Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 876 Zhang Chunyang

Chapter 876 Zhang Chunyang

Zhang Yingchen cared more about opening a pharmacy than anyone else, but he couldn't make the decision.Asking Zhao Yingong to generate electricity and return to Lingao to send medicines is far from quenching his thirst.Fortunately, when he was working in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, he often went in and out of the preparation room.General Chinese medicine hospitals usually prepare some commonly used Chinese patent medicines. The medicinal materials used are generally not expensive, but they are all proven prescriptions that have been used for many years.Zhang Yingchen planned to set up a handmade medicine workshop in the Taoist temple and make some medicines by himself.

The second time he entered the yard, hundreds of people who had come to seek his treatment had already gathered. Seeing "Zhang Chunyang" come out, they all started commotion.

Zhang Yingchen glanced at it, and there were a lot of people coming to see the doctor in the hospital today—in order to avoid taking up too much time for seeing a doctor, he didn't even have time to preach and write books, so he stipulated that he only visited on two days a month diagnosis.

"All benefactors, please don't mess up, please come one by one." The little Taoist priest Mingren in the temple greeted, Zhang Yingchen coughed lightly, and walked to the long table under the tree with "immortal style and bones".In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, medicine boxes and medical records were laid out neatly on the table.This action immediately aroused a murmur of surprise from the people nearby: Zhang Yingchen used quills, inkstands and thick paper.

Zhang Yingchen took his seat after the case, stroked his sleeve calmly, and Mingren hurriedly handed him the freshly brewed pre-rain tea.He took a sip before ordering to begin.

Zhang Yingchen's method of diagnosis and treatment is still the traditional "look, smell and ask", and also adds three magic weapons commonly used in modern medicine: stethoscope, thermometer and sphygmomanometer.Although the three items are crude, their diagnostic accuracy has improved a lot.Therefore, many people who are confused by doctors or so-called "Confucian doctors" can get a more accurate diagnosis from him, and it is especially easy to take the right medicine.

He prescribes prescriptions at the same time.As long as the situation is not necessary, all local medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines are prescribed: In the early stage, Zhang Yingchen sent young Taoist priests to buy some of various Chinese patent medicines sold in various pharmacies in the city, and analyzed the ingredients of the medicines by looking, smelling, and tasting. , in order to use locally produced medicines.Most of the types and names of "crude medicines" in pharmacies in the Ming Dynasty were not much different from those in the old time and space, but they were far different in terms of Chinese patent medicines: many Chinese patent medicines commonly used in the old time and space did not appear and be perfected until the Qing Dynasty.

In order to guarantee their own "magic properties" and as a placebo.Even if it is a local prescription, he is also giving a pack of "pills"-in fact, he made honey rice flour pills himself.

This kind of farce of distributing placebos has been done many times in Zhang Yingchen's missionary work in Hainan -- once he "cured" many people's diseases in Lizhai by using this method.Facts have proved that this method is equally effective in Hangzhou.There are quite a few people who get better after taking the placebo.Although these rice noodles made into pills saved the day, more troublesome problems emerged.

In the past, most of the people who came to Qingyun to see a doctor were poor people who could not afford to take care of diseases and medicines. Then there are more.Of course, some of them came to see a doctor, but most of them came to seek "health preservation" techniques.Some idiots began to say that Zhang Yingchen knew the art of external alchemy.Many Confucian scholars and rich men who are full of delusions such as smelting yellow and white, shrinking tin into silver and so on have repeatedly come to ask him for advice, wanting to "discuss the art of longevity" with him.

Such a person appeared in front of Zhang Yingchen.This person is the "housekeeper" of a certain gentry in a certain place - to put it bluntly, he is the master's "dog leg".He has come to Qingyun Temple more than once, asking him to give his master a "big medicine".

The conditions were extremely favorable——since Zhang Yingchen used modern medicine to treat many patients who were treated by famous doctors in the city, his reputation for "reviving the dead" spread.Naturally, this gentry had heard about it, so the condition he proposed was to let Zhang Yingchen live in his family's West Lake villa, and provide him with generous money and food every month so that he could concentrate on practicing alchemy.In addition, handsome boy servants and beautiful maidservants are also provided.

"Master Daoist, how promising are you for seeing a doctor here?" The housekeeper was a little impatient because he had come many times and hadn't settled the matter, "If I can reconcile my master's medicine well, I will build you a Taoism is also easy to tighten!"

Zhang Yingchen had an inscrutable smile on his face, but he was extremely impatient in his heart: he would rather do some health science popularization for those poor people who can't see a doctor or buy medicine, and he is too lazy to do research with a 60-year-old old man who is still indulging in sex and sex. How to "combine big medicine".

Zhang Yingchen doesn't really dislike it if it's for the sake of immortality. Although he has always sneered at the art of yellow and white, he still has some interest in alchemy.However, the routine of this old man who does not practice alchemy is quite different.He took the theoretical model of using women as the cauldron, and he did it with the technique of "fighting".In order to fight and prolong life, a girl who strengthened the platoon has been ruined.Zhang Yingchen has also read a lot of materials about this set of things, and knows that this old man makes all the girls have menarche soon.The age is only twelve or thirteen years old.To let those lolicons in Lingao know, they have to shout "Heavenly Punishment" and cut him into pieces.

Zhang Yingchen knew that the gentry of the Ming Dynasty, especially the "end times" at the end of the Ming Dynasty, had the taste of "a group of demons dancing wildly", and the big gentry were extravagant and corrupt to the extreme.The Ming Dynasty, like the Qing Dynasty, did not have the concept of human rights—there was no bottom line.Zhang Yingchen met a lot when he was studying the history of Taoism.So I don't want to get involved.

Originally, he was trying to evade: he only said that he only had a little knowledge of medicine and didn't know the way of pills, but the other party didn't know what kind of medicine he had taken, so he thought he was a real person who was hiding something. Zhang Yingchen refused the gift many times, but the other party still persisted, which made it a bit difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the gentry is very powerful, and he is just a wandering Taoist priest. If the old guy gets angry and sends a piece of film to the yamen, he can be punished for "confusing the public with evil words", at least Zhang Yingchen must be arrested in the yamen Here, try the "Ming Gentleman's Bamboo Board", and then do a "Deportation".Not to mention the suffering of flesh and blood, even a "fairy" like myself can't do it.

Zhang Yingchen felt that it was inconvenient to shirk this time, anyway, he had read a lot of classics on alchemy and war, so it was still possible to fool around.Immediately agreed to "talk".The two agreed that three days later the mansion would send a sedan chair to pick him up.

Finally sent Hao Nu away.Zhang Yingchen concentrated on continuing to see the doctor.He looked at the mouth and asked, pressed the pulse with his hand, and used the daily checkup from time to time to check.The quill in hand writes quickly.Ming Ren and Ming Qing were there to help, one specialized in grinding ink and laying paper, and the other distributed "elixirs" to those who took the prescriptions.

Consultation is only available until [-]:[-] pm.After it was over, Zhang Yingchen told the little Taoist priest to pack up his belongings, and went back to the quiet room to sort out the pulse case and clean up the medicines.

"Sir, the presiding master asked the disciples to come and ask. Can you keep the door open for you at night in Guanli?" When the tea was served, the little Taoist priest Ming Ren looked at the tall and wandering Taoist priest in front of him, and asked respectfully.

He was going to Zhao Yingong's place today, and he told Taoist Ma early in the morning: there is no need to prepare dinner for him.

"It's okay, it's just that a talented man gave me a drink to thank me, so there's no need to keep the door open, you close the doors and windows and go to rest." Zhang Yingchen gently rubbed the boy's head, and replied with a slight smile.

He explained a few more words to the young man and walked out of Qingyun temple slowly, in front of the gate was already waiting for his family member Cai Shi and bearers sent by Zhao Yingong.Although Cai Shi didn't know the origin of Daoist Zhang who was nicknamed "Sai Chunyang" by this person, he also knew that Daoist Zhang had excellent medical skills and he was an old friend of his master scholar.He didn't dare to be negligent right now, he went up to say hello respectfully, asked Zhang Yingchen to get on the sedan chair, and the group headed towards Phoenix Villa.

This banquet was not a "reminiscence". The first phase of the Phoenix Villa project had been completed, and Zhou Dongtian and Mei Lin also came back from Nanjing—bringing many books, a dozen craftsmen and servants.Zhao Yingong was going to take this opportunity to get together with the members of the inspection team to talk about the next step of work.According to the information provided by the Great Library, the disastrous climate in Zhejiang is about to break out gradually from summer.And the Dengzhou Rebellion is about to kick off.

Unlike Guanglei Pai, who had a difficult start-up and devoted themselves to business, the key task of the veterans who were dispatched to Zhejiang and Zhejiang provinces was to deal with the coming refugee wave and to absorb more human resources for the Traveling Group in order to meet the Second Five-Year Plan.The focus of work in Liangzhe is not on industries such as silk and printing.In Zhang Yingchen’s view, Zhao Yingong’s series of plans still aimed at the open source of Hangzhou Station—the two Zhejiang provinces are not Guangdong, and the delivery capabilities of the Ministry of the Navy cannot guarantee that Hangzhou Station can act as unscrupulously as Guangzhou and Leizhou Stations.

The gentry class in Hangzhou can be roughly divided into pro-Jesuit gentry, anti-Jesuit gentry, and middle-of-the-road.Due to Yang Tingyun and other so-called "Hangzhou teaching pillars", the proportion of Christian gentry in Hangzhou is very high compared to other places. In addition, the atmosphere of Zhejiang and Zhejiang is open, such as Yuyao Huang Zongxi who is good at "strange learning", " There are also quite a few enlightened scholar-bureaucrats who practice Western learning, and this part of the gentry circle is something that Zhao Yingong can use the power of the Jesuits to infiltrate.

I just don’t know how good old Zhao’s contemporary prose and modern style poems are. Whether it’s singing "Counting the Romance" during the banquet or silently writing Nalan Xingde Ci in the court, it is something that should be avoided as much as possible-more than one year. The veteran who beat him used Nalan Ci to abduct the local gentry lady in Lingao, but the tragedy of copying and crashing a car has become a negative teaching material that must be learned in the training course for expatriate veterans.

Not to mention Lao Zhao, a fake scholar, and Mei Lin, who is staring at Qinhuai Bayan, is the focus of the leading group of the Space-time Copyright Office of the Great Library. I wonder if his trip to Nanjing has achieved what he wanted?
(End of this chapter)

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