Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 881 H-800

Chapter 881 H-800

"This is the H-800 we designed. As the name suggests, it is an 800-ton wheel. This is a pure sailing ship with three masts and Chinese-style sails."

Shi Jiantao continued his introduction:
The H800A removed a mast and became a brig, with a small boiler installed at the rear to drive the steam winch; the H800A1 canceled the boiler, and installed a cannon on the front and rear decks; the H-800S was Steam Engine Sail Hybrid...

In terms of function, it can also be divided into different subtypes such as specialized agricultural and mining bulk product ships, liquid carriers, standard cargo ships, and passenger-cargo mixed ships.Carry out the concept of modularization in the design, so that it can be easily refitted and repaired.

"In addition to the most common H-800 series, there are also H-500, H-1300, H-2000..." Shi Jiantao said, and put the complete series of ship type manuals compiled by the Hong Kong shipyard on Wu De's table. Each type of ship has beautifully drawn line diagrams, renderings and technical parameters.This caught Wu De's attention.

He carefully flipped through the atlas. If Shi Jiantao could really build a large number of transport ships like "making dumplings", as Shi Jiantao boasted, the most serious problem of capacity allocation at the Planning Institute would be greatly alleviated.

Wu De was born as a fisherman and has been in the navy for many years, so he knows a little about shipbuilding and other things.He took a look and found that these types of river crabs have the same basic linearity, and many of them have the same hull section, which is convenient for standardized production, just like the A320, A319, and A321 passenger planes in this plane are only different in length. Engine power is slightly different.

The hull of the first generation of crabs was based on a small wooden cargo ship built by Japan at the end of World War II.In the middle of World War II, American submarines went out to the Western Pacific to attack Japanese merchant ships.Facing the threat of U-boats, the United Kingdom broke up merchant ships and formed an escort team, just the opposite.However, Japan broke it into pieces, built tens of thousands of wooden transport ships, and scattered them on the ocean for the Americans to catch.

Although most of these wooden boats were later smashed into pieces by the American Catalina patrol planes and carrier-based planes, judging by Lingao's industrial base, this is still a practical, craftable, seaworthy, The design of the anti-damage type is quite good, and the use environment is from the sea area between Southeast Asia, China and Japan, and the goods to be transported are not bad.

Of course, Shi Jiantao and others did not copy the Japanese design completely. Considering that there are almost no qualified ports and wharves in this time and space, most of the estuaries and bays used as ports have shoals and dark sand.The draft of the ship should not be too deep. At present, the ships they need are mainly for offshore transportation, and the furthest is the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Siam and Japan.The shape of the ship is fat, flat-bottomed and shallow-drought—similar to the "speedboats" that the Dutch used extensively on their routes.While trying to load more cargo, try to reduce the draft depth so that the natural port can be used to the maximum extent, and it can be easily floated in case of grounding.

In terms of power, Shi Jiantao, as a "Shipbuilder B", knows very well that it is impossible for Hong Kong shipyards to allocate high-end ships such as high-horsepower steam engines and fire-tube boilers for ships.The power used by the Japanese in the past was mainly "hot bulb diesel engine". At present, Lingao can neither manufacture diesel engine nor diesel.So Shi Jiantao's choice of power for Harmony Wheel is sailing.

Considering that for a period of time in the future, the Harmony Ship will be mainly used in two operations in Zhejiang and Dengzhou, and will also do some coastal trade by the way, so it still uses the Chinese-style sails that are more efficient in offshore navigation and save manpower.

However, the "Chinese style sail" used on the river crab was designed according to the drawings provided by the elder society "Junker Association".These designs actually come from the years of experience accumulated by British and American Chinese sail enthusiasts in the 20th century. They combine modern aerodynamics and structural mechanics, use canvas, winches, pulleys, pulley blocks and modern technology, and have passed simple wind tunnel tests. Higher reliability, maneuverability and efficiency than traditional Chinese sails.

Shi Jiantao found several research and design works on Chinese sails written by Europeans and Americans in Lingao.Originally, he wanted to set up a dedicated sailing laboratory in Hong Kong, but was clearly opposed by the University Library, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Navy: the sailing laboratory must be located in Lingao.According to the resolution of the Senate, any scientific research department involved in technological development shall not be located outside Hainan Island.

However, the Lingao shipyard that Zhou Ke was in charge of had no interest in setting up a sail laboratory.Although Zhou Ke is not good at sailing at all, he is full of admiration for European sailing suits and scoffs at Junke sailing suits.Naturally, he would not be willing to take the lead in setting up a sail laboratory.Shi Jiantao looked for people everywhere, until he found the Ministry of Science and Technology.The Ministry of Science and Technology has a central fluid laboratory in the Gaoshanling area, and the sail laboratory is essentially a wind tunnel laboratory in their view.

Finally, according to the test results of the fluid laboratory, Shi Jiantao chose a suitable Chinese sail as the sail shape of the Harmony Wheel.

Shi Jiantao took advantage of the opportunity of returning to Lingao to promote the Harmony Wheel and perfected the design of the Harmony Wheel, Chinese style sailing and control parts.Shi Jiantao, who had prepared a full set of drawings and technical materials, was full of ambition and could only ask the Planning Institute for final approval.

Although the Harmony Wheel implements the guiding ideology of simple structure, in terms of specific design and construction, it concentrates on various new technologies promoted by the Traveling Group in this time and space: iron keel and ship ribs, power-assisted manual steering wheel, improved Chinese sail , hand winch... also used a "iron-clad wood structure material" that they only used in the construction industry in the past.That is to say, some structural materials with high load-bearing capacity used to require larger and harder wood. After the "iron-clad wood" structure is used, it can be spliced ​​with multiple pieces of wood, and some inferior wood can also be used.Iron sheet can provide extremely high tensile strength. This iron-clad wood material is a very commonly used building material and ship material in the United States, Germany, Northern Europe, and Russia in old times.Iron-wood I-beams have also been widely used in the buildings of Lingao Construction Corporation.It was once criticized by the "Lingao Times" as "the bean curd dregs of the new time and space". It was not until a group of architects from the construction company broke into the newspaper office that they grabbed Tin Ding and gave him a meal of "love science".

"How long does it take to build your ship?" Wu De asked after reading the atlas and technical information.

"For the H-800 standard type, if all the parts are manufactured, it will take no more than 60 days from assembly to launch and put into use. It will be faster if you become proficient in the future, and the final assembly time will not exceed 30 days." Shi Jiantao specially returned to Lingao this time. I went to Lingao Shipyard to observe the construction process of the 90 project, which is said to be put into use in 901 days. I think that according to his thinking, it is not a problem for a standard Harmony ship to be assembled and launched in 60 days.

"So where are you going to produce these parts?" Wu De asked.He knows the production concept of Harmony Wheel: components are manufactured in branch factories in various places, and they are only assembled in Hong Kong.It is said that the construction was completed in 60 days, and most of them were ambushed.

But in the United States in the 20th century, it was possible to do so-Americans had the largest and most complete industrial system at the time.Although Lingao in this time and space also has the largest and most complete industrial system in the world, it is impossible to provide such a large production capacity.

At present, the production tasks of the various factories in Lingao are already at full capacity, especially the main raw material supplier for wooden boats: the wood processing factory, their ship material production line is already in 24-hour shift production, and it is unlikely to Provide raw materials for Hong Kong shipyards.Obviously, Shi Jiantao can only rely on Hong Kong's own timber processing factories.But this factory is very weak in terms of production capacity and technical level.

"I'm going to use the local production capacity in Guangdong." Shi Jiantao finally revealed his plan.

The first phase of the Hong Kong shipyard project does not have a complete set of parts and components supporting enterprises. Except for a timber processing plant, which is considered a major supporting facility, all kinds of metal parts, cables, canvas, putty, grease, and paint must be supplied by Lingao.Shi Jiantao’s calculation is to gradually expand the supply ratio of local parts in Guangdong: raw materials that are not difficult to process or that do not require much processing are purchased locally from Guangdong—such as putty for filling, which is nothing more than lime, hemp silk, and tung oil. Manufacturing can be outsourced in Guangdong.The spare parts start with the wooden structural parts of the Harmony Ship, and let the local shipbuilding workshops in Guangdong complete the matching.

But this is not an easy task.Shi Jiantao inspected several shipbuilding workshops near Huangpu. After seeing the rough tools and components, his heart almost sank to the bottom.

But after carefully observing their construction process, Shi Jiantao found that although the work of shipbuilders is very rough and there are no blueprints, they build ships completely according to a certain pattern.Several standard ship types to which ships are built.

Obviously, model building ships is not an alien technology to them, but has existed for a long time.It should not be difficult for them to mass-produce the same kind of parts on a large scale.According to the "Common Indigenous Ship Types Along the Coast of Guangdong Province" collected and compiled by the Foreign Intelligence Agency, there are seven or eight types of ships larger than 100 tons.The hull structure between the same model is almost exactly the same.

However, after further in-depth observation, he was thrown another basin of cold water: the tolerances of various ship parts manufactured by shipbuilders are frighteningly large—or rather, there is no concept of tolerance in their eyes.

Of course, with the roughness of the tools they use and the concept of size without specific numbers—all in their heads—it is impossible to mass-produce components within tolerances.

(End of this chapter)

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