Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 886 Joint Operations Command

Chapter 886 Joint Operations Command

Schneider carried his luggage and walked profusely in the scorching spring sun.As a lieutenant officer from a navy of fine dress, decorum and poise, his image of carrying luggage so hands-on stands out on the road: the Navy has its own set of rules for the use of orderlies.

Navy Captain Schneider is the original Shi Shishi.Because a veteran of the navy felt that Shi Shishi's name was too unlucky and too plain-there were too many naturalized people named XXX or XXX.So he changed his name.Schneider is very satisfied with the new name, which is much better than the original fourteen's name, and he has secretly begged the writer in Dongmen City to start writing the family tree for him.

The so-called genealogy writing is actually compiling a family tree.Schneider was born in a poor family, so he knew that his ancestors had been fishermen for generations, and if the genealogy is to look good, you have to cling to famous people.This has to find a learned "sir".

The first batch of elites had already been born among the naturalized people, and they either took up military administrative positions or made a fortune.After turning over, I can't help but want to compile a family tree, so that I can glorify my ancestors.

Because they knew that the "chiefs" hated ancestral halls very much, so they didn't dare to think about building ancestral halls -- and most of them were foreigners who came to Lingao alone not long ago, and they couldn't build any ancestral halls locally.But fabricating a family tree with prominent ancestors for themselves can bring great psychological satisfaction.There are several ghostwriters in Dongmen City, and they made a little fortune with this little one.

Compared with other seasons of the year, Schneider prefers winter in Lingao.In winter, when the temperature is low, he can wear a navy winter suit that is neat and decent.This made him feel like a gentleman: the winter clothes were made of thin cloth bought from Westerners.The military uniform has no creases at all.The Navy's Excellent Service Medal was polished and hung on his chest, which he received for his counterinsurgency and combat performance in the Battle of the Pearl River Estuary.The navy intends to completely distinguish the distinction between the medal awards and the army's bumpkins, and resolutely refrain from engaging in such meritorious service, and pursue gorgeous and professional medal titles.Now Schneider must be wearing the uniform of a naval officer and a full set of medals when he goes out, and the admiring and awe-inspiring eyes around him on the road make him feel full of joy in his heart.

As part of the award, but also as preparations for the military struggle ahead of the upcoming Operation Engine.Schneider was recommended to participate in the naval officer promotion training held in Bopu.

Compared with the painful naval engineering and tactical command courses, Schneider prefers courses in navigation and leadership. The former is familiar to him, and the latter can make him feel like an officer.Compared with being beaten to nowhere in the exercise on the picture, Captain Schneider did a good job of letting the youngsters know what a veteran is in the actual combat exercise.But those little bastards have learned a lot after suffering a few losses.

After three months of closed training, he was promoted to captain of the navy.Within two days of returning home, he was summoned to Maniaobao for a short-term training by an order—in the words of the chiefs, it was called on-the-job training.

There was no specific subject name on the notice. Schneider knew it was for "confidentiality", but he knew that this temporary training was probably related to the recent active preparations.

The Fubo Army is preparing for battle—although the preparations this time are not as grand as before the second anti-encirclement and suppression campaign.Schneider understood every time he took naval soldiers to the shipyard to "support work": he had never seen so many large ships being built at the same time.Although the size of some of the new boats could not be compared with the holy boats, they surpassed the largest large plywood boats for Westerners he had ever seen.All kinds of ship materials are piled up like a mountain in the factory, and the workers are constantly busy, rushing to work day and night.

The sailors have been practicing since the Chinese New Year. In the squadron he commanded, the number of sailors on each special agent ship was reduced by half, and the vacancies were filled by recruits who had just come out of the recruit team.Apparently, the sailors transferred out were to prepare for the new ships.

In the recruit team, Schneider found some old friends he knew from his past pirate days, all of whom had been recruited in the recent expansion of the army.There are not only the men and horses under Zhucai's veterans, but also the men under other defeated sea masters. Many people fled back to their hometown after the defeat of the "big gang", but they have no way to live.According to the information obtained from the interrogation of the prisoners and the interviews, the recruiters were led by the former pirate leaders who had defected and naturalized, and recruited such former stragglers along the coast of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Obviously, if it were not for the expansion of the navy, the chiefs would not recruit so many people at once.

It seems that there is going to be a war again.Schneider thought.

When he arrived at Maniaobao Wharf by the Navy Transport, the place was already completely new.The Mayiao Peninsula is now the core heavy industry base of the Senate, and the original Mayiao Army Base has also been officially upgraded to "Maiao Fort".

According to the new military system, all the locations of army bases are suffixed with "fort".This new regulation is considered to have formally infiltrated the army and navy system with the bad taste of the "American School" after the "German School", "Soviet School" and "Japanese School".

The gun tower that used to be the headquarters of He Ming's field army has disappeared, replaced by a huge bamboo fence wall and huge buildings scattered inside.Fort Maniao covers a large area, and there are several military camps and training grounds for various military disciplines inside and outside the walls.The road network has been preliminarily completed.Army soldiers in formation and tactical training can be seen everywhere.

The entire Maniao Fort is already a military restricted area.Schneider's orderly was turned back before the first sentry post-the orderly's name was not on the registration card.So Captain Shi could only carry the luggage on his own and continue walking forward.When we came to the gate, there were two large wooden signs with black characters on a white background: Fort Maliu Army Base, Joint Operations Command.

The Joint Operations Command is a recently established command structure that replaces the former interim Field Army Command.At present, the field army has been in a state of security warfare and vigilance for a long time, and it cannot do without an organization for coordinating and commanding the navy, army and all other armed forces.

In fact, a similar demand was initially raised during the Qiongnan security war.If in Qiongbei, the main task of the navy is still to transport the army and supplies, then in Qiongnan, the navy’s operations are no longer as simple as transporting the army ashore, and often need to join the battle in person——The states and counties of Qiongnan Almost all of the villages are spread out along the coast, and bandits and powerful armed forces often use boats for maneuvering.

Considering that the next engine operation requires the joint operation of the army and the navy-the conclusion reached by the General Staff in several strategic exercises is that for a long period of time, the military operations of the Fubo Army will be along the coastline Joint naval and army operations for operational operations - it is necessary to establish a cross-service joint operations command.

The newly established Joint Operations Command was established at Fort Maniao.It is under the leadership of the General Administration of Military Affairs, and is jointly composed of personnel sent by the Army Staff Headquarters and the Navy Command Department, and is under the command of the General Staff Headquarters in business.

Schneider walked along the newly paved road and followed the guideposts to the gate of the compound where the Joint Operations Command was located.

Several army officers stood at the entrance of the headquarters with some paperwork to receive them.Yang Zeng was among them.Due to his excellent performance in the Battle of Chengmai, Yang Zeng was also recommended to attend the officer promotion training course in Maniaobao. He also recommended his orderly Wei Darong to attend the non-commissioned officer training.

After undergoing closed training, Yang Zeng felt that the lives of the chiefs were too busy-no veteran officer had leisure time.Yang Zeng saw them at any time, either on the training ground, in the classroom, or in endless meetings.

Of course, he himself is also very busy. As a naturalized civilian officer who is about to be promoted to deputy battalion commander, Yang Zeng needs to make up too many subjects.It is not only necessary to make up for cultural lessons, but also to master more advanced and complex combat subject training and logistics organization support.

Occasionally, he also misses the leisurely days of holding a matchlock gun and basking in the sun in Goujiazhuang.Seeing Schneider's straight navy uniform and the eye-catching Navy Distinguished Service Medal walking towards him, Yang Zeng straightened his waist unconsciously, with his second-class military medal and special class on his chest Marksman skill chapter.

Schneider was the last group to arrive, and the entire Maniaobao guest house was full, so Yang Zeng had to arrange for Schneider and some others to temporarily live in the vacated barracks.

Nearly 100 army and navy officers were summoned to Maniaobao at the same time. They were all naturalized civilian officers who were circled by the cadres of the General Staff to participate in the engine operation.

The environment faced by the engine operation is very complicated. On the sea, they have to pass through the territory of Liu Xiang and Zheng Zhilong, and the Dutch and Spaniards also have influence on the Taiwan Strait, the only way they must pass.Except for the Dutch who just signed a trade agreement, all other forces are "unfriendly".

Although Zhao Yingong paved the way to open up relations on land, but it was necessary to transport a large number of refugees under Daming's nose, and no one could predict what problems would arise during the implementation.Especially when they were involved in the Dengzhou Rebellion, refugees had to be collected and transported away on the turbulent battlefield.

In this environment, it is impossible to act without sufficient troops as protection.In the process of organizing a large number of refugees to march and camp, a well-trained army can also play a big role-without the responsible organization and leadership of well-trained soldiers, thousands of refugees may not be able to form an orderly team action.When the plan for the engine program began to be formulated, the Planning Institute had secretly consulted the People's Commissar of the Army and Navy about the number of ships and troops that could be mobilized at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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