy a special status of passage and customs clearance. Whether Cao grain goes north or empty ships go south, it is an important business income for them to collect goods and take passengers along the way. If you want to walk the canal and form competition in business, you may be resisted by Cao Ding.

Cao Ding has a large number of people, they are united with each other, and they have the official status of transporting grain. Once a conflict arises, whether it is an official move against the government or a private fight, they are definitely not their opponents.

Zhao Yingong frowned and said, "So, we can't touch this canal?"

Mao Sansheng said: "It's okay to go from Hangzhou to Nanjing and Yangzhou. The tank boats go north with heavy loads. Even if they take passengers and goods, the number is limited. People with a little money are not willing to squeeze together with grain bags. That is From Yangzhou to the south, the ship is empty. They are definitely not willing to spit out this benefit."

No matter whether the tank boat goes north or south, it is always a matter of taking passengers and goods along the way, so the charges are relatively low.Qiwei's popular line can form a competitive relationship.Even if the tank boats don't coax and make trouble, pure competition may not be able to guarantee victory.

After Mao Sansheng arrived in Shanghai, he had already traveled around the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, inspected the local conditions, and was not sure about opening a boat company.

"If we want to open it, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to intervene in the business on the canal. There are too many bad rules on the cards and gates." Mao Sansheng said,

Zhao Yingong said: "Since it is not easy for us to intervene on the canal, we will start on the Yangtze River."

Mao Sansheng wondered: "I'm afraid it will not be easy on the Yangtze River."

The Yangtze River is a natural golden shipping waterway, but in this time and space, shipping on the Yangtze River is very risky.Except for the water bandits running across the water, the Yangtze River channel at that time had not been dredged, and there was no hydrological data, and it was all based on the experience passed down by sailors.Passenger boats who are not familiar with the navigation conditions are in danger of running aground and hitting the rocks even if they sail in the Yangtze River section with wide rivers and deep waters.

The sailors on the Yangtze River also form cliques and work together. It is not a matter of one day to recruit sailors who can lead the ship.The structure of ancient society was extremely stable, and ordinary people rarely left the group to find another place, let alone a complete outsider like Qi Wei.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yingong said, "They are not the only ones who can sail a boat. Don't they just spend a few years on the river? It's nothing more than a little experience. If they don't want to apply, we have a way to get them Channel surveyed."

Measuring the waterway of the Yangtze River was originally an important mission of Hangzhou Station.So Zhao Yingong didn't care about the possible lack of pilots—they had hydrographic personnel trained by modern technology, and there was no need to use traditional sailors who were purely empirical.

Zhao Yingong and Mao Sansheng discussed for a day, and finally decided to set up directly-operated cabinets in five cities: Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Huzhou.

Directly operated foreign cabinets are mainly engaged in passenger and cargo transportation business.The font size of "Qiwei Zhan" is hung outside, and the small characters "Qiwei Escort Joint Number" are marked below.

Each Qiwei Zhan has a warehouse, an inn, a sedan chair line and a boat line.In addition to providing transportation services, it also provides accommodation and storage for merchants.In the future, it is also planned to act as an agent of Delong's exchange business and mail service in Zhanhang, forming a real one-stop service.

According to Zhao Yingong's instructions; as long as possible, each outer cabinet should be as close to the waterway wharf as possible-it is best to build a wharf by yourself so that the ships can be used nearby.

Because building your own fleet is not a matter of one day, so at this stage, the business of the shipping line mainly adopts the "joint operation" model.That is to say, the ship owner prepares his own ships to participate in the joint venture, and Qiweizhan is responsible for soliciting business.Passenger and cargo transportation shall be uniformly priced according to the provisions of the general number.

The owner of the ship will deliver the goods according to the passenger and cargo transportation bills issued by each semicolon, and deliver them to the station along the prescribed route according to the order.The owner of the ship does not charge any fees from the cargo owner or the passenger, and all the fees are paid by the cargo owner and the passenger to the semicolon——Since the Guangdong era, Zhang Xin has abolished the bad practice of "rewarding money".It is stipulated that all fees shall be charged according to the price list, and no "reward" shall be charged.

The reason why the footsteps of the car and ship shop are disgusting is largely due to the fact that the bosses treat the clerks extremely meagerly, and some even don’t pay wages. It is necessary to ask for "rewards" so that the industry will form bad practices.Although escort agencies never ask for rewards, it is also customary for customers to give "rewards" after the darts are over.It is an important income of bodyguards.When Zhang Xin abolished the bad practice, he clearly added personnel salaries and allowances to the transportation price, completely eradicating this bad practice.

After the ship arrives, the ship owner will settle the freight at the dispatch station with the stamped waybill at the arrival station, and settle the freight on a monthly basis.2% will be deducted from the monthly shipping fee.As transportation accident insurance: Qiwei will be responsible for compensation in the event that a ship encounters sinking, damage, robbery by bandits, accidental death of the ship owner or sailors while sailing according to the specified route and itinerary during the dispatch.

The insurance money is actually collected by Delong Shanghai Branch for underwriting. In addition to shipping insurance, Qiwei also sells cargo damage and passenger personal insurance on consignment.The insurance money is included in the freight rate, and compensation can be paid in the event of an accident.

Originally, when Zhang Xin promoted this insurance system in Guangzhou, he wanted to list insurance premiums as a clear charge item, and passengers and cargo owners could freely choose whether to purchase or not, but Sun Kecheng thought it was unnecessary.Because the owner of the ship transport in this time and space has no obligation to guarantee the safety of people and goods. In the event of cargo damage or death accidents, whether the owner compensates depends first on the status of the owner. If the owner is an official or a powerful person on the ground, the owner has to pay compensation ; If it is an ordinary person, it all depends on the reputation and conscience of the ship owner, and it is not mandatory to accompany how much.

However, the Escort Bureau has always had the rules of compensation for lost darts.Of course, the charges of escort agencies are much higher than those of boat companies and foot companies.Therefore, Sun Kecheng suggested that there is no need to clearly indicate the insurance premium, as long as the freight rate is entered and then clearly stated that the goods are damaged and the goods are compensated, and the compensation for casualties is enough.This will not only avoid the debate on whether to purchase insurance, but also bring goodwill to Qiwei.

Ship owners who participate in joint transportation must accept the dispatch of the dispatch center and each branch in a unified manner, and ship personnel and goods according to the passenger and freight bills issued by the outer cabinet, and private transportation is not allowed.Ships must sail according to the prescribed route and time.Departure and return registration time, each flight has a clear arrival and return time, if there is no legitimate reason to delay the return time, the "delay fee" will be deducted.Make sure that the joint venture boat owners do not take any detours on the way.

Depending on the condition, the vessel receives a "minor maintenance" every three months and a "major maintenance" every year.Maintenance In addition to maintaining the hull, it is also repainted and trimmed to keep the hull clean and tidy.During the maintenance period, Qiwei Shipping will issue living expenses.The expenses required for maintenance are also paid by the ship company.

Boat households are paid according to their work, and the more they work, the more they get.In order to encourage boat owners to serve for a long time so as not to lose them frequently, Zhao Yingong stipulated that in the off-season, basic living expenses should be paid even if they do not set sail.

Every ship that participates in the "joint operation" of Qiwei Escort must hang Wei's dart flag, uniformly inlay the Wei emblem on the bow, write the semicolon, the nature of the passenger and cargo, and then use the thousand-character number to make it clear at a glance .

(End of this chapter)

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