Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 887

Chapter 887

Although the People's Commissars of the Army and Navy gave not very optimistic views, especially He Ming, he told Wu De very frankly that the current situation of the Army is not good, and the troops have become very tired after continuously performing the combat missions of security warfare .Although the casualties in the security battle were very small, and it would take many days before there would be a death report, but such endless combat and duty had already lowered the morale of the troops.At present, the law and order war in Qiongbei has all ended, Qiongnan has a large area and sparsely populated, and the scale of the law and order war is relatively small.The Army intends to withdraw some troops for rest.In this case, it may not be appropriate to immediately put them into the next long-range combat operation.However, He Ming still agreed to transfer two infantry battalions and several supporting troops to participate in the engine operation.

The Navy has promised to provide a sea barracks and will make every effort to provide ships for the operation.Chen Haiyang has no idea how many ships can be dispatched-the old ships are being fully renovated, and the number of ships that the navy can put in largely depends on the speed of shipbuilding in Lingao and Hong Kong shipyards.

Just when Yang Zeng was busy receiving Schneider and others.Xie Shu is leading the non-commissioned officers of the Maniaobao logistics training team to the logistics warehouse.Their task is to count and organize the newly arrived materials, and at the same time learn the new management process in real time.

During the promotion wave after the Battle of Chengmai, Xie Shu removed the word "probationary" from the term "probationary staff officer".But the rank is still second lieutenant.He also joined the training course and, due to his excellent grades, has been transferred from the battalion logistics staff to the logistics command.He was very dissatisfied with this transfer: the logistics command sounded very high-ranking, but in fact it only had one office, a veteran chief staff officer and several staff officers, and had no sense of presence in the army.

However, he has recently received news that the logistics command "is about to make major adjustments."A special logistics teaching unit has been set up in Maniaobao to train full-time logistics officers. At the same time, a logistics training team has been established to train logistics non-commissioned officers of the entire army.Xie Shu served as the sub-captain of this training team.

Although Xie Shu has not been engaged in logistics work for a long time, he can read and understand mathematics, and is young and eager to learn.Experienced the second anti-encirclement and suppression battle, so-called knowledge and experience.During his studies, he was deeply appreciated by Hong Huangnan and Thorpe - Thorpe was only recently transferred from the Planning Institute to the army to be in charge of logistics work.

Thorpe was young, but he wrote a book "Theoretical Logistics" in the old time and space.He majored in planning and planning, and was originally a major cadre in the Planning Institute, a typical "academic school" logistics cadre.If it weren't for his desire to wear a military uniform, and the Planning Institute's intention to cultivate a professional and capable logistics organization, Wu De would not be willing to let him go.

Because of his solid theoretical foundation, he is responsible for teaching most of the training courses for logistics officers and non-commissioned officers.There is a delicate relationship between him and Hong Huangnan, who was born in the "practical school".The two maintained a polite reserve.But every time Hong Huangnan talked about his plans for a carriage 4S shop that had become more and more uncertain, Thorpe always listened with a conciliatory smile and said nothing.

Although Xie Shu was young, he was born in a landlord's family and had studied - the strange relationship between these two "chiefs" was not difficult for him to understand.Therefore, the same respect is maintained for both teachers.

Xie Shu has a new military armband on his sleeve.It was put on by his military school teacher, the veteran Major Thorpe himself.The old boss Dongmen Chuiyu met him and jokingly said, "Xiao Xie, you have transferred to the fourth headquarters."

Xie Shu was very confused by this. The Australian chief executive likes to refer to someone as Xiao X, and even call each other that way. Xie Shu thinks that is what a rich family calls a servant or a bachelor.Xie Shu prefers to be called Staff Officer Xie.The so-called Fourth Headquarters is even more inexplicable. He can be said to have memorized the regulations fluently. He has never heard of such an organization.

In the loading and unloading work area in front of the warehouse area, all kinds of new vehicles and tools are neatly arranged: screw-type manpower forklifts, trailers, standard military animal-drawn vehicles, Zidian converted handcarts, traction kitchen vehicles, water purification vehicles, etc., and even Movable wooden ramp.Both the animal-drawn cart and Zidian modified trolley have been redesigned. The load-bearing concave iron frame can just fit into a one-ton or 200-kilogram transport box, and it has fasteners, which can be fixed easily.It took Thorpe a lot of effort to get these materials out of the hands of the Executive Committee and the Planning Institute.If it hadn't been for the start of the blast furnace, Thorp's claim that the second car on the same track would not have been implemented so early.

Xie Shu first explained the general purpose, method of use and vehicle structure of these logistics vehicles. According to the different logistics units where the non-commissioned officers work, the types of vehicles they come into contact with are also different. Do "familiar with the method of use and understand the structure of the vehicle".

Next to the warehouse is the barn, which has donkeys, cows and donkey mules, the only thing that is not there are horses and horse mules.In order to reverse the long-term lack of horses and livestock in the army, and the lack of relevant training for soldiers specializing in artillery and transportation, the Planning Institute and the Agricultural Committee organized a joint investigation team. Screening was carried out.Except for the breeding males and a sufficient number of female parents for maintaining the population expansion, all other horses, donkeys and mules that are not suitable for breeding are all transferred out of the horse farm for distribution.Part of it was distributed to the Council of Agriculture, and part to the Fubo Army.

According to the latest planning instructions of the Fubo Army: Most of the horses and mules that can be used are given priority to the artillery unit, and a small amount is reserved for the cavalry unit that is being formed.

Although there are few horses, at least the army has horses.Especially for the heavy soldiers, because the Fubo army has no horses and mules, the land transportation has long been "drawn by oxen for large ones, and people's backs for small ones".The speed of the ox cart is too slow, and when encountering urgently transported goods, militiamen and migrant workers have to be recruited to use trolleys or simply carry them on their shoulders.It takes a lot of manpower.

The warehouse guards meticulously checked Xie Shu's credentials and authorization documents, counted the number of people entering the logistics training team, and registered them one by one with a dip pen.Xie Shu signed his name with a brush on the access registration card. There are very few naturalized people who can write with a brush, and even fewer in the army.

Although the warehouse garrison was personally arranged by Xie Shu, and the sentinels were familiar with most of the various teaching teams and training teams who studied in Ma Niao, but since a certain soldier was caught in a surprise inspection, no one Dare to take it lightly.

The warehouse in Maniaobao is a newly built standard warehouse in accordance with the standards of the new version of the "Regulations on the Storage of Military Materials".The warehouse adopts an iron-clad wood truss structure, and glass windows are set near the ceiling. The entire warehouse has a large height and good air circulation.That is, there is sufficient natural light illumination and avoid direct sunlight.The walls of the warehouse are made of hollow bricks, which play the role of heat insulation, and the ceiling under the roof is also laid with insulation materials to reduce the heat radiated by the sun.


Each type of box is exactly the same size and size.There are handle loops on the four sides of the box, and fasteners at the bottom to connect and fix with the frame.The frame of the box is riveted with angle steel, the boards of the box are wooden boards coated with coal tar, and the lining of the box is a layer of tarpaulin.It is stamped and numbered with red paint, which is commonly known as "Iron Fist Violent Chrysanthemum".Finally, there is a row of small characters: "Property of the Senate".

In Lingao, packing boxes are not consumables. Each packing box is registered and recycled after use.

With the size of the standard packing box, there will be a certain reference value for the design size of shipbuilding and vehicle manufacturing in the future.

The purpose of Xie Shu bringing the non-commissioned officers of the training team here is to teach the non-commissioned officers of the training team the classification management and distribution process of goods.Although the national inventory code is advanced, in an era where data transmission is completely done by hand, telegraph or manpower, it takes a lot of effort to master and skillfully use this system.Especially since the system is now run on tables.The amount of work and calculation is very large.

In order to facilitate the management of non-commissioned officers with low education, in addition to the code system, Thorpe and Hong Huangnan invented a color pattern recognition system, using various colors and patterns for simple category marking.

Xie Shu was busy explaining the identification system of various colors and patterns to the training team. At the same time, his immediate boss, Thorpe, was sitting in the conference room of the Joint Operations Command. Several giants.

"If there are no other issues and it is settled like this, we will report it to the Executive Committee and the Organization Department immediately." Chen Haiyang said.

"What about Staff Hong?" Thorpe asked.

"He went to Guangzhou to set up a carriage 4S shop." Chen Haiyang waved his hand, "Someone from the Colonial Trade Department is interested in that carriage 4S shop. After we researched it with the Planning Institute, we asked Staff Hong to put it in Guangzhou first, and the Colonial Trade Department. This pilot station belongs to the Ministry of Colonial Trade. Of course, Hong’s staff is still in the Logistics Command, and he is in this business. Besides, his proposal to purchase horses in the Southwest through Guangzhou is also If it’s passed, let him get some horses back in Guangzhou first. Although the Dian horses are small, it’s not bad to get a few hundred horses for a cart.”

(End of this chapter)

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