Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 878

Chapter 878
In Zhang Yingchen's own hard drive and CD, apart from a large number of electronic versions of Taoist classics, there is the most abundant BL*** in the Senate.Not even such collections in great libraries can compare with it.

"I remember Hong Kong also published a cartoon of "Jin Ping Mei", and the painting style is quite realistic." Lu Zhongxing said, "I have seen it before, and the painting style is not the same as that of Little Japan, and it may be more popular with locals. It’s just that the plot of the story is made up to be called a tragedy.”

Zhao Yingong rang the bell: "This is not a problem, the problem is how do we reproduce the electronic version of the comics on slate or wooden boards? Can't they all be printed out? Just let the workers look at the screen?"

"It's okay to print it out, and you can copy it on the screen. After all, the electronic version will be annihilated one day. It is necessary to save the full paper." Zhou Dongtian said, "I will see if I can go back this time. To do phototypesetting—it depends on the strength of the people in the chemical industry department—photographic printing is more convenient than lithographic printing. Even if it is not possible, I will first print a few copies on slate in Lingao, and then bring them over I will give you a base for plate making: engraving and lithography are up to you.”

Everyone chatted while eating, and the conversation turned to the issue of how to get the support of the church in Hangzhou.Although Zhao Yingong has successfully established a relationship with them, he is still unable to ask the church to do things for him at will.Zhao Yingong also went to the church from time to time to establish relationships with some prominent figures in the church, in order to establish relationships with Xu Guangqi's family as soon as possible.

But things didn't go very well.After Zhao Yingong went there a few times, he felt that the leading figures in the church were more interested in developing him into the church than opening up Xu Guangqi's relationship for him.And in order to prevent himself from getting too deeply involved with the Catholic Church and arousing the resentment of some non-religious gentry, it is inconvenient for him to go to church often.

Zhang Yingchen was confident about this: "I have a solution."

"What can you do?" Zhao Yingong asked curiously.

"The method is very simple." Zhang Yingchen pretended to be profound and smiled.

"Do you know the teaching case of Hangzhou in the eighth year of Chongzhen?" He asked.

"As for the lesson plans, I only know about the Ma Lai and Tianjin lesson plans—the time when I got into trouble."

"There were several lesson plans in the late Ming Dynasty, and the most famous one is the Nanjing lesson plan—"

"Let's get to the point."

"This can be regarded as the second major setback of the Catholic Church's mission in China." Zhang Yingchen said with relish, and slowly chewed a piece of spring bamboo shoots in his mouth.

This great debate started from the debate between Ai Julian and the Confucian scholar Huang Zhen in Zhangzhou, Fujian.Huang Zhen then invited Confucian scholars and Zen masters from Fujian to Zhejiang to criticize the teachings of the Jesuits.These critical documents were finally collected as "Bao Xie Ji".

The debate between the two religions in Hangzhou began in March of the eighth year of Chongzhen, when Huang Zhen visited Miyun Yuanwu, a Zen master at Tiantong Temple in Ningbo.The Catholic Church has not yet responded to the move.

In August, Zhang Tian (Guangzi generation), a disciple of the eminent monk Yunqi (Lianchi), who had passed away, took "Bian Tian Chu Shuo" to Hangzhou Guanxiang Catholic Church, and handed "Chu Shuo" to Fu Fanji, a Jesuit .

However, according to the records in "Ben Tian Er Shuo", the Jesuits did not respond to this debate.So Yuan Wu wrote "Ben Tian Er Shuo" in September, and continued to publish it in Hangzhou.The church continued to avoid the war, and only some Confucian scholars refused the debate on the grounds that they failed to defend Matteo Ricci in the "Tian Shuo" written by the monk Yun Qi before his death.

Later, Monk Yuan Wu wrote "Three Theories of Biantian", and Zhang Tian verified based on the missionary document "Bianxue Relics" published by the church that the former author of "Four Duans of the Great Monk Fulianchi <Bamboo Window Sky Theory" Not Ricci.However, in the Fujian engraved edition of Bianxue Yido, there is a preface of "Migezi" (Yang Tingyun's Christian name), in which Yang Tingyun fabricated a story about monk Yunqi's dying confession to God.

Therefore, Zhang Tian once again attacked the Catholic Church in his "Proof of Falsehood".

During this siege, the Catholic Church has been avoiding the battle, adopting a policy of not participating in the debate.Although some Confucianists in the church tried to fight back, the leaders of the church always insisted on not responding or debating—this probably absorbed some lessons from the Nanjing teaching case.Make an impression of "cleaning itself".

Facts have proved that this strategy of the church is effective, because soon non-Buddhist ordinary Confucian scholars stood up and accused Buddhists: "The virtue of Yunqi Hongji benefiting life is as bright as the sun and the sky, and whoever gets it hides it." What? The slanderer is only slandering his own ears, how can it damage his light! Hu Buwen Gu De said: "Everything is right and wrong, you can't tell it." Ziwu is talking about it?"

Obviously, the policy of concession adopted by the Catholic Church portrayed itself as a victim, which saved the weak Hangzhou Church from being further impacted, and finally survived the crisis safely.

"Now there are only four years of Chongzhen." Zhao Yingong reminded him.If you have to wait until the eighth year of Chongzhen, the form may have undergone major changes.

"Listen to me." Zhang Yingchen continued as if he was trying to tell a joke, "Most Confucian scholars in the late Ming Dynasty had the habit of 'running away from Zen' to avoid social reality. Therefore, Zen Buddhism is very powerful. In areas such as Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Jiaxing The area is also the main activity area of ​​the Linji sect of Zen. It will be very difficult for our new Taoism to spread. You must know that these Buddhists have a bad attitude towards Taoism. I am now squeezed in to preach, I am afraid it will not be easier than the Catholic mission. .Do you know how difficult it is to grab customers in mature markets?"

Everyone nodded. The fact that New Taoism can achieve great results in Qiongzhou is nothing more than taking advantage of the lack of mature religions in Li District.It is not so easy to go to the mainland.

For the Liangzhe region where Buddhism is deeply rooted, it is impossible for New Taoism to seize food from the tiger's mouth in one fell swoop, but provoking a dispute between Buddhism and the Jesuit missionaries in China in advance can first weaken the influence of Catholicism—although they are weak However, there is a group of enthusiastic priests who are willing to dedicate everything, and they have great potential for development.The second is to use this lesson plan to attack the reputation of Buddhism. After all, throughout the lesson plan, Buddhists have always shown an aggressive posture.It will inevitably attract the resentment of some middle-aged people.

"I want to get a share of the pie here, so I have to resort to a plan to destroy the influence of the two religions." Zhang Yingchen raised his glass and took a sip. "I'm going to trigger this debate in advance. Tigers are fighting each other and profiting from it."

"I understand what you mean by triggering the lesson plans in advance and muddying the water." Zhao Yingong asked, "But what effect will it have on winning the church's help?"

"Old Zhao, you are really smart and confused for a while." Zhang Yingchen said with a smile, "Hangzhou Church is in peace and stability, and the world is peaceful. You are just the icing on the cake. If I make things happen, it will be like giving them a hard blow." It’s snowing heavily, if you take a piece of charcoal to go over, people will be grateful to you!”

Zhao Yingong doesn't even need to make too much effort, let alone argue for the church in public. He just needs to suggest to the high-level church that the idea of ​​"using the same to respond to all changes" that the church has adopted in history can make the church survive the crisis safely and win the church goodwill

"Daozhang, you have a dark belly." Merlin complimented him, disapproving in his heart.The occurrence of many events requires the accumulation of certain conditions. It is probably just the wishful thinking of this Daoist Zhang if he wants to trigger them rashly in advance.Needless to say, there are so many people here, where can I find Huang Zhen, the instigator?History books only say that he was from Zhangzhou, Fujian, and a Confucian scholar.There is no specific where he lives or what he does for a living.Furthermore, a person's thoughts are always developing and changing, and this person may not even think of debating Catholicism at all.

"It's not a black belly. But if this matter is done, it will be good for everyone to complete the task." Zhang Yingchen showed a smug expression. "I'm not talking out of thin air. Huang Zhen arrived in Hangzhou a few days ago."

"How do you know?" Merlin was very surprised.

"Yesterday, someone came to ask me to see a patient in an inn. This person's name is Huang Zhen, and he is from Zhangzhou, Fujian. Who else is he?" Zhang Yingchen said, "I now say that there are too many patients, and I will come back in a few days. Going to see him, I want to discuss with you first."

"Why did he come to Hangzhou?" Zhao Yingong was very surprised, "According to the history you said, he should still be in Fujian."

"The vibrating wings of the butterfly may have changed the course of history." Zhang Yingchen said, "His sudden appearance in Hangzhou is just like a door-to-door opportunity. If you can't take advantage of it, you will be sorry for the butterfly."

Several people were lost in thought.Zhang Yingchen's plan to drive away tigers and devour wolves and sow conflicts to fish in troubled waters is indeed very creative.Inferring from the previous cause and effect has a great chance of success, but no one knows whether the consequences of this incident will lead to other things.After all, the development of events cannot be carried out exactly as they wish.

Zhang Yingchen looked at Zhao Yingong: Everyone is a veteran, and Zhang Yingchen has the right to "do things cheaply", but he belongs to Hangzhou Station after all, this matter is not a small problem, he should not act without authorization if the station master doesn't nod.

"It doesn't matter how big things are done." Zhao Yingong nodded, "It's feasible."

"However, in this way, it will be inconvenient for me to come to you often." Zhang Yingchen said, "Although I will not show up in person, if someone who is interested will check carefully, I can still see some clues. I have been with you too much. I’m afraid that a group of people in the church will also be suspicious of you.”

Zhao Yingong said: "I'll save this. In the future, we will contact each other by letter. If we want to meet and talk in detail, I will go to Qingyun Temple to have a good time. However, we don't have to never meet, but it seems too deliberate. "

(End of this chapter)

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