Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
Phoenix Villa had already taken shape when Meilin and Zhou Dongtian went to Nanjing. Zhao Yingong spared no expense and ordered the wooden cabinets to hurry up. under construction.

Inviting everyone to dinner this time also includes the celebratory element of "housewarming joy" that Hangzhou Station moved to its official address.Zhao Yingong took this opportunity to express condolences to the veterans who were active in Jiangnan.

Since Zhao Yingong used the gentry as a cover in Hangzhou, he arranged everything in his life.There are many places where he spends money in Hangzhou, but he is a modern person after all. He does many things by himself, and most of the people around him are naturalized people. There is a strict system for purchasing and payment.The customary routines of "eating kickbacks" and "taking the difference" of the big family of the gentry will not work in Hangzhou Station.Expenses are naturally saved a lot.

In terms of personnel, financial and property management of the overseas stations, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Colonial Trade and the Directorate of Financial Affairs took the experience of Guangzhou and Leizhou as a model to formulate a management system covering all aspects.The rules and regulations are very finely divided, and come with various forms and administrative details.

This system has effectively lightened the burden of the station master veteran: he only needs to supervise whether the naturalized people under him are following the rules, instead of doing everything by himself.

The sedan chair goes from Yongjinmen to Fengshanmen.After coming out of Fengshan Gate, the sedan chair walked on a newly repaired gravel road - this is the supporting project of Phoenix Villa, which was built from the entrance of the villa to the front of Fengshan Gate to facilitate the traffic inside and outside the city.

The road is not wide enough for two sedan chairs to pass side by side, but the road surface is not low, with smooth paving, drainage ditches on both sides, and newly planted roadside trees.

The sedan chair was carried all the way to the gate of Fenghuang Mountain Villa. In front of the gate, there was an empty field paved with stone slabs, and there was a newly built stone slab pond on the empty field.The pond is used to store rainwater from the hillside. There is a lot of rain in spring, and the pond is already rippling with blue waves and the water quality is very clear.

Many trees have been planted around the villa, most of which are economic forest crops.Fruit trees, mulberry trees, fast-growing trees.Although the trees are short, they have grown lush.The originally barren hillsides are full of life.There are servants in uniform blue clothes holding wooden sticks, patrolling around, and the security is very tight.

The sedan chair was carried through the gate all the way to the front of the inner house.When Zhang Yingchen got off the sedan chair, Sun Wangcai, the manager of Hangzhou Station, was already waiting in front of the door, and personally led Zhang Yingchen into the inner house.If he hadn't been informed in advance, Sun Wangcai would not have known that there was such a "real man in Australia" among the Australian masters.

Unlike most elders, Zhang Yingchen has always tried his best to play down his identity as a elder. Even the Jesuits, who are very interested in the belief status of Australians, mobilized almost all the Jesuits active in the Lingao regime for nearly a year. It was initially determined that the "Leader of Lingao Taoist Church who does not worship idols" has a close relationship with Australians, but Zhang Yingchen's identity as a patriarch has not yet been determined.

Zhao Yingong hired a local cook from Hangzhou to take care of the banquet—he taught the cook how to cook a few Hangzhou dishes from the old time and space, and at the same time resolutely broke the cook's habit of putting pepper in all dishes.Northern Zhejiang has always been a land of fish and rice, with all meat of chicken, duck and fish being plump and rich in vegetables.The dishes made taste fresh.

Zhou Dongtian, Mei Lin and others were full of praise.The few people who hadn't seen each other for a long time were joking with each other, and the topic unknowingly led to the orphan adopted by Zhao Yingong and the Taoist boy who was sent by Daoquanzi to serve the daily life.

Everyone first made fun of Zhao Yingong's "Guangyuan's Project", and then brought up Zhang Yingchen's aesthetic taste - he has repeatedly stated that he looks down on teenagers and is the so-called "uncle control".

"Now everyone knows that a long-term expatriate job is a good job, but it's a pity that we can't get a job in construction." After pouring a glass of Guoshi Wushuang, Merlin smacked his lips and sighed, "If it weren't for this inspection, we would have waited until we swept away the wild boar skin." At that time, don’t say that Dong Xiaowan and Liu Rushi have become wives, Li Xiangjun may also be a Taoist nun, tsk tsk, it’s only cheap for the bandit chief, and he is a waste of everything.”

This time he went to Nanjing with Zhou Dongtian, originally wanted to go to the Qinhuai River and enjoy the spring scenery of Baimen.Unexpectedly, after returning from Sanshan Street, Zhou Dongtian has been running around handling printing workshops, recruiting craftsmen everywhere, taking in refugees, and buying a lot of books and local products of Nanjing.Not to mention going to the Qinhuai River to find fragrance, there is no time to spare.

The harvest is not small. About 30 kinds of books were purchased, [-] to [-] printing workers were recruited, and some refugees were taken in.

When Zhou Dongtian's work was done, the money was almost exhausted.Mei Lin had no choice but to go back disappointed——Zhou Dongtian repeatedly promised: before leaving Jiangnan, they must go to the Qinhuai River together.

"I'll pay you a special fee." Zhou Dongtian said, "I guarantee that you will have the opportunity to go to the Qinhuai River to broaden your horizons."

"Lao Mei, what are you in a hurry for?" Zhao Yingong opened a bottle of kvass and poured it for everyone, "The chicks on the Qinhuai River can't escape, Liu Rushi, Chen Yuanyuan or something, is still a kid now—you don't even know where she is They will come out to pick up guests when you come next time. You can’t wait: there is a boat lady with the surname Jiu on the Qiantang River, who is also famous in this time and space, why don’t I take you for a stroll?”

"Thank you for your kindness. No matter how good the boat girl is, she can't be compared with Qinhuai Bayan." Merlin muttered, looking very uncomfortable, "What a good girl, don't let others get ahead of you..."

"Old Mei, you have watched "Peach Blossom Fan" too much. What's more, I don't control wives, and I don't love Lolita, let alone me, even the entire Senate, there are not many people who can argue with you. Your opponent is Hou Fangyu, Mao Pijiang also has 'the water is too cold'." Zhang Yingchen shrugged indifferently, and put a piece of shrimp into his mouth, "But I really don't think you can win their favor." As he spoke, he looked at Mei Wanjiu Working on the construction site has darkened and rough skin and a strong and strong figure.

Merlin was pissed off.With my appearance, in the old time and space, maybe I could still be liked by girls who "like masculinity", but in this time and space, it may be difficult.It depends on economic ability, these backbones of Donglin and Fushe are not poor, and Mao Pijiang's family is one of the richest families in Rugao.Qian Qianyi was even more so-called a gentry in Changshu.

Even if they really couldn't afford the money themselves, given the popularity of these few people at the time, if they really fell in love with a famous prostitute who couldn't afford the money to redeem her body, naturally many people rushed to become "yellow shirt customers".

In contrast, Merlin actually couldn't even give out a dime.Of course the bustard would not recognize his negotiable notes.

"The aesthetics of the late Ming Dynasty is famously perverted, and things like women who dress up as fake mothers can satisfy the taste of a dead house. If I have fate, I would be interested in NTRing Zhang Xianzhong before Huang Degong. But looking at the portrait of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, I feel deeply that the literature records are really unreliable stuff." Zhang Yingchen said with a sigh.

Mei Lin didn't understand this nonsense, and Zhang Yingchen didn't explain it.

Zhao Yingong knew about this public case, but he didn't think anyone would be interested in it, so he didn't say anything about it.Everyone talked about the recent work arrangements from the "center".Zhao Yingong received a telegram: The second batch of investigation groups had already left Guangzhou.There are more people in this group, and there are members of the Special Investigation Team among them.

"It seems to be preparing for the Dengzhou Rebellion in the second half of the year." He said, "The severe drought in Zhejiang will happen next year, and we will be very busy from the second half of the year."

"The hydrological situation of the Qiantang River has only been measured for one-third. I wonder if it can be completed as scheduled?" Lu Zhongxing was a little worried-he has been working on this work recently. But the refugees from the severe drought in Zhejiang have to export from Hangzhou.”

The most important task is to arrange for people to go to Shandong to fight the front station as soon as possible.This is a dangerous job, without official support, there may be chaos and there will not be many chances of survival, so the center sent telegrams several times, asking Zhao Yingong to get through the relationship between Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua as soon as possible.

The key to this relationship is the Hangzhou Catholic Church.Zhao Yingong's visit has achieved initial success, and the next step is to win over the leading figures as soon as possible, and try to establish a relationship with Xu Guangqi's family, so as to gain Sun Yuanhua's trust and set up a stronghold in Shandong.

In order to establish a relationship with Xu Guangqi's family as soon as possible, Zhao Yingong has been frequenting church activities in Hangzhou recently.As a result, a lot of news has been obtained.He gave some general information about the activities of the church in Hangzhou that he participated in. Zhang Yingchen listened carefully, and then summed up a few key issues—his next move has a great relationship with the church.

But Zhou Dongtian got an extra piece of information: Japan does have a high-quality painting based on Jin Ping Mei—but the author is a BL*** painter, and all the wives and concubines in Ximen Qing’s house have become beautiful men, and the ending is that Ximen Qing was married by Wu Song Mrs. Gu NTR.

Hearing this story, Zhou Dongtian frowned, he really couldn't stand BL***'s unrestrained imagination.He looked at the Taoist robes of the tall colleague who talked about such a heavy-hearted topic, and suddenly felt a sense of absurdity of time and space disorder, and he didn't know what to say.

"It's not a big deal," someone who looked like a fairy shrugged indistinctly while holding Kvass:

"These guys in the late Ming Dynasty had a lot of double plugs. Just don't let the Jesuits see it. What's more, in the original "Jin Ping Mei", Ximen Qing also has a lot of pen and ink, and the heavy scenes can be played Go to that chapter and use it as an illustration. As for the ones that are not exposed, you can also use them openly. If you can’t publish the comic version, you can’t publish the light novel version? Anyway, the zeros in the BL comics are all like women. The big library has this The full electronic version of the manga is the work of a Japanese manga artist named Mizuki, just ask them to check it.”

 The boat people with nine surnames were a kind of untouchables in Zhejiang in the second generation of Ming and Qing Dynasties.There are various sources,

(End of this chapter)

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