Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 880 Standardized Ship

Chapter 880 Standardized Ship
Zhang Guangtian didn't say anything when he heard the words. Fan's burning and smashing Buddhist and Taoist statues was, after all, ruining his own things. Before that, there were several big families with poems and scriptures who closed their doors and burned Buddha statues, so we can't control them.In the Zen school, it was said that He Buddha scolded the ancestors, and there was also an allusion about Zen master Danxia burning Buddha to keep warm. Although Zhang Guangtian took up the military post, he read a lot of Zen gongan in his spare time, and he did not respond to such "slandering Buddha" like the monk Guangdi. The fuss.It's just that most of those who are crazy about this Western teaching are people from famous religions. If this generation really succeeds, it will inevitably be another disaster of destroying Buddha with three martial arts. Compared with destroying Buddha with three martial arts, the harm It's even bigger.

He pondered like this, Monk Guangdi is used to serving people, so he couldn't tell that this "senior brother" in white was in a bad mood, so he didn't dare to continue making noise.After walking with him for half a mile, I bid farewell and went back to Jingci Temple.

When Zhang Guangtian returned home, he was a hereditary military official of the local guard, but Zhang Guangtian was already very unfamiliar with wars and the like—he was an ordinary Confucian who believed in Buddhism on weekdays.

The Zhang family is not very rich, and lives a so-called farming and studying heirloom of a middle-class family-of course he doesn't farm himself, but lives on the rent collected from the fields under the guard.

Not long after returning home, when I was still troubled by this matter, a report came to my door: Mr. Huang from Fujian came to see me.

"Huang Zhen really went to Zhang Guangtian's house." Zhao Tong pretended to be a patient and whispered to Zhang Yingchen who was feeling his pulse.

Zhang Yingchen nodded slightly, indicating that he heard it.

"Huang Zhen stayed at Zhang's house for more than an hour before coming out," Zhao Tong continued to report, "He was in a good mood after returning to the inn, and he didn't drink porridge for dinner."

Zhang Yingchen continued to nod his head: the seeds he planted in Huang Zhen's heart actually germinated so quickly, which surprised him too.

Now that he went to Zhang Guangtian, the following things are self-evident: Zhang Guangtian will definitely introduce Monk Yuan to Tiantong Temple in Ningbo. .A pool of spring water in West Lake is about to be wrinkled.

"Does he intend to go to Ningbo?"

"Not yet." Zhao Tong said, "However, if he is going, we will know for sure——Huang Zhen sat in a sedan chair in the inn when he came to Hangzhou last time. Most of the time, he will come to Ningbo to buy a ticket from us. of."

"Well, keep an eye on him. Pay attention to his activities. He will notify me as soon as he goes to Ningbo." Zhang Yingchen spoke with his lips moving slightly, then prescribed a prescription, and gave him another pack of pills, zooming in said in a voice:
"Eat a post first, and come back in three days."

The next day, a telegram was sent from Hangzhou Station to the Foreign Intelligence Bureau in Lingao.


I have introduced Huang Zhen to Zhang Guangtian.Zhang will probably introduce him to the monk Yuanwu of Tiantong Temple. It seems that the curtain of the good show is about to end.By the way, I would like to ask the Great Library to search for a copy of "Bianxue Relics" published by Ai Juliu and others in Fujian. It is necessary to attach a preface signed by Yang Tingyun with his Christian name Mi Gezi.


"Hmph, I'll get all the ammunition ready, so I don't worry you won't be able to fight." Zhang Yingchen thought in his heart after sending the telegram.

But he still has something unresolved: the ghost of the gentleman who wants to "join the big medicine" with him is still haunting him.After I went to talk with him last time, even though Zhang Yingchen repeatedly said that he didn't know much about the "art in the room" and taught him some guiding methods to strengthen his body, the other party seemed to believe him more and more for some reason. There is a universe", and he became more and more respectful to him, sending people to "give alms" from time to time, and invited him to go again to "sit and discuss the Tao".He has never thought of a good way to get rid of this old man.

"It's a pity that Ji Tuisi can't find Viagra!" Zhang Yingchen muttered to himself.If this kind of medicine is in hand, in a rich and prosperous place like Jiangnan, there are a lot of people who sell it for 50 taels of silver and will rush to buy it.

When Zhang Daochang was instigating dissension, Hangzhou Station had already started to do a series of preparatory work.Zhao Yingong found himself working on more than a dozen projects at the same time.The construction of Phoenix Villa, the agriculture of the villa, silk reeling, the literature and art bookstore of Qinghefang, the printing house, the layout of Qiweizhan in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the preliminary preparations for the Nanjing Delong branch, the education of orphans, and the negotiation of the church in Hangzhou... Although some of these projects were entrusted to the inspection team senators, each of them now works sixteen hours a day.Mei Lin complained repeatedly: He said that he thought it was a good job to go to Jiangnan, but he was busier than Lingao.Not only does he commute between Fenghuang Mountain Villa and Qinghefang every day to direct infrastructure and decoration, but he also helps with various affairs and acts as a teacher for orphans when he is not working at night.

Xu Xu and Lu Zhongxing were worse than Mei Lin - at least Mei Lin had a good meal and a warm bed every day.And they spent most of their time outside, eating dry food on grass and sleeping in cabins.Escorted by bodyguards, the two men surveyed roads and rivers on the route to transport and accommodate refugees, in order to draw accurate road traffic maps: each map also indicated the traffic capacity of roads and rivers.The sites along the route that may serve as resting places for refugees have been surveyed on the spot, and the capacity of each site has been estimated.These should be included in the plan.

In their busy schedule, they have to take turns to go to Qiwei's several semicolons in various places in the south of the Yangtze River: even the naturalized people and indigenous workers are busy with their feet.The burden of Qiwei is particularly heavy, and the construction tasks of the five semicolons are urgent: expanding the joint venture, buying ships, recruiting manpower... Mao Sansheng and others are very busy. System, in order to find problems and solve problems in time.

As the prelude to the Dengzhou Rebellion is about to kick off, Zhao Yingong anxiously waits for the arrival of the personnel of the Population Working Group—these veterans and naturalized people are the staff who prepared for the Dengzhou Rebellion and the 1632 Northern Zhejiang Drought. Before officially getting involved in the Dengzhou Rebellion, they can be used as the troops of Hangzhou Station.For this reason, he repeatedly called the Executive Committee to quickly dispatch personnel from the Population Working Group.

While the Hangzhou station is busy preparing to meet tomorrow's influx of refugees, the Executive Committee is arguing endlessly about the details of refugee accommodation and transshipment.The Planning Institute was even more troubled in formulating a plan.

The biggest bottleneck is the current lack of capacity-the shipyard is now producing at full speed, but all of them are warships.Of course, it is not a problem to use a hybrid warship to transport people, but this time the transport is suffering from hunger, cold, and epidemic refugees, so it is obviously not suitable to use a warship.Special transport vessels must be used.

Navy ships can provide part of the capacity.As for the big wave shipping, its cargo task itself is very heavy, and it becomes very difficult to allocate excess transportation tons to transport people.Moreover, transporting people is not transporting goods, the voyage time is long, and there are many round-trip voyages.Not very efficient for ship utilization.

Therefore, the most urgent task of the Planning Institute is to build ships to expand the capacity.Wu De knew that it was unrealistic to count on Lingao Shipyard for this matter——the shipyard has already occupied all production capacity by constructing the 854 reform, 901 and 621 projects.It is completely impossible to arrange for the construction of special transport ships.

At this time, Shi Jiantao, who was in charge of setting up the shipyard in Hong Kong, took the initiative to ask for the construction of the transport ship.For this reason, he specially went back to Lingao, specifically asking to see Wu De.

"Can the Hong Kong shipyard do it?" Wu De was very skeptical—the Hong Kong shipyard was in a very unimportant position in the allocation of materials and personnel in the Planning Institute.Hong Kong shipyards were initially established mainly for ship repair and maintenance.Only a dry dock and a number of cradles for small boats were built.It is basically the level of a beach shipyard.There is little large-scale equipment and a trained workforce.After Shi Jiantao arrived in Hong Kong, he had to work hard to recruit local boat builders from Guangdong to work.

Shi Jiantao’s proposal to build a large number of standardized transport ships in Hong Kong has been put forward for a long time. The Planning Institute has approved his expansion plan in consideration of expanding the production capacity of the ships. A simple door crane has just been installed recently.

A wood processing factory invested and built by the Planning Institute in Hong Kong has recently entered trial production. This factory is not prepared for the shipyard, but for the purpose of processing and utilizing the forestry resources in Fujian, Guangdong, and avoiding a large amount of log transportation. freight tonnage.Having a timber processing plant is also an advantage for shipyards.

"I have this confidence." Shi Jiantao had already prepared a full set of plans and drawings.At this time, he hurriedly submitted it. "Our idea is to standardize shipbuilding -- something like Liberty Wheel."

"Yeah." Wu De nodded.Standardized shipbuilding is nothing new.At present, 854, 901 and the like are also standardized ship types.

"You know very well that what we lack the most is capacity. To expand capacity, we must expand shipbuilding. To increase the number of shipbuilding, we must increase production efficiency." Shi Jiantao talked eloquently. 'The Wheel of Harmony'."

"Harmony Wheel." Wu De's face was dull.

The Harmony Ship is not harmonious, and most of it is not a ship. It just refers to the idea of ​​​​building the Liberty Ship and the Victory Ship during World War II in the United States, using standardized drawings, using mass-produced standard parts, and mass-produced cargo ships using assembly line production. .

Just as there is not only one Liberty wheel built by the Americans, there are several standard designs for the Harmony wheel built by Lingao.

In the plan table of the Planning Institute, the shipbuilding plan of Lingao Shipyard is "A Shipbuilding", while the Hong Kong Shipyard belongs to "B Shipbuilding".There are definite gaps in the level of skill in distributing supplies, men and ships.Therefore, almost all of the "Harmony Wheels" are small and medium-sized auxiliary ships with wooden structures, sail power, and no more than 800 tons.

(End of this chapter)

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