Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Qingyun Temple is a very small Taoist temple outside Yongjin Gate in Hangzhou. For those who are used to the grand scale of temples and Taoist temples in old time and space, Qingyun Temple is a bit "out of the crowd".Its facade is very inconspicuous, and its land area is not very large. It stands alone beside the shore of West Lake outside Yongjin Gate.

Outside the Yongjin Gate is the shore of the West Lake. Although the scenery in this area is pleasant, it is not a busy city, and there are very few houses.Zhang Yingchen was not very satisfied with the location of Qingyun Temple - this place is really remote.But the victory lies in the quietness, which fits the image of "Qing Xiu".

Although Qingyun Temple is small, its scale is fairly neat.Quanguan advances forward and backward along the central axis, and unfolds left and right.The first entrance is Sanqing Hall, Wenchang Hall and Lingguan Hall are on the left and right.

In the second courtyard after the Sanqing Hall, there is a stage, which is a place for offering sacrifices and singing operas.On both sides of the second entrance courtyard, there are side courtyards on each side, which are very elegantly arranged, and are exclusively for wealthy pilgrims to rest and stay.After the second entrance, the third entrance is the "quiet room" for Taoist priests' daily life.The fourth entrance is the backyard. The backyard opens the door and there is a vegetable garden. The Huoju Taoist grows vegetables and raises chickens. In addition to providing food for everyone in the Taoist temple, they can also sell them in exchange for some income to subsidize the Taoist temple.

Zhang Yingchen is quite satisfied with the living environment of Qingyunguan.Although the Taoist temple is small, there are very few Taoist priests. Except for the young disciples, everyone has a separate quiet room, and the environment is also very quiet: there are verdant trees and flowers in the temple, and the West Lake is outside the courtyard wall.In the old time and space, this fast land could not be bought even if it cost tens of millions.

Qingyun Temple is not considered to be very popular among Taoist temples, and it does not have many Taoist properties.However, the past dynasties of the Taoist temple have their own set of business experience. Taking advantage of the superior geographical location of the Taoist temple, they have become friends with many wealthy gentry and big households in the city. In summer, women and girls from wealthy families who feel bored in the city often go to the temple to have a feast and sing operas, and play and relax by the way.There is also a lot of income in the Taoist temple.Only in this way can the Taoist temple survive.

Different from the old time and space, most of the Taoist temples in this time and space have to support themselves, except for a very small number of temples with imperial background, the abbots are monks or Taoist officials who can get the salary and financial support of the imperial court. operating activities.For temples like Qingyun Temple that do not have a large amount of land and cannot obtain long-term income, the pressure to survive is very high.

Therefore, it is easy not to add a mouth in the Taoist temple. If a Taoist priest who wants to become a monk in a certain Taoist temple does not bring a certain amount of Taoism, at least he has to wander outside for several years-the so-called wandering is just begging-before he can officially enter the Taoist temple. .Had it not been for Zhang Yingchen's ingenious rejuvenation to save the life of Daoist Ma who was about to "become immortal", and his superb medical skills, it would have been impossible for him to "hang orders" here indefinitely.

Zhang Yingchen was very interested in this phenomenon. He saw that the hosts and Taoist priests seldom study Taoist classics, and they seldom hold religious activities except for "orders" from customers. set up a tea stand outside the gate of the Taoist temple; entertain the benefactors who come to offer incense and offering food and lodging——there is a Taoist priest in the Taoist temple who is quite skilled in cooking, and he cooks excellent dishes and snacks.

At this moment, Zhang Yingchen is writing his work report while devouring the delicious snack made by Taoist Huoju: ham shortbread.There is also a pot of good pre-rain tea at hand.His treatment is of course related to his superb medical skills.Since in the Taoist temple, in addition to treating the abbot and getting permission to stay in the temple, he also treated other Taoist priests in the Taoist temple, which was very popular for a while.A few days ago, there was an old lady in a gentry's family who had contacts with Qingyun Temple, who was seriously ill and would soon be unable to afford it.Many famous doctors in the city of Hangzhou were still at a loss, so Taoist Ma recommended Zhang Yingchen.

Zhang Yingchen quickly found out the cause of the disease by combining observation, hearing, questioning and modern medical diagnostic methods. He used two kinds of Chinese patent medicines that he brought with him, and prescribed several prescriptions.Within a few days, the reputation of a Xinglin master in Qingyun Temple spread.Several patients with difficult and miscellaneous diseases came, and Zhang Yingchen solved them one by one with the right medicine.Now he became famous immediately.

Daoist Ma's business-minded mind immediately realized how beneficial Zhang Yingchen's medical skills were to Qingyun Temple, so he became more and more flattering to Zhang Yingchen, not only favoring living treatment, but also trying to meet all his requirements.

Zhang Yingchen took advantage of the situation and asked for a consultation in Guannei—this was of great benefit to expanding his popularity.Since ancient times, various emerging religions have used "cure" as a means of communication, and regardless of whether "cure" is really useful, at least this is the easiest way to impress the common people.

Of course, Daoist Ma agreed wholeheartedly - after all, this is a way to increase the prestige value of Qingyun Temple.Ever since Zhang Yingchen started treating in the temple, the incense of Qingyun Temple has become much more prosperous than before.Zhang Yingchen "helps as he pleases" in terms of consultation fees and medical expenses. He only set up a cash box, and he put in as many people as he wanted, and never asked for payment.So the reputation skyrocketed.

He also doesn't want the consultation fees and medicine fees put into the cash box, and they will all be used in the Taoist temple.For a while, everyone admired his medical skills and ethics.According to word of mouth, everyone knew that there was a Taoist priest with excellent medical skills and character in Qingyun temple.

"I finally have a firm foothold here." Zhang Yingchen thought when writing the report, "The next step is to expand the reputation and develop believers—the first thing is to win over this Qingyun temple."

He was thinking about how to seize the leadership of Qingyun Temple, when a handsome Taoist boy named Ming Qing appeared at the door of his quiet room.

"Prince Daoist, is your medical case still under the second stage?" He asked.

"It's still the old rules." Zhang Yingchen said, put the quill pen into the pencil case, blew on the report, folded the report, and put it in a small jewelry box with a lock.The report is written in English—this is the simplest handwritten password in this time and space.Not a single person in Hangzhou can understand it: the missionaries of the church are all masters of language, but Zhang Yingchen doesn't think they can understand English—and it's modern English.

He stood up, took a sip of tea, and coughed.Picked up the locked medicine chest that was never out of sight.No matter how famous Zhang Yingchen is, Zhang Yingchen still wears an ordinary Taoist attire with green robes and cloth sash, but the tall figure built on the basis of meat, egg and milk in the old time and space is also very visually impressive in this era, which is still called affluent Liangzhe. What's more, it has been more than a year since the religious activities were formally organized, and I have some experience in how to pretend to be a high-level person. go.The most obvious proof is that there are a few more aunts and six wives in the family of the patients who have been consulted recently. They asked him if he was a Huoju Taoist who lived on Lei Zhai, and if he meant to return to the vulgar and join the local aborigines.It seems that Daoist Ma is not the only one who understands Zhang Yingchen's value.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Buddhist and Taoist temples in Zhejiang and Zhejiang were deeply secularized. There are many descendant temples passed down from father to son in Hangzhou alone.Except for so-called eminent monks with high reputations such as Lianchi of Yunqi Temple and Yuanwu of Tiantong Temple, it is common for monks and Taoists to openly marry wives and have children.Compared with those descendants temples that have the style of the Japanese monk family business of later generations, the Lotus Abode in Guangzhou can only be regarded as a small branch of the special service industry.

Zhang Yingchen took the medicine box and walked to the second courtyard. Beside the stage, there were several hundred-year-old camphor trees that shaded the sun, and his medical records were set under the shade.The medicine box contains dozens of Chinese patent medicines manufactured by Runshitang according to modern formulas and techniques.There are also several high-yield western medicines—the most important being sulfonamides and oxytetracycline.Without these two antibiotics, his reputation would not be so great—Chinese medicine is relatively weak in anti-infection, and several cases where famous doctors in this time and space were helpless were saved by antibiotics.

The medicine was consumed quickly-although the inspection team brought him a large box of medicine as a supplement.Zhang Yingchen has recently greatly reduced the use of Lingao Laide modern medicines. As long as he can find local substitutes, he tries to use local substitutes as much as possible.So recently he prescribed more prescriptions and less medication.Some patients actually don’t need to use Chinese patent medicine, they can just take the medicine according to his prescription, but because of the superstitious belief that this “Daoist Zhang” has a “miracle medicine”, Zhang Yingchen had to make a lot of glutinous rice powder. Honey's "pills" were given to patients as placebos -- and were said to work just fine.

However, the application of medicine is still imperative.Zhang Yingchen found that many people couldn't afford the medicines, so they had no money to buy the medicines after prescribing their own prescriptions.These people didn't accept his prescription at all, and only asked for a few pills of "miracle medicine".

After all, the glutinous rice flour honey pill placebo has no curative effect. If you don't apply the medicine, it will be difficult for you to have enough influence in the lower class.

Runshitang is also a member of Shanhailiang Road, but the layout of the pharmacy is more difficult than other stores.So far, the Daming Watsons chain has not even completed the layout of the entire Hainan Island.There is only one store in Guangzhou on the mainland.

There are many reasons for the slow expansion. There are local resistance. People in many places, regardless of the upper, middle and lower classes, are very wary of foreign pharmacies. Some places simply prohibit outsiders from opening pharmacies.The second is the production capacity of Runshitang: Although the Runshitang pharmaceutical factory in the private industrial park in Lingao has been put into production, a lot of the medicines produced are consumed in Qiongzhou.Insufficient production of medicines will not be able to meet the basic distribution quantity of new stores.

(End of this chapter)

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